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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Maybe some of you have met Mangle. He's an NPC signature boss from the various alignment missions. He's supposed to be a Claws/SR, presumably, based on the experience I just had, a Stalker.

    I say he's a Stalker because he has Assassin's Claw. That's fine and all, but look what he just did. This is taken from my chat logs, so that timestamps would be included.

    Look carefully at the time stamps. He executed Assassin's Claw in approximately one second. Based on how it went in combat, I'm pretty sure it was less than that. In fact, I only saw him execute what looked like one attack.

    Notably, the character I was on has about 1370 HP. So from my perspective, I was effectively one shotted by something that bypasses the one-shot code. (Not that there aren't many examples of this, but still.)

    So... bug? Side effect of the recent AE critter change removing interruptibility from AE critter powers? Lingering case where his activation time is broken because he was given an uninterruptable AS? Or ridiculous intentional power? Totally dead people want to know.
    Hmm. Based on those numbers, I'm guessing you were level 50 facing him as +2. Yep. That's how those powers are defined. The generic villain version of Claws Assassin's Claw is a 1.0 cast time power with no interruptible period and that hits for Scale 2.0 damage. Scale 2.0 is the highest any normal critter is usually allowed to hit for: Statesman's Total Focus-like power maxes at Scale 2.0 as does the hardest hitting of Lord Recluse's attacks. So yeah, I think this is probably a bit broken. They probably nullified the interruptible time but didn't increase the cast time to compensate; this is not the first time I've heard this complaint. I'll hit Castle up on this one and see what he thinks.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
    CS still hits like a ton of bricks.
    And it has a 20% chance in or out of hide to instantly recharge Build Up when it hits.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
    Higher level mobs perhaps? Not sure on the numbers on that. Or maybe rounding up to soft cap and was actually at 43.49%?
    It would have to be all the way up to 42.77%, because as I mentioned Gale has 0.9 accuracy. Gale's intrinsic accuracy pulls you down closer to the 5% floor as a result: you would have to have 7.23% tohit after defense for Gale's 0.9 accuracy to pull you down to 6.51%

    Or I suppose it could have been a +1 minion, and you'd then need 43.42% defense (net accuracy from a +1 minion with gale would be 0.9 * 1.1 = 0.99 accuracy).

    Also, just for giggles, this is the probability of getting hit N number of times out of 100 swings if your random chance to be hit is 6.51%:

    hits	chance
    0	0.12%
    1	0.83%
    2	2.86%
    3	6.51%
    4	11.00%
    5	14.70%
    6	16.21%
    7	15.15%
    8	12.27%
    9	8.73%
    10	5.53%
    11	3.15%
    12	1.63%
    13	0.77%
    14	0.33%
    15	0.13%
    16	0.05%
    17	0.02%
    18	0.01%
    There's a 1.63% chance of seeing twelve hits out of one hundred when the chance to hit per swing is 6.51%. In other words, if a thousand people conducted this experiment, sixteen of them would probably see twelve hits. Its better than even money that at least one person would see sixteen or more hits.

    A test for randomness would look more like this:

    If the random rolls are interpreted to be 20-sided die, number of occurances of each face:

    [198539, 198910, 198751, 197766, 199010, 197988, 199547, 198867, 199220, 199015, 198970, 198529, 199134, 198124, 197778, 198720, 198576, 199444, 198715, 198950, 250]
    (the 250 is due to the rare occurances of the random roll 100.00)

    20-bin partition, 2-tuple correlation analysis (number of times each number follows each number in two consecutive random rolls):

    [9933, 9843, 9793, 9961, 10115, 9901, 10028, 9997, 9891, 9847, 9792, 9989, 10017, 9977, 9728, 9918, 10010, 9887, 9928, 9976, 9]
    [9924, 10065, 9923, 9835, 10105, 9678, 10104, 10079, 10017, 10132, 9867, 9978, 9809, 9779, 9818, 9938, 9996, 10171, 9928, 9754, 10]
    [9937, 9882, 9973, 9908, 9862, 9762, 10047, 9961, 9825, 9858, 9934, 9760, 10115, 9977, 9788, 9998, 9915, 10048, 10157, 10033, 11]
    [10099, 9904, 9704, 9824, 9622, 9905, 9897, 9952, 10057, 9870, 10025, 9935, 9659, 10067, 9846, 9934, 9735, 9964, 9853, 9900, 14]
    [10188, 9975, 9893, 9811, 10131, 9807, 9946, 9999, 10047, 9947, 10063, 9966, 9865, 9782, 9798, 9997, 10048, 9863, 9931, 9937, 16]
    [9762, 9840, 9973, 9905, 9911, 9878, 9959, 9846, 9969, 9938, 9957, 9860, 9906, 9950, 9908, 9944, 9846, 9862, 9929, 9824, 21]
    [9851, 9922, 9957, 10046, 10071, 10019, 10079, 9975, 9942, 9936, 10041, 9998, 9961, 9886, 10052, 9776, 9827, 10128, 9951, 10117, 12]
    [10057, 9837, 10065, 9906, 9849, 9872, 10029, 10013, 9760, 9832, 9933, 10011, 9928, 9864, 10059, 9929, 9923, 9989, 9982, 10019, 10]
    [9830, 9940, 10078, 9874, 10046, 9877, 9988, 9928, 10134, 9960, 9988, 9811, 10127, 9910, 9885, 9892, 10058, 9894, 9909, 10080, 11]
    [9721, 9881, 9912, 9910, 9890, 9878, 10153, 9910, 9875, 10080, 10053, 9870, 10054, 10020, 9979, 9992, 9957, 10044, 9811, 10014, 11]
    [9986, 9914, 10004, 9943, 10102, 9875, 9863, 10072, 9951, 9995, 9856, 9932, 9936, 9832, 10050, 10095, 9949, 9994, 9820, 9788, 12]
    [9996, 9843, 10007, 9946, 9933, 10003, 9946, 9920, 10019, 10026, 9958, 9801, 9741, 9909, 9830, 9916, 9844, 10043, 9949, 9887, 12]
    [9966, 10032, 10077, 9831, 10032, 9990, 9938, 10000, 9947, 9972, 9922, 9851, 10029, 9945, 9793, 9834, 9915, 10030, 10045, 9974, 11]
    [9825, 10016, 9895, 9881, 9785, 9849, 9987, 9642, 10063, 10020, 10014, 9867, 9751, 9790, 9868, 9959, 9968, 10048, 9896, 9991, 9]
    [9847, 10014, 9908, 9627, 9819, 9828, 9886, 9923, 9856, 9925, 9672, 10045, 10088, 9859, 9960, 9865, 9919, 9904, 9976, 9847, 10]
    [9814, 10061, 9939, 10013, 9858, 10027, 9890, 9821, 10091, 10028, 9795, 10089, 9961, 9736, 9972, 9916, 9862, 9884, 9973, 9978, 12]
    [9924, 9954, 10007, 9913, 10027, 9968, 9934, 9846, 9880, 9856, 10053, 9923, 9991, 9909, 9912, 9793, 9855, 9977, 9749, 10092, 13]
    [9921, 9994, 9826, 9880, 9912, 9937, 10073, 9916, 9985, 10046, 10095, 9960, 10154, 10055, 9798, 10021, 10083, 9910, 10041, 9824, 13]
    [10090, 9981, 9933, 9767, 10014, 9855, 9877, 9916, 9904, 9983, 9845, 9898, 9984, 9923, 9880, 9999, 9950, 9874, 9972, 10054, 16]
    [9862, 10003, 9871, 9971, 9916, 10062, 9910, 10134, 9986, 9753, 10093, 9976, 10044, 9950, 9841, 9994, 9900, 9917, 9903, 9847, 17]
    Number of times every single roll shows up from 0.00 to 100.00:

