The Complete Guide to Human-Form Warshades




The "Complete" Guide for Human Form Warshades
by "Alien"


Hello, and welcome to the 'Complete Guide for Human-Form Warshades!'
In this guide, I will attempt to cover a human-form warshade's power choices, strategies, cost, alternate builds, and general "solo vs. teamed-play" and "chaos vs. order" mentalities.

To begin, if you are reading this guide as someone who has never created a Kheldian before, I have a few suggestions:

A. Check this guide out for the Kheldian back-story. (by Memphis Bill). It's pretty cool info!
B. Check this guide out for *general* advice on rolling a Kheld. (by Tamerlane). Although it's a bit dated (i.e. you are no longer dropped to human form when mezzed, etc.), there is some extremely insightful advice in there, including the suggestion that there is no "one build" for a Kheld, as I will illustrate later.
C. Try rolling a Tri-Form Kheld first. (by Dechs Kaison) Leveling from 1 to 50 as a tri-former has proven to be much easier. If you still want to be a human-former after that, you can always respec into it.

Now, why would someone writing a guide on human-form "Warshade-ing" give that last piece of advice? Is a human-former not fun or effective? To the contrary! A human-form Warshade can prove to be one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences for any City of Heroes player with the "cahonas" for it, if done right. I primarily advise first-time Khelds to play tri-form because playing tri-form affords you a better opportunity to see the "all-around" aspect of a Kheldian, and can help you to better make a decision on what powers you like, as well as what forms you like or dislike... Who knows? You may find that you like the other forms better than the human form!
In addition, playing a human-form Warshade takes a lot of patience (sometimes more than a first-time Kheld can muster), hard work, strategy-practice (which obviously changes according to the enemy group you're facing), and INFLUENCE!

Now, