599 -
<wipes grin and cake off front of Vanguard lunch-bib> I love you all.
... and a free Chippendale dance!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Fwee dollars for more RP boys to send me stripper videos! Points for home-made!
You're kidding. What is she, like 29 now?
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought she just turned 5. *Snicker*
[/ QUOTE ]
Almost. =) I started playing this game in June of '04 when I was.. <drumroll> 29. 35 today. Officially a cougar in training! Rawr! <assembles more Dropship raid teams with 20 year old gamer boys> -
Rezz will be there.
Me too, I guess.
[/ QUOTE ]
Loc: San Antonio, Texas
[/ QUOTE ]
Of course you'll be there!!! I"m in San Antonio too! Woot.
New fanfic coming soon... Spurs fans unite and vanquish the Rikti! Unless you're not a Spurs fan and I'll denounce you. =)
Edit: blah blah.. deleted stuff where I made fun of Xad. He's a nice guy. He means well. But yeah, brushing my teeth, wandered back. Heading to bed soon.
You know. I'd love to shoot a scene at the Riverwalk and superimpose a shot of Hamidon spawning in the center near the mall. And pay a bunch of kids to shoot at his position with waterguns. Pew pew. Make for a great SG trailer. -
On last night's MSTF attempt, we had 2 rads. One was running toggles on LR (helping the emp and tank) and I was running mine on the tower along with choking cloud just to see if this would help at all. Even with choking cloud mixed in, it did not keep the repairmen from healing immediately.
We had 2 scrappers, 1 defender, and 2 blasters on the tower. One of the scrappers was spines with quills running. We also had rain of something (can't remember which it was). Three people had AoE attacks of energy and fire.
At first we could only get the tower to halfway before the repairmen would bring it back up to 3/4. Then we had the second rad come back to the tower to help and could only get to a little under 1/4.
That was the most annoying thing ever. We had a good damage and good overall AoE action that would be torn through the pre-15 set up.
[/ QUOTE ]
Word about town is that the two scrappers on your team *coughs - Weasel and I* were just awful. Just awful!
On a serious note, someone mentioned that the repairmen were healing after being defeated. If this was mentioned above.. my apologies.. my ADD and TL/DR kicked in.
Maybe you needed a better Spapper (Spines Scrapper) because Weasel was IO'd to Kingdom come and I was hopped up on twizzle sticks. We gave it our all. Sometimes, things just aren't in the cards.
Much love. -
It was a blast running with a mix of SG and new folks. Thank you for organizing this as long as you and Sphere have. Look forward to attending again.
** No longer able to edit the Original Post***
We're looking good with a large pool of team leaders who can show a little early and start taking invites to both nights. Last year, we had 18 teams between Talos and PI so if we have a similiar turnout, we'll still need people to step up and take point for their individual units.
Again, only takes a minimum of 20 people to drop just one ship. I could easily see us getting 50 bodies to participate - so about 25 cowboys hitting each of the two seperate paths. Maybe we'll luck out and more will come to give us some added go go go.
Right now, just confirming who's available to lead a team...
Villains: Black Marrow, Knightslayer, and Exotica will be each assembling teams to follow their Targeter: Kurai Musha
Wrecking Belle, Spice Weasel, and Psi will be assembling teams to follow their Targeter: Miss Honey Dew
Heroes (we expect a bigger turnout): Infatum, Androgyne, Exxcaliber, and Paladin will be assembling teams on the spot to follow their assigned Targeter: Una
Kegan, Kerse, Kid, and Church Mouse will be assembing teams on the spot to follow their Targeter: Sandolphan
There's no way of knowing how many people show up any given event or night so the best we can do is make sure we have an even number of teams formed per Targerter. If you fill a team, please contact your targeter and let them know you have a crew.
Points if you show up dressed like a pirate, a ninja, StUpahhh man, or a cute wil Panda bear. Thank you all. ( Yes, still taking names of people who would be interested in assembling and leading teams as sometimse RL comes up. Inquire within by forum mail, post, or global message). -
Yep. Since it's an open channel, it'd be a [censored] to regulate if say.. something like .. Xad went hormonal on a catgirl. That happened in VU2009 once; it took three moderators and a firehose to bring him down. Imagine if there were no mods! Where's that Twixt fella when you need him? I tell ya!
