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  1. Yeah, it's several issues behind the times now, and has nothing of incarnate power factored in... I'm not exactly sure when or if I'll be able to have the time to update it, but I appreciate you taking the time to comment! Thanks!

  2. It's a combination of several things for me:

    1. Inky Aspect
    2. Orbiting Death
    3. An attack chain that stacks a mag 8 stun on all enemies still alive
    4. 20% extra resistance for my fluffies using a combination of Expedient Reinforcement: Resistance Bonus Aura for Pets and Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus
    5. Running at top speed (using Super Speed) into mobs and grabbing most of the enemy's attention before my fluffies get within firing range

    Hope that helps!

  3. AlienOne

    Bad ws powers?

    Using the excuse that you'd nuke over Dark Detonation because dark detonation "throws people back" is a little ironic, considering the nuke does the same thing.

    Personally, I'd rather sacrifice a little damage (and it really is insignificant in a team environment, since I tend to be running at max damage capacity--300%--on teams all the time) in order to maintain a good attack chain and no loss of endurance, not to mention not dropping any of the 10 toggles I have running.

    On top of that, speaking of Gravitic Em, try stacking that with Dark Detonation and Inky Aspect... I don't know of many bosses that can stand that much stun stackage.



    OH GOD. I have been away from this game FAR too long over the past year. Please forgive me. This whole time I was actually referring to "Unchain Essence," not Dark Detonation. My apologies, Microcosm... In retrospect, I will have to agree on Dark Detonation... The damage could certainly be upped for that power, and there's no real reason why it should knock enemies back.

    Please re-read my posts (if necessary) with the thought in mind that I thought you were referring to Unchain Essence as a bad Warshade power when you said Dark Detonation...Hence my comparison to the I need more sleep.
  4. AlienOne

    Bad ws powers?

    Essence Drain has saved my butt several times when Stygian was recharing in the middle of a big fight, and Dark Detonation in my opinion is a hell of a lot better than the nuke....

    But, to each his own, I guess...
  5. that, and if a 'troller's on the team, that also provides a Kheld some mez protection as well--even in human form.

  6. looks like it's already ended, because I logged on to get my badger the ToT tip mission badges, so I wouldn't have to wait until Oct to do it, and lo and behold, it's too late.

  7. Good frikkin' grief. That is DEDICATION.

    Congrats. I'm sufficiently in awe.

  8. K, now this I think was even better than the "running out of XP" thing...

    Nice job, guys.

  9. AlienOne

    Bad ws powers?

    I wouldn't say there's such a thing as a "bad power"... Just maybe powers that aren't as useful for as many different situations.

    I used to say "Group Fly" was the worst power ever thought of, until I saw a YouTube video of 3 or 4 people using Group Fly to keep a whole zone of people in the air while they took down a Rikti Dropship...

    So....bad WS powers? Not really. Just some you might use more than others.

    And Dechs' guide is a great place to start.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    First of all, sorry, I didn't mean to sound pompous. Upon re-reading my post, I suppose it came out that way. My point was that a good April Fool's joke can usually be stretched out a bit longer than many people suspect, which leads me to my second point.

    Second of all, never, EVER, ever-ever-ever-ever, overestimate the general public. But since you're an alien, I'll cut you some slack here. Which leads me to my third point.

    Thirdly, ???

    Fourthly, PROFIT.
    I'll admit that my alien status sometimes gets in the way of my understanding of earthly traditions and thought processes...

    Originally Posted by Kineticlysm View Post
    This may have been the first April Fools Day for CoH, but a poster on the forums started a thread with the title "Why does everyone have me on ignore?" The text of the message was the text you see when you ignore someone, the


    or whatever it looks like.

    Mass short term confusion and virtual high fives for that guy when a lot of people checked and double checked their forum settings before figuring it out.
    Now that's awesome....I didn't see that one. haha!

  11. But it's nearly April Fool's!!!

    I'M EXCITED!!!!!


  12. Nice job....Thanks!

    I definitely spend about as much time in that program as I do in the game itself... I appreciate all the work that goes into updating that program.

  13. AlienOne

    Human only PB?

    I have a human-only PB that I'll probably be updating, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time available to write a guide on it... I haven't even updated the guide I've already written

  14. While I understand where you might be coming from, from the perspective of someone like myself, an attitude like that only shows that either:

    1. One assumes that the "general public" is stupid and isn't going to already know it's April Fool's day and will "fall for anything" (it's on the calendar, for goodness' sake)


    2. Said person is a pompous ***** who is making an attempt in vain to make the original poster look dumb.

    Either way, the bottom line is that the purpose of April Fool's day is to have fun with eachother and laugh at the ridiculousness of the joke. It is supposedly to make fun of a dim-witted individual, but in my experience (as in the case of "City of Heroes: Golden Age"), the joke is sometimes so over-the-top that one doesn't laugh at dim-witted individuals... Instead, one laughs with friends at the absurdity of it and the writing excellence.

