599 -
Quote:Our team of 8 was on it's way to the last mission of the Ice Mistral SF.
08-25-2011 15:19:16 HIT Colonel Duray! Your Bitter Freeze Ray power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 89.26.
08-25-2011 15:19:16 [Admin] Attention! 5 minutes, the City of Heroes and City of Villains servers will go down for maintenance reasons. Further information can be found in the City of Heroes Forum.
08-25-2011 15:19:17 [NPC] Colonel Duray: You ain't got nothing!
He was wrong! We had five minutes and finished him in time to park for dayjobs. -
Dinah and Marut helped me find my spinal column and use it as a waypoint.
Dinah toughened me up early on. This was my first game. Di was a seasoned gamer and worked in the industry. Having her at my side is the best armor upgrade a new player can earn. I learned how to deal with every aspect of online adversity through her example and advice. She's just so ballsy. Gotta love that in a woman, the Clint Eastwood-like grit in her voice when she says to someone: "Hey, man. I don't even know you."
Marut turned my head. Before i9, my group and I hosted roleplay events for our server. Other groups ran the old Hamidon raids that we attended. Probably why I was in awe of Marut in the training room server. It was one thing for us to organize a troupe of players to walk a stage (no small feat) and another to see him organize an army to march into battle. It was just a different side of the game that I'd never explored. Patient, determined, commanding, trying everything - he had our team of scrappers effortlessly team teleport from one Yellow to the next. I can't begin to explain how epic that felt. When i9 hit live, a few weeks had passed before I realized no one on our server had completed the new Hamidon. I wasn't prepared to be the leader he is but knew that there was more than enough talent and ability in my goup and our friends to pull it together because he made it look amazing and possible. It took us four scheduled days of practice blueside then four redside. The desire to help organize things PvE-side since is because I once got to see Superman stop a train.
Sandolphan and American_Valor are the crafty MacGyvers who broke me off the known path.
If I want something off the beat and track, I ask myself.. WWSandolphanD? Some of you know Sandolphan from his Mastermind guide. He's one of the many talented leaders in my group who methodically re-examines every puzzle piece and finds time to write guides for others (I admire him for that). When we set up something like a Hami Nuke, it's not about brute force but tactics. It wasn't about the number we dropped but the timing and order. He thinks about every little detail and how to make it smoother. If you play chess with him, he'll flip the board and make you consider why you didn't approach from underneath. Every effort, successful or not, with an -unexpected- result ends with him asking,"What was different that time?"
@Monovalent and Antoinette are in themselves and the things they do, a perfect compliment of substance and style.
American_Valor taught me the value of the rewardless (seemingly) effort by posted a cross server challenge for an Rikti event that is technically not an Invasion objective and gave no tangible in-game reward (no badge, no merits, no soup for you!). He was nice enough to engage me in an -endless- relay of Q&A so I could grab Sandy, whip some interest into the unsuspecting and enter our server into his Dropship Challenge. It was a hell of a payoff in how we felt that night and one of the reasons I stay in game after 7 years. Even when you think you'd done it all, when you've completed every item of known content, there's more to unearth in yourself and the game.
I often ran teams and taskforces before meeting Mono - never speed runs. My first LRSF with his speed channel was like riding a hot bullet into hell. I was lost and thrilled and hooked. Before, I got away with knowing the bare mimimum. Now, I have to know every aspect. His method isn't some mindless slash and dash mired in death and pre-meditated veng-baiting. You have to really -know- the taskforce requirements, every mission, every objective, every player position (team role and place to be two seconds in advance), every order, every advantage and disadvantage of everything with and outside of our control in hyperrrrrrrr speeeeeed timmmme. The fun is also in there being a new challenge every run because I don't expect first choice AT/powerset/IO builds. We compensate everytime.
In a short time, Antoinette is becoming a great influence in my work ethic. I have dozens unfinished art projects, builds and backstories. She can take a costume she loves and build a website and fashionshow around it. Her work doesn't take itself too seriously yet she puts some serious work into it. It's detailed and polished and inspiring me to pick up what I love most and continue. Where does she get her Flinstone vitamins?
Quote:It's mildly amusing to leap from the top of a skyscraper and summon your rocket board just before you hit the ground.
I like the reverse - switching from rocket board straight to [Walk] as you arrive at your destination is ridiculously fabulous. I can't wait for magic carpets and flame-powered segway scooters.
Cat armies + segways
= CoX Win!
Quote:Play them all. Make new ones for sets you've never tried. Take turns burning their patrol Xp -one mission, one alt at a time. At some point, you may find yourself wanting to go back to one in particular.Im sure Ill get my groove back, Im just spending more time looking at the toon selection screen than I am actually choosing one to play
Right now, I only have one level 50. The rest are incarnate 51-53(32 characters) and level 5-13 (12 characters). That may seem odd but my level pact partner and I are working on a pair of 48's.