Edit: Ooo.. answer sniped! So yeah, honestly, it's your call (well anyone's call) as to using Architect. The only thing you may want to think about is how effective voluntary migration is. That's over 1500 globals yes? Virtue United has moved to VU2008 then again to VU2009 yet many globals remain in 2008. It's really about how much effort you'll place into advertising something. Me personally, I wouldn't use the Architect channel for non AE teaming calls. You never know when something will become popular and used for it's intended function. Personally, I'm hoping for a LFG/LFM channel. I've sent emails and posted the suggestion a few times. <crosses fingers> -
As mentioned to Ara i'll be there friday with a VG team :P
[/ QUOTE ]
Ara you know I would, but alas I will be gone camping that weekend,
[/ QUOTE ]
New forum game: Hurt and heal the hottie
Knightslayer + 10
Xero - 5
I may at least make it as a participant Friday night on Ani Hess (rad/dark Corr).
[/ QUOTE ]
Laptop. Utility closet. Problem solved. :P
--------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone else..
Still looking for more team leads to sign up. Especially villainside. Looking back at numbers, we actually had 18 people running 6-8 man teams that night. It's that we never know how many will show up -last minute- but prefer a good solid group of people who aren't afraid to lead and know what they are doing. The rest just fall in place nicely thanks to the team foremen (and women).
And thank you all for posting! Please feel free to post if you're attending in non-lead capacity. We appreciate the thread bumpage! -
Quick answers.
1. The maps have probably not been updated since AE buildings sprung up in the city. We're using our adventure caps.
2. No rewards. Ever. It's kind of like 300. Sweet peaceful death and lasting glory is our reward. Rawr.
3. Please don't forget to specify between "Ohs, I'm so going." and "I'm coming as a team leader because I hate being down-wind of a flight formation.."
4. Yeah, our last event was the mega-kaboom-up-Hami's-bootie-holiday but when I say last event while posting here, I meant our last "dropship" fiasco. Point of reference-ese for things we did last time. I confuse myself, we'll just talk about something else. You know.. I hear Sands wears some pretty skimpy things and claims wind-sheer advantages. True story!!! -
Clarification: Same event we ran heroside last November but we're adding a seperate "villains" night as well. Worried about lag? Don't. There were 150 bodies in the starting zone; lag was not an issue. Our end count was not probable had we experienced a great deal of lag. Maybe because it just seemed to go so fast! At any rate, drop your graphics if you're worried. Game on.
What - When - Why - Where - How..
What: So a few folks asked, "Hey, when are you going to do something for villains?" If you're new to forums, welcome. We sometimes run mini-events for fun. No promises of xp, badges, influence, or levels. Everything from attacking Rikti dropships to dropping Warburg nukes on Hamidon by the dozens. Basically, anything destructive but not permanent or defacing. At the moment, we're looking at setting up two seperate dropship raids for -each- factionside.
When: There's a scheduled Rikti Invasion weekend from July 17th through the 19th. Folks enjoyed the hero-side Dropship event we held in November so let's give villains something to punch at Friday night the 17th and then call an encore the following evening for any heroes (Sat the 18th) who could not attend the last time. 8 pm CST is our standard time. Show early if you can.
Why: Simple mechanics but it's actually really fun. And, chicks dig scars so saddle up!
Where: Friday night, we meet in Cap au Diable. Assemble on the road in front of the Cap au Ferry. That Ferry leads to most every other zone in the Isles. Also, it's not a terribly far jaunt to the PO ferry or the Black Helicopter for Mercy. Cap is the heart of the Isles in terms of transportation.
The following evening, Saturday, Heroes's best starting tactical position is Talos. The hill near the Tram - takes you most everywhere. The PI ferry is close by. If you're in an SG, the base portal is right in front of the tram and for those bringing Level 25+ characters, there's the Ouros portal should Atlas find itself invaded first.
If you are newer to the game, Rikti Invasions are random. We never know which zone will be hit. The best thing to do is assemble in a central area with lines to most every other zone and prepare to move the unit as quickly as possible when the first sirens wail (Hero Zone Event Messages and Villain Zone Event Messages channels).
How: We'll have some changes in prep-work and I can't find our orginal post so forgive me for re-listing information.
We're taking in a minimum of 20 bodies ( last time 40 signed up but Sandy looked up an hour before event start and noted 150 in zone. We'll find 20 at any rate if I have to beg) to wait for a zone to be attacked. Damage dealers, debuffers, kinetics, and flight preferred. Everyone is welcome. Not a flyer? Local dealerships for flying apparatus here: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Jetpack_Vendor and here: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Mini_Boo...30_Day_Jetpack
Basic point and shoot. Everyone will keep up with their team leader. Each team leader will keep in pace with their assigned targeter. There will be two targeters as each invasion cuts two seperate paths in two waves. Intel > Maps > http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Rikti_Wo...s_.28Heroes.29
To make assemby easy (last time we started assembling a full hour before start time and still had more show than expected.. in the end we had over a dozen team leaders) I need volunteer team leaders to: 1. Show an hour early. 2. Be vocal in /broadcast and fill spots 3. Be friendly and give a basic outline of what to do, who to target off of. 3. Give the maps linked above a good once over so even if you and your team lose sight of the targeter, you're still aware of ship paths for the random invasions.