    236 380 555 346 376 483 362 373 349 500 376 363 368 451 376 352 461 394 357 353 516 371 363 492 375 367 353 474 356 365 370 468 350 392 502 380 331 321 513 361 392 339 499 351 358 482 351 372 343 476 359 377 468 345 351 371 488 376 367 386 454 364 341 467 376 379 355 487 365 423 478 372 361 349 514 377 351 366 479 386 384 498 383 361 378 472 358 379 429 498 352 346 464 349 386 395 478 370 364 475 
    340 391 348 501 386 387 368 476 345 399 479 337 380 369 458 364 349 494 346 334 384 479 363 346 360 473 343 388 481 379 370 392 486 369 354 346 462 324 379 467 367 363 344 479 373 334 443 390 410 366 481 348 395 370 475 362 392 463 401 390 347 455 342 335 495 327 390 376 504 383 389 360 510 353 391 488 379 351 355 465 346 379 354 508 347 349 482 379 362 377 513 378 385 457 376 392 367 467 367 363 
    357 434 375 366 514 368 352 339 472 390 359 511 399 357 366 460 366 358 355 528 364 361 485 348 372 377 504 393 358 471 356 389 353 469 360 410 382 462 353 350 491 373 367 386 502 356 384 347 470 366 404 472 373 373 360 465 395 385 512 395 368 367 499 376 366 372 462 376 334 474 382 345 351 497 353 355 444 365 382 366 494 339 376 375 452 346 376 492 371 361 385 433 385 368 368 493 370 352 509 343 
    361 384 469 346 368 530 343 367 339 467 359 361 347 447 351 352 468 383 358 361 479 382 325 535 383 382 376 486 373 341 357 468 361 341 452 380 346 347 525 375 394 367 460 370 379 506 359 354 356 547 353 346 503 369 362 359 454 366 331 402 498 359 372 466 383 413 349 486 366 345 473 349 395 318 509 335 346 362 481 332 393 458 351 347 348 494 335 359 349 467 386 392 450 363 369 363 497 385 356 507 
    371 366 378 444 331 378 337 467 356 362 493 399 388 384 475 344 353 499 384 342 382 471 372 353 338 496 326 376 477 364 375 370 496 370 346 480 370 322 340 501 399 355 378 499 388 345 482 384 312 358 484 379 365 362 509 340 347 474 364 330 324 471 375 346 494 333 384 366 490 343 370 355 494 365 357 467 382 348 380 477 360 358 505 355 395 354 497 361 380 371 479 334 386 487 366 340 370 487 387 327 
    389 465 324 393 513 345 353 345 503 331 356 481 392 362 354 464 363 370 363 488 403 338 447 341 374 338 471 386 377 500 363 392 369 461 327 372 392 476 356 386 499 330 345 379 475 350 431 383 496 360 358 506 371 362 364 492 359 367 493 367 353 350 466 384 380 378 480 350 367 487 386 361 354 474 394 405 499 378 343 364 490 322 352 367 457 358 358 481 392 374 365 472 380 388 370 516 357 350 492 341 
    345 371 470 370 348 456 417 360 362 505 318 382 389 537 393 353 493 349 366 395 487 385 371 460 364 340 416 485 367 381 337 479 394 364 510 325 354 351 516 398 362 465 365 377 354 477 345 357 370 492 411 356 487 351 358 387 518 342 344 367 469 364 369 483 341 365 344 488 379 355 501 408 368 357 453 365 369 384 451 391 331 503 355 354 331 510 361 353 446 352 363 376 468 349 386 347 475 378 310 492 
    371 356 374 495 390 329 347 463 376 391 490 343 335 387 458 347 408 455 341 366 353 509 362 389 395 478 349 337 499 371 375 325 482 354 333 493 375 362 393 468 370 365 363 475 349 381 533 384 369 402 501 402 371 335 493 338 361 481 345 400 365 485 384 408 451 355 330 339 473 362 363 380 486 361 376 497 380 383 401 457 383 302 467 366 339 352 468 412 405 369 456 371 368 466 347 365 402 492 371 353 
    375 491 351 352 510 324 387 351 545 382 370 504 392 321 366 499 345 347 346 477 355 375 476 392 405 361 481 347 349 512 373 349 352 484 360 365 398 468 364 384 492 385 355 394 480 367 390 483 362 376 352 484 341 329 388 519 373 350 506 343 386 385 487 376 365 331 519 377 375 507 372 336 361 537 350 350 473 354 356 381 442 356 356 384 495 352 381 500 367 358 362 458 370 370 469 346 356 351 506 371 
    311 335 454 384 354 461 379 386 354 449 370 349 386 466 367 356 467 352 351 360 457 351 390 507 375 400 388 468 378 384 337 468 349 371 503 363 336 360 475 383 365 496 340 366 359 504 401 341 375 485 377 367 469 327 366 328 495 364 372 358 476 355 361 471 386 385 355 475 385 349 469 361 375 341 475 383 373 374 482 382 384 474 347 383 342 465 355 388 465 357 350 346 498 365 364 375 457 347 405 490 
    391 334 364 501 353 397 359 484 420 387 499 370 369 348 473 342 323 488 359 405 375 504 339 361 368 470 354 347 472 358 335 352 432 364 345 505 384 402 356 502 363 362 318 448 356 364 487 382 433 360 447 378 364 490 369 364 388 463 348 383 387 456 354 375 478 357 348 363 478 363 346 381 499 371 360 460 329 362 353 526 362 418 470 369 355 342 481 351 337 385 463 390 372 499 369 378 363 456 358 377 
    469 356 392 361 513 389 369 337 513 318 374 494 369 371 382 486 415 379 374 498 387 367 474 351 370 354 494 366 331 482 351 386 363 503 357 380 350 514 342 378 458 341 358 363 525 363 389 440 388 360 360 475 364 355 384 485 346 380 510 390 380 366 526 342 364 348 512 357 358 477 378 369 370 495 371 376 436 389 336 343 486 359 355 375 491 349 389 483 318 334 353 507 392 378 484 346 367 371 466 422 
    327 363 502 364 363 523 377 390 342 484 348 401 357 500 355 353 485 388 368 353 494 371 336 472 356 340 374 492 373 370 337 453 359 344 467 381 374 374 460 365 366 482 362 347 337 503 396 374 391 473 390 397 444 383 339 365 494 359 384 462 327 331 338 491 359 371 388 483 358 355 529 371 357 380 539 392 336 385 505 317 358 497 368 358 371 484 373 388 480 329 360 390 475 372 331 344 500 396 348 442 
    386 341 323 498 361 361 479 342 358 372 487 340 383 370 490 353 353 480 365 371 376 497 356 358 353 479 362 361 487 377 360 381 495 339 330 481 381 375 367 457 365 389 395 495 365 370 471 355 373 368 480 354 361 507 350 397 349 463 373 380 381 480 356 337 508 383 367 341 487 370 373 351 454 363 379 497 375 338 367 496 373 340 489 332 394 401 508 372 361 368 502 368 373 511 344 345 365 457 388 346 
    469 351 338 362 481 384 356 355 467 367 378 563 362 369 353 499 370 358 382 487 365 385 452 380 379 370 492 376 347 441 422 356 397 488 377 388 342 486 340 353 490 338 355 357 437 368 371 515 403 364 352 491 358 357 372 502 366 330 460 352 368 379 471 343 340 442 337 351 353 523 358 365 330 524 347 392 485 380 381 333 501 368 346 352 482 341 350 481 364 339 350 547 360 378 517 363 374 331 454 372 
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    364 327 508 359 373 476 366 357 371 472 345 410 501 366 357 334 441 365 362 376 511 355 368 497 370 381 377 475 380 376 494 387 367 367 487 355 383 364 480 382 359 451 373 366 350 479 334 384 491 373 344 391 505 355 372 359 452 352 348 494 370 381 331 489 352 372 344 461 353 374 492 339 388 380 486 328 356 522 362 378 371 509 351 360 356 471 394 363 503 376 362 367 526 375 374 469 384 356 391 474 
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    361 493 346 347 372 482 338 352 349 501 365 359 481 383 370 379 510 339 330 332 477 385 375 448 348 377 363 519 339 419 511 364 358 343 479 374 356 388 460 375 395 497 363 361 324 461 398 338 511 372 347 348 490 365 377 369 485 399 375 467 366 390 355 461 372 335 340 496 373 362 508 379 334 374 490 388 385 501 347 365 330 475 351 375 336 509 394 374 468 358 390 365 498 401 378 509 390 352 320 457 
    379 385 340 496 373 377 450 387 387 368 475 394 377 339 509 346 383 482 372 387 343 502 377 374 465 372 361 350 522 369 348 377 494 361 388 496 366 371 341 469 372 352 483 377 354 348 486 359 401 383 472 366 358 460 374 317 401 473 352 379 497 377 369 366 516 343 388 343 482 374 363 463 327 363 369 507 362 383 340 465 333 384 477 371 340 345 490 393 340 464 374 376 344 473 363 378 350 433 367 382 
    491 360 367 343 489 363 343 476 392 353 372 435 378 344 338 528 364 360 470 374 335 346 517 365 363 354 484 312 357 490 345 341 388 464 388 341 499 333 345 355 500 351 351 400 504 359 366 485 359 409 364 466 334 388 448 347 381 380 469 369 382 339 471 377 375 497 334 374 340 501 364 391 330 481 363 357 486 358 354 343 469 385 350 461 344 348 335 469 360 374 353 476 324 399 493 356 356 373 488 373 
    369 502 384 346 347 500 364 347 361 473 359 397 502 365 356 356 521 394 371 388 504 346 387 525 355 381 364 489 369 345 469 346 370 368 493 372 396 382 473 367 346 482 358 379 354 474 379 361 501 365 362 378 527 372 367 383 476 391 354 482 364 383 378 463 377 369 476 376 362 374 447 346 395 400 473 350 330 513 360 361 346 491 355 354 370 506 400 365 464 374 380 408 464 347 358 493 385 388 338 494 
    373 365 376 516 420 388 457 364 402 351 457 378 376 463 357 383 371 487 374 365 382 443 341 346 528 365 381 399 517 369 365 337 512 355 354 481 376 370 348 505 391 365 502 371 359 370 530 362 356 386 467 367 391 500 357 359 338 515 424 363 499 385 380 365 465 406 318 326 505 392 370 492 360 383 383 508 384 345 407 494 364 344 499 409 404 363 501 364 407 443 345 353 360 478 383 367 378 469 370 378 
    476 388 363 332 473 365 371 522 384 342 363 464 329 389 355 489 366 332 491 366 394 377 488 363 371 367 451 371 349 487 393 375 408 503 376 383 482 347 355 335 495 324 380 365 485 344 363 493 368 374 347 480 343 359 470 340 369 365 501 340 321 356 498 373 358 530 365 330 352 517 381 358 456 375 354 366 550 367 362 364 476 358 397 485 387 385 383 493 383 352 370 524 375 360 510 373 380 373 494 358 
    374 498 364 354 331 464 378 361 343 503 374 340 468 373 364 362 518 335 397 477 342 356 376 502 367 354 360 484 369 381 507 348 383 374 506 351 385 364 465 388 386 454 378 329 330 500 344 329 498 364 358 373 482 378 360 368 500 332 353 494 335 356 371 552 391 361 485 343 360 337 502 381 364 372 448 408 366 493 372 347 346 471 372 316 348 473 383 320 465 372 364 361 474 352 353 464 341 370 374 509 
    357 351 335 468 351 357 502 357 355 355 426 369 392 466 362 369 388 441 315 379 351 517 352 364 490 332 366 356 473 362 371 362 473 412 371 447 362 352 389 483 348 388 509 376 332 373 464 361 367 323 540 360 390 472 378 358 382 493 381 339 478 354 381 366 487 363 370 370 512 363 383 505 361 387 351 436 349 360 495 380 375 371 494 337 359 379 461 332 337 478 349 363 381 471 364 346 337 506 360 384 
    490 354 348 357 498 348 361 504 362 357 390 502 354 359 354 505 332 343 474 365 340 377 492 353 352 483 349 383 378 468 353 348 383 477 369 388 510 341 376 386 505 354 390 382 498 391 390 461 366 356 363 486 386 391 498 373 322 392 456 368 344 357 499 361 360 468 391 351 401 462 349 371 487 360 356 372 494 386 354 371 476 389 373 507 370 364 393 492 379 395 387 514 360 381 464 357 345 386 523 376 
    373 478 398 393 370 513 337 341 387 510 365 357 508 352 355 374 484 426 381 464 354 370 335 509 382 363 366 491 379 394 518 369 365 339 490 357 340 384 499 361 344 470 376 371 354 441 347 370 446 379 343 359 483 387 388 375 439 360 341 462 384 356 384 504 351 355 499 355 356 349 508 396 369 356 467 383 348 447 357 359 345 522 347 355 517 380 380 387 471 345 351 373 473 382 322 466 339 347 334 492 
    391 372 385 477 366 348 503 321 379 385 503 379 354 487 323 386 376 508 370 358 391 481 386 360 473 354 361 356 500 382 417 477 345 345 346 472 390 355 353 508 346 375 486 364 344 370 496 380 384 347 488 355 351 468 372 362 338 494 359 358 520 367 365 389 519 379 373 367 454 371 348 455 419 355 325 466 330 391 446 348 386 366 511 371 386 379 449 388 373 449 357 345 369 494 382 348 403 455 336 385 
    460 378 374 379 484 343 374 471 367 366 353 473 337 364 401 467 345 349 485 390 399 358 478 372 391 487 360 371 350 504 322 381 370 501 371 310 495 345 346 322 506 364 347 398 467 373 339 531 351 362 331 479 345 362 476 377 380 397 482 367 352 363 483 366 361 472 384 381 325 495 363 356 417 347 359 343 458 360 361 355 497 361 365 470 340 382 379 511 354 348 477 343 366 384 518 375 354 349 498 368 
    368 522 396 348 371 474 363 380 344 497 350 373 491 364 342 340 474 332 348 478 379 358 355 477 391 389 350 503 364 350 485 358 398 381 462 378 366 504 395 363 372 490 358 375 366 480 356 361 459 379 358 358 525 360 342 355 507 343 336 472 361 364 370 503 368 357 438 380 334 372 430 335 352 347 456 405 338 484 344 344 388 465 363 358 491 357 364 350 485 380 354 380 494 376 391 479 364 375 366 453 
    386 376 347 508 351 354 486 360 359 359 460 387 363 453 425 353 339 467 330 388 376 502 364 368 483 360 357 344 472 378 333 503 379 344 377 479 389 362 346 495 374 391 490 329 412 359 450 381 334 365 496 331 360 502 376 367 356 488 349 384 491 364 393 341 469 374 370 320 504 340 375 488 372 379 362 530 349 412 484 359 387 353 481 370 366 347 478 338 390 514 365 323 377 498 366 383 482 362 400 341 