They have very little time to play so all we do is keep making new baby alts to run in different ways. One pair starts with a hero contact, another in Mercy, another only runs random AE missions that look entertaining, another is in Praetoria. We just run maybe one mission per duo. Our goal is to whip out the patrol Xp and switch alts. Rinse. Repeat.
At some point, instead of rotating as planned, we found ourselves always opting to go back to our db scrappers over and over, duo'ing every tf, arc and accolade along the way. The best part is, of our dozen level pacted "lowbies" that see a mission a month, we already have clear cut favorite pairs that will be our next focus. -
Quote:ROFL. I just thought of a mini game for Atlas. Rocket Car from AE to the Tram. Go go go.We came in the rocket car!
I hope this leads to chase style minigames in the future.
Imagine folks on various mounts racing on a Skyway overpass or zooming through the canals in Founders Falls after some mobile miscreant - even if it was just our character images copied into a super sexy cutscene. -
Best time to post!
Quote:Have you ever changed a character name? Your global name? Your forum name? Any other names (besides from marriage)? What lead to the decision, and did you like the result? - The global on my main account was changed to @Ara for the sake of simplicity. It's an abbreviation of my main heroine's original name, Aranita.
- My forum name was changed to Angry_Angel for the same reason. It's the supergroup I've belonged to for nearly seven years. Easier to find me for a quick ranty forum-mail from the member's list.
- I did change my character's name once from Aranita (little spider) to Una (feminine version of one). She's a Spines/SR and an angel - awkward combination without knowing her story.
- Yes.
She was made October 29th, 2004 - shortly after noon in a small burb called Galaxy City well before wings and much more attractive spine alternatives were introduced in the game. For a celestial with ever breaking appendages, she kind of looked like a spider in the shadows. Before your post, I was procrastinating on an extended backstory to explain her original name and the reason for the change:
"The Winged Widowmaker-
Before she was Una, she was called Aranita - the little spider. To awestruck onlookers that's how she first appeared, at twilight, cast as a spoked shadow which flickered furiously against the earth's floor and cliff walls. Not physically visible to the innocent in those days, only ever to the wicked once pierced, Aranita was a tale patched together from the mouths of children. Such a story, with evidence found in morning light, frightened even the most cynical adults in their village. Their collective stories echoed the vision of an ever-changing woman's silhouette; "she had a six, eight, no.. perhaps it was ten and two legs". Some regarded the strange formations as arms. Long, twisting spindles that arched from behind her hourglass torso and reached out in every direction. "Legs don't have hands..." said one observant child. "Though... she carried with her not one weapon." Terrifying more that the appendages broke off at times, piercing deep the other shadows, rendering lifeless the invading armies to their homeland. And so it was, the angel with broken wings set six pair as Seraphim's are, was first named by the children along the Mediterranean coast of Hispania."
As for the change, she doesn't really have a name so much as carry the name others call her for that time. Now living in a modern city populated by men and creatures far more interesting than herself and absent of wide-eyed children with fantasic stories.. she no longer needs to be known as a spooky little spider (also, the character has always been shorter than average) to invoke any measure of terror to outsiders. Her current name, Una, is also another nickname tagged on by others from a different time, place, and perspective. I hope to finish that part of the story soon.
Quote:Also, do you have difficulty getting people to pronounce your name(s) correctly? If so, how do you react?
Quote:Reason - long version: A ramble to entertain myself. I don't really expect anyone else to read further.
Quote:it bothered me that my main, Dynexus, was usually referred to as a 'he'. As was I! I gave into an impulse and paid for a rename token to make her Ms Dynexus. "There!" I thought, "Now there can be no question to her, and I, being female." How disappointing when there was no change. The same proportion of references were he. When I bemoaned that neither my character nor I were referred to as 'she', a player remarked that they thought I was faking it.
I couldn't think of a "cool" alien name to save my life. Finally, I begrudgingly popped open thesaurus.com and typed in "extraterrestrial". Don't get me wrong, I love that site! Sometimes I feel like an addicted newblette always having to hit it over and over again for ideas. So.. extraterrestrial led me to "alien" (which would have been too flat) which led me to "exotic". Exotica was perfect. It fit what she possibly was and what she was to the people who discovered her. This is her bio explaining that.
So why do I get a scrunched up look on my face over her name? All that effort to find the perfect name for a small alien lifeform and time carefully condensing her story to fit the biography character count.. and my friend XYZABCY said, "Sounds like a ******'s name." It's ok. He can't admit the strong brotherly love he has for her. :P
And no, I'm never changing her name.
Quote:Faking it? While we are still the minority, female gamers are hardly a rarity anymore.
Side note, if there ever was a female only server ( someone mentioned that long thread to me the other day), I wouldn't go.I've gotten a fair share of ****** comments but I'd rather handle it myself. Besides, some of the worst comments are from other women. I run my own Sg and often run my own teams, farms, badge runs, events, skype calls, etc. No one's running me off. If you really cross that line, I let you know or let you go.