    Happy April Fool's Day to all, and I hope you get your chance at laughing at the dim-wittedness of others.

    As for myself, I prefer to revel in the community aspect of discussing past well-done April Fool's jokes in anticipation of the next one to follow.

  15. Do you remember some of your favorite City of Heroes April Fool's jokes?

    Before we are graced with another classic from the CoH team, I figured we could all reminisce on some of our favorites.

    My personal favorite of all time was "City of Heroes: Golden Age."

    "I don't know what you're trying to do." XD

    What was yours?

  16. lol, thanks. :P

    Hey, we should both take revenge on Bobcat sometime...

    Originally Posted by _Dawun_ View Post
    Destiny: For me its a toss up between Clarion and Ageless. I like the radial side of clarion more because of the +range and +special but it doesn't go perma at tier4 which means I still need breakfrees.
    I was under the impression that it was perma (i.e. it lasts for 2 minutes, and has a 2 minute recharge time)...

    As far as I know, from what I read in the description for the power, you would have at least mag 3 mez protection at any given time--if not more, depending on which point you are at after the powers activation.

  17. "looking feverishly for more bodies" sounds like what my Warshade does when he's low on health and fighting a boss that won't seem to go down fast!

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ViKtoricus View Post
    Thank you. The community is great and it's the type of game where people would actually respond to you when you enter an LFT/LFM message on broadcast. Most MMORPGs don't have that.
    That's EXACTLY what got me hooked on this game back in 2005... I didn't join the forums until 3 years later, but I had NEVER experienced a community in-game that was this friendly and helpful until City of Heroes...

    Welcome to the game.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    People come to your game to have fun. You can't tell them that the fun only starts 25 hours in.
    Wow... You mind if I put this in my signature section?

    If you do, just let me know, and I'll take it off.

  20. Although I think most of us vets in the Kheld forums have shown that Khelds (especially warshades) are very viable in solo play, never underestimate the power different you will experience on a Kheld while teaming. It is truly a glorious experience.

    Solo play for a Kheld is more viable at higher levels when you have more tools under your belt (like has already been mentioned), whereas when you're at lower levels, it's a much better overall experience to team.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Anyone playing around in beta and on a Kheld able to confirm how things work?
    I believe that would be against "beta rules"...

    As for seems the Devs have FINALLY heard my cries over the past few years for a mez protection option for human-form Kheldians.... I can't say that I've ever been more ecstatic to play in a long, long, long time. This is enough to bring me back to when I was playing "hardcore" over a year ago.

    Definitely "Clarion" for me.

    On my tri-form builds, I'd probably go for the damage one.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    I'm going to refer to the Bartle types -- the four types of MMO players, first described by sociologist Richard Bartle.

    For Achievers, it's all about the destination.

    For Killers, it's all about the power, which implies the destination.

    For Socializers it's the journey. If they get to the destination too quickly, there's nothing to talk about.

    For Explorers, it varies. If they're exploring the game content, they enjoy the journey of going through and mastering the new challenges. But once they've mastered them, further play over the same content becomes a grind. If the explorers are exploring the game mechanic space (i.e: Character Builds) they may be more focused on the destination, because their new character creation will only be complete when they have the powers it grants.

    As an explorer/achiever myself, I'm a bit worried about i20. I've already given up on ever getting a 'very rare' alpha slot, because it's too grindy for me. If the new slots in i20 are that difficult to get (and it sounds as though they may be) then I may not participate much in the new incarnate system. Which would probably lead to me no longer participating in CoX, as incarnates are the new focus of the game.

    We'll see.
    I'm pretty much the same. In fact, the incarnate system technically is supposed to be FOR people like us who like to explore the game mechanic space (i.e. Character Builds), but if it's made to be too grindy or long for a single character (and from what I hear, it may be), then people like us lose interest quickly, because the grind gets boring really fast.

    I guess we'll see. I'm not dumping the new system until I get a chance to go through it all completely at least once. If it feels too grindy or long for a single toon at that point, then I'll feel justified in not participating in that part of the game. However, the explorer in me won't allow me to do that until I've at least had the chance to "explore" it....

    Personally, I'm one of those people that spends as much time in Mid's as they do in the game, so for me, I like to play my toons at 50. I like playing a "completed" character, regardless of whether or not he gets exemp'd down for a TF or to help out some lower level characters. I like the feeling that I have "mastered" that character--not necessarily the AT. A big part of that for me is experimenting with different builds in any and all situations, so I guess in a way, that part of it is my own "journey" per-say, but it is always done with the destination of "mastering/completing" the character, so I can have it "on-call" for difficult tasks or team challenges that I may find myself in or be invited to.

  23. As soon as they allow cross-server teaming, I'll join that All Kheld iTF...