22 -
I have a lvl 20 Grav/Kin controller, and I haven't been playing him as much lately. The main reason is that I'm coming up on Wormhole, my only reliable form of AoE mez, as a Gravity controller.
Now, that may not sound like it makes sense, but my reasoning behind it is that I'm not sure how useful Wormhole would be in a team setting. It seems like a whole lot of trouble to TP the whole group every time I need to mez them. Also, the KB seems as if it would be hard to manage on a large team.
I love the concept of Wormhole, and it kind of brings me down thinking that, arguably, the best power in my primary will be of very little use to me, as I never play solo.
Anybody have any reassuring input on Wormhole in a team setting?
Edit: forgot to mention the KB of Wormhole. -
Just figured I'd pop into the party and let you guys know that this thread had me LOLing at work. Funny stuff.
Aggelakis: Thank you! Very helpful post.
Philly_Guy: I didn't see your post here until this morning. I would be very interested in joining that team. Do you play every Thursday at 9pm? I have no mutants around that level, but I have a few ideas for new toons. I can catch up for next Thursday, if the spot is still open.
What ATs is the team composed of, just to help me along in deciding what to roll. Also, after last night, what level is the team sitting at? Is there anything else I need to do? I believe I saw, on your team's thread on Virtue Server boards, that you will all have completed the midnighter arc?
If you are playing tonight, get back to me here and let me know when/where to meet up so we can chat. -
I made a similar post yesterday in the Virtue server section yesterday, but it didn't receive much of a response. I figured I had maybe posted it in the wrong place.
It can be found here:
Anyway, I am trying to find a team, SG, or VG (or all three) of cool, casual people that play frequently. I've always been interested in the idea of a static team, but have never gotten around to finding one. As of now, I play exclusively on Virtue server, however, I could be moved to make a new toon on a different server if there is an opportunity to play with cool people and if there is much fun to be had. If anyone is involved in something like this and is LFM, let me know. Refer to the link above for more info. -
Hi! I actually just logged off now. I will send you a tell if you are on tomorrow night and we can talk.
I'm just looking for a group of cool people who play frequently on virtue server. The details aren't too important, outside of that. A static team would be ideal, RP or not. -
Hello, Virtuians...erm, Virtuites? Virtuosos? VIRTUE SERVER MEMBERS,
I have been proud to call this server my home since about a month after I started playing, a little under 2 years ago. The people here are generous, intelligent, and, overall, fun to share my CoX experience with. I can't play on other servers after having played here; it's just not the same.
Lately, I have played less often due to school and work, however, I try to take a nice vacation to Paragon City/Rogue Isles at least a couple times a week. I exclusively play on teams, as I find that to be the point of playing an MMO in the first place, and, after having taken a small break and coming back to the game, I'm finding it increasingly hard to consistently find people to play with.
So, on to the point, I'm looking for a group of casual players to team with regularly. It could just be a static team of heroes/villains, or an entire SG/VG. I mostly play random nights, usually between the hours of 5pm and 2am. I do RP sometimes, but not very much. However, I am willing to learn to RP by the book, for those who have the patience to show me. My global chat is Underworld Phantom. I am willing to start a new toon, of any type, for the venture. I prefer to play more of a support role, however, I love blasting/scrapping as well. Also, some characters I've been playing frequently are:
Axion Cortex 42 Dark/Dark/Dark Defender
Good Lord 8 Ill/Emp Controller
Infernal Avenger 30 Claws/WP Scrapper
Greenforce 32 FF/NRG Defender
Doctor Darkheart 8 Robotics/Dark Mastermind
Feel free to drop me an in-game e-mail or tell.
Edit: reworded some of my original post for clarity's sake. -
To the OP,
I enjoyed your post in this forum, and the ones you put in the others. You really had no need to apologize to anyone. Also, I think your post was taken much, MUCH too literally. One set can be the "best" to you and not be the "best" to others. Numbers aren't everything. I respect those player that are number crunchers, and I know that is part of what makes this game fun for them. However, I feel like it has gone too far here.
