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  1. isnt usually on open weekends they reactive all inactive accounts ( just not banned ones ) ?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    But I think AOW is trying a little to hard to fit in right now.

    EL oh EL
  3. Artic_Chill_44

    PvP Melee Brawl

    Originally Posted by StoneJaguar View Post
    It took several days to draw posts to this thread.

    Unless someone else takes it up, this idea is nothing more than a pile of feces drawing flies.


    It took this long cuz there was alot new threads being posted at the same time you made this one , i first found ur thread on the 3rd page :/

    but anyways u should host it cuz it would maybe cause drama with whoever ends up being the wi-nner , and come on isnt champion server know for being the " drama server ? yes ?????
  4. Artic_Chill_44

    i16 - Open Beta

    they gave WoC to trollers in there mastery and Melt armor to Blasters in there mastery LOL


    Meh Thinks Brutes should have gotten something cooler then lame a$$ " Claws "

    ( About the claws thing im thinking maybe someone will try and defend it by saying its actually good and it builds up brutes fury quick or some bull. )
  5. Artic_Chill_44

    Thank you all...

    Originally Posted by iltat View Post
    Did I miss something here?


    What? There ain't any ******* trees in Antarctica.

    The First Part of that ping is Athena just saying that supposebly base raids were suppose to come back in i14 but they didnt and he is just trying to be silly by saying they came back then n i10 & i11

    The Second Part of what i have quoted up there ( ^ ) I believe there is much Truth in this.
  6. Dr.Q is my fav TF no lie and no joke !
  7. Artic_Chill_44

    Thank you all...

    Its just a troll thread lol anyone could c it but its fun doing it as well or just expressing ur feelings on the fact that they got that spot its funny cause its true they wouldnt have won if SF didnt leave .


  8. Artic_Chill_44

    Copy Char Linky

    Anyone have the Copy char linky for test i cant find it with these damn new fourms

    if u can post it for me i would be very thankful ty
  9. Artic_Chill_44

    i16 - Open Beta

    I wouldnt be suprised if Rad/ Blasters got even just a lil nerf after i16 goes live or something im also going to be making and purping out a Rad/Em Blaster for pvp but i also wouldnt be suprised if they dont live up to exspections.
  10. Artic_Chill_44

    Thank you all...

    i would be happy if CoX merged some of the servers theres 11 in total so like leave freedom alone and merge the other 10 to make 6 total servers .

    i would even be happy if champion got merged with a server like say Victory for example that server has a nice size PvE Community / small amount of pvpers / and probably like all server Farmer/AE'ers so this would help everyone.
  11. Artic_Chill_44

    Dear COH

    Dear COH

    Plz Give blasters Dominiation and Scourge and Defiance as there self special ( Combine all 3 into 1 new epic one for blasters only !!! ) ty
  12. Artic_Chill_44

    Dear COH

    Dear COH

    please put a i12 arena option but with the added i13 epic mastery and patron powers pls but still old pvp system ty
  13. Artic_Chill_44

    PvP Melee Brawl


    So um wheres my money ?
  14. Artic_Chill_44

    Thank you all...

    Originally Posted by 4shes View Post
    A cry out for the return on Lord Stryker!!! Come back and I will farm for you and run over PON by 100 million to give them something to keep them busy.

    /sign this if you would join SF to dethrone PON.

    gratzi let the drama begin
    His new gobal is @Everstryke and is on virtue with his new SF SG called " Unknown Unheroes " lol , i ran into him while playing my lowbie without a SG and was hit with a recruiting tell from him. i accepted the invite just cuz i needed a SG and was oddly see'ing similar things like the same Divison Names except with Unknown Heroes in it and not SF . also was a military theme with teamspeak as there commicuntion, the second in command guy of the division i was placed in spammed me for 2 minutes saying what not to say in coalition and that AE and farms was against the law in there SG basically . I then rushed to the preistage ranking and saw the SG was made around the same time SF disbanded and saw that his new SG was alrdy 18th Preistage Ranking SG and i was shocked that i didnt c this before from seeing his gobal earlier as @Everstryke i put 2 and 2 together and i said in coalition " Hey LS , Hey LS , Hey LS , Hai! " and few minutes later i was kicked from the SG lol . * Claps * GG LS
  15. Artic_Chill_44

    PvP Melee Brawl

    100 mil prize to the winner of a KS FFA huh ? only 1 round ?
  16. Artic_Chill_44

    Thank you all...

    Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
    Let me put this in terms a PeeVeePee'er would understand.. It's like calling yourself the elite PVPer of i15.. Cool? No. Effective? No. Purpose? Maybe..
    Oh im well aware of what there new title means to the pve or just all community of champion server. but its one thing they like so let them have it all honesty like i think u said in a earlier post " who cares "
  17. Come back injury free! and blow them terriost up !
  18. Wish the grand prize was bigger
  19. Artic_Chill_44

    Thank you all...

    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    Um.. wait, let me see if I have this straight...

    You want to thank all members of PoN for earning prestige*, so you post it on the general server forums? I mean, wouldn't your guildportal site have been a better place to put something like this?

    Sorry if I'm missing something, I would just really like to understand the purpose behind this thread.

    *They still have prestige rankings? I thought they took this out after they realized it didn't really serve a purpose.

    Dont play dumb they did this to show they had taken first place back in preistage earnings , but like u said not much of a purpose in that huh ?
  20. Artic_Chill_44

    A Formal Goodbye

    Goodbye Demon Keeper hf in RL.
  21. Excuse me good sir ... if August is tanker month well what month is Blasters??? ;D
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SheKilla View Post
    It's never fun to run a Positron task force.
    lol /signed ^