Basically, a team lead will fill his team and wait for the pre-set Event channel to announce a zone. You'll take your team there and head to the path of your assigned targeter. Keep an eye on the /Request channel for recaps and signals.
Let's start with some information on the enemy, Rikti Dropships (not to be confused with the Mother ship):
- cannot be slowed
- are GM's (Giant Monsters); they scale damage based on character level (any level character can attend but SK's are recommended to increase power benefits)
- deal an initial energy blast of approx. 900 pts damage to a level 50 (try to keep above the ship)
- Enter a zone in 2 Waves. Each Wave files in 2 seperate Routes. Approx. 9 ships stream in through each route for an approx total of 36 ships per Invasion in one zone.
Recap of past experiences:
- Attacking Rikti Dropships is an age old frat-boy/sorority-girl tradition started in one of the Betas. Think.. Xtreme Cow Tipping.
- At some point, the devs altered ships so that they could no longer be -slowed-. This only fueled a desire to blow them up faster.
- In November of 2008, American_Valor of Liberty shores took a brave unit of men and women in to begin research and pave the way for other tornado hunters. Over the course of a week, they dropped close to a dozen ships.
- A week or so later, Virtue began preparations for just one ship and had a pretty sweet run in the end. Virtue heroes.. hence the "when are you doing villains? huh huh? Huh???"
The key to success is damage and debuffers. At 20 bodies ( extensive forum searches showed that other servers assembling as many as 18 bodies would fail to complete a ship before it sailed outside of the zone) strict tactics need to be enforced. Sandolphan had figured (with the fact that ships never stop and cannot be slowed) that leap-frog tactics would be needed. A team would have to get in their initial round of hits in the race ahead of the ship to get another shot off. Each team doing so creates a "gauntlet" from which the ship eventually wears down and explodes. Now, last time, we had over a dozen captains with full teams start off (18 team leads each carrying 6-7 others). The leap frog tactic was drowned out by the sheer number of damage dealt in a "swarm" attack. We had ships down in a little over a minute each. 41 ships in all over a 60 minute span. Pretty much, as long as we have a good deal of debuffers, a good sized unit of 50 people should have the same results.
So why the need for 2 targeters? If we get the same body-count, we'd like to maximize the carnage. Instead of asking everyone to stick to one path for each wave, we'd like to split the group into two and take both paths at once.
Sign up to be a team leader:
Villains, July 17th (Friday), available an hour early (7 pm CST) to call out and fill teams. Only these folks are required to spend a few minutes studying the maps linked above. I'd like at least 6 (3 teams follow 1 targeter and 3 follow another) but will list 10 spots for alternates and SG leaders who wish to bring their people together. Please sign up as I really need an idea of who can help out. E-mail me here, post or global me @Ara to be listed as a team leader.. everyone else.. just show up!:
Targeter and Team Lead 1. Kurai Musha
- Team Lead 2. Exotica ( has flight and rad secondary)
- Team Lead 3. @Black Marrow
- Additional Team Lead 7 (VG-). Knightslayer
- Additional Team Lead 9.
Targeter and Team Lead 4. Miss Honey Dew
- Team Lead 5. Wrecking Belle
- Team Lead 6.
- Additional Team Lead 8.
- Additional Team Lead 10.
Heroes, July 18th (Saturday), available an hour early (7 pm CST) to call out and fill teams. Only these folks are required to spend a few minutes studying the maps linked above. I'd like at least 5 but will list 10 spots for alternates and SG leaders:
Targeter and Team Lead 1. Una
- Team Lead 2. Infatum
- Team Lead 3. Androgyne
- Additional Team Lead 7. Exxcaliber
- Additional Team Lead 9. Paladin
Targeter and Team Lead 4. Sandolphan
- Team Lead 5. Kegan
- Team Lead 6. Kerse
- Additional Team Lead 8. Trickshot Kid
- Additional Team Lead 10. Weasel
Thanks all.
