1072 -
First, as D_R said: Welcome Back !
Second, from a recent similar thread (I just love repeating myself...)
The "right" server is the one where you're going to have fun...
- If you can find anyone you know already playing the game (either in game or from the forums), check with them
- I would also suggest checking the section of the forums dedicated to each server, as I firmly believe that the people most present on these forums are also the most active in-game. As a downside, I crossed a few servers off my list (and moved some characters elsewhere) after running across some unsavory forum dwellers...
Personally, most of my characters are on Protector.
- It's not the most-heavily populated server, but that just means you're going to come across less doofuses per square mile than on, say, Freedom (the percentage of said doofuses are roughly the same across servers, only the number and density differ)
- From my experience, we have no shortage of game-savvy and helpful people (the Mentor Project originated from Protector...)
- Player traffic is usually at its highest between 8PM - 10PM Eastern
- We have a fair number of active and thriving Global Channels. Using these Global Channels is the easiest way these days to find a team (and that goes for every server).
- We haz (had?) a Puma !
Quote:Yep, it was. And that's what prompted Paizo to break off from WoTC and try its hand at its own RPG line (Pathfinder).Smaller game companies without the backing of a major company (Hasbro) couldn't keep up with such aggressive tactics and a hard turnaround like that, and I honestly think this was a deliberate decision somewhere in there.
Quote:Though tipping my tinfoil hat, I have to say with 4th ED not that long in the making, and 5th ED on the horizon, I think WotC is trying to make their tabletop games mimic their collectable card games. "OH! 5th ED's out. Burn all the old books, there's no backwards compatibility, so time to buy a whole new set!"
But I'm a grouchy ol' bastich, so what do I know? -
Quote:1. Quit/Lose jobSolution:
1. Win large lottery.
2. Quit job.
3. Invest lottery winnings into time manipulation research (actual, not powerset.)
3a. Play time manipulation powerset while waiting on research.
4. Add more time to day.
5. Invest in energy drinks and/or IV.
2. Invest remaining money in Red Bull and Ramen Noodles
3. Forgo sleep
4. Play CoH 24/7
5. Die happy ! -
Protector had them first !
Seriously, to answer the OP:
Quote:Hi, i used to play this game back when it was p2p, and now im back! I just got some paragon points for my b-day and before i start buying extra character slots n such i just wanted to make sure im in the "right" server
Second, as mentioned above, the "right" server is the one where you're going to have fun.
- If you have any friends already playing the game, check with them,
- I would also suggest checking the section of the forums dedicated to each server, as I firmly believe that the people most present on these forums are also the most active in-game.
I crossed a few servers off my list (and moved some characters elsewhere) after running across some unsavory forum dwellers...
Quote:looking for English, decent amount of people but still with light load time, any help would be appreciated thanks.
- We're not the most-heavily populated, but that just means you're going to come across less doofuses per square mile than on, say, Freedom (the percentage of said doofuses are roughly the same across servers, only the number and density differ)
- From my experience, we have no shortage of game-savvy and helpful people (the Mentor Project originated from Protector...)
- We have a fair number of active and thriving Global Channels (see 1st link above)
- We haz (had?) a Puma !
Quote:There are servers out there where getting into the specific iTrial you want, or TF you want may take a week or 2 of waiting.
Lemme guess... you only play on the Test server ? -
Quote:Une des hypothèses avancées sur les forums US pour la sortie de violets sur le Market serait que ce même genre de set (Hecatombe) est déja en vente sur les site de RMT ("real-money trading" - zut, où j'ai mis mon dico gaming-francais ?), alors Paragon Studios veut leur couper l'herbe (ou du moins une partie) sous les pieds.Alors ça y est, on a franchi le palier ultime, le violet aux PP...
On se posait la question encore récemment sans vraiment se la poser.
On savait que ça allait arriver, la seule inconnue c'était "quand".
Alors, les rares c'est fait, le violet aussi, le pvp "soon"...
Bref, avec cette logique,
- le "palier ultime" serait de payer pour du power-leveling (où est ce **** de dico?) - "10 niveaux pour 5000 PP!!!"
- Le palier pénultième (ou avant-dernier) serait les IO PvP
- Et on en serait au palier avant-avant-dernier !
Quote:Ne rêvez pas, plein vont acheter, quoi qu'ils disent.
"Non je n'accroche pas à la méthode du market", et hop, la, kaching, on encaisse les ajouts de points...
"Ouah je voudrais bien test"... et 2 jours après: "non finalement c'est d'la m*** ce truc, mais ça fait in de l'avoir"... kaching !!
En autant qu'ils ne me font pas chier avec "Je peux soloer n'importe quoi en +4/x8, lalalalèreu..."
Dans ce cas-la- Doigt d'honneur devant mon écran dans la direction du crétin en question
- 1 Étoile avec note "Criss de GrosBill"
- /gignore
Et je continue à jouer comme si de rien n'était...
Quote:Après à quoi ça leur sert... on va pas fouiller leur comptes parce que "ceci ne nous regarde pas", mais ça sent quand même copieusement quelque chose comme "ça marche donc je cherche à pigeonner le client jusqu'à ce qu'il commence à se rendre compte que quelque chose cloche. Et là je remet un coup de combo anasthésiant-somnifère avec un truc qu'on sait que le client aime, genre un pack de costume sur lequel on affiche déjà plusieurs fois des images de WIP sur les fofo us."