    471 355 350 388 504 364 371 484 375 381 355 465 389 336 360 477 348 387 496 389 354 361 498 343 367 485 332 374 354 488 375 338 383 467 374 370 460 375 359 380 470 378 382 518 386 360 366 463 381 341 373 477 364 369 470 385 370 369 519 383 355 351 476 322 346 523 397 365 373 490 353 345 505 363 381 364 471 368 379 348 467 349 359 489 401 377 374 502 350 321 506 359 368 360 488 365 370 380 492 356 
    374 522 350 377 353 508 362 341 384 480 383 368 452 374 417 383 470 344 373 495 355 344 376 488 377 351 370 474 346 338 470 352 352 364 485 359 365 485 343 376 372 458 353 373 373 533 352 369 468 368 339 387 461 341 358 378 477 361 357 493 369 357 357 464 362 380 488 356 356 357 453 395 372 358 476 367 359 508 372 387 396 484 374 368 508 351 377 365 471 376 366 352 514 357 359 493 366 384 357 496 
    346 367 499 369 378 335 555 366 378 363 486 360 344 443 356 365 359 442 381 360 363 512 344 342 508 389 404 371 457 335 338 501 349 377 369 494 365 371 349 472 402 405 520 346 363 354 474 377 353 494 319 361 389 415 355 356 363 509 378 344 482 365 346 370 475 398 349 376 470 384 357 470 388 373 356 505 309 389 463 351 398 389 501 371 399 358 470 373 384 485 347 372 402 467 385 330 528 371 362 349 
    470 376 356 323 502 362 367 453 341 339 389 491 373 368 366 480 342 409 495 344 339 352 510 374 332 510 369 318 358 461 357 370 354 485 365 363 498 380 397 379 497 344 360 500 355 381 369 484 383 363 379 487 352 393 482 355 366 390 456 382 356 358 481 355 415 548 359 359 348 468 356 353 465 382 361 350 517 360 342 365 488 328 372 480 416 388 379 483 361 376 466 361 364 382 515 403 393 355 471 365 
    347 488 378 369 393 486 385 392 447 368 366 369 470 354 390 373 477 398 362 487 371 342 401 453 331 367 377 469 376 359 496 362 397 336 499 365 364 466 349 360 360 500 370 338 390 500 329 372 493 362 399 399 441 400 395 476 394 354 364 481 344 379 347 464 341 349 504 349 360 360 454 359 357 369 501 372 372 494 353 394 377 483 362 339 469 379 371 357 464 356 354 366 472 362 390 498 356 386 387 491 
    369 364 442 361 333 328 486 334 395 357 506 355 333 479 372 380 378 466 342 388 403 491 364 382 480 337 335 380 491 339 334 524 362 382 353 505 335 367 335 501 380 383 475 342 382 347 470 363 334 465 377 381 336 498 377 383 372 496 370 335 426 365 364 373 500 376 360 371 512 385 362 541 361 359 343 490 336 344 463 349 355 336 477 387 335 376 478 355 390 458 358 355 412 452 385 376 472 397 361 381 
    513 380 375 382 480 358 342 480 377 370 337 482 362 346 503 340 388 351 444 398 389 377 474 376 358 482 336 366 348 459 353 379 365 488 369 385 476 393 366 337 469 373 402 497 367 345 360 518 373 382 356 497 351 346 487 394 359 364 469 373 348 504 374 356 385 502 373 374 405 469 329 392 460 374 340 338 486 367 361 361 471 363 370 493 359 377 351 480 341 405 477 363 367 347 441 369 379 354 483 344 
    345 520 356 369 354 498 376 340 478 358 375 371 461 354 331 370 510 388 359 478 392 361 350 454 339 372 335 456 371 360 502 377 364 373 480 391 329 456 364 335 396 541 332 346 368 501 357 382 458 405 349 346 503 351 347 490 389 376 358 483 390 359 379 493 342 348 491 388 390 348 523 388 391 351 473 370 330 478 354 385 394 501 361 392 492 368 392 337 500 340 366 349 501 391 373 465 378 366 352 469 
    353 377 508 398 351 355 500 369 405 398 495 336 365 471 362 366 424 499 372 350 503 392 348 351 469 372 365 381 496 386 381 518 369 349 362 468 391 336 376 503 371 380 486 360 367 387 442 348 359 467 375 386 357 488 357 394 364 507 368 349 459 430 355 379 480 388 354 492 342 351 361 514 376 349 359 452 376 384 467 355 366 390 499 354 354 354 478 360 319 478 359 389 363 471 391 350 455 362 353 372 
    488 379 355 381 483 338 377 484 377 344 392 458 340 346 481 335 356 387 485 407 356 381 478 370 373 490 355 376 342 481 358 372 344 511 399 356 467 336 370 387 515 358 351 440 353 331 367 472 374 364 354 519 350 373 469 361 350 336 471 355 346 466 361 352 365 472 351 373 363 457 377 377 467 339 374 389 483 353 313 366 488 378 369 452 373 382 354 465 379 348 471 353 352 340 492 337 359 338 520 354 
    384 486 342 347 347 479 381 341 469 340 366 369 474 390 394 362 465 350 387 528 376 379 394 446 339 341 488 354 354 389 458 366 346 361 439 367 371 464 392 346 369 491 373 348 362 487 399 363 462 335 373 369 487 412 389 479 338 329 384 492 345 341 343 473 363 345 465 335 372 385 485 350 373 500 376 346 355 509 384 352 373 493 343 375 466 368 380 375 559 353 379 354 502 371 401 440 360 361 371 507 
    372 390 461 365 342 382 504 384 370 371 488 353 368 467 357 382 366 486 376 375 501 362 373 360 493 364 333 341 500 349 352 490 326 415 347 488 371 369 365 522 392 362 478 355 378 358 478 391 372 490 336 353 351 507 375 385 321 459 381 335 508 387 340 346 479 348 361 503 356 343 367 486 399 377 360 494 365 336 477 341 323 349 487 328 323 329 447 357 371 478 351 363 396 520 384 350 493 389 360 366 
    486 405 361 365 476 374 402 487 360 371 362 481 359 369 512 376 337 374 470 401 369 346 534 359 361 471 359 381 388 497 371 391 509 332 357 390 515 370 367 351 468 390 343 474 347 386 365 490 343 340 372 504 389 389 502 356 342 398 470 378 374 485 384 330 376 472 391 331 398 459 362 367 474 328 358 392 449 376 344 456 377 373 338 522 363 403 332 465 354 344 489 324 314 367 474 392 361 381 520 402 
    360 493 383 373 400 495 348 354 488 383 370 376 487 366 348 354 449 391 360 532 391 362 338 467 385 365 512 383 373 369 492 372 347 353 468 341 397 495 347 357 383 485 412 350 369 496 338 354 460 375 371 377 488 377 376 471 372 360 360 529 369 391 350 488 398 353 498 372 377 374 480 391 354 498 367 398 389 469 358 357 389 475 345 344 482 349 369 369 493 355 380 399 512 378 358 479 365 392 384 482 
    359 381 500 366 382 368 441 354 370 342 507 355 361 444 345 412 415 486 356 347 478 366 369 339 461 326 340 364 501 364 371 503 320 372 371 482 378 343 485 343 365 367 501 361 386 355 459 366 354 491 384 328 349 521 384 350 347 503 359 342 479 337 376 398 492 378 357 472 330 337 343 469 381 360 357 498 382 336 502 382 341 373 528 343 356 466 369 355 364 466 401 362 386 492 339 372 493 377 317 371 
    491 351 391 350 507 333 362 494 377 336 358 474 348 348 486 359 375 336 497 376 359 322 522 388 351 487 383 371 363 521 378 360 433 372 372 414 484 375 364 372 514 377 394 492 350 375 364 502 377 356 352 496 365 372 455 358 342 371 469 335 374 490 365 384 374 483 393 354 387 500 349 335 502 366 348 379 483 360 378 467 381 387 388 476 360 363 376 471 350 388 510 346 355 321 481 395 371 347 491 367 
    365 481 337 341 390 485 399 365 494 347 368 403 475 393 356 351 478 365 367 565 370 382 344 453 380 353 480 371 391 362 480 386 401 346 522 377 373 511 393 373 365 516 332 358 514 379 342 352 500 355 349 396 479 341 369 490 375 361 346 485 344 377 352 504 376 369 488 381 370 359 482 369 366 480 373 346 372 512 379 322 378 469 360 390 467 356 359 348 498 354 354 466 328 340 360 486 354 362 338 478 
    334 351 509 383 378 384 474 365 364 351 509 378 353 467 359 365 341 495 371 362 486 376 357 373 487 333 382 326 492 325 373 489 365 352 365 480 365 362 465 358 349 375 497 361 355 387 461 372 383 525 337 365 358 437 372 353 330 527 388 346 488 348 370 344 530 392 353 524 365 356 383 480 379 362 360 474 341 364 496 368 415 336 497 344 366 454 383 377 348 470 346 344 365 472 352 391 510 351 394 367 
    465 348 366 361 500 360 368 420 337 371 377 490 373 388 476 347 366 371 500 362 381 359 445 358 342 482 369 332 364 497 356 356 475 378 318 351 495 371 393 371 512 374 335 470 390 358 374 492 332 350 435 361 367 346 480 380 373 379 463 370 344 498 363 408 381 489 385 383 384 451 376 358 489 378 354 361 468 349 346 488 357 336 395 455 344 350 354 468 373 377 466 324 359 375 462 372 383 493 366 376 
    382 511 347 397 337 537 358 354 483 368 385 343 488 393 374 355 511 383 367 447 366 343 365 470 359 370 515 369 375 330 501 385 354 380 451 348 359 500 357 338 389 472 374 349 507 359 336 347 480 342 419 388 499 352 362 500 353 364 342 473 346 368 373 470 378 364 493 409 394 374 467 379 361 498 363 379 354 467 375 384 357 482 348 350 469 373 360 339 495 386 357 457 379 363 359 478 361 370 365 473 
    343 397 516 378 393 392 489 387 375 351 504 397 365 449 342 387 322 443 352 374 508 372 414 358 491 343 345 376 490 370 364 486 354 377 355 492 325 379 509 340 405 370 445 350 375 375 519 381 397 501 361 365 348 485 362 374 481 335 358 370 456 342 367 371 474 352 370 481 357 391 316 480 361 353 376 502 335 370 524 364 364 353 502 372 394 488 376 357 363 477 358 351 362 461 395 380 482 375 378 358 
    486 344 373 480 335 350 402 507 368 376 382 471 368 389 462 370 363 388 518 344 386 345 502 378 355 512 396 361 405 504 380 378 460 362 391 361 494 333 396 363 499 340 358 506 408 358 389 479 382 339 481 378 355 366 444 374 366 340 465 371 355 490 366 382 358 473 348 360 347 481 358 367 476 341 360 359 493 348 362 462 347 378 372 467 355 404 362 508 372 362 487 363 376 329 525 335 322 477 367 384 
    323 463 364 372 338 491 377 388 482 348 376 352 499 345 385 367 485 360 358 452 349 331 319 502 380 356 492 349 344 396 489 337 353 313 477 361 368 475 385 364 370 504 380 354 486 360 367 367 429 354 383 328 507 370 359 490 373 364 377 509 377 353 534 381 374 376 474 382 354 378 468 381 335 473 355 382 365 470 356 361 425 499 313 349 511 386 350 347 494 362 379 471 359 358 369 437 384 357 389 515 
    377 352 465 357 347 370 440 379 399 506 364 380 349 463 382 358 343 466 391 364 472 368 340 379 477 394 381 374 467 373 374 476 367 401 379 473 389 330 511 342 369 341 453 354 354 355 500 383 356 541 359 368 336 473 360 386 493 380 342 382 512 382 373 382 516 358 360 491 375 360 383 473 373 377 386 490 373 365 459 377 338 377 459 362 400 489 350 335 370 477 350 356 384 491 397 364 492 349 378 326 
    507 376 369 490 372 337 378 459 374 400 359 462 352 372 484 360 353 378 524 400 338 351 472 344 356 473 364 342 390 487 367 371 468 332 375 363 478 360 382 347 471 360 348 500 369 339 360 498 369 366 475 360 378 376 491 365 398 392 483 376 372 457 355 364 371 504 347 380 495 343 349 344 511 384 351 361 520 379 371 504 357 361 379 492 341 351 378 449 319 362 491 364 329 335 495 373 346 506 371 369 
    344 478 335 368 338 480 363 367 496 361 373 345 503 347 376 463 388 367 391 424 368 368 352 488 361 376 454 331 407 337 492 350 343 357 505 363 389 486 360 349 369 476 374 385 447 369 364 356 456 367 385 384 449 345 379 515 351 377 379 504 341 372 504 336 372 345 487 378 390 339 503 363 360 493 361 365 392 499 335 351 364 501 347 381 474 346 354 366 460 361 377 491 326 360 392 475 356 358 353 481 
    376 360 456 382 319 344 454 370 386 494 373 373 332 527 386 354 354 500 375 328 497 385 377 359 458 368 360 388 512 372 373 491 354 369 348 477 359 366 474 373 371 356 455 371 366 357 492 331 375 477 348 364 345 487 383 345 486 364 333 378 474 398 385 335 458 361 360 559 367 359 338 487 356 379 491 359 384 369 462 407 334 352 500 364 330 475 369 348 345 487 307 391 354 458 344 350 470 368 397 335 
    508 356 348 478 364 363 374 504 346 378 353 455 363 341 483 373 329 375 480 355 354 517 328 331 352 482 356 382 375 475 391 379 453 373 323 348 461 365 338 363 497 398 365 465 372 368 382 513 389 380 474 400 350 382 480 370 345 345 493 369 383 464 328 342 355 494 347 391 513 391 309 361 516 344 372 350 482 384 371 499 349 361 340 510 400 392 362 529 343 352 474 377 359 365 469 344 371 488 385 384 
    386 474 336 357 375 498 345 381 467 366 359 351 485 372 385 446 365 347 388 485 401 366 325 474 382 361 496 356 360 367 522 350 358 467 389 351 358 470 327 384 338 496 389 374 486 357 347 346 488 371 349 372 469 394 383 481 355 354 360 493 305 358 475 340 375 374 462 323 353 357 487 374 384 489 362 364 371 463 345 348 513 368 365 343 499 356 347 370 519 344 377 464 382 370 328 495 400 352 357 467 
