PvP Melee Brawl
100 mil prize to the winner of a KS FFA huh ? only 1 round ?
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Step 1. - AS 3/4 dead target.
Step 2. - Placate/go back into hide.
Step 3. - See step 1.
So um wheres my money ?
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
I'd be interested to swing a few.
Help me IO out my spns/rgn scrpr, em/ela brute, or ice/em tanker and I'll sign up. otherwise it's pointless.
what about widows they have malee..
Crack make a thermal or blaster!
It took several days to draw posts to this thread.
Unless someone else takes it up, this idea is nothing more than a pile of feces drawing flies.
Oh my bad? Just never seen you use them.
Step 1. - AS 3/4 dead target.
Step 2. - Placate/go back into hide. Step 3. - See step 1. |
Sure, I'll throw my lol Fire/Axe Tanker in there, ROTP wooosh!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
sounds good on paper, but you know ur gonna have a 3-4 man squad of stalkers taking people down 1 by 1.
Uncommon: lvl 100!! fire/stone tank Champion
It took several days to draw posts to this thread.
Unless someone else takes it up, this idea is nothing more than a pile of feces drawing flies. SJ |
It took this long cuz there was alot new threads being posted at the same time you made this one , i first found ur thread on the 3rd page :/
but anyways u should host it cuz it would maybe cause drama with whoever ends up being the wi-nner , and come on isnt champion server know for being the " drama server ? yes

Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Uh, when was this happening/happened?
"Without LAN play? How the **** do you release a PC game without LAN?" ~Hitler
50s - Cutlass, Fyrechic, D'Mal, Knightfox, DessertFox, Capt Davy Jones, Cutlass II
hey champ.
I wanna play host to a melee only PvP brawl. In the arena via pocket D.
Basically, gonna be a free for all brawl. 36 is the maximum number of players on a pvp map? I don't know the exact number.
Anyway, I will be offering up 100 Million influence or infamy to the winner. no 2nd place prizes. 2nd place is just first loser to me.
Stalkers, brutes, scrappers and tanks only. no healers, buffers or debuffers. or blasters or people trying to cause problems.
Any interest in this?
I am not a proponent for pvp but i not an opponent either of clean pvp fun.