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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Seriously, WS are perfectly fine.

    What I am afraid of is that we WILL get the devs to suddenly care about Khelds and take an "in-depth" look at them, only to have them decide to overhaul everything and completely change everything I like about my Warshade.

    What won't "fix" my Warshade?

    Messing around with his Stygian Circle or Eclipse powers.

    Seriously... We've already had one "enhancement diversification." Let's not beg for another.

  2. Yeah, my bad... I shouldn't have used the word "you" without further clarification in a post right after someone I wasn't referring to... I should have said something like "you, OP, are a troll" instead of a "you, sir, are a troll" which could pretty much mean anyone I suppose.

    My apologies.

    Dechs, yeah, Gerald's post was very troll-like (admittedly), but I was specifically referring to the fact that some random dude posts in here that "I was playing a Kheldian and they pretty much suck... How do you guys even deal with the suckage?" And, even if he really WAS asking for help, he got it, and didn't even return with any further clarifications (which was asked of him in order to give him further help) or a "thanks, guys, that helped out a lot."

    Which, leads me to believe he was just trolling us.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
    Are you using your form abilities? Bright nova, dwarf? Are you human only?

    There seems to be no real point to the OP other than complaining about an AT you don't exactly understand. If you want some help, tell us how you play and we can tell you what you're doing wrong :P

    It all depends how you are playing with them. They require a certain mindset and finesse to be powerful. A Kheldian is a toolbox, you can't just run in and kill everything like any other AT. You have to think about the tools you have and use them accordingly. The learning curve is steep, but once you get the hang of it it's well worth it.

    If you're playing it like "any other AT" you're doing it wrong. Cause at those levels my peacebringer could easily solo +0/x1....without enhancements..

    And how is "recharge slow resistance" a punishment? I absolutely hate getting my recharge debuffed by those blasted web grenades, and working with other EATs makes that not work as well :P Sounds like a bonus to me.
    ^ Help

    Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
    Wow, haven't seen a post like this in a while. I VERY much recommend you check out my guide (Linked in my sig). It's designed to help those playing a TriForm PB from level 1 on. Give it a once over and see how you do afterwards.
    ^ Advice

    Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
    I can vouch for this guide! It turned me onto triform PB's and helped make my toon what he is today
    ^ Confirmation of good advice

    Originally Posted by Mister Gerald View Post
    Given the lack of details, or a response to any of the questions asked, I'd say this is some damn pathetic trolling.
    The fact that the OP posted that and then didn't clarify when he was asked to brings me to the conclusion that you, sir, are a troll.

    Any questions?

  4. AlienOne

    Kheldian Fashion

    What you talkin' about?

    Carnival masks are AWESOME!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by aib View Post
    warshades don't take alphas.

    Warshades give alphas.
  6. There's a "toggle" I like to use to shake off a mez when I'm playing human-only, and it takes approximately half the time the form switch does....Maybe you've heard of it?

    It's called a "Break Free."


    Not to mention, now that I have Clarion, I have perma-mez protection, so I don't even have to hit break frees at lvl 50 content.
  7. AlienOne

    Kheldian Fashion

    I wish I could darken my Shields and Shadow defense power like that! :/

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
    If you weren't a regular, I'd be pissed
    Yeah... He has a point, though.... I love my PB to death, but the nickname "KBringer" contains more truth than I care to admit. I wish it weren't true, but it is. :/