Quote:Some pros of Yydr:
- Unique
- Short (a big plus when sending myself in-game emails)
- Familiar
- Aged (it has become rare to see people misspell it as Yddr, Ydrr, etc)
Biggest downside of Yydr:
- No one could say it correctly more than two times in a row, even when instructed that Yydr is pronounced "yɪh-dər" which rhythms with "bidder"
Some pros of Llydia:
- Easier spelling (people have commented that Yydr was hard for them to type)
- Feminine
- Common pronunciation of "LID-ee-ah"
- It is more 'me'
- I smile big every time I see my new name
Quote:Thus far the City Of Heroes community members that have noticed the change have been very supportive. Thank you for encouraging the decision to be more myself! -
Had fun with this! Made a geeky file - the Superman Edition travel popmenu.
Most of my travel powers were already in this order so it just made sense to theme it up:
- Listed Beast and Ninja right underneath Sprint for a little self-inflicted speed boost.
- Renamed the Prestige powers to remind me what they look like.
- Will most likely go back and throw Zero G in with the Jump pack (edit.. done). Keeping Steam seperate to enjoy the choice between a shiny newer pack or the rusty older one depending on the alt needing a vertical lift.
- Threw Flight and temp flight packs altogether on one line and can always recharge with a dayjob or purchase as they get used on on alts with SS/teleport/SJ.
Flight was added last on the same line. If I'm not mistaken, the macro rotates through the last listed power. Any character with Flight will use that until/in case they respec to a different travel power - in which case, they still have flight temps available.
- "Glasses on" is Shadowy Presence. When he puts his eyeglasses on, no one can see him.
- Kryptonite is a detoggle for every travel power on the menu.
Code:Menu "Move" { Title "Faster than a Speeding Bullet!" Option "&1 Sprint" "powexecname sprint" Menu ">> Alternative animations" { Title "Prestige Powers:" Title " " Option "&A Shooting Star" "powexec_name Prestige Power Quick" Option "&B Sparkle Pony" "powexec_name Prestige Power Surge" Option "&C Northern Lights" "powexec_name Prestige Power Rush" Option "&D Ripple in Time" "powexec_name Prestige Power Dash" Option "&E Silver Surfer" "powexec_name Prestige Power Slide" } Divider Title " " Title "More Powerful than a Locomotive!" Option "&2 Ninja Run" "powexecname ninja run" Option "&3 Beast Run" "powexecname beast run" Divider Title " " Title "Able to Leap Tall Buildings!" Option "&4 Jump Pack(s)" "powexecname jump pack$$powexecname Zero-G pack" Option "&5 Steam Jump" "powexecname Steam Jump" Divider Title " " Title "Look up in the Sky!" Option "&6 Flight powers" "powexecname JetPack$$powexecname Raptor Pack$$powexecname Traveler's Jet Pack$$powexecname Sky Raider Flight Pack$$powexecname LKT-1700 Rocket Pack$$powexecname Holiday Rocket Pack$$powexecname Goldbricker Rocket Pack$$powexecname Antigravity Matrix$$powexecname Jet Pack$$powexecname Fly" Menu ">> Alternative poses (mid-flight)" { Title "It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Superman!" Title " " Option "&H - straight forward" "e flypose1" Option "&N - asymetrical" "e flypose2" Option "&Y - arms flared" "e flypose3" Option "&T - chest forward" "e flypose4" } Divider Title " " Title "Clark Kent mannerisms:" Option "&7 Glasses on" "powexecname shadowy presence" Option "&8 Mild-mannered walk" "powexecname walk" Divider Title " " Option "&9 Kryptonite! (against all but Shadowy Presence)" "powexec_toggleoff sprint$$powexec_toggleoff ninja run$$powexec_toggleoff beast run$$powexec_toggleoff Zero-G Pack$$powexec_toggleoff jump pack$$powexec_toggleoff Steam Jump$$powexec_toggleoff Raptor Pack$$powexec_toggleoff Traveler's Jet Pack$$powexec_toggleoff Sky Raider Flight Pack$$powexec_toggleoff LKT-1700 Rocket Pack$$powexec_toggleoff Holiday Rocket Pack$$powexec_toggleoff Goldbricker Rocket Pack$$powexec_toggleoff Antigravity Matrix$$powexec_toggleoff Jet Pack$$powexec_toggleoff JetPack$$powexec_toggleoff Fly$$powexec_toggleoff Prestige Power Quick$$powexec_toggleoff Prestige Power Surge$$powexec_toggleoff Prestige Power Rush$$powexec_toggleoff Prestige Power Dash$$powexec_toggleoff Prestige Power Slide$$powexec_toggleoff walk" }
.. I used to collect Barbies until about 2004. City is my very first (and only) "video" game. Not just first MMO... first walking talking squawking gawking game. Coincidence, I think not.
