1072 -
Quote:Do they mean an existing character, or a brand-new one created for the contest ?
We need to promote someone from within the Freedom Phalanx to be the new leader, but that will still leave a hole to be filled. We have plans to fill that hole with a character submitted by a community member in a contest. We did this prior to launch and picked Numina to be one of the Surviving Eight, and we'd love to do this sort of thing again. We'll have more details on that in the coming months, but suffice it to say that your character has a chance at making into the official game lore as a member of Paragon City's signature supergroup.
If the former...
On one hand, you'll have the "honor" to have one of your characters promoted as a game-wide NPC.
On the other hand, you'll lose control over that character, and will never be able to play it again. Before all the Incarnate stuff, players routinely "parked" their level 50s so this was not much of an issue, but now ?
Anyway, since it is a contest, I'm already disqualified... -
Primary account (VIP) : F
Secondary account (Premium): H -
He was written off when the whole City of Heroes Universe was rebooted.
("Wally West ? What are you doing here ?... and as a matter of fact, where are we ?") -
I'm not either, but it has more to do with the format of the SSA.
To use a comic-book analogy:
I've "read" (played) the first 2 "books" in the SSA so far, and it's been "meh".
I'll wait till the "trade paperback" (all 7 parts) comes out to pick it up again and "read" it all in one setting. -
As the Major said: Ouch.
I'll add my wishes for Cavern's speedy recovery... -
Quote:I saw your other thread on the German forums, but my German is almost inexistant so I will answer here...hi
how can i change the language of the interface into german ?
thank you
From the NCSoft Launcer, go to File / Settings, then Advanced Settings.
Changing the Region to "Europe" and the Language to "German" should work.
Quote:That's too rich for my blood, Stone - I fold.There was a thread up earlier (in discussions, I think) that has apparently since been deleted, where the OP admitted that he's keeping the name.
So, OP, I am willing to raise my bid to TWO [Hydraulic Pistons] and a [Temporal Tracer]. My final offer. -
Quote:Yeah. But you're one of those francophone *mumble*.
So it's not like your opinions matter, oui?Quote:Only Quebec is francophone, right? So his opinion might matter if he was born in one of the other provinces.
** couldn't find a clip of Bugs Bunny saying "Of course, you know, this means war!" in French... ** -
Quote:So ?I live in America, that makes me an American with freedom of speech and the right to have my own opinion.
I live in Canada, that makes me a Canadian with freedom of speech (*) and the right to refute any of your arguments to my heart's content...
** stands on soapbox with my right hand tucked in my shirt ** O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command...
(*) which, as some pointed out, is totally irrelevant to this discussion -
Ok, to add something positive to this thread:
Re: How to Get More Players
Simple answer (which some of you mentioned earlier): Advertise more !
TV ads might be a bit over-budget for Paragon Studios, but what about
- banners on gaming blogs and websites ?
- ads in magazines and comic books (where I first heard of this game) ? -
Y'know, Godless, you need to air out your text a bit, let it breathe...
Here, I'll do it for you.
Quote:Fair enough.I should have clarified this in the original topic I only play on Villain side so I don't know the numbers on the Hero side.
No, it's not.
Quote:I have 5 characters that I care about the rest of my villain characters are in the teen levels and I have no problem deleting them. I just assumed most players have 10-12 characters that they care about.
Quote:Everyone that has responded are active players there is no way to see how many players left COX because of inactive servers.
No, it's not.
Quote:I have done missions in the past that I needed a team, which will be harder to do now,
Quote:also if someone new has a question and doesn't know about the Global/Help Channels will be screwed.
I can understand about the Global Channels, but th Help channel is available right there on the Communication window, so that's no excuse.
Quote:Everyone thinks closing server(s) would be bad and drove players away,
Quote:you have think about new players starting this game for the first. If they log-in now they will see 4 - 5 players in Mercy,
Like Hyper said, if a new player sees "only 4-5 players in Mercy" (which I doubt very much unless you're playing in the middle of the night) and quits without experiencing the game any further... well, "there are not the players we are looking for..."
Quote:after the server merger and it will at least double, if not more.
Quote:In my opinion someone would be more likely to stay if they saw more players running around.
Quote:I have called Pinnacle home for many years and I understand how everyone feels about closing servers, in my opinion Pinnacle is dead.
Quote:I am sure there are other servers out there that are in the same shape.
Quote:I will be moving I can only afford 1 character transfer a month so it will be a slow process for me.
Quote:On Saturday I will go server jumping to see if the others servers are suffering also.
Quote:I concur: same thing happened to me last Sunday with a character that had Beam Rifle. The character was locked, even though I'm a VIP and I have purchased Beam Rifle (otherwise that character would not have been able to get to level 11...)I had this problem once, but with beam rifle, so it's not specific to titan weapons, just purchased power sets. Logging off and back on took care of the issue.
After a few seconds of "WTF??", I went back to the server list and tried again - it worked. -
I suggest you follow the instructions here:
[Guide] Asking for technical help on the forums
and post the results in this thread, so our more tech-savvy colleagues can have a look. -
And... they're all in !
Got my last card, from Nomme & Kidengineer, yesterday !
Thanks to all ! -
Quote:I bought the Rocket Board because a few of my characters could conceptually use it (even with the Fire Truck Red paint job).Not seeing a thread about this yet in general, where many folks get there news nor an announcement from a community rep yet so:
Magic Carpet is live today. 600 pts.
Rocket Board is on sale. 450 pts.
Magic Carpet ? Not so much. But to each his/her own... -
Is there a Last Chance tonight ?
As a note, the WST for this week is :- Terra Volta (44-50) (from Major Richard Flagg in Peregrine Island) or
- Tree of Thorns (44-50) (from Ractespriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
Bien le bonjour !
Joueur de CoH depuis Mai 2005 (principalement sur Protector), j'ai récemment crée un perso sur Vigilance à la demande d'un ami, et suis à la recherche des canaux globaux (Global Channel) utilisés sur ce serveur.
J'ai bien vu "Vigilance-FR" mentionné plus haut, mais quand j'ai essayé de le joindre, j'ai recu le message:
Impossible de rejoindre le canal privé 'Vigilance-FR'.
Est-ce qu'il y a un truc ?