    365 345 501 335 348 391 477 373 318 488 364 359 345 474 324 368 349 459 333 326 479 370 361 361 483 364 332 462 363 396 369 494 327 350 376 468 359 364 444 374 377 339 531 367 389 358 505 360 380 461 355 353 365 470 366 357 508 353 396 316 473 379 364 378 533 379 362 487 351 363 379 561 362 330 458 329 356 374 449 349 404 369 458 328 372 495 358 352 358 493 372 386 370 470 375 352 518 353 369 344 
    479 376 315 475 349 381 348 458 363 367 370 449 350 364 479 332 348 352 486 341 396 507 351 371 320 479 349 331 385 491 360 345 458 390 336 339 487 353 348 333 462 357 348 494 355 356 383 448 345 388 467 362 333 357 489 369 379 348 507 378 362 507 384 333 362 491 355 347 489 353 369 337 477 330 339 381 489 349 338 513 346 353 376 487 405 393 481 364 364 339 472 375 364 373 487 362 366 466 363 341 
    355 504 405 360 374 469 358 374 499 369 333 369 491 349 359 485 375 389 382 477 359 380 367 479 343 364 495 358 377 362 450 388 404 505 369 368 370 464 396 377 357 488 363 356 466 357 379 336 495 383 321 359 463 354 398 467 364 344 353 515 381 360 467 368 371 328 482 355 363 350 477 369 346 466 354 348 369 489 348 347 488 330 357 379 501 348 368 351 507 379 352 473 386 362 376 479 354 357 403 521 
    393 350 508 374 360 375 471 356 378 484 343 354 378 481 396 384 345 478 351 359 455 368 349 334 525 357 322 490 366 358 364 472 354 358 390 478 343 360 519 369 303 398 492 378 369 363 526 379 347 473 354 333 359 500 385 338 493 357 327 366 481 360 395 349 446 356 348 492 389 361 359 467 352 362 483 333 324 358 481 351 332 361 464 344 376 482 332 327 323 525 382 424 461 375 384 359 508 356 323 364 
    469 350 336 531 351 373 384 496 364 379 382 497 375 344 486 349 381 426 490 366 364 470 369 358 366 480 350 341 399 533 375 376 478 342 354 349 518 367 332 471 356 349 372 477 354 353 363 471 399 352 461 373 349 382 456 365 372 341 493 376 371 482 364 352 389 459 340 385 494 382 385 396 467 391 379 333 482 374 388 494 379 368 374 521 367 387 488 374 344 379 504 346 356 361 511 370 383 500 375 359 
    382 520 366 330 408 481 399 363 514 375 373 376 462 361 345 496 397 321 376 489 373 379 387 505 368 367 497 361 374 370 487 345 362 507 352 345 364 468 366 355 376 488 347 351 482 376 334 387 465 362 361 525 335 389 378 504 380 370 364 483 365 391 487 381 352 346 494 348 380 361 507 373 383 515 364 375 357 540 377 347 475 367 319 379 485 358 343 392 448 385 347 510 345 355 392 456 357 413 486 354 
    350 364 450 366 349 387 489 375 356 485 348 400 383 491 365 368 344 525 375 331 488 352 370 372 478 354 344 473 387 380 384 509 379 374 347 523 380 371 482 339 340 354 502 359 348 468 375 362 381 485 363 386 387 507 363 347 468 365 341 379 437 383 396 392 492 373 368 479 366 380 379 484 368 349 468 346 350 347 508 378 382 373 477 390 357 492 380 360 393 473 400 383 507 334 370 381 502 336 360 372 
    480 324 361 485 340 346 330 515 402 347 324 511 395 379 512 380 349 393 495 368 366 480 344 385 360 520 347 365 358 496 405 367 491 358 353 327 483 343 324 455 345 364 340 478 364 385 362 507 371 349 488 380 378 395 495 353 322 461 363 358 355 467 349 355 385 481 327 344 496 345 347 362 470 359 386 328 491 336 336 468 371 394 377 464 357 391 476 378 367 336 458 377 381 348 495 345 358 525 377 375 
    391 494 358 374 485 384 348 354 525 354 364 350 508 359 389 443 365 344 357 469 387 383 355 474 368 356 470 355 351 341 493 372 372 479 396 359 367 490 371 338 367 487 361 352 475 341 370 358 481 390 355 437 350 367 334 479 370 379 382 508 354 360 467 361 421 367 520 362 359 367 502 340 387 483 352 340 363 499 340 380 463 379 328 351 470 352 382 373 456 347 331 473 351 339 341 501 371 360 470 363 
    360 366 490 356 343 366 482 386 389 494 363 369 385 502 313 372 395 508 369 356 428 385 344 357 514 368 380 473 352 347 362 470 353 390 374 476 366 363 484 388 364 358 520 340 365 480 363 383 343 509 352 342 323 472 347 391 494 341 363 336 483 378 354 353 458 332 392 459 354 367 343 436 392 383 494 372 367 362 497 380 364 375 517 355 357 489 340 361 359 471 352 387 480 347 369 384 449 367 345 390 
    478 354 348 491 347 355 344 479 374 360 490 371 347 349 499 371 359 355 496 385 364 501 351 357 343 466 365 376 390 445 386 375 480 328 386 385 488 376 344 489 345 379 385 471 345 329 370 466 351 354 475 380 363 341 447 372 371 521 375 340 367 484 338 376 340 420 342 358 474 354 363 363 453 369 341 391 482 352 361 471 350 331 362 455 341 351 518 357 362 386 445 350 358 353 494 345 374 536 391 370 
    339 498 313 342 440 364 385 383 493 399 391 330 482 376 357 493 343 356 322 508 355 354 332 501 364 396 549 351 366 366 487 328 385 501 373 372 337 500 335 336 368 504 356 381 481 373 351 358 467 391 379 457 344 371 323 482 352 367 350 456 339 388 471 360 400 345 447 359 323 439 358 358 349 412 433 375 361 513 373 382 473 349 383 364 528 407 345 371 495 349 366 518 315 364 397 485 372 383 501 371 
    363 360 458 363 379 365 505 323 378 508 352 352 373 521 355 325 482 357 376 377 457 371 351 380 518 348 392 473 364 386 398 465 393 370 349 493 352 369 483 391 350 364 474 342 378 495 348 370 386 493 370 340 345 490 376 367 505 358 334 378 463 375 319 511 367 368 405 483 383 377 364 512 361 375 526 355 368 344 494 353 368 367 502 380 382 483 350 366 355 484 343 380 485 376 365 365 499 323 381 374 
    502 352 317 461 368 366 367 495 330 385 482 370 377 381 494 356 378 368 461 352 373 497 374 388 379 483 358 356 378 485 425 345 477 320 388 380 483 332 352 510 359 397 415 513 335 360 364 520 366 367 483 388 388 358 478 364 331 453 365 349 401 516 354 348 346 453 386 337 490 349 384 401 476 385 385 511 353 344 347 481 353 358 361 473 380 350 465 367 371 378 502 371 380 341 473 399 364 494 355 358 
    351 496 393 361 465 398 393 348 481 368 349 341 462 417 358 430 372 359 367 489 376 385 485 379 377 362 458 370 409 369 461 356 379 472 373 391 358 508 400 374 409 494 332 363 455 355 394 388 456 344 369 504 380 380 361 474 342 398 370 444 358 391 485 355 377 344 501 363 368 445 337 358 382 472 345 343 388 458 348 379 509 331 371 365 494 381 366 365 462 364 355 461 357 329 357 477 361 391 474 361 
    360 363 447 392 414 354 478 357 350 508 355 345 367 480 368 332 465 386 404 382 434 344 362 361 518 397 397 495 378 353 369 469 343 341 369 508 395 381 475 358 384 370 490 378 374 504 379 367 374 481 342 345 362 512 358 404 481 393 360 340 488 362 351 519 363 379 387 456 353 371 361 451 346 355 502 356 353 374 460 368 364 442 354 372 358 506 370 349 327 496 369 365 529 358 342 349 470 336 366 374 
    503 375 375 540 345 350 352 477 364 342 485 352 351 399 488 364 378 369 499 363 332 517 356 359 350 475 379 361 536 338 392 340 464 371 336 352 481 355 371 501 364 365 361 506 376 347 364 479 362 344 515 377 400 348 492 388 347 489 376 356 389 509 367 388 390 460 349 392 438 384 343 331 448 358 358 521 400 373 370 532 338 378 348 503 369 382 478 359 356 353 489 345 320 364 463 337 316 490 353 374 
    366 505 395 349 526 350 364 372 480 373 359 349 517 343 375 507 353 402 359 492 358 340 498 354 365 359 486 342 357 343 497 351 375 477 329 394 344 506 369 347 366 505 397 383 500 372 375 388 501 382 371 478 365 386 375 495 344 344 365 503 412 350 464 352 375 384 476 369 361 470 375 340 379 477 356 354 383 497 333 370 500 362 348 351 490 377 387 352 491 341 345 483 403 342 385 511 369 353 485 352 
    366 401 529 376 355 369 465 386 361 472 351 341 353 489 371 321 456 355 371 340 458 366 346 372 470 350 354 495 388 364 354 498 376 363 492 364 372 338 510 371 392 328 485 358 342 499 393 354 369 521 356 388 385 460 335 368 496 372 378 334 470 360 389 503 372 321 374 467 366 397 351 489 354 377 457 359 407 366 503 384 375 497 350 372 342 470 351 350 365 513 375 362 483 343 353 346 520 367 403 368 
    449 346 361 506 372 356 382 493 382 360 487 397 375 367 492 366 345 374 511 366 375 459 405 389 357 445 387 331 511 362 358 389 517 333 387 367 477 365 382 524 388 377 401 466 362 380 353 460 366 352 524 379 328 383 488 373 356 504 374 361 372 500 346 353 335 478 392 385 475 378 377 362 503 395 356 456 347 380 355 492 343 389 349 519 378 389 472 356 368 395 485 382 346 519 363 348 350 456 385 383 
    355 495 371 366 462 354 351 372 490 420 372 357 495 373 379 476 373 359 377 481 348 367 491 385 337 353 440 370 358 392 482 364 358 475 359 331 357 493 334 370 516 342 386 393 472 369 325 377 435 380 371 490 344 392 363 482 373 339 359 466 364 387 506 354 374 384 479 334 361 512 351 345 356 442 382 368 395 462 366 370 528 381 364 414 478 324 364 498 344 378 400 501 341 375 369 465 378 372 465 376 
    372 333 542 355 355 381 453 363 355 489 354 379 359 473 378 368 504 382 386 352 450 361 352 375 478 388 343 517 342 369 379 481 334 395 457 364 370 375 525 365 380 367 484 367 378 474 368 347 382 495 380 369 402 494 399 359 495 351 360 339 470 348 373 462 373 329 375 477 360 325 361 448 329 363 447 341 355 367 529 406 374 485 387 372 350 468 388 387 386 461 401 355 449 360 367 343 450 362 340 516 
    355 349 397 509 375 387 343 498 379 392 461 359 353 375 528 340 385 369 466 379 350 495 364 378 346 460 342 339 505 384 354 368 520 401 382 365 468 350 355 528 365 345 388 455 373 381 520 334 350 350 483 349 386 373 472 351 356 511 384 372 364 489 348 371 344 464 330 354 468 346 340 378 437 354 329 466 324 356 333 484 361 366 362 474 376 378 471 334 365 349 508 363 349 495 345 363 380 484 362 352 
    365 452 375 367 454 333 383 329 500 389 339 372 473 358 331 480 344 344 387 492 359 373 531 361 377 357 463 346 325 371 494 375 372 504 376 339 382 515 373 396 513 365 365 382 472 372 369 358 466 389 355 466 351 365 356 463 359 352 361 464 343 394 484 373 353 365 495 361 356 526 403 363 345 470 348 359 368 463 368 358 484 365 354 358 462 369 372 494 413 366 350 507 386 379 355 458 371 360 475 388 
    357 385 522 377 349 375 468 357 382 480 371 346 361 487 360 352 468 342 374 377 452 365 359 336 473 330 348 479 377 325 385 487 353 401 507 378 384 351 479 351 391 363 478 342 361 490 385 398 395 487 370 321 488 351 349 387 435 356 352 359 517 385 351 497 380 365 355 458 314 370 381 506 341 371 521 370 393 338 498 364 364 483 376 339 363 490 378 371 338 502 395 382 510 365 367 388 472 373 393 491 
    348 374 374 506 321 398 363 463 404 336 471 348 327 392 474 357 361 379 489 352 358 502 359 371 395 541 345 367 531 359 340 368 480 368 350 363 473 378 364 479 376 358 368 522 365 373 487 376 362 307 475 361 383 410 457 361 396 445 354 351 381 450 376 376 381 477 377 341 474 340 366 374 527 366 362 517 350 319 378 501 347 354 376 507 352 368 500 368 382 390 498 345 366 482 364 374 372 486 379 373 
    357 463 385 347 519 367 371 363 497 367 365 472 363 395 371 443 383 331 377 456 384 371 450 366 362 378 489 338 396 348 465 390 374 462 349 335 345 493 340 366 463 366 370 361 477 394 370 347 529 390 380 502 387 354 346 480 336 399 474 369 346 339 462 348 376 363 472 379 367 493 387 340 352 489 382 369 344 492 366 372 496 337 374 369 474 377 355 450 345 388 384 475 353 348 381 478 373 367 430 360 
    358 382 507 367 392 532 384 346 351 441 373 354 362 455 341 341 510 329 360 346 479 357 330 380 504 362 389 484 369 358 366 515 334 342 486 352 365 350 509 361 383 357 479 333 380 478 320 382 363 487 382 363 477 358 334 361 500 354 392 365 483 343 380 490 408 351 376 487 360 367 397 477 390 359 493 362 358 378 489 342 363 515 393 369 333 533 329 385 356 488 388 371 435 337 378 371 511 345 380 488 
    390 334 365 469 368 370 315 479 366 353 478 388 337 366 489 401 359 457 330 354 337 460 361 351 340 443 371 367 482 346 393 370 500 352 351 383 507 324 382 487 329 368 363 497 378 381 482 371 351 373 488 370 331 384 518 371 364 531 366 364 388 492 343 367 505 377 358 387 489 375 390 374 517 400 374 476 384 380 346 473 368 346 357 454 350 383 490 327 337 395 483 382 349 500 329 383 405 494 363 350 
    356 489 369 362 495 350 407 380 479 365 347 487 372 359 405 474 347 376 383 467 362 350 493 389 377 373 501 367 358 363 487 386 349 501 354 362 344 485 369 384 496 364 375 356 486 384 387 373 452 378 386 448 340 356 336 444 332 351 482 380 365 345 498 354 371 339 471 342 368 482 367 367 369 482 369 396 409 513 361 361 483 355 371 382 508 339 351 521 350 363 376 470 384 371 380 464 390 362 504 374 250
    Sample size: 3,974,803 to hit rolls.