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Guys ... it's not like you *didn't* know it was an exploit. You even admitted yourselves that they'd get around to "fixing" it someday. Well ... someday will now arrive ... someday™.
    Yeah, I did know, and it was noted as such in the guide (and actively discouraged by me)... However, I need to check the builds just in case there are any discrepancies, and update accordingly.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
    I also wouldn't mind seeing some mechanism to become available to bases so we could access flashback zones (Galaxy City, Dark Astoria).
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I'd like both as well
    I believe the mechanism required for this is already available. I had a teleporter to Galaxy City before all the changes, and after the changes, that teleporter changed to "Galaxy City (Echo)." I checked it out, and it's definitely Galaxy City before it was "attacked," so I firmly believe this is something that will happen.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I swear the Devs have it out for me. Of course right after I come up with a final respec they decide to "fix" the multiple types HamiO slotting the next issue. *Walks off, mumbling to self...*
    Redlyne just alerted me to that... I'm going to have to go through the builds in my guide to make sure that's updated.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    We now have a "date" as to when this particular exploit is due to be "fixed" ... and that is Issue 22.
    Thank you very much for the update! I'll make a note of it and include it in my update for the guide, which will also update the Incarnates section...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
    Can also double proc the nova emanation and detonation reasonably cheaply which helps dmg output somewhat
    That's what I do with my tri-form build... The Nova powers have procs like crazy built into it--and they pop off all the time!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    3.) After getting to know AlienOne, his philosophy on full disclosure sort of got through to me. If nothing else, at least I won't have to deal with people asking for my build anymore.
    As a highly valued member of and frequent contributor to the Kheldian community, you'll most likely still have to deal with people asking you questions about the AT or your build... Get used to it!

    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    The only thing I can potentially see myself changing about this in the future is trying to work the Kheldian's Grace ATIO set in when it comes out... But don't quote me on that.
    Sorry, but I had to quote you here... What? There's a set with the name "Kheldian's Grace?" I'd get it just on principle alone! XD

    Seriously though, is there a link to any information on this anywhere?

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    The quantums can be a bit of a pain at first, yeah. I suggest that you take nova as quickly as possible, play actively (move around a lot) and gun them down as quickly as you can. As you level up you'll notice them becoming less and less of a threat, until eventually you don't even notice they're there.
    This is why I love our community...

    Anywhere else for any other game, the "vets" would be either making fun of the new guy or talking about "I remember when these guys were actually a threat..."

    Instead, we get some actual answers to the OP's question as well as some advice for combating it.

    Welcome to the community, RW!


    I remember when these guys were actually a threat. XD

    Seriously though, any of you old-timers remember a time when I thought taking on a Cyst Crystal solo was one of my Warshade's biggest accomplishments of all time? The damage from Voids and Quantums used to be unresistable, and getting a cyst spawned in a mission almost inevitably meant a team wipe--thus, this lingering "stigma" with having a Kheldian on your team, even though that never happens anymore...
  16. They say you have two heads.

  17. You seem to imply that not having defense prevents you from "upping the challenge." That is not the case at all in my experience. You've mentioned before that even with building for defense, you still had to use inspirations, because "your defense was debuffed." Well, if that's the case, why not just build for pure damage (both ST and AoE) and just use inspirations/insp drops for defense?

    I just did an AE mission day before yesterday on my Chaos™ build (which has no defenses to speak of) against a lvl 53 AV... I survived, but it was (as you described for yours) a stalemate. I spent as much time looking for mobs as I did trying to do constant damage to the AV, which didn't allow me to do enough to combat their regen. Of course, I wasn't using any Incarnate powers (like pets or novas) to help either.

    Also, doesn't Longbow do debuffs of both defense and resistance? Or is it just resistance? Longbow are definitely a challenge, but not one I haven't tried and survived through without defense.

    My biggest challenges back in the day (before Incarnates) were Malta and Arachnos, but now that we can have perma mez protection, I need to go back and re-figure out where the "true" challenges lie for a human-former...


    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Meh, I just use Ninja Run on closed mission maps, if anything.
    The fun thing about having lots of defense is that you can "up the challenge." Personally, I've been casually working on an AE arc for my Warshade where he would be soloing 2 level 54 AV's at the same time, while surrounded by (an x8 spawn of) level 54 Longbow. I suck at using the AE, but I can tell you that it is certainly a challenge I wouldn't want to undertake without any defenses to speak of. I'm not going into specifics about this project, obviously, cause I want to present it as a "finished product."

