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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
    Though no-one on Defiant Events could verify this, if I jump with NR on and am moving forwards then quickly switch to moving in any other direction before the flip anim the start of the flip sound effect plays in a loop till the flip occurs. Another way I've found to dupicate this on my system with a 98% success rate is to stand still, jump then quickly double tap forward, or forward then any other direction. Now, this could be an odd intereaction with my sound card, but being a high end card (Creative X-fi XtremeGamer "Fatal1ty" Pro) it shouldn't be as I'm running the sound settings at max.
    Ooooo...that's a good bug. Thanks for the head's up.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Really it's just that BABs is an animating god, so anything we get with new animations gets talked about for days.
    I will take blame for the walk animations, but the ninja run glory all goes to one of our other animators (same one who did dual pistol animations)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
    Bug: When a Martial Arts/Shield scrapper has his shield out, none of the custom Martial Arts animations play. If you chose any of the punch animations, your character reverts to using the kicks (although using the correct FX colors). This is not related to Ninja Run. With the shield away, my guy still throws punches while Ninja Running.

    This was using all Bright kicks and punches; he uses nothing but Bright kicks. I didn't feel like spending the money to go back and forth to light and dark. >_>
    I believe I fixed that bug the other day. Same issue as custom animations for Super Strength and Shields.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bandeeto View Post
    Among the awesome things about Ninja Run on a Katana/SR:

    1) Running with the katana out is supremely cool. Point down at the side in the classic pose when running, sword-arm wraps around body with jump/flip. Just great.

    2) When you run backwards you turn towards the camera and run while peeking over your shoulder.

    3) Jumping backwards leads to a FULL LAYOUT BACKFLIP! *squeeeeee!*

    Also, with Quickness(1 IO)+Hurdle(1 IO)+Sprint(1 IO)+NR my lvl 39 has Run Speed 50 mph and Jump 57 mph. Not quite up to the capped 86 mph I get with SS, but darn good!
    Try short hops versus high jumps.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    What you don't know is they spent your 30 bucks buying "I H8 VLNS" t-***** from the local Good-Guys-R-Us mart.
    did the forums just censor the word "shirt"?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    Well, I think what he meant was that when a temp power has a model made for it, they'll want it to remain unique. He said it when explaining why the skull-on-a-stick option was being removed from War Mace, because it was used for the Loa Bone temp power.

    And hey, I made the OP better! Now all the pictures are to scale with each other except for the snake knife because I can't figure out how to get that stupid thing to show up in demos!
    If it's a temp power for something very specific, ie "The Lao Bone" or a Void Hunter Rifle, then yeah...I don't want to make them into generic custom weapons.

    But just being a temp power doesn't mean I won't consider it as a potential custom weapon.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
    This, except, skip the endo discount, any type of buffs etc..... allow walk to remove rooting. Imagine walking through your mission punching, shooting, stomping, blasting etc whatever is stupid enough to step in front of you. I imagine it on my Assault rifle blaster.

    Slow walk into warehouse....walk down talkin thugs come after me...slug...buckshot....keep walkin.... with this song lol:

    it wouldnt work for powers like full auto or snipes mind you, but for basic attacks to have rooting removed would make for epic demo records and badass-ery.

    of course, i expect this would be extremely time consuming and wouldnt work on a lot of powers, but still, I can imagine
    I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    Does that by-chance, fix the issue of Hold animations being replaced by Stun animations? Specifically in the "arms in air, frozen" type of hold? Or is that completely unrelated?
    It does not...but turns out, that bug is due to power customization and should be fixed 'soon'
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
    The idea is, if you can replace the basic walk animation with... well, a walk animation. You can do the same with other types of walk.

    There's a large audience for a "beast" walk. Rather, a beast RUN to replace sprint/super speed.

    Now that we know you can replace the basic movement animation. WE DEMAND MORE MOVEMENT ANIMATIONS.

    Get on that.(I command you)
    So why exactly did you not reach that conclusion the first time you turned on a flight power and realized that you weren't jogging through the air?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The devs hate everyone

    But more seriously, I hope this fixes the mapserver problems of the previous Walk patch.
    While I cannot say definitely that the previous patch's server stability issues were not caused by the new Walk toggle, I can't conceive of any possible way that they could have been...and I would think that if they had, someone would have mentioned it to me.

    I know that will get glossed over and 6 months from now someone here on the forums will make a statement like "Remember back when walk was crashing the mapservers" and someone else will say "Oh yeah, I remember that" and I will drop my face into my palm and die a little bit more inside.