    If you look at the numbers above, you can start to see the "beat" pattern I mentioned in my last post regarding the "randomness" of the rand(). I believe that is an artifact of the round-off formula and the binary conversion to decimal, and not a defect of the rand itself. It only affects the least significant digit of the random roll, and in a pattern not decimally aligned (meaning: as I said originally, no one could possibly notice without doing what I just did above). The distribution is otherwise apparently random, and certainly random enough for tohit rolls.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    As to whether there is a logical reason to provide some debuff resistance to */Regen, I think the better question is to ask whether there is a reason for */Regen to be the only set out there without any debuff resistance. Every other set has some degree of debuff resistance to both primary (DDR in sets with native +Def) and secondary (-rech resist in sets with sets with 1 click power) attributes. What makes */Regen so different that it's assumed that it should have absolutely none (not even any substantial pseudo-debuff resistance like +def)? Is there any logical foundation for */Regen to not have debuff resistances? */Regen doesn't even have any of the exotic protections that sets with few debuff resists sport (like confuse prot, fear prot, +per) that would equate to roughly the same thing. While every other set in the entire game got debuff resists over the course of the years, */Regen was pretty much ignored. Is there actually a reason why or is it just a feeling that */Regen doesn't deserve buffs because it was awesome way back when?
    No, the question really is why, not why not. For no powerset was the question why not; every powerset with mitigation-based debuff resistances were given those resistances because there was a good reason to add them, not because no one could give a good answer why they shouldn't have them. Regen faces the same hurdle as every other powerset in that regard: no more, no less.

