What's a good duo with a peacebringer?
i think almost anything will pair well with a PB, controllers would prolly be one of the top due to buff/debuff + control (most control also has -kb as well to keep them in range of the buff/debuff)

that, and if a 'troller's on the team, that also provides a Kheld some mez protection as well--even in human form.

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
Personally, I would roll one of the following to pair with a Peacebringer:
-Radiation/Sonic Defender
-Kinetics/Sonic Defender
-Traps/Sonic Defender (Yes, /Sonic is THAT good that I would suggest it three times)
-Fire/Radiation Controller
-Fire/Kinetics Controller
-Earth/Radiation Controller
-Earth/Thermal Controller
All of these power combinations are extremely versitile. The defenders all have Resistance debuffs, varying amounts of healing, and strong debuffs, as well as Siren's Song to keep large groups down to a manageable size. All of the fire controllers will give strong additional damage and control along with their buffs/debuffs, and all of the Earth controllers will have more control and defense debuffs than their Fiery counterparts, but lack the damage.
Almost all of these builds can solo, with patience. Add in a Peacebringer's ability to deal damage and tank, however, and you've got a nice combination. Personally, I would run either the Radiation/Sonic or Kinetics/Sonic defenders. Both are capable and very cool (I've never seen a Kinetics/Sonic defender before, by the way, despite the fact that you can use Siren's Song, walk into the middle of the group, use Fulcrum Shift WITHOUT WAKING THE GROUP, and then walk back out of range and unleash hell).
Too many alts to list.
I think the best way to improve a PB is through buffage.
Give me mez protection and a damage buff and Id be really happy.
Either thermal or empathy would be my pick.
for thaw/forge or cm/fort.
I would think as either the /emp or /thermal Id want the most survivable primary.
Maybe ill/ or mind/
Id go with an ill/emp.
The duo would be damn near invincible.
There's no -regen to speak of, but maybe with the emp's buffs on the PB that would be enough compensation for you to take on AV's and such.
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
Thanks for the suggestions guys! My dark def was /sonic and I didn't want to make another /sonic as I really love my banshee character theme. I was really wanting an excuse to try an illusion controller as that's the last one I really haven't touched and illusion/emp sounds like it'd be a blast!
Hey guys, my friend has set his eyes on a peacebringer and I'm curious as to what to make that'd mesh well with him. I figured I'd start a new character since at first we were trying with him and my dark defender but he kept knocking mobs off my tar patch and that didn't seem too synergistic.
He's planning on staying mostly in forms and I'm pretty open to archtypes. Any suggestions is appreciated!! |
Ill/Emp would be a great partner for your friend's PB. Illusion brings a lotta control via distraction and other non traditional means of CC that mesh well with a Kheldian's versatility. Combining it with Empathy will give you the means to control, tank, heal and buff. You'll both be plenty capable of adapting on the fly. Only problem is the lack of significant debuffs. Normally it won't be a big deal. You'll only really notice it when you come up against AVs and the like.
Shameless Self Plug: Tell your friend to check out my guide (Linked in my sig). It's designed to give prospective TriForm PBs some general guidance and there are some great comments that bring up alternative methods as well.
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+

I would reccomend and Illusion/Rad. By the end lots of control, debuff plus damage and all your rad powers that effect damage outputExcept AM will even help you and your you and your unbuffable pets (the Army) just as much as it helps your buffable allies.... No wait... don't... he/she will feel like their just tagging along for exp by the end... (giggle)
I wish HEATS and VEATS could start off in the same zone at lower levels. I have done some high level duo missions with a Peacebringer(Triform)/Crab Spider and it was was pretty fun and we seemed to work well together. We both took turns tanking and doing range damage. He always held the aggro of the EB's with his Crab while I continued to heal him with Glowing Touch on my PB. It just seemed we had it all Range, Melee, Heals, Self Buffs, Debuffs, Pets, etc...
Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build
A fire/storm corrupter could do a great deal of damage teamed with a PB. Or any storm really.
PB's have access to two self heals (three if dwarf is used) and a heal other. Storm would give the pair another heal-other and some serious debuffs.
Both of you would be able to tank based on the situation. With hurricane and a nova sitting on your head you could lay out tons of hurt - specially with freezing rain everywhere.
Illusion/Storm controllers can be quite powerful, not so damage oriented as a corrupter though.
really, Khelds begin what they are anything will get the job done.
Hey guys, my friend has set his eyes on a peacebringer and I'm curious as to what to make that'd mesh well with him. I figured I'd start a new character since at first we were trying with him and my dark defender but he kept knocking mobs off my tar patch and that didn't seem too synergistic.
He's planning on staying mostly in forms and I'm pretty open to archtypes. Any suggestions is appreciated!!