Barbie is also probably why I'm crazy about the base editor. My parents couldn't afford the mansion. We borrowed a couple of milk crates (which made for a great highrise) and my dad brought home sample books of wallpaper and carpet remnants from a local furniture store. Barbie never had matching walls but her place was one of a kind.
Maybe that's why my OCD can deal with the abrupt change in base doorways.
Quote:Add my voice to the ones saying "variety".
- become a big game hunter and badge your little heart out for six months
- base edit elaborate underground complexes with Talsorian water features for six months
- write expanded backstories and roleplay for six months.. and you can do it in leet and some people will still understand you!
- learn to PvP and run amok in leagues or RV for six months
- run every single story arc in Ouros for six months (then switch sides!)
just make sure and start backwards from the level 50 content to the tutorial so you can pretend you've really turned back time and can't hear that one obnoxious guy yelling in a Master run on Skype because you're .. shrinking.. oh noess...
- host a string of events... some of which LAST for six months
- recostume every single alt every six months
- level using other people's AE arcs for six months using six different powersets you previously thought were "teh lulz"
- assemble your friends every six months to figure out the lastest Mo run
- find something to post at least once in here every six months
- run a supergroup and enjoy the challenges it alone provides for six years
- etc.
Really a solid deal - six (sixteen?) games for the subscription cost of one. -
Well if he dies, I call dibs on his stuff.
Bah. Crashed before hitting "submit reply". Here's a summary now..
- I like the unexpected. BaB would serve City lore better as an amnesiac run off with the Praetorian carnival than dead. Like soap opera cliff hangers of old. Bobby never dies! There's always room for return.
- On the other hand... not worried about the TF contacts biting it. Not the -original- entities at least. Comics have young blood "taking up the mantle". And what is more brilliant than Ajax's time capsule letter? Removal can mean replacement as well.
- States is my vote. There was a great documentary on Star Wars in which they discussed the group mechanics. One of which involved the mentor needing to pass for the student to truly rise to his potential. It's Posi's time. -
Made tinyurl.com/RogueMagazine as an easy toss in channels. Sadly, tinyurl.com/CityGirlFashionablyRollingOnFloorInKillerCostume was too long - and I really wanted that!
Here's the best part, we'll have free server transfers with the next issue and can schedule Mo runs to help each other out. Problem solved.
^5 for that, devs. -
We did recently without any nukes.
06-28-2011 22:21:25 Congratulations! You earned the Midnight Dodger What Dodges At Midnight badge.
I am almost positive no one cast a temporary pet. I say "almost positive" because of the circumstances - we decided to hit a speed Apex/Tin combo and brought along a couple of folks who had never done either. We're on Skype and one casually asked if we could try for Masters. There was zero preperation when he asked and Dog casually remarked, "wouldn't it be funny if we did?" and I said, "sure, go for it." We ran in for the rush/crush on his spawn point and he was down before we blinked. I know no nukes went off.. and am -pretty positive- I didn't see temp pets but could be wrong as I can only account for myself (no pets were cast by myself or Dogma).
So.. if you don't have that badge yet, have heart! Nukes not needed. Temp pets would be optional. Our standard run involves running in, hitting glowies and immediately heading to his spawn point. If you have pets, cast them asap. Crush him before the minelayers come out.
We're now working on getting our group's badgers their Master Keyes and are excited about how much easier -that- will get over time as new Incarnates are unlocked and our regular players get more and more experience in.
Edit/addition: I went back to read where the conversation started out of curiosity.. and preach is absolutely right about strategy:
^5 -
Quote:Also noticed this. Here's what I'm seeing on my primary account (my second account hasn't earned or claimed anything yet):Here's a new one. On a character, I click Claim All to get all the stuff I bought, like I did on other characters but this time, I get CertClaimAllError or something like that. I retry Claim All or to claim one individually and it doesn't work. So I relog and now all the certificates are gone. I verified if they were awarded and nope.
Edit1: All my other characters who had not claimed the Certificates, they don't have them either. Worse than that, I went back to Ouroboros and all the stuff can be bought again, like if I had never bought anything... and I had bought all the Costume Parts and Emotes on the first day of i20.5. All my other characters that had claimed the Certificates before this incident still have everything; emotes, armors, costume changes, etc... I've sent a petition.
- Redeemed each of the Ascension (plain, not Radiance) costume pieces. Claimed each of the Ascension costume pieces from mail Certification on my main scrapper, Una. As of the last few days, including today, the menu provided by Astral Christy still shows a few Ascension pieces as available to purchase to Una. To avoid confusion or double purchase, anything already redeemed (global items) shouldn't show. A few days ago, these items didn't show at all after they were purchased.
- Right now, the 3 Ascension costume pieces showing available to purchase, when logged in Una, are the Cape, Emblem, and Gloves. She has no option to "Claim" these items in her Certifications because they were previously claimed by her and no longer showing there (Certifications).
When I take her to the tailor, her Ascension Gloves are showing as unlocked. They are right between Organic Armor Thorny and Sinister.
