COH connection over seas?
I wouldn't count on having a good connection over there.
Anyways good luck, keep your head down, and be safe.
AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)
Been a pleasure, SteelDominator. Stay safe, and we'll leave a light on for you.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
I have been in contact with people from overseas including Iraq. Most notably i have a friend who is stationed in South Korea of all places. There is no guarantee you will get a connection or computer access but if you do please stay in touch. You have made many friends here and we will be awaiting your return. (So, YES, in some areas you can get a clear connection).
Pheonix Phalanx is a wonderful group.
Steel Dominator has always been a great hero and i will try to stay in touch with your wife Ima. I realize she wont be in-game as much but anytime you want to to talk or team i will make time for both of you. Good luck on your assignment. I will be praying for your safe return.
I'll be in game here and there, I have no intention of leaving. But as I explained to Felicia the other day, when Steel leaves I have to pull double duty around here lol. With 4 kids, the dog, the house cleaning, the bills, the FRG meetings and contacts to keep up with (military stuff), and all the stuff the different kids have going on for school and activities. I find myself with alot less time to play when there is no one to share the responsabilites of our life. We are partners and teammates 100% in game and out and with my tag team partner away my game play will most likely become limited to weekends. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers we have recieved. We are hoping he can play over seas, we have gotten mixed answers about that. If he can great, that is one more way to keep in touch. But until we find out for sure I'm not getting my hopes up and have resigned myself to the fact that he'll be taking a leave of absence from the game.
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx
While i was deployed to iraq we did have the option to pay for satellite internet on our laptops, and the connection sucks really bad. I had it for a month to webcam with my wife and it just wasnt worth it, took 18 minutes per frame on the webcam to update and to surf the web its slower than AoHell, if i recall correctly (this was 2 years ago) i paid 800 USD for that month of internet.
Best of luck to you and your family Steel Dominator. We look forward to your safe return.
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
Talk to Dycedarg, he was in SF with me while he was overseas (Iraq i believe), he was overseas for more than one term. He is sometimes on BMT. He is a great guy and knows what Steel will face. He still managed to play regularly and was one of SF's best, even made hero of the month.
Any time you need a team or someone to talk to send me a shout Ima, i will make time for you!
Come back injury free! and blow them terriost up !
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Thank you very much guys, appreciate it
It's been great teaming with you Steel. Good luck
Your "short" time away will be as nothing once you rtrn to us. Steel, you are a really nice guy. I have inferred as much from the forums and when teaming with you and Ima in game. I'll miss you but I'm sure, not for long. You will come back and it will be as if you never left... only I'll have about a MILLION more stories about my 4 boys while you were away... I'll tell em to Ima. We gamer-moms gotta stick together.
Good luck, keep your head down, wear your body armor (it's ten times better irl than what a blaster gets), and when in doubt call in a damn airstrike even if it means overkill on a sniper position. Oh, and keep in touch with the wife, she'll whoop yur butt when you come home if you don't.
Awww, you're all sooo sweet!
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx
Good luck and complementary military branch statement. Goin' in alive, come out the same way
Good luck, keep your head down, wear your body armor (it's ten times better irl than what a blaster gets), and when in doubt call in a damn airstrike even if it means overkill on a sniper position. Oh, and keep in touch with the wife, she'll whoop yur butt when you come home if you don't.
LOL! The new armor we just got issued reminds me of a medevil knight's armor back in the day. Airstrikes are a no no now becuase you have to ask the Iraqi Gov now permission to fly any missions in Iraqi airspace. No fears though im still going to shoot a guy in the face if he asks for it, instead of energy blast i'll do switch to my weapons/device build!

Keep it real over there, and stay safe.
I expect to see you return as a lvl 50 with your Baghdad At Midnight TF badge.
Show 'em how to do things in Medinat-ul-abTaal (CoH in Arabic).
Make us proud!
Well he left yesterday morning, it will take him sometime to get there and get settled in. They have a couple stops they have to make and they have to "in process" in Kuwait before entering Iraq. But as soon as he gets there and gets settled in and knows anything about the internet situation I will pass that info along to his friends.
I wanted to say a couple words myself. I don't post on here often and I am not nearly as outgoing as he is, but I wanted to thank everyone that has pm'd us, sent us emails, and showed such an outpouring of support. I know I have never met any of you in person, but I feel like over the last couple of years many friends in game have gotten to know me better than some of my real life friends and I have been very touched by the responce from all of them.
I am on Champion 99% of the time I play, I've heard it called the Drama Server and the SF Server by ppl that choose to play elsewhere. I have seen and heard Cobalt call it the "Community Server" many times. I never really got that until recently. The responce and support we have gotten really feels like an extended community of friends. I just wanted to say a very heart felt and sincere Thank You, to everyone, even ppl he didn't always get along with have wished him well and that means so much to me.
Dee AKA Ima
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx
Respect. Strength to both of you.
Good luck out there.
I don't know if this is goodbye or maybe someone can help me with this question, especially from someone who has been to Iraq recently and has returned. Is COH accessible from Iraq? If so what is the lag like? I will be leaving for Iraq in the very near future and the last time I was over there we didnt even have a Phone available for use till 4 months in.
If not let me say this....
Thank you Champion, BMT, freinds, and countless others that I would like to name but I'm afraid I might leave somebody out for the many hours it was playing this game. I'd like to thank all Sg/VG's that provided the server with events such CC, TF's, Teams, or others events that included everyone and not just within the groups. Special thanks to Dark Guard, Dark Guard apocalypse, Royal Legacy, Fated Guard, DO Left for Dead, and Dark Guard Sovereignty for letting us be coalitioned with you from our very beginning. To the many others that I've played with for the last 2 years thanks for inviting me or teaming with whether in TF's or regular mission teams.
So this is not a complete goodbye, just a year long pause till I come back and hopefully some of the great folks I've teamed with are still here. Please continue the weekly RWZ Raids, MA mondays, TF Tuesdays, and other planned events in server to keep things interesting.
.....Wish me luck and hopefully work ourselves out of a job bringing EVERYONE back sooner.