Edit/Addition: Yes, please. Post if you're attending in non-lead capacity so I have an idea of who to send reminder pm's to if I see them on /sea. But.. please specify something like, "I'll even lead!" if you wish to be a rootin' tootin' cowboy -with- the shiny sheriff badge. -
Everything above from E Knight
[/ QUOTE ]
Macros, binds, Virtue, and you! OK, now we're getting to the good stuff. When travelling through this part of Rome.. blend in, don't let the locals suspect you're fresh meat.
Haven't purchased any of the packs with costume emote changes? No worries, make your own. The macros below are an example of how to transition from one costume to the next using emotes or powers.
/macro Uniform "cc 1$$ em listenpoliceband"
Uniform > is just what the macro button is titled on your extra tray
cc 1 > is the costume you wish to change into. Costume slots are recognized as 0-4; cc 0 is your first costume, cc 1 is the second.. etc.
em listenpoliceband > use any emote
As for powers.. a bit niftier, more personal. May even stun your friends when the power customization coming in leaves you dripping in an azure aura of blinding fireballs. Oh we're still talking about macros.. sec.
Try something like /macro LoveDoc "cc 1$$ powexec_name Nullify Pain"
powexec_name Nullify Pain > just dig through your powers tray and select the most spectacular, non-agroing power you have. Unless you're into that. Agro. Not so much if you're level 7 and running through Steel Canyon -to- the tailor. [censored] Hellions!
Whelp, that's it. Have fun. -
I messed with RP for a little while and had a bind setup to insert (OOC) in front of what I was typing instead of using (()). Seemed faster to me and it's basicily the same thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait I'm confused, so (OOC)=(())? I thought (()) meant it was RP chat.
[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
Opposite way, (( OOC comments here )).
[/ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ]
Edit: There is also the fourth wall that gets broken alot. :P
[/ QUOTE ]
I never could get used to that. Only because, when when running mixed teams (roleplayers and non-roleplayers), we always welcome the roleplayers to remain in character.. but it's odd to see the chat in the sense that a non-roleplayers inherent OOC is the same as the roleplayers un-punctuated IC.
And then, usually after a few missions, everyone casually falls into OOC so you'll see a field of the role-play standard OOC (( )) and non-roleplayer standard non-(( )) which all means the same thing.. I think I just confused myself again.
At any rate.. I often thought it would make sense if conversations made in-character were framed by the parenthesis. -
< erects a brightly-lit billboard in front of our fine server>
"Welcome to Virtue! Where everyone is either a farmer.. or role-playing a farmer's blossoming daughter!"
But.. to give you an idea of the non-agricultural fare available, in the last three hours, there was: a Hamidon raid, at least four Rikti ship-raids, numerous calls in globals for TF/SF's, and some entertaining role-play next to the lav in the Talos tram. -
(Assuming you're not in to AE)
When in the mood to run teams non-stop, I'll:
1. ask for a team running in my range.
2. type out something like "Level 24 scrapper forming 20-26 team for non-AE Invincible arc missions. PST only - not watching channels. I has pie.", copy and paste the line then...
3. proceed to spam this to my group channel, then global friends listed as solo, then /broadcast, then /request, then team-friendly global channels such as VU2009 and Virtue LFG.
4. and if by any miracle it is not filled to 8, then I'll use /sea to individually send the invitation advertisement
So that's about it. It's rare I can't fill when I want to run because of my efficiency in spamming the known Virtue universe. Not to mention how terribly anal I am in my message. I rarely allow time between different channels... first come first serve.. and go go go. By listing level and AT, I eliminate many "what level? is that hero or villain?" questions. Adding type and difficulty often encourages people to respond because they don't assume I'm looking for farm fodder. And.. by advising pm response, I free myself of having to read scrolling channels for responses - I make them come to me. A little selfish? Yes, but I'm the one taking the time to set up a search. The bit about the pie is just an ingenious little fib to appear friendly and carefree.. then the whipping frenzy begins as I milk my companions for wave after wave of glorious ex peas <insert ebil laughter>.
Most of the time, I don't have to go as far as hitting that many channels - during prime hours. That extended practice was only until recently, as I was playing very odd hours ( midnight through 8 am when most of my friends and group are fast asleep).
In short, it's possible with careful preparation to start and maintain a team. One more thing - if you're of level to enter a co-op zone, do so. Much easier to keep a team full when there's a larger pool of applicants.