I cannot find the Emblem or Cape anywhere but am almost certain I had checked and found them before. Regardless, she did purchase these items. I still have chat logs for that account showing they were previously unlocked.
07-07-2011 08:51:20 You may now access the costume part Ascension Cape at the Tailor.
07-07-2011 08:51:20 You may now access the costume part Ascension Emblem at the Tailor.
I give up -
Snugs, my apologies for the late response on mail. I seldom log in unless posting that day and often miss email notifications.
We did get the badge finally and will continue to run for those in our group who weren't with us and our badge alts.
Like Draggyn, we also found he froze at 80, 50, 20 and will call cease-fire at 85, 55, 25. Previously, we overshot calling at 82, 52, 22.
Our "do's" an "don'ts" list is a mile long. Many of our runs had our group badgers and leaders on conference calls to examine what went wrong every time.
- Change aoe buffs/heals to anything but green (I prefer grey to hot pink). There is a costume bug - one must change a different part of their costume to have a cost incurred for the system to accept the change to Destiny powers.
- Add the purple Request channel to League chat. The 85, 55, 25 "CEASE FIRE! WAIT FOR OBLITERATION! calls, the "ATTACK!!" (after), and the "5 SECONDS TIL BEAM!" are all in Request rather than League. After zoning in, in case someone forgot, we hit the Request macros and point out, "If you did NOT SEE the purple Request command just now, add Request to League chat."
- Compensate for the system silence. Don't spam the Request commands. Personally, I like to spam the cease fire call instead of one single line... so it's easily seen for those not on call. Having three different people macro one each of the 85, 55, 25 would be better in that case.
Quote:We did this as well. Last night, one of our friends was caught twice in five runs. Stated she is having problems with our 5 second warning in that she can't tell if it's a new or old warning.. seeing the same Request macro line over line. Switching macros for different messages on the same command would most likely throw off whoever has to hit that macro. I asked her to consider staying in Skype calls with us and I'd prompt her a bit earlier on getting out. Since not everyone uses calls, if anyone else has problems, perhaps league leaders should have someone else hit a macro with a single character (in League) to break up the previous request from the next.Have someone call out in league chat when to stop attacking Antimatter with 5 seconds to next obliteration
- Obtain a full tray of inspirations before entering ( or hitting the combat npc in the hospital after dying in any phase or purposely suiciding at end of phase 3). We take 1 row of break frees and 4 greens. You cannot break free of AM's Freeze but am told you can of his hold. One of the other leaders was held on her scrapper and noted this is important for everyone - even if they have status protection.
- No flying, hovering, or jumping. It is more difficult to see obliteration mid-air and have seen it target someone mid-air twice who was jumping.
The exception to this is after the obliteration beam has fired. If you are slowed and inside a newly cast obliteration, you will need to zoom out with your travel power - fly out, etc! Noted exception to the exception (seriously, we studied every occasion anyone was caught)... teleport does take too long. We watched some guy hitting his teleport out in what felt like a slow motion movie moment.
- No long animation attacks. No Q'ing up a 2nd attack after the 5 second warning.. just don't Q as a general rule.
- PAN YOUR CAMERA OUT to more easily see your general surroundings. This might be common sense but I think some people don't play this way and wouldn't even think of this if not reminded.
- Don't cast Mutation right before or DURING phase 4. Rikti monkeys aren't very useful.
- Even if you are not going for the no deaths/no consoles badge, let him regenerate. I saw too many close calls with melee'rs on consoles caught under an obliteration 'umbrella' that AM would cast right over the generator. They wouldn't see it and assume it was cast elsewhere or were too slow on pulling out.
- No pets. Sure, we can petition after but it's far more satisfying to obtain the badge right away. To be safe, don't use anything classified as a pet. It was mentioned that creepers count.
- If you die with a freshly cast obliteration ray marking the floor around your body, hospital. Don't self rez! Some of those are slow. Don't wait for rez, don't pop an awaken and stumble out slowly. Just hit hospital.
- This is just -my personal hangup-. I don't like to work on the Anti Anti-Matter and Bunker Buster on the same run as Avoid the Green (we have for Bunker Buster when friends and guests don't already have it). I do press us to get as many terminals (also as a personal challenge) before AM hits the reactors. Less time on the reactors means you're not going in with people that are tired and forgotten the pre-trial instructions. Ripping off a bandaide. Just get to it.
- "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato -
Quote:I've seen plenty. I always recommend investing in a good group, joining a few good smaller social globals geared towards specific interests (speed groups have a dedicated base of focused players), the larger public server channels, and calling in a populated co-faction zone.
but seen Zero on Virtue and when I attempted to form one during "busy time" I was utterly rebuffed.
Make a quick, precise tag like, "Keyes assembling RWZ 2. All AT's welcome. PST! Spots filling fast!" - copy paste that to your SG/VG's and allow a few minutes before copy pasting to the smaller social globals (usually those, like your SG, have more like-minded folks who run well because they've run together as a unit more often).. fill any empty spots with the public channels and broadcast/request.