Dans le fait que TOUS les joueurs (sauf la présente compagnie, bien sur) sont des pigeons qui n'attendent qu'a se faire plumer ?
Dans le fait que Paragon Studios se sert du Market pour faire du fric ? (oh les vilains capitalistes !!)
OK, j'ironise un peu (pas mal), mais à t'entendre "le client" est un imbécile-fini, un mouton qui se fait mener à l'abattoir sans mot dire.
Euh... non.
"Le client" sait très bien ce qui se passe. "Le client" peut être (et souvent, à lire les forums US) en désaccord avec les politiques de Paragon Studios, mais "le client" achète ou non les items sur le Market en toute connaissance de cause (sinon, ben on devrait pas donner des cartes de crédit à des enfants en bas âge..)
Si "le client" n'aime pas ce que le Market offre, ben "le client" n'achète pas.
Si "le client" n'aime pas la direction que ce jeu prends, ben, "le client" devrait jouer à autre chose... -
Quote:There is a thread on that subject here, but doing it on a Mac has not been mentioned yet.Anyone know how to swap out the login screen on a Mac? The Statescrotch image is basically keeping me from playing the game right now. Must. Go. Scour. Eyeballs.
Quote:Who the heck is "PBHYKOIX" ???The identity of the character is in capital letters:
Sorry, Major, but...
Quote:How many will not step up because they don't give a fig about Incarnate trials and believe level shifts are unnecessary for 98% of this game's content?How many people will step up and show me how useful their flat 50 can be? How many will step up and prove to me that their flat 50 can contribute as significantly as one with level shifts? How many will step up and prove to me that their toons don't need to be "carried" by someone with level shifts? How many will step up and make me eat my words?
* raises hand *
If you can't get enough people to "step up", it might be simply because they enjoy playing the level 1 - 49.9 content a lot more...
On the plus side, I won't be riding your coattails anytime soon !
Edit: and this is all I'll say on this thread. Carry on. -
Quote:"Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove..."It's more like a Black Dog.
Oops, sorry, wrong Black Dog... -
Quote:Blinking... blinking is not good... it does look like Hyperstrike's friend is right and your motherboard is on its way to Motherboard's Heaven...Arch,
The keyboard actually has it's Num Lock/Caps Lock/Function Lock lights blink, but I can't get to the BIOS screen. The keyboard doesn't work outside of Windows, it just blinks at me, mockingly.
* takes off his hat and mourns the dearly departed motherboard *
"Sorry for your loss, man..."
Seriously, at that point I would :
a) look at a motherboard replacement,
b) maybe look at the PCI USB card option as a temporary solution if buying a new motherboard is not feasible/desirable at the moment.
Exemple of a quick search for these on NewEgg
Best of luck, and keep us posted ! -
Quote:This might be a silly question, but... do your USB ports work at all outside of Windows ?The USB ports aren't recognized
The computer says there was a malfunction, and that the drives aren't recognized
It gives me a little pop-up to click to fix it, but it's the window's troubleshooter, and therefore fairly useless.
I assume your keyboard is still plugged in to one of your USB ports, right ?
When you turn on a computer, you usually get a black screen with the logo of the BIOS manufacturer and some kind of prompt: "Press F1 to enter BIOS", "Press F12 for Boot Menu", etc.
If you try to press those keys while in that initial screen, what happens ? Can you get to the BIOS settings screen, or the Boot Menu, or whatever other options you might have ?
If it flashes by to quicky for you to press anything, you have another chance to test it by pressing F8 as soon as you get the grey/white on black prompt "Loading Windows"...
If you can get any response at all, then the USB ports ARE working, but not in Windows
-> it's likely a driver/software issue.
If you cannot
-> it's a motherboard/physical issue.
Just re-read your post... that might be a sign of a physical issue if you still get no power (especially of your keyboard) right on boot up -
... you remember a time when there was no PvP in this game.
FYI, a thread was started yesterday on that subject (you may have missed it):
From that thread :
This looks like a bug...
You might want to /bug it with the proper info (who was in the team, when did it happen, etc.) -
Quote:Also on Win7/64, but if I could get the instructions via PM, I could try to fiddle with them.I take it there's still no Win7(64) version yet for how to do this?
I got a login screen I'd love to use...
Thanks in advance ! -
Quote:I could be wrong (and can't find the info in ParagonWiki), but doesn't zoning to the "opposite" side causes you to lose the advance you currently have in your Alignment missions, i.e wiping out advance towards Hero if you go to the Villains' side ?Once upon a time, there were supposed to be some actual consequences of zoning to the other side. As far as I know, there are none now
On this one, I agree: the prompt at the zone doors is superfluous. -
Most of my characters in CoH are unique in some ways (apart from a few throw-away characters), but none of them are UNIQUE in one particular way.
From my experience in PnP RPGs, introducing a character that is "THE character" is usually not well received by the other players, so I refrain from making that sort of claim to fame. -
Tour buses, that would stop at random intervals and disgorge a busload (literally) of tourists all taking snapshots for a few seconds...