    Should also mention that this:
    Fixed a bug with stunned enemies playing the Walk animation rather than the normal dizzy walk
    Also had nothing to do with the Walk toggle, but actually traces it's roots back to trying to make emotes work in combat mode. Try wrappin your noggin around that. Hah!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    I really hope they can make this work, but for a different, ulterior motive reason. If BABs can settle on a way to use powers while walking, and it's not too difficult, he should also be able to give us other animations for walking and running. The one I keep trying to push is running around on all fours.
    *warily* I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion...
  12. Hey gang...I'm looking for suggestions for potential (notice how that word is italicized? Pay attention to it!)new custom weapons for Dual Pistols. But before everyone goes bonkers, lemme lay out a few ground rules.

    1. They must fire bullets. No ray guys or crossbows.
    2. They must be able to fire a lot of bullets and use different ammo flintlocks and their ilk are out.
    3. I'm looking for suggestions that potentially open character concepts. I don't want suggestions for seven different models of Glocks or a half dozen black, composite material, dual action only, semi-autos that all look the same from more than 6 inches away.
    4. Include links to pictures if possible.
    5. Post suggestions only. Don't debate, argue, flame, QFE, /jranger, or any of that.
    6. Not a peep about other weapon powersets
    7. Not a peep about anything else in the game
    8. Not a peep about anything else not in the game.
    9. Not a peep about these rules!
    I will crush anyone who breaks one of those rules, and by crush I mean I'll ask one of the mods to delete your post (after I neg rep it.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    There's quite a few weapons used by enemies that we as players aren't allowed access to. The devs have decided that they'd like to keep certain weapons like Scirocco's scimitar and Manticore's bow unique to the signature characters, but even then there are some weapons left we should be able to use. Here's a few of them.

    Coral Hammer
    Used by: Coralax
    Would be available for: War Mace

    Coral Club
    Used by: Coralax
    Would be available for: War Mace

    Arachnos Pistol
    Used by: Low-level Arachnos
    Would be available for: Thugs, Dual Pistols

    Elder Snake Knife
    Used by: High-level Snakes
    Would be available for: Broadsword, Dual Blades

    Ring-Pommeled Sword
    Used by: Midnight Squad bosses
    Would be available for: Broadsword, Katana

    Greatest Ice Sword
    Used by: Blade Princes (Circle of Thorns Elite Bosses)
    Would be available for: Ice Melee, Icy Assault, Ice Manipulation

    There was also a fourth model for Ice Sword available at one point in beta that nobody had seen before; I guess it was an earlier model. But it seemed to work fine, so I don't know why they took it out. I don't have a picture of it, but let's add it to the list.

    Used by: Banished Pantheon
    Would be available for: Battle Axe

    Anyway, what do you think CoHmmunity? Would you like to see any of these weapons added?
    Greater Ice Sword, I might consider it as an option for Ice Melee, if we ever implement the ability to unlock power customization themes.

    Coralax hammer as a mace...unlikely. It's pretty much a two handed weapon. There's even a temp power that uses it that way.

    Tomohawk, as a It's too small for Battleaxe (I've already tried it, looks silly).

    Coral club and Elder knife...not sure if both sides have access to those villain groups. They're too signature to no have as unlockables.

    Arachnos Pistol seems reasonable. I'll see if we can't get that in for Dual Pistols.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
    In Demon's Souls for the PS3, you can double grip those weapons because I use those very weapons on my Knight in it.

    Also the Flamberge, and Scimitar <-- especially this one, use dex stats more than strength in that game are quite fast.

    you can buy a dual grip Scimitar too :

    here's the two grip hilt Flameberge (real weapon), similar in design to the one in Demon's Souls d.htm

    What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_X View Post
    I can't make up my mind which I like better.
    The worthless walk power (the devs really have that much time on their hands) or the never ending Halloween crap.
    Either one the question remains, why?
    Why choose, you get to have both!

    Oh wait, sarcasm.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    there's a good reason why there's no answer. The devs haven't given one.

    The basic problem is that with the Epic Archtypes... the powers are not yours. Your are borrowing somebody else's power-set and abilities. Because of this it is possible that Epic Archtypes may not get color customizations.
    That is only true for patron powers, not ancillary powers.