Public channels I'd recommend & why:
- Virtue TFs 2010 has plenty of folks starting and lf trials not just for Tf's. It's an active channel night or day.
- Virtue LFG Beta .. ditto. It's for any type of team, trials included. This channel did so well it filled to capacity on Virtue LFG Alpha and moved over to Beta.
- VirtueBadges09 is one of the oldest badge channels. You'll find folks who'll run Keyes just for the completion badge itself.
Again, tons of great smaller private channels out there. Team often and ask around. -
Quote:Good stuff! Thank you for the guide. Handed out the macros to everyone. We ran a successful "Anti Anti-matter" last night and will be moving onto the other 3 badges for MoKeyes tonight and next week.I wrote a guide here if it helps any of you.
Quote:Good to see you join the base editing crew, Wild! As for "morph into one gigantic floor tile", do you mean something like this?One upon a time, we used to have floor tiles that communicated and would morph into one gigantic floor tile.
(clickable thumbnail)
That's our fitness center. The boxing ring has one large white floor tile with a smaller SG emblem floor tile underneath. When placed together, the SG emblem floats above the floor tile creating a "morphed" effect.
Quote:I used to used this feature to mimic blankets for beds and what not. But it no longer seems to be working. Just me, bug? Or known issue?
Is that what you meant?
Quote:Also you used to be able to sort of switch your SG logs around during build in order to make the glass divider panes show a different logo. ( Useful for adding the red cross logo to the med bay you know?) Not only does this no longer seem to to work, I can get thenumerous tiles in my base to revert to norm. Is there a trick to doing this that Im not recalling or was it "fixed".
To achieve this effect, I'd lay each of the one kind of tile then change the emblem and/or colors before laying down a different sort of SG floor tile. For example, I'd select green stars on a light blue floor tile and lay down all of the light blue floor tiles... then select pink hearts before laying down light beige floor tiles.. but not return to the blue floor tiles while still using pink hearts as my SG emblem.
Hope that works for you. Skype me if you need help. It has a "show your screen" option for calls and I can walk you through it. -
Hot dog! I got my 7 year badge today too! Nerd squee indeed!
My compadres alway pull together for new badges. We're now making an effort to break MoKeyes down into 4 seperate nights for the sake of practice, though several of us will have to run this a few times each badge to make up for individual absences and multiple badging-tracking alts.
Tonight was the first and we successfully completed [Edit] Anti - Antimatter (badge for dropping Anti-Matter below 9% health and keeping him alive until the last phase) and the trial itself:
06-30-2011 21:03:58 Congratulations! You earned the Anti-Anti-Matter badge.
06-30-2011 21:03:58 Congratulations! You earned the Keyes Technician badge.
It was a nailbiter! We dropped Anti-matter to 9% health at the first reactor and had him clinging to *****1% health at the end of the 3rd reactor******. There were requests not to use aoe's, cones, pets, or damage auras near him but, in hindsight, that was not the problem. Between 9 & 1%, we may have just been hitting him with a roaming follow/auto-target once the last critter was defeated per mob. When running this again, we'll have the tank taunt him to the terminals only after the mob has been cleared. Also, we'll work faster to clear terminals before he reappears each phase.
Just a heads up, we did encounter two problems:
1. Due to the short notice, it took us 1 hour to assemble (alt switching, coercing good friends to fill a few empty spots, disconnects and afk's). Unfortunately, we had five dropped by the system from league -after- we began the trial. I was told that none had the rejoin league button from the LFG link. I also tried to simply retype /i, name and /li, name in vain (also tried clicking from menu after clicking on name from chat).
At that point, we disbanded to reform but were told by several folks that this was not an isolated incident. Several other leagues had lost teammates and, to their knowledge, always at five teammates. We agreed to reform once and only once more in hopes that no one would be removed again.. but understanding that we could not reform again and again. Unfortunately, we lost teammates again after hitting start for the second time (those disbanded will have another opportunity at the same badge - I'll run it at least two more times).
I did crash on the reformed league. I've been crashing like mad lately but the system provided me the rejoin button. Perhaps my crash was just my drivers and not related to the five who were disbanded.. not sure. One of our teammates, Antoinette, was also removed from the system (had no rejoin option from system) but was kind enough to track down help from NC. They asked that I reinvite her - attempted (both as team invite and league invite) but only received messages stating, "Could not Invite Pinkrise, You are on an incarnate trial." and "Unknown command: tut_invite". Sent along the message to NC through Antointte. Hope this helps in fixing whatever the problem is.
2. We had each team locked before starting both times. Each time, we entered with a disbanded team - teammates entered as their own team of 1. I did not pay closer attention as to whether they were members of the same team going in or members of each team. Watching more closely tomorrow night. As for the options selected, we had 24 members on 3 teams and I selected "Keyes trial", locked event, locked teams.
