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  1. Thanks Venture, look forward to it! If anyone else has a submission you can post it here* or PM me as usual.

    *We do request that submitted arcs be in a final or near-final state and already play-tested by the author.
  2. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    To match up with this week's new costume set in the Market, Sunday's theme will be an Ænemy Spotlight: Circle of Thorns.

    Join us on Triumph, Sunday at noon eastern!
  3. Wow, so those WERE the ones you played? Maybe I should play the lotto while my psychic powers are hot!

    I'm thinking of some kind of Circle of Thorns theme for next Sunday to tie in with the new costume set. Maybe we'll Random Roulette it!!
  4. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    Well, real life took me away from the game last weekend and I have yet to get the lowdown on what arcs were played by the group, but that won't stop me from posting SOMETHING!

    Our theme was "Freedom for Æll!" so here's a couple that fit the theme...not necessisarily what was played, but they should be fun if you're looking for something in that vein

    #519444 "The final days of a Galaxy" by @Neon Rider
    2 mish/Neutral

    #384776 "Made to Wave the Flag" by @LaserJesus
    5 mish/Heroic
    Final Days is a creative prelude to the Shivan invasion of issue 21. While it's mechanics can still use some polishing and the author takes some creative license by having the Shivans talk instead of grunt, it's still a fun, action-packed lead-in to CoH: Freedom! BEST PREQUEL!!

    Made to Wave is a more traditional "freedom" arc, with themes of duty, honor and sacrifice. WARNING: You'll be facing off against Malta so bring your big-boy britches!! BEST OVERALL!!
    I have a feeling Storyteam members are busy playing with the new toys & returning friends in i21, but we'll try to get back on track next Sunday. We'll play the theme by ear and meet 10/2 on Triumph. Normal time & place, see ya there!
  5. Well, real life took me away from the game last weekend and I have yet to get the lowdown on what arcs were played by the group, but that won't stop me from posting SOMETHING!

    Our theme was "Freedom for Æll!" so here's a couple that fit the theme...not necessisarily what was played, but they should be fun if you're looking for something in that vein

    #519444 "The final days of a Galaxy" by @Neon Rider
    2 mish/Neutral

    #384776 "Made to Wave the Flag" by @LaserJesus
    5 mish/Heroic
    Final Days is a creative prelude to the Shivan invasion of issue 21. While it's mechanics can still use some polishing and the author takes some creative license by having the Shivans talk instead of grunt, it's still a fun, action-packed lead-in to CoH: Freedom! BEST PREQUEL!!

    Made to Wave is a more traditional "freedom" arc, with themes of duty, honor and sacrifice. WARNING: You'll be facing off against Malta so bring your big-boy britches!! BEST OVERALL!!
    I have a feeling Storyteam members are busy playing with the new toys & returning friends in i21, but we'll try to get back on track next Sunday. We'll play the theme by ear and meet 10/2 on Triumph. Normal time & place, see ya there!
  6. BackFire

    Channel Merge?

    VIP?!? Haven't even heard of that one. Exalted-United was the high pop channel when it first opened. But I agree, consolidating would be good.
  7. Lost meets Jurassic Park, meets No Ordinary Family.

    Didn't really grip me as a pilot but I'll give it a few more eps cause the guy from Life on Mars is awesome.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    FYI, I've gotten some pretty nasty PMs in the past for outing his player handle. In any case, Fearg was from Virtue and a real treat to play with.
    Really? I thought it was pretty much common knowledge.
  9. Look up arcs by @fearghas

    It wasn't neccessarily 1 arc that got him the job, it was more the volume of work.
  10. Heads up, real life will be taking me afk this weekend so I won't be there for the Freedom for Æll meet.

    But I did play a fun arc to contribute to the theme: "The final days of a Galaxy" by @Neon Rider
    (sorry, I don't have the ID #, but it should be findable via author or arc name)

    Have fun and don't forget to post the arcs/reviews!
  11. I blame the jerk hackers dupin' rares.
  12. This week the AE Storyteam celebrated the introduction of the Time Manipulation powerset with Time TrÆvel arcs! Our resident time travel Æxpert, Bubbawheat, plucked 2 arcs out of the timestream for us play:
    #20863 "A hero is made, not born." by @OverlordIndigo
    1 mission/Heroic (TIMED!)

    #4727 "Future Skulls" by @Justice Blues
    4 missions/Heroic
    Hero is made was a timed mission where you're stopping a bank heist in the past. There were some nice customs and dialog, but, honestly, the action was a bit too fast-paced to keep up. A story with more of a 'challenge' slant, I'll have to hop in my way-back machine and play this one again to get the details I missed in the heat of combat. MOST FRANTIC!!

    Future Skulls, on the other hand, was a story-rich and highly detailed arc that evolved the concept of the Skulls, turning them into a much more imposing threat to the city. It's balanced for low level play and features a creative mix of custom and canon enemies. BEST CUSTOMS!!

    A big thanks to everyone for rolling up alts on Exalted for this week's meet. The new sewer trial is going to make hopping servers easier than ever!!

    Next meeting: 9/25/11 , the CoH: Freedom celebration continues as we visit the Freedom server for "Freedom" themed arcs. "What's a 'Freedom' theme," you ask? Join us next Sunday in the RWZ on Freedom and find out!! All levels and ATs are welcome to join
  13. BackFire

    AE Storyteam

    This week the AE Storyteam celebrated the introduction of the Time Manipulation powerset with Time TrÆvel arcs! Our resident time travel Æxpert, Bubbawheat, plucked 2 arcs out of the timestream for us play:
    #20863 "A hero is made, not born." by @OverlordIndigo
    1 mission/Heroic (TIMED!)