I'm not anywhere near as much of a CoX veteran as most of the people on this forum, but, still, I'm a little embarassed for the reaction that you received for this post. While I don't post all that much, I read these forums a lot, and I feel like these posts that say words like "us" and "we" are representative of everyone on the forum. Please, please, PLEASE do not think that everyone here is like that.
I'm glad you play for the fun of it; sometimes I feel like I'm the only one.
Ax -
Quick question: how often is that cohtitan website updated, and is that all current information?
Usually, I find that sorting through the archetypes on the team search menu gives me a rough estimate of archetype popularity. I would imagine it varies by server, however, I usually find that, on blueside, defenders are the most scarce, followed by tankers. Also blueside, scrappers are consistently the easiest to find. While my villain experience is much less than my hero experience, I would think it's safe to say that stalkers are the least-played redside.
This information is based on team search checks over the course of about 15 months playing, and is almost exclusively from Virtue server. -
In my personal opinion, epic power pets are a great idea for defenders.
First off, all defenders, even FF, Empathy, and other buff/shielders, don't need a pet to be effective. It is the nature of the AT, and the powersets in question, to be used in a team setting. My only point by bringing this up is that the powersets themselves don't need to be changed to be effective. Some sets just aren't strong soloers.
The police officer idea, while interesting, can also be as universally theme-destroying as it can be universally thematic. I, for one, would HATE having a police pet following me everywhere, so generic and boring.
However, I feel every defender could benefit from a pet added to every epic pool. That way you can fit the pet to your overall theme, be it fire, ice, etc. It would help to level out the lack of damage that all defenders suffer from, as well as give those shielders/buffers something to shield/buff while solo.
Just team until you get to 41, they aren't that hard to find.
Edit: Also, this way it is completely optional for those who don't want a pet, for whatever reason. -
Hi, blasters! Haven't rolled a blaster since I first started CoX, and I was thinking about rolling an Ice/Ice. My question, however, is specific to the power Ice Patch. Now, it sounds too good to be true to me, but does Ice Patch function the same as an ice controller's Ice Slick with the only difference being the controller's is at range? Rolling an Ice blaster or Ice tank would be sweet if I had a significant amount of an ice controller's mitigation power at my own disposal on top of my other abilities. If this is true, how can that be considered fair?!
Look forward to reading your responses,
Ax -
:O!!! The awesomeness would be unparalleled!
Yeah that does sound like a whole lot of trouble to go through, but I think they owe it to the set with it not getting any alternate animations for I16! Plus, didn't they nerf the damage/recharge of the set, or something like that, an issue or 2 back? I don't have any real problems playing my Claws/WP Scrapper, but I'm a little more Tankery on him anyway. -
I was thinking maybe have animations for just bare hands with claws, as in animal claws, rather than all of them have the claws as sort of attached to the fist (like a certain famous hero we all know lol.) Maybe at least have a "No Claws" option with monstrous hands. Am I the only one with lots of clawed animal concept characters? lol
The green smiley with the huge grin is me saying "Pleeeeaaaaassseee!!" to the Devs. lol -
Hmmm...thinking about it, maybe I will skip Repair. How reliable are the pets on healing? I have Fluffy on my D3 and he heals a bit, but I have no experience with the Protectors. I kind of wanted a slot to fit either Vengeance or Hasten, and I think Repair would be the power to drop.
Do you all recommend Hasten for Robo/Darks? I like Hasten, but I've never really felt necessity for it on many other toons before. Plus, I don't like the pinkish hand poofs lol, but I've taken it before on toons with Recharge problems. -
Yes, I think I noticed that in Mid's. I hear the Mu Mastery powers are pretty cool looking, too! Lots of KB in bots, I think I will need the Immobilize for Tar Patch, like you said. I wouldn't want to sacrifice all that -Res. I think it's stupid that you can even get knocked out of tar patch, isn't it -Fly and -Jump? Why would getting knocked back be any different?