My gratitude to everyone who came tonight on short notice and congratulations to those who did make it to the other side. For those who were disbanded by the system, I'll still run another evening for that same Technician badge - most likely mid next week to not interfere with the holiday weekend.
Again, many thanks to, our Sg and their brave friends!
1. @Ara / American Anthem
2. @Sandolphan / Sandolphan
3. @Fey Duex / Fey Duex
4. @Mountain Troll / Techno Resurgence
5. @Blackcat / Deadly Delirium
6. @ Saint Tzu / Saint Vector
7. @ Lady V / StarOnyx
8. @Monovalent / Monovalent
9. @Dogma / BrckaLo
10. @Exxcaliber / Exxcaliber
11. @Fulcrum / Deeds
12. @Topaz Rage / Topaz Rage
13. @Griefmaker / 'Gesundheit
14. @Optik Nerve / Optik Nerve
15. @Krenar / Daemon Ice
16. @Antoinette / Pinkrise
17. @Andra / Cajun Cutie
18. @Faust / Gently Caress
19. @Exodus V / Lourdes V
20. @Psi / Trickshot Kid
21. @Spork / Sorrows Seed
22. @Biidi / Genepool Lifeguard
23. @iCade / Cade Fotia
24. @XanthicSnow / Pyro Quiver
Tomorrow night, we'll run at 7:30 pm CST / 8:30 pm EST. We will NOT have to drop Anti-Matter to 9% again in phase 1. We're running the next trial for the bunker door badge - dropping the 3 bunker doors simultaneously under 3 seconds per each of the 3 bunkers... just like obelisks on CoP.<cross fingers>. IF some do not make it, I will take names by global (seldom read email) who won't mind being on standby. We are on the Virtue server. My global is @Ara. I may be on a different alt (American Anthem is not my badger). -
1. Topic input
2. Suggestions
Quote:I'm both an avid base-builder and a super group leader. While I do not have coalitions, I still chat with other super group leaders who have echoed the same sentiment as this topic in respect to several of your points. Some things I agree with and others I don't, but I am interested in the development of more functional additions and/or fun rewards for SG bases.I am just curious if it has occurred to anyone else that a lot of the changes since i13 seem geared towards the extinction of Bases and Super groups?
Quote:Pathing - While I love the easier stacking introduced by removing pathing, I do also miss being able to schedule base raids. I noticed a huge drop in SG Membership in all the groups I lead or I am just a member of with that change alone. Along with that I also see much less interaction between coalitions since that change also…
It seems to me that they should change it so that Secured Bases have pathing enabled so that SG/VGs that want to do base raids can.
I do agree that it is a shame they removed base raids for those who enjoyed it. Some folks prefer the controlled environment that Arena provides (duels & agreed upon restriction settings), some prefer the unpredictable challenge of PvP zones... since not all supergroups engage in PvP and not every member of a SG would necessarily volunteer to participate, I wonder if (and I realize this is somewhat a differen topic) there would a greater benefit to boosting tools for PvP 'leagues' and rewards. I have seen efforts for sign-up leagues springboard off forums but not everyone visits forums. Now that we have an in-game "league/q" system, perhaps e-mail the developers and ask about more robust group on group tools for PvP zones. It'd be great to see more epic battles wage in Recluse's Victory or Sirens (centered around capture the flag games there) because enough people were "on call" to zone in together (and not just relying on a "more heroes to RV" call in Arena chat which they may or may not notice while playing). Imagine a league window that split the teams against each other..3 teams v 3 teams for example (but not limited to or exclusive of Arena)...
If it really was the base raid itself, I wonder if they could provide a toggle of sorts. In the same way, we have different builds on characters. My only concern about it being the existing Secure plots is that some groups have chosen to use them and would lose hours to years of work. What if base raiding made decorative item intangible for the duration of the raid. No getting caught in a 10, 000 item maze. Then again, some groups might argue that mazes are part of the fun and defense.
Quote:Then they can return Items of Power.
Quote:- They could match the plot sizes in Secret (unsecured) Bases to those of Secured bases so the Base Builders and Stackers among us can have their fun too.
Quote:Items of Power
-In my opinion this was a step towards increasing SG Memberships. I mean who would not want to be in a SG that buffs all it’s members. But because they could not get the Cathedral of Pain trial working they scrapped that Idea. Well now that the Cathedral of Pain is back why haven’t they tried to bring back IOP’s?
I'd love to see things added to SG bases that are functional but.. more "fun" than numbers affecting... so as to not affect or provide a disparity (even a perceived one) in player's abilities.
This could be anything from earning tailor NPC's in the base to improving storage to earning weekends in the Ski Lodge or allowing Sg's to set up scheduled tf's using in-base at-the-moment kiosks as sign up sheets instead of toggling to SG calenders or keeping track of who said what in a scrolling chat channel. Even AE extension desks where your SG can quickly find SG-mate created missions instead of sifting through 877664657687 arcs and trying to remember who made what. PvP training rings - how badass would it be to have a preassembled cage or ring to put in your base where folks could practice or blow off steam.. not the same as Arena but just as fun.