    The issue with epic archetypes is the powers come from the same fictional source, function in the same ways, and presumably should look the same. This is somewhat true of patron powers as well, where the powers are boons granted by a particular patron and aren't really a power of the player character. We haven't made any firm decisions to do or not do customization for Epic Archetypes or patron powers. Ancillary powers is perfectly reasonable, but we wouldn't be able to do those without doing patron powers at the same time...even though we hate villains.

    All of them would happen after Pool power customization, and that isn't likely to happen anytime before Going Rogue gets wrapped up (requires tech and UI work).
  17. BackAlleyBrawler


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    In two weeks, Frosticus will be saying that it was me that was wrong, because I said DR in GR was impossible and he was only saying it was possible, not certain.

    In two months, Frosticus will be saying that I was so wrong about DR being a possibility in the end game, BABs had to post a correction to my misinformation.

    In two years the devs will add a buff soft-cap mechanism and Frosticus will say "I told you so."
    Tiny fix. Carry on.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnX View Post

    Like others though, I'd like to be able to use powers while walking. It'd be even better having walk toggled gave you an endurance discount...ya know, kinda like an opposite of sprint.
    The chances of one or the other happening is pretty good...but both happening is pretty much nill.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garthalus View Post
    Thanks BAB. I am sure your team is working on it. Thanks for taking the time to post and investigate what the community is saying about the issues. Hopefully we can all appreciate the complexity factor.

    Hopefully the emergency rollback will help until the "noodle" gets fully investigated.
    These recent builds have all been incremental builds, and they tend to only grab the files that fix critical issues to include in an incremental.

    The Walk toggle is pretty isolated from the other things in this patch, so it's very likely that another incremental will be coming shortly that fixes the 'stability issues' but doesn't include any fixes for walking, jumping with shields, etc.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
    Any chance we could get a little more parity for Katana users in this area? Like, for instance, the Longsword, Flamberge, and Scimitar options? Kat's weapon choices are pretty limited right now compared to BS and DB.
    None of those weapons have a grip long enough to work with Katana's animations.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
    Crab Helms - No glowing 'Side Eyes' which is especially noticeable on the Custom version.
    FYI, this is unfortunately WAD. The geometry for that helmet is weighted at about 50% to the chest and 50% to the head. We can only attach an FX node to a single bone, so there's no way to make the VFX align with geometry blending between two.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    This patch really should not have gone live without these animation bugs being squashed. Some might think them minor issues, but their just as minor as adding in the Walk power.. which seems to be the culprit oh these animation bugs..


    <shelves Justice Forge until a fix is implemented>
    No. If you must know, these bugs were caused by fixing other bugs, which were caused by fixing other bugs, etc. I've honestly lost track of what iteration we're on now, but if we're getting into shield specific stuff, I think we're getting near the end of that particular noodle and it will hopefully be the last fallout from

    Yes...the act of fixing bugs can (and often does) cause other bugs...and with 6,241 moves in the player sequencers, I can't exactly check everything every time a change is made.

    This particular bug was fixed about 2 hours after I found about it here on the forums.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    How does one pronounce a parenthesis?

    (Edit to include parentheses, and to say FPABABs! )
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
    To the test server, Batman! (flees)

    EDIT: Ah yes, so I can stop myself doing arms-akimbo. Still, the animation is hardly to the standard of newer stuff. I don't like how the legs are completely set in stone on either of them. What I end up doing is using Eat, Drink, or the MA pad if I'm idling around atlas; those idle animations are actually animations, as you shift your weight around, moving with your whole body. It's very subtle, but as BaBs knows, it's the difference between a bunch of polygons and an animated character.

    Plus, like flyposes, it's a manual emote that dies whenever you move.

    Man, how anal am I?
    "All I can suggest to you is, if the parentheses bug you, don't read them."
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liberty_Paradox View Post
    With this patch, when I make a character in AE (I use my character with all the costume parts to test build future playable characters) Dual Blades AND Broadsword have access to the Vanguard "Blade" (from dual blades) "sword" (from BS) and "katana" (from katana) as costume options. Katana correctly just has the katana (the other swords wouldn't fit in the hands) so it makes me wonder if this is a glitch in AE or WAI and player characters can access them.

    Can anyone with Vanguard weapons on Dual Blades or BS confirm these being accessible to players?
    I made the Vanguard Katana available to Broadsword and Dual blades, the Broadsword available for Dual Blades, and the Blades available for Broadsword.

    Now that I think about it, that would only work in the MA.... I forgot about there being powerset restrictions on players being able to unlock those custom weapons with Vanguard merits.

    Look for that to be working with player characters Soon(tm).