It should be like smashing a bunch of flies on a sheet of flypaper lol!
Also, to respond to another part of your post, bookkeeper: How sure are you that I won't be needing Repair here? It does have a +End component to it for my bots, too, it's a 100% heal no matter what, and it has no to-hit check like Twilight Grasp.
Any other synergies or caveats about Robotics/Dark anyone can think of? -
Thanks for the great response, bookkeeper jay! This build seems like a powerhouse! Those are some crazy synergies. Glad to hear from some people who are experienced with the build. I don't usually see it a lot, that's why i was surprised when it looked so perfect on paper. So is this a popular MM powerset combo?
So, I've been working on a concept for a Robotics/Dark MM for about a month now (I like to have characters that i really love and find cool lol.) I've created a build in Mid's with regular IOs and i'm pretty happy with it. Now, being that there aren't any very current guides for this type of MM, I turn to all masterminds out there. So, is this a popular combo? what are some strengths/weaknesses? how do the sets play? I'm just looking for some input from experiences villains, MMs, and Robo/darks. Tell me a bit about what it's like to be a Robo/dark!
EDIT: I have a lvl 42 D3 blueside, so I know how dark miasma plays, but I meant more how do the 2 sets play together? -
I always attributed the -to hit in fear type powers to the fact that they're frickin scared ******** and can't think well enough to effectively fight...
but, anyway, i agree with the fact that this thread isn't being really productive and it's probably threads like this that the devs look at and say "look at these imbeciles." Enan, man, i love your guides and i've read them several times, but i think you just need to let this one go, bud. To the people who are free to think their own thoughts, you're looking kind of annoying and defensive in this thread. Arguing for the sake of arguing, ya know?
ANYWAY, to keep this post productive to the OP...I think that the power should have -to hit based on how i interpret why any fear power has -to hit in the first place, however, maybe they wanted to limit the -to hit only to dark-type powers, because that is their staple after-all aside from the negative energy damage.
This thread also raises the question for me: if terrify can take -to hit enhancers, then what -to hit does it enhance? do u end up with some -to hit up from 0%, or does it just enhance 0 -to hit up to....well 0 -to hit? lol -
I think with Going Rogue coming up, they should start going for a few more heroic mastermind primary options! Beast Mastery, or something similar is perfect for that "could be good or evil" feel. Another thought that passed through my head was to possibly expand on one of the already existing controller pets. For example, fire imps would make a great opening pet for a MM, then all you would need are bigger flaming pets. Maybe take a different route and make a set for marine animal controlling powers and some water blasts! What kind of a superhero game doesn't have water blast?! At least a water based debuff set!
lol sorry for the the incoherent nature of my rant, but doesn't anyone agree on any of these points here? -
No. In gravity control, the AoE hold does that instead of the immobilize, if I'm not mistaken.
Thank you for the input! Very helpful.
Anymore from anyone else is also much appreciated. I'm trying to get a fair amount of opinions on this, if possible. -
Ok, so I'm about to roll a grav/kin troller after rerolling him as a million different things. I've read basically all the kin guides on the controller and defender forums, and there are still a few things that I wanted a bit wider of an opinion on, so here they are:
1. Is siphon power skippable after getting FS at 38? Is there a damage cap, and if so, does FS already meet that when used on it's max of 10 enemies?
2. Does Increased Density get less use out of a controller? How skippable would you rate ID as a controller? Would people be less likely to team with a /kin that doesnt pick up ID?
3. With Transference and Conserve Power from the Primal Forces Ancillary, would Stamina still be needed?
All responses are greatly appreciated! -
I'm about to start playing a claws/WP scrapper and i want it to be my first RP character. I was going for a natural origin hero here and i'm finding it increasingly hard to come up with a good story as to how a hero of natural origin could be able to leap great distance, teleport, or have superhuman speed...i am not interested in flight. Anyone have any good ideas? I'd love to hear all of them