    Editing to say that there has been a bit of a "mad dash" going on, which involves killing lots of the Longbow for Stygian Circle, stunning them proactively, finding more Longbow, all while trying to keep DPS on the AV's. I've just been having issues trying to get enough stuff to spawn in a consolidated area, because every time I have to run off for more food I'm spending time away from the AV's which makes it pretty difficult.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I'll never understand the Super Speed thing. Teleport is the fastest travel power in the game. I don't get why anyone would waste a power choice to move slower than they would if they used an inherent power that does not waste a power choice.
    Trust me... It's not the fastest in any cave, office, or CoT map I've ever seen.

    While it's the fastest in open space across a zone, even the most "dexterous" player with the most macros would not be able to beat a good SS'er in tight spaces, because it's just simply too difficult to traverse in a cave via teleport.

    Teleport shines in large spaces, and becomes nearly a burden in a cave map, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks so.

    As far as travel powers go, I've always maintained that it's a personal preference. Some are easier to use than others for some people, while other people may think those "hard" ones for the previous group of people are easy.

    Same goes for playstyles. I personally prefer NOT to build for defense on my primary build for my human only BECAUSE it requires me to be "more dexterous" and think on my feet, so to speak. It's much more exciting for my brain to think on the spot "how will I survive that critical hit I just got dealt while still dealing with this other mob that a teammate just aggro'd and brought over here?" than to just sit there and hit the same 3 powers over and over and over and over and over because it has "the highest DPS" against the same enemy that has a buttload of HP. To me, that's just mind-numbing.

    To others, it may be exciting--and that's what I have to open my mind to--not everything I think is fun or "useful" will be fun or useful or optimal for everyone else.

    On another note, I think we definitely need to enlighten people more on the effects that Incarnate abilities can have on someone's build... It really, really changes exactly what one can do with a build--provided one knows what the "focus" of that build is in the first place.

  19. Yes, provided they're an even level.

    As you and I both know though, just playing a Warshade provides a great temptation to push one's self to greater heights than simply "even level" enemies...

  20. Since you like using Gravitic Emination, I would mention to you that if you've used that power on a group as an opening move, running in with Inky Aspect will stack the stun for a higher total stun mag, which *may* also stun more enemies for longer. Also, if you're making use of Unchain Essence, you have the ability to provide mass stun for an entire mob--bosses included--and that can prove to be quite useful, surviveability-wise.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_pl0x View Post
    Just something i was wondering though, "MFing" the only time ive heard that term is in Warhammer Age of Reckoning meaning "money farmer" but they way he was describing it, it was more a jack of all trades, as he put it. So what exactly does the M & F stand for in "MFing"?
    Yeah, depends on what forum you go to. Stone has it right for this forum, but if you head over to the Diablo 3 forums, MF means "Magic Find." I can't keep up with all the acronyms! >.<

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    It's definitely true that prices have been in flux, but I find it hard to believe the most expensive/valuable IOs in the game are under a billion yeah, I would check it out before planning your build around it.

    If you're definitely sure that you weren't mistaken in the IO you were checking...perhaps it was a crazy fluke? I would have loved to buy a glad armor proc at that price.
    Last I checked (which was today), the Glad armor IO was going for 2 billion, there are zero for sale, and over 1,800 bids for it.

    Yeah, unless you're buying it with Hero/Villain merits or have the most amazing PvP luck imaginable, you're not getting it anytime soon.

  23. AlienOne

    My Third Build

    Yeah, it's on my fav powers list not because I feel a "need" for it, per-say... It's just that I've seen it be quite useful on Task Forces for keeping the rest of the team alive, which can mean the difference between a task force taking 45 minutes and a task force taking an hour and a half....

    One of my friends alerted me to the Enzymes thing...doh! I never even knew about that until today!! I'm kicking myself now, because I'd already bought 4 of the others by selling some enhancements off of other toons. >.<