    #4727 "Future Skulls" by @Justice Blues
    4 missions/Heroic
    Hero is made was a timed mission where you're stopping a bank heist in the past. There were some nice customs and dialog, but, honestly, the action was a bit too fast-paced to keep up. A story with more of a 'challenge' slant, I'll have to hop in my way-back machine and play this one again to get the details I missed in the heat of combat. MOST FRANTIC!!

    Future Skulls, on the other hand, was a story-rich and highly detailed arc that evolved the concept of the Skulls, turning them into a much more imposing threat to the city. It's balanced for low level play and features a creative mix of custom and canon enemies. BEST CUSTOMS!!

    A big thanks to everyone for rolling up alts on Exalted for this week's meet. The new sewer trial is going to make hopping servers easier than ever!!

    Next meeting: 9/25/11 , the CoH: Freedom celebration continues as we visit the Freedom server for "Freedom" themed arcs. "What's a 'Freedom' theme," you ask? Join us next Sunday in the RWZ on Freedom and find out!! All levels and ATs are welcome to join
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Cheshire_Cat View Post
    ...will this break existing arcs, or does it only come into play if you try to EDIT a custom character? ...
    Yes and no.

    In some cases your custom enemies will be replaced by 5th Column mech men or somesuch. In others, your arc will play just fine but you cannot edit the arc due the costume bug.

    In either case, editing does not break the arc, as you cannot republish it, so it just stays as it is until the fix gets put in (if ever.)

    I currently suffer from 1 of each case.
  15. Thanks Bubba, this was a blast to work with you on and it came out looking great! Next round is on the house

    Looking forward to more of these!
  16. If you haven't seen it yet, check out Bubbawheat's latest On your MA-Arc video. He chose the Crafter's Cafe for his first "Author's Cut!"

    Find out a bit about what went into making the Crafter's Cafe and check out the Marketeering Forum cameos
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinzel View Post
    ...very cool zone and there are some of the best missions in the game in this zone.
    They must came later in the arc cuz so far it's been a lot of boring delivery missions and a story I haven't been the least bit invested in.

    I did like the shadow path mechanic & look of the zone, however.
  18. Every time I run one I simply Broadcast and post in Exalted-United, "Death from Below trial forming, hop in the queue" and then click into the queue.

    Team forms up in seconds, automatically.

    A couple times I didn't zone in as leader, but I think that's because I had the Join Trials in Progress option checked.
  19. Group Name: Friends of Old Kings Row

    Group Theme: Old School Heroes

    Website (if applicable): N/A

    Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.): General Teaming/TFs/Trials/Badges/AE Stories

    Contact Info: @Backfire

    Description: A casual SG for players who like to "play the game."

    The Friends of Old Kings Row has been my personal SG for years. I have a branch on every server and am opening it up to the public for the first time on Exalted. While Exalted is not my "home server," I will (hopefully) be running weekly teams/events there.

    Teaming is centered around running story arcs, TFs, Trials, and other canon content. No farming, exploits, or powerleveling. AE story arcs are encouraged!

    There are no SG uniform requirements, vets & newbies are welcome to join.

    Other information:

    We believe Kings Row is more than just a zone; it's an attitude. A attitude that hard work is it's own reward. An attitude of respect for the city's history. And an attitude of being a positive force for growth & the future.

    There was a time when heroes abandoned Kings Row for the Hollows, chasing the new shiny. Kings Row was desolate and forgotten. It was at this time the Friends of Old Kings Row were born as a force for promoting what is unique & fun about Kings Row and fostering an appreciation for the original lore.

    A lot has changed since then...stores were added, Pocket D opened a portal, shiny Wentworth's and Architect Entertainment buildings were built...and we've seen the heroes come back. Kings Row has become a hub of activity once again; from where you get your first Raptor Pack, to where incarnates go to sell drops between trials in the D. The Friends of Old Kings Row have grown with these changes & embraced them, yet will always look back at the old days with fond memories.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Knockdown in Caltrops is fun!
    I'm loving it in Fireball, but ^^^ is genius!!
  21. BackFire

    Exalted Intros

    Hi Exaltians, BackFire here.

    Justice is still 'home' but I'll be leveling up this server's version of BF (Back-Fire) and his cute sidekick, Lil-Stinker, for a while.

    Currently, my goal is to find an Exalted group that can actually pay enough attention on the Death from Below trial to earn the cadaver badge. 7 runs so far and no luck. (so much for the 'elite' sever idea ;P)
  22. Update: no luck fixing the customs even by completely changing outfit parts.

    Also, I think the schoolgirl shirt's neck kerchief chest detail is gone for good. Can't find it anywhere.
  23. (Warning: spoiler-ish if you haven't played Twinshot's intro arcs in i21 yet)

    If you've played the new Twinshot intro arcs you may recall that the story references an arc titled, "Operation: Kidnap Sinclair" in the AE sytem. Being an AE head, I had to know if it was real.

    I checked. It's not.

    So, who's going to make an arc with that title and take advantage of the free in-game advertising?
  24. Back-Fire's TOP 5 rejected server themes for Exalted:
    (with regards to Steelclaw)
    5. The Sober server (Pinnacle's unfun cousin)

    4. The United Server of Benetton (too 80's)

    3. The Hip Hop server (too 90's)

    2. The AE Story server (people play AE for the story?!?)

    1. The Adult server (nobody wants to stand around Atlas in kahki pants chatting about their 401k and parenting issues)