    But the most direct question is neither of them. The direct question is: who are regeneration debuffs supposed to hurt?

    If they are too strong against *everyone* then they should simply be dialed back: making them strong and then giving everyone resistance to them is simply insane. Contrawise, giving debuff resistance to the things that get the most benefit from regeneration implies the purpose to regen debuffs is to hurt people who least benefit from regeneration debuffs, which is a different kind of insane. The same applies to recharge debuffs.

    Regen (and recharge) debuffs are supposed to hurt. The strong ones are supposed to hurt a lot. If you want to make a case that regeneration should have either recharge debuff resistance or regeneration debuff resistance, you have to argue that it hurts more than intended. Arguments like "why not" are unlikely to be effective.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    No, what I'm thinking is that 100 rolls is a ridiculously small sample. You absolutely can not draw statistical conclusions from a sample size of 100.
    Actually, what I'm thinking now is that it occurs to me Gale has 0.9 accuracy, even for critters. So I'm trying to figure out how a soft-capped player could end up with 6.51% tohit vs Gale. If you're genuinely defense soft-capped, 6.51% net tohit implies 1.3 accuracy from the attacker. That's what you'd get if an even level Boss was attacking you with standard attacks. I'm trying to think of a situation where you'd see 6.51% net tohit from gale being used by an minion or LT, and coming up empty.

    Just to be certain, I tried this myself just now:

    You activated the Elude power.
    HIT Violet Rumble! Your Elude power is autohit.
    Violet Rumble HITS you! Elude power was autohit.
    You are now extremely Elusive, and almost impossible to hit.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 92.87.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 54.12.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 57.67.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 15.74.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 54.38.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 70.32.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 72.13.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 89.74.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 42.60.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 46.52.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 11.38.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 76.66.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 70.19.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 38.67.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Lightning Bolt power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 25.96.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Gale power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 7.89.
    Possessed Scientist MISSES! Charged Brawl power had a 5.00%% chance to hit, but rolled a 15.78.
    If you are really at the floor, Gale should only have a 5% chance to hit you, because its accuracy actually puts it in the hole: its actually lower than 5%, and forced to the 5% minimum floor.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    I'm not even entirely sure that average leveling speed is even a decent measure of performance for specific sets within an AT anyways since leveling is so often done in a group and therefore minimizes the differences between the sets in question (due to dilution of importance while on a team), especially if it can somehow be used as evidence for not buffing a set that is known to be underperforming and has been known for a long enough time to make it largely common knowledge (pre-MA buff, I had met pugs that agreed that MA was rather limp wristed). Average leveling speed is useful for things like inter-AT balancing, but I honestly have to wonder how applicable it is for intra-AT balancing.
    Datamining methodology is extremely well guarded, and even my educated guesses are something I can't post beyond a certain point, but I will say that when Castle discussed datamining of blasters in I11 he did mention, and I did echo to the forums back then, that the devs do datamine both solo and teamed performance, for precisely the reason you mention: that teamed performance can dilute performance problems.

    When the devs look at powerset performance, based on the I11 discussions regarding blaster performance it is safe to say that the devs look at least at:

    1. Solo vs teamed performance
    2. All combinations with other powersets
    3. Performance at different level ranges (i.e. 1-5, 6-10, 41-45, etc)
    4. Various reward earning rates: XP, influence, etc
    5. Debt
    6. General offensive output and kill speeds

    That's always been something that bothers me. If they know there is a discrepancy, why don't they take measures to address the discrepancy rather than waiting for data mining to catch up to what is already known (and, yes, they have to wait for the data to be created so that they have something to datamine in the first place)?
    The devs don't know there's a discrepancy. The conjecture that regen suffers inordinately from debuffs beyond what they should isn't universally accepted, nor has it been demonstrated conclusively by logical argument. Thus, datamining would be a way to verify that hypothesis, but I'm guessing that the data currently doesn't bear that out. If it did, there have been years for that data to accumulate: regeneration debuffs were added to the game a long time ago, but haven't accelerated rapidly in frequency since then to such a degree that there would be any reason to believe that the last year should be markedly different from the previous years.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    The only reason it is hard to justifiably buff */Regen is because, from the calculated survivability models we've got, */Regen looks really good. The problem with this, as I said before, is that the weaknesses of */Regen are downplayed while the the strengths are built up within these models. The reasons you actually posit for not buffing Regen aren't even largely true, anyways.
    Well, calculated models fail to take into account two things: the time-dependent nature of Regen, and the effects of debuffs. The effects of debuffs are a subject of some debate, but the time-dependent nature of Regen is not: to settle that score I did a high-precision comparison between the time-dependent model and the time-averaged model which showed that the time-dependencies do not disadvantage Regen enough to make average calculations' conclusions invalid.

    If someone wants to construct a better balancing model, they're free to do so. None so far has survived close scrutiny. Not surprising, as discrete time-based calculations show that the average models are guaranteed to approximate the time-dependent true performance of the sets to within single digit percentages for virtually all regimes the devs balance the PvE game for. Its not until you get to within 50% of the sustained performance of a soft-capped SR scrapper or equivalent in other sets that the numbers start to potentially diverge by enough to be meaningful at all (i.e. someone walking around with 40% defense to all). You have to get above soft-capping performance before the inter-set differences become meaningful, which is a different thing altogether.

    In other words, if someone makes a different model, and it diverges from the average calculations by more than a little, its pretty much guaranteed to be wrong.

    The real reason why its hard to justify a buff to /Regen is basically that (I'm assuming) there are a lot of regen scrappers, and on average they do very well. That's the same reason it took four years to buff MA even when the devs admitted there were on-paper issues with the set.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warrior7 View Post
    Dont know if anyone noticed or not, but the random hit roll counter is at least 10% standard calculations. My blaster has a 95% chance of hitting a possessed scientist minion of same rank. I battled this person twenty times and took the hit/miss calculations directly from the hit roll tab and dumped them into an Excel spreadsheet. The 95% actually turned into 82%!

    What's worse is the defense. I've soft-capped the defense for the exact same minion and ran the numbers again. According to the hit roll tab, the scientist had a 6.51% chance of hitting me. After one hundred attempts, the enemy struck me twelve times--far more than a 6.51% chance!

    Now I know what you are thinking... different attacks have different accuracy bonuses (a Warhulk's flamethrower has a smaller percentage to hit than it's chain-gun). In my calculations, I filtered out the other attacks and only used the possessed scientist's base attack (Gale in this case).

    The "random" hit rolls are not generating numbers at random--this can easily be proven by looking at the tab when using hibernate. The "random" numbers are all programmed to miss when using that power. Unless the NPC's have streakbreaker, there's no way the numbers could be accurate.

    Check for yourselves.
    I've checked the random number generator four times in the last six years. The most recent test for randomness was a test I completed the first phase of a few weeks ago after accumulating about 5 million random rolls (I'm eventually going to do a 100 million random roll analysis, once I have enough random rolls).

    So far, I have discovered no evidence of non-random behavior. If you are logging chat and have all of the tohit rolls logged, and are willing to submit your findings to independent analysis, PM me and I will arrange to have your logs' random rolls analyzed.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    What do you think of MA Stalker? Do you think it's very comparable to EM since both sets have no AoE at all? If it's comparable to EM, so MA is the new favorite pvp build? I can't stand playing a set with zero aoe but it is just my personal preference because I team a lot.

    I tried to plan a MA Stalker build and I just think there are so many overlapping ST attacks.
    I think MA is likely to outperform EM till at least 26. After that point, I still need to think about and probably play test whether CK and the improved EC provide a better overall value to ET and TF (especially since both CK and EC provide full crits).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    It's still pretty weaksauce for Scrappers, honestly. It lacks the single-target dps of DM, and the crit chance, while nice for the AOE, doesn't make it the be-all. Could use some more oomph (make Storm Kick a cone like Crow Control?) including another AOE and a better DPS chain. None of the top pylon-killing builds are MA. MA/Shields got hit pretty hard by the Shield Charge nerf.
    I'm not sure we've seen optimized pylon runs with the new MA yet. But even if MA loses to DM on single target at the highest levels of recharge, its performance as you're leveling up in the first place is almost certainly higher than DM's is now due to the higher number of high DPA attacks that can be assembled into an attack chain.

    Nobody (well, almost nobody) wanted or needed MA to be "the be-all" especially in AoE, but its certainly not "weaksauce" either. In fact, I'm always suspicious of anyone that doesn't seem to acknowledge there exists anything between weaksauce and be-all.

    I actually strongly recommended that a particular change in beta that would have made it even stronger in top-end ST damage than it is now be backed off a little because I was worried it would have made MA overpowered and a target for a post-live nerf. Just because I worked for MA buffs for over four years, doesn't mean I wanted it to be stupidly overbuffed.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
    Ok...maybe someone like Arcanaville can explain this better.

    I've never been a fan of defense sets. Mostly because anything remotely based on 'luck' generally means it will fail for me. But even I am kind of appalled at how quickly and easily I died in this situation.

    Was doing a tip mission with my level 22 SS/SR brute Parity.

    Now I have Focused Fighting and Focused Senses each 4 slotted with two 25 common defense IOs and a 20 common defense IO as well as a single 20 end reduction IO. That's 21.04% to melee and ranged.

    Then I have both Agile and Dodge two slotted with a 25 and 20 common defense IO for 7.57% to melee and ranged.

    I have evasion only slotted with a single end reducer so it is at its base of 13.88%.

    Ok...I do a tip mission and engage a +1 slag golem boss and a minion. I hit rage and dispatch the minion first. Then I start in on the boss. And it is just hit after hit after hit on me like I have no defense at all. Ironically...his AoE attack missed. But every melee just landed before I could even get him down to 1/3 of his health.

    Now I had a small and medium green and used them both over the course of this fight but he just kept hitting. I know I have lousy luck...but that was insane. Is that level of defense simply inadequate for fighting +1 bosses? Even my elec/elec never got taken out quite so fast by a slag golem boss at 22. I felt like wet tissue paper.