Now my global friends list is 50 names, none of which I recognize and 3/4 of which are usually grey.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure, it's good to make and foster friendships but let's face it... the odds that they'll maintain the exact same schedule and remain in game is not the usual case. I say "usual". People come and go. They play days or afternoons or evenings. Or just weekends .. or just T-Th when not in class, etc. It's about placing yourself in a position to openly engage with any one at any given time.
go into all your fancy global channels and inquire there
[/ QUOTE ]
Curious as to what you would normally type. Some channels scroll quickly and a non-detailed, "Anything going on?" will get lost. Pretty much why it's helpful to write up a detailed mini-advertisement and copy/paste/spam.. to the direct point. What, where, when, why, how.
Good luck to you. -
The high cut legs are nice too.
Ok. I confess. I didn't even read the OP.
Gotta go.
I liked when that MerKing gent attended all the RP events seeking a human female with which to mate and help build his empire on land... although, as he said, their external ears were most displeasing to his appetite but he'd be willing to overlook their subtle disfigurements for the bam chicka wham slam. Something like that.
Or was that Xad? -
My character conversions:
Una : Myriad
American Anthem : Soviet Silence
Silk : Frieze (2. A coarse, shaggy woolen cloth with an uncut nap.)
Freeze Frame : Fast Forward
Dakota : Singapore ( West > East)
Noa : Coye (Noa has many meanings in different languages including a feminine hebrew name for movement. Coye comes up as English for "Quiet, Still")
Starmada : Terraft (Get it? Both portmanteau.. second being Terra + Raft.. I'm such a nerd.)
Alt : Main Attraction
Brunette : Blonditz (Hey, I had to throw in something controversial! Dinah's going to find me.. Oh noess.)
Angry Angel : Delighted Demon ( Alliteration ftw!)
Broken English: Foreign Fix
Exotica : Nativa
Phobia : Valentia
Czarina : Provincia (Ok, now I'm just getting lazy by adding "a" at the end)
Vamp : Stilleto (shoes! Folks, shoes! The Vamp is the upper part.)
Aranita : Statuesque uh.. Bunny (Cuz, Aranita means little spider... )
Witchcraft : Science Faire (Dunno why I was thinking science fair and vanity faire. Oh yeah, because witchs are traditionally not attractive girls. Except for the new magic pack.. Ooo la la.)
Emmanuelle : Frank the Burly Bunny
Vignette : Novella
Posh : Sporty Spice? (My Posh is not actually a Spice Girl but it was the first thing that came to mind.)
Little Arson Annie : Firefighting Femme-giantica
Vanessa : ***** it, this is hard... =P
Nefer : Ugly Betty!
Dark Astoria : Talos Beach. Talos Bish?
Pea Elle : Content Nommer.. nom nom nom. How about Sir Carrot.
Sunday Mourning : Happy Humpday!
Berlin: No idea.
Havana: No idea.
Tokyo: No idea.
Paris: Genius Girl
Vanity: Butterface (edit: doesn't really fit. Hmm.. Insecurette? How emo is that :P)
Ooo.. I think the servers are back up! -
Freezy Rider
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice one, Sandy! -
Always a fan of:
Ex: American Anthem, Cosmic Cleopatra, Monday Mourning
Ex: Starmada (Star & Armada), Japanarchy (Japan & Anarchy), Romanticore (Romance & Manticore)
Adding a feminine suffix
Ex: Soviette (Soviet + ette), Invincibelle (Invincible + elle), Exotica (Exotic + a). -
I'm with the "can't decide which one" crowd...
Now, my husband's accounts are just sick!!! He doesn't post though - something about not playing well with others. His names include:
Point of Impact
If you can't tell, he's a PvP'r. -
<ignores Xad who dressed one of his female alts in my costume to sit under Siren's hospital and pea-shoot at folks.. eww.. he's bad!> So anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
**************** Stumbed across CoH in Lolcatz! < kitty click here peas **************** -
On a lighter note... Haetron just secured himself the biggest "Welcome back to the game, Mr. Popular Pants!" thread. That's a tewwibly impressive feat considering his intent was to fire us all.
Makes me feel real old cause I remember that happening.....
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually part of the reason I posted. Well.. not to feel old but that it's good to reminisce once in a while.
We've hit five years and it's been a blast. I'm not terribly impressed with Champions cell shading and still very much romantically attached to this game. After five years, the sentimental weight of these "pretty pictures" really is worth a thousand words.
Thank you all for sharing. I hope to see more when Going Rogue sweeps us into a new era.
PS. God help us if Xad ever starts roleplaying and taking screenshots of his dates. -
That's one of the many things I love about this game - after five years, there's still all sorts of lil tidbits I don't know.
I wonder if he takes promissary notes because he's less experienced in customer service than the old grump in City Hall.