Quote:No SG/VG access in Praetoria
-Why? To me this seems like an open declaration of the end of SG/VG support by the Dev’s. I say this because many new players start playing just for the new areas. The fact that they cannot join SGs until level 20 when they leave Praetoria gets them use to traveling and finding teams with no SG support. I have had several ask me in tell “Why would I want to join a SG when it will cost me xp without gaining me anything?”
- Why not have four classes of Super Groups; Hero (SG), Villain (VG), Loyalist (LG) and Resistance (RG)
Strange, again, considering we use a global channel to keep in touch. But I wasn't the only SG leader I knew who felt this way. The devs did add a nice signing bonus for Praetorians at level 20 but I don't think it's about the prestige for most SG's. It's about the comradery (even for those who do earn, it's usually about the comradery while earning).
[Edit] Not sure more types of groups is the answer.
----Now that our Primals are able to enter Praetoria, I wish the devs would consider allowing SG's/VG's to invite their members there as sleeper cell agents. Folks who infiltrate Cole's domain or folks who have the potential and are being lured to help Primals in retaliation.
Quote:Merged Transportation
– In my opinion another nail in the coffin for SGs aka “why go to the base when I can get there just as fast by train?”
- Give all four types the ability to get Porters to all the Zones, Blue, Red, Yellow and any other they dream up in the future. This would be a boon to membership, instead of looking for a smugglers sub, going to Pocket D or RWZ only to have to then hop on another form of transportation players could again have “One stop shopping” in their respective bases.
- If the Dev’s argument is that not having all the porters is preventing a Villain or Hero from crossing into enemy territory then simply add the same security feature that already exists on the exit portals in Pocket D and RWZ.
If devs provided QoL to non SG transportation, why not even the playing field and give QoL -to- Sg transportatio? Instead of 2 beacons on a pad, maybe give us 4-6 beacons to a pad (even if the factionside you can visit remains the same) just like ferries and tramlines and copters. Less possibility of confusion when staring down 11 pads. Less cost to small, private, start up SG's.
Quote:Going Free to Play
– While I do agree that going F2P will bring in lots of new players, it says right in the Side-by-Side Comparison that free accounts cannot join SGs/VGs. So just like was mentioned in the Praetoria section this means a whole other segment of the population that will not experience the benefits of group membership. So when (or IF) they start paying they like the Praetorian contingent will question the value of giving up XP for Prestige sake.
Why not let them join SGs and give them limited access?- They can use the porters but can not use the salvage and enhancement bins. (thus negating potential theft issues)
- Let them have more freedom on base crafting tables and vault access.
Off topic solution yet on topic.. SG registrar would benefit from updates in the same way the team search window did. If they improved the columns and added a better search option, I'd be overjoyed. Add a column to list the global of whoever has the red star or add an option in the SG options to list a global as the "go to recruiter". Icons or added space to list type of SG: PvP, RP, PvE, Raid, etc. Sure, leaders can type that all in but I think not everyone remembers to do so and it would be great to have an AE-like filter. Sort by Group Type >>> "RP" brings up 18 pages of RP SG's. Last activity date of any member. Maybe not number of members since someone might have a SG of his 36 alts but perhaps a flag for "not inviting" versus "inviting (with 45 day flag renewal). Right now, you can search by prestige and alphabetical order. There's a wealth of SG and VG's that would benefit from returning members finding them even if officers have changed and don't post in forums.
Quote:If I had more time I am sure I could find more examples of the recent detriments and ways to fix them…
Feel free to add to the list or correct me where I am wrong, but please keep it constructive.
Back! Can't sleep so here we go..
- Many groups I know have SG & VG sistergroups. Wasn't the old concern that folks could dip into the other populations goodies? That's changed. We're allowed to trade between factionsides now. Besides, we can't drop or take from an allied base anyway. It would provide a greater sense of comradery for groups that would have co-faction coalition chat on co-faction tf's and trials. Another concern was the RP aspect but not everyone roleplayes and there's entities we discover are evil only much later, no? I'd still want the rosters to remain "hero SG" and "villain SG" but just able to alliance. Sometimes you do work on the same assignments for the greater good. I'd call a truce with ex-patriot soldiers.
- This wasn't mentioned in your orginal post but one thing that was a "nail" for SG's was base editing in itself. The larger the member count, usually the smaller the pool of folks provided permission to edit. I know many many many many folks who choose to make their own SG and add each and every one if not most of their alts to have the perks of base editing without permission from anyone. I wish there was a way to tie in some sort of personal player housing to SG bases - best of both worlds. And I know.. a private SG of one "is" a SG but I'm more concerned about multiple player social network SG's. -
!!! Nice.
My favorite touch is the red panel border behind the tile mosiac/wall painting. Elegant.