    And that's not the first time I have gotten beat down due to insane hits time after time. What level of defense is even considered adequate in a situation like that?
    My recommendation: turn on chat logging and make sure its logging all tohit rolls and combat messages.

    I don't know why, but whenever I ask someone to do this so I can see it for myself, the problem goes away. I think chat logging grants the player a +35% defense bonus or something.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    To elaborate, most mez protection toggles have something like 10000% KB Resistance, which effectively lowers all KB values to 0.01 or whatever the lowest possible value is. The nice thing is that the resistance kicks in before the protection, making you basically immune to any KB effects.
    It lowers them to zero. Even if the devs took the magnitude protection away, you'd still be immune to KB.

    KB resistance is a magnitude resistance, not a duration-based resistance like most mez resistances. 100% KB resistance means zero magnitude KB, just like 100% damage resistance (if you can get it, and some critters can) equals zero points of damage through it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hai Jinx View Post
    While I can fully understand the Idea of not balancing the game, or powersets around IO's... Wouldn't ideally it be balanced around both Casual AND "Elite" builds.
    "The game" isn't balanced around anything. That's a colloquialism that creates traps like this. Once you get more specific, these questions tend to evaporate.

    The difficulty of critters relative to their reward and commonality is balanced around mostly SO builds, and to some degree on average slotting patterns in the game. It has to be, because a critter cannot get stronger based on how strong the player is. If a critter is made to be of a particular level of difficulty, it will be harder against players weaker and easier against players that are stronger. That's unavoidable. So you have to pick a target: the PvE experience can't really be "balanced" around two entirely different power levels. The difficulty slider is there to help smooth this out: stronger players can call up higher difficulty. But that's not the same thing as "balancing" the game around two different levels of power. Even without the difficulty slider, players with more power can just go fight more stuff, although they will probably have to do it in hazard zones rather than instanced missions. And they will earn more rewards.

    Individual powersets *are* balanced around both low and high levels of slotting to some degree, but its a different kind of "balancing." In general, the devs try to make sure that no powerset exceeds certain (very high) levels of performance regardless of slotting opportunties, and also the devs try - with less success - to make sure all powersets have similar but not necessarily identical levels of opportunities to benefit from high-end power enhancement opportunities.

    But the devs explicitly do not attempt to make sure that every powerset will end up with the same level of performance after min/maxing to the greatest possible degree. First because they honestly don't care all that much, and second because the amount of work that would be required would be extremely high for minimal benefit, and thirdly because given the tools available to them attempting to do so would almost certainly ripple down to the lower levels of performance in undesirable and unnecessary ways (some players think that already happens now, but they are almost always wrong about that perception).

    Balancing is not a "thing." Balancing is a term that collectively represents dozens of different individual things the devs do to moderate, constrain, normalize, or target performance. A while back I described the basics of PvE balancing and also listed over a dozen things the devs do that are technically "balancing" and Castle suggested publicly that even that list was incomplete.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    I do think that double-stacking it for very long is overkill. I like a decent overlap just so that I don't have to click it immediately, and in case I'm recharge debuffed. But I can't remember anything knocking me back or otherwise mezzing me with 10.4 points. It's probably happened, but it's not something I remember. Frankly, mine has a endurance reducer in it, though I do have a metric ton of global recharge.
    Well, the knockback protection in PB (as it is in all melee defenses that have KB protection in general) is essentially 100% perfect immunity, so stacking can't help there. But as to the regular protection, I have occasionally seen something break through PB's protection. For one thing, the mag protection scales upward with level, so its only 10.4 at level 50. At level 30 its closer to mag 8. Three mag 3s can break that.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    I assume we're talking about the resistance:defense ratio. As a rule of thumb, two points of resistance is "equal" to one point of defense. Like many rules of thumb, it's overly simplistic, usually slightly misleading, and in edge cases highly misleading. Still, it's probably better than knowing nothing at all when trying to make resistance vs. defense decisions. And frankly, I think the 45% number is even MORE benign. It might not be the whole picture, but if you know that one thing, even if you don't understand all the exceptions and subtleties, I think you're way ahead of most people.

    But maybe I just haven't seen and I'm not guessing how rules of thumb like this are being misunderstood and abused.
    The 2:1 I'm referring to is the same one you're thinking about, and it was heavily abused. I can think of at least three separate ways:

    1. People assumed this worked as an incremental rule. In other words, they assumed that if 2X resistance = X defense in total that meant it was safe to assume that adding Y defense to a build was the same thing as adding 2Y resistance to a build. So adding 5% defense is like adding 10% resistance. But the rule only works for absolute totals when it works at all, not incrementally. Adding 5% defense to something that has nothing is the same as adding 10% resistance. But adding 5% defense to an SR scrapper is worth way more than adding 10% resistance.

    2. People assumed (and some still do) that this was a balancing rule. So they would compare powers and say that if (for example) SR is allowed to have 5.625% passives, then Invuln should be allowed to have 11.25% resistance passives to be "fair." Ignoring typing, stacking, powerset balance issues, and the fact that passives and toggles aren't even balanced that way even within the same kind of mitigation: all defense toggles don't have the same value, all resistance passives don't have the same value.

    2a. Corollary: A lot of people still think this means resistance inspirations are broken.

    3. People assumed (and some still do) that this should be a design rule and apply to critter debuffs.

    Its true that these days a lot more forum readers are mechanics-savvy, and are less likely to fall into such traps, but I think the 45% rule is starting to reach players less aware, and they are falling into the same kinds of traps: that 45% is the "target" you should reach for (ignoring defense debuffs which will knock you off the floor), or that nothing has higher tohit (ignoring pets and turrets, and also sometimes tohit buffs which are more plentiful on the red side than the blue side: something that catches new red-side players off guard sometimes). And while it took a lot of effort to correct this misconception, I'm starting to see a slight uptick in people who don't know all the background and believe that 45% knocks you down to the tohit floor of 5% not aware of the effects of accuracy on the tohit "floor."
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    When CoV was released the direct download was $50. bucks and the boxed Collector's DVD Edition was $60. bucks. There's no way you paid $35. for it when it was released, and you can't complain about the prices each cost when you get one out of the bargain bin and the other fresh of the shelf the day it comes out.
    Anyone who thinks City of Villains had level 1-50 content must have bought it after Issue 7 came out, which was over seven months after CoV released.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Fact: Most people feel that Stamina is necessary. Fact: Most people take Stamina. Fact: Most people feel that there is no alternative. This in itself suggests that something about how the game's basic design interacts with Stamina is broken. If damn near your entire playerbase is always taking a single power every time, then something is wrong.
    I repeat, because you've given me nothing else to counter: this is not a true game design principle. Most people feel damage enhancements are necessary and slot them. This does not mean there exists a problem with damage of some kind. The principle above doesn't work as a general rule.

    If you want to assert this as a good game design principle by axiom, I can't construct an argument to counter an axiom, but I'm also pretty certain the devs won't honor it either.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    What people are arguing for isn't the simplified fight or die model that you seem to be interpreting them as arguing for. Rest, even with an instant recharge, still represents a loss of time (which is exactly what death is). If you survive with 100% of your resources intact, you can can head to the next fight without waiting. If you survive with 10% of your resources intact, you have to spend the next 17 seconds using Rest. The use of Rest is, in and of itself, a cost that you are having to pay. If you manage your health and endurance intelligently, you won't have to pay the cost in downtime as often, which still provides a reason for you to take powers that supplant Rest as a primary source of after combat recovery while those same powers still provide you with in combat recovery capabilities. Removing the recharge wouldn't somehow remove the impetus to make a character more self-sufficient. All it would do would be to make Rest a viable but still suboptimal alternative, which, unless the devs honestly want everyone to take Stamina and/or a powerset with an endurance assistance power (which I think they've outright said they don't want to do), would be an intelligent thing to do.
    I am well aware of the numerical properties of Rest. My original statement factors them in entirely within that context. In fact, when I first recommended that Rest be further reduced to between 60 and 90 seconds instead of 180 seconds, I posted an entire numerical analysis justifying those numbers which included the specific mechanics of Rest factored in. Those recommendations still stand.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Seriously; Where to people keep getting this idea from?! It's not true! Go in game, go up to a mob of even con or higher, and hit rest. In fact, to prove it, go to the warzone or somewhere and walk up to the biggest, nastiest Rikti you can find. Then rest in front of it.
    You. Will. Die.
    One shot, one kill. End of story.
    There is no one-shot rule. Or if there is, its only in very extreme cases.
    The one shot rule says you cannot be killed by one shot from full health. As long as you start at full health, one shot cannot kill you. One point less, and you can be one-shotted.

    The experiment you ask people to do above is how people farmed Immortal. I even was one of the first to recommend using Rikti to do it, and found one of the faster two-box methods for doing it (using Rikti bosses that only had the greater sword melee attack). So I'm pretty sure of the one-shot rule.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    Like I said, it is widely established that the defense softcap is 45%, and the reason it's soft and not hard is because there are a handful of situations (as I stated in my original answer, barring defense buffs and/or enemies with increased to-hit) where it won't effectively cap your defenses. What is this crucial piece information that, acording to your widdle brain, I left out?
    That's actually not why its called the defense soft cap. The term "soft cap" has actually been used for a very long time to refer to situations where more can be useful, but beyond a certain point there is a sudden dramatic shift downward in how useful more is. With defense specifically due to the fact that tohit from critters was variable, there wasn't an easy way to describe defense limits like there was with resistance caps. We used to say there was no cap on defense, because no matter how much defense you had, more could theoretically always be better (out to the limits of how much defense you could likely acquire). So even back in '04 and '05 people were referring to a "soft cap" for defense which basically meant, relative to a very specific set of circumstances, that level of defense would drop you to the tohit floor**. But it was extremely situational, given how many variables could affect this. But it was the only way to be able to answer players' questions on the forums.

    But no matter what the circumstances, one specific loophole would always get you: defense debuffs. So we all (i.e. the people who discussed this stuff knowledgeably back then) knew that no matter how much defense you had, you could always be debuffed off of the tohit floor. Resistance debuffs didn't really exist back then, so this was only true for defense. So we used to say: this much defense is more or less the soft cap for a given general situation***, and more is good for protecting you from defense debuffs.

    When the I7 critter accuracy scaler change occured, the situation simplified radically. Now, you didn't have to specify situation quite so arbitrarily, because you could now say "for minions, LTs, Bosses, and AVs, from even con to +5, the defense soft cap is 45% defense. BUT more is better because of defense debuffs."

    That was the common way to describe defense post-I7. The phrase "soft cap" was always used to refer to the fact that defense was subject to situational effects that other mitigation wasn't (at least back then), and it solidified after the I7 changes to specifically refer to the fact that defense was very likely to be debuffed. Not rarely or uncommonly, but frequently. At least unless you had extremely high defense debuff resistance, and even then a point or two above 45% is still considered a reasonable cushion for soft-cappers.

    The term "soft-cap" was never commonly used to refer to the fact that 45% defense was almost always good enough. Its actually the reverse: its always been historically used to caution people that exactly 45% is almost never good enough to stay at the floor. But how much *more* you want above 45% is subjective, and thus "soft."

    And that is why this is not just a question of semantics. The very term "soft-cap" is supposed to be a reminder to tell people that 45% defense is never enough to stay on the floor, and that the situations where this won't be true are extremely common. Even an SR scrapper with 95% debuff resistance is going to want to be at 46%, say, just to provide enough cushion to stay above the tohit floor under the influence of debuffing; more if they intend to encounter massive numbers of high-order debuffers. How much more depends on the powerset and the situation. Without this warning, even if you discount pets, even if you discount turrets, even if you discount tohit buffing, you'll *still* find yourself getting knocked off the floor, and *often* due to the incredibly common nature of defense debuffs in the game. This is an important fact for people interested in building to the "soft cap" to know: 45% is a very arbitrary target in City of Heroes. You still have to think about how you intend to use it. Whereas 90% resistance doesn't have nearly the same requirement to think very hard about it.

    The soft cap is soft because almost everyone can benefit from at least a little more than that in real-world circumstances. But how much more depends on what you do, which is why that's the initial point of discussion, and why we can't specify any better without knowing more details. And this has always been the way the term soft-cap has been canonically used: to refer to this situational aspect to defensive benefit limits.

    ** We used to say "drop to the tohit floor of 5%" because we all assumed you could always reduce tohit to that level. We collectively learned that wasn't true between I4 and I5 when Stargazer first figured out via testing that accuracy was multiplicative, and I incorporated that into my defense testings and realized that this meant some critters had enhanced accuracy that made it impossible to floor them to 5% - Gunslingers was my canonical example from I5, which have intrinsic 2.0 accuracy and thus cannot be lowered below 10% tohit - even before the I7 changes which make the number even higher due to rank bonuses.

    *** "General situation." We used to talk about how much defense you would need to floor a mission of +3s, for example. Which, in I2, would be 85% unless an AV was going to show up. But that was only true if you were not debuffed. Thus, the need to say 85% is good enough for +3s, barring debuffs. That is, we used to say this to within the limits with which we knew the numbers, which was pretty accurately for critters back then.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Interestingly enough, you haven't stated why you think downtime is desirable.
    Death is also not desirable. Its there specifically because its not desirable.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That's interesting coming from you, Arcana, because you're putting words in my mouth. I never said the problem was that people get too little recovery and the obvious solution was to increase recovery. What I said was that there is a problem with Stamina being too popular and "a solution" was necessary. I never specified what that solution would be, as I don't know what that solution would be.
    Um, what I said was:

    This is often stated as the reason to increase recovery: because most players take stamina (assuming this is true) there's obviously a problem that needs to be rectified by making stamina less "necessary."
    That's virtually an exact paraphrase of what you just said above.

    I have absolutely no idea what this paragraph even says. It seems to suggest that, with the right application of spin, Stamina's popularity can be presented as being normal and acceptable. However, when I look at a power that everyone feels they should take, this in itself is evidence that something must be done. Higher recovery, lower bonus for Stamina, better alternatives, stronger endurance reduction enhancements, faster-recharging Rest, just SOMETHING.

    You can't have everyone always taking the same power at the same level on every character and call this working as intended. If the obvious design consequences is that there is no choice perceived, then there should be no choice presented, because that's what it results in anyway.
    This was in direct response to the sentence I quoted:

    Good game design dictates that any one choice should not overshadow all others, and that if it does, steps should be taken to narrow the gap.
    Good game design doesn't say that. Good game design says if you have to choose between A and B, and A and B are exclusive options - you can have one but not the other - then in general they should each ultimately offer similar net value relative to each other. Otherwise, that choice is flawed from a gameplay perspective. But when you're given a choice to pick 10 out of 20, there is no game imperative that says A must equal B must equal C must equal D must equal Z, because the opportunity costs of selection are far lower when the choice of A doesn't preclude B.

    The converse of this fundamental design fallacy exists in CO's power selection system. Because prerequisites are weak and choice exclusivity essentially doesn't exist at all, players are ironically funneled into very self-similar sets of choices overall. No matter how much you try to distinguish yourself, no choice you make ever steers you in any direction, so you end up covering the same ground.

    It also makes the game less alt friendly as a consequence, because there are less choices that are consequential to builds. If nothing else, I have CO to thank for providing me with an exemplar of this design principle, whereas before I could only talk about it hypothetically. As far as I know, they were the first ones to make this mistake in a large enough scale to reference, and I can't imagine anyone being foolish enough to make it ever again.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    No no no, my point is: Scrapper damage cap is +400% (and you hit that on second FS and about steady on that with a good Kin), Fiery Embrace raise it OVER it because its not couted on the +damage line. What about the other damage boost?
    Fiery Embrace is not a damage buff, and thus has nothing to do with the damage buff cap (and what we call the "damage cap" is really the "damage buff cap"). Fiery Embrace is more like a proc: when its up your attacks do a separate "tick" of damage. That tick is pure damage, not a damage buff.

    Saying FE allows you to go over the damage cap is kind of like saying putting five damage procs into Brawl allow it to go over the damage cap of Brawl. I understand the sentiment that is being attempted to be expressed, but its something to avoid because it can cause confusion when people try to figure out what's going on and end up thinking the wrong things about the power.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    Even if I was insufferable enough to engage in a pointless debate about semantics, you'd still be wrong because believe it or not, certain words can be used in a different context than usual. Elements in game mechanics can be "buffed" and it doesn't exclusively refer to applying a power on something.

    Didn't Fiery Aura and Martial Arts get buffed recently? what do you mean it wasn't done through a permanent power that increases your to-hit and damage

    Context 1 - Obnoxious Nitpicking 0
    Pets and Turrets don't have a permanent power, or a buff, that increases their tohit. They literally have higher tohit. 75% base it normal for them. They are a relic from the days when everything had different base tohit, and there was no such thing as "normal tohit."

    I mention it these days because people keep forgetting they have higher base tohit, and they are not rare. Malta turrets are not rare in those levels, for example. And with AE missions, pets aren't always rare either, not just because you see more controllers and masterminds, but because custom critters tend to use more powers that invoke pseudo-pets. People still ask questions regularly about why things can sometimes reliably hit through their soft-capped defenses even when they are not debuffed, so its important to remind people when that can occur. And the canonical answer is: tohit buffs, and things with normally higher tohit**.

    Pets and turrets were never buffed. Historically, their tohit was actually reduced from their originally higher levels, and in I7 pets were left alone (they had 75% tohit at the time) and turrets were reduced (from 90% to 75%).

    The original tohit of critters was, for those interested in the history, 50% for minions, 62.5% for Lts, 75% for Bosses, 90% for AVs and pets, and 105% for Turrets. This was reduced to 50%/57.5%/65%/75%/90% in I5ish. Then to 50%/50%/50%/50%/75%/75% in I7, with the new rank accuracy modifiers set to 1.0/1.15/1.3/1.5/1.0/1.0.

    ** And technically, anything more than five levels higher than you also has enhanced tohit. And that also isn't a buff per se, its a combat modifier. We don't typically say that +6s debuff our damage, and neither do +6s get buffed damage either.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Huh? What does that have to do with people either surviving OR NOT surviving a single encounter?

    Are you saying that because some folks run into spawns with less than capped levels of health/power that making Rest instantly recharge would allow them to not do that? Well, folks have the option now to be careful. It's just whether they're going to learn from their mistakes or not.
    No, I'm saying your guess as to what the majority of players are experiencing may not be accurate.

    Actually wouldn't that only be true if the median blaster was debt-capped? Outliers would skew the average, no? I mean if 33% of Blasters completely sucked at it and were debt capped. And the other blasters had about a quarter of that, then the average would be 50%, but most blasters wouldn't be debt capped. No?
    But they didn't only datamine debt. They datamined XP performance. The average blaster performance lagged significantly from the average performance across the board (actually the average blaster performance for all blaster powerset combinations for all level ranges in and out of teams lagged significantly from the average, which is an even stronger statement). That can't be the result of a minority of outliers.

    Within encounters? Or between encounters?
    Technically, within encounters to minimize what I have to do between encounters. In other words, I don't tend to play to just barely survive a single fight, which I know will put me in a position to have to rest between fights. Even with stamina and health, doing so would still mean a significant amount of downtime.

    This is taking the argument to the extreme. Downtime should only exist if by its existence it offers gameplay options that wouldn't be there otherwise. So if the resource management game is fun, then SOME downtime is acceptable.

    I actually agree that a minimal amount of downtime is acceptable. I think Rest's "time-out" where you have to make sure you're in a safe place and then wait until full meets all the requirements of downtime. There's simply no need to force low level players to stand around for up to 3 minutes waiting for their health to recover. That's not fun, and really serves no legitimate purpose other than to make the Fitness pool a complete no-brainer.
    Now look who's taking the argument to the extreme. I supported the initial recharge reduction of Rest. In fact, I argued at the time that the correct recharge value for Rest should be closer to 60-90 seconds. That would be congruent with it being up about every three to five fights or so (at lower levels) and could be slottable if you wanted to be up every other fight or so. If you really want to rest every fight, you could choose to pay the slots to do so and take Hasten, you'd just have to pay for that option just like you do every other game play option.

    What I'm saying is the notion that this game is designed or intended for fights to be balanced around survive-or-die without inter-fight consequences is false, nor is it something I would like to see the game move towards. There are arguments for adjusting the recharge of rest that are valid even within the confines of the current game's design. But I reject the argument that "downtime ain't fun, so the devs are idiots for keeping it around." Its the same argument used for so many changes that are nothing more than personal preference attempting to masquerade as game design savvy. And it makes presumptions dangerous to make. CO has a virtually zero downtime gameplay mechanism. It doesn't specifically seem to be appreciated by noticably more players than CoH's constrained resource system (and I'm not making a straight subscriber comparison here: I'm specifically talking about whether the average player would, in isolation from all other factors, prefer CO's resource system over CoH's system, all other things being equal). Changing this kind of thing just because everyone "knows" downtime is bad is specifically something that I was pretty sure wasn't a safe assumption, and CO demonstrated to me that caution was justified. This is definitively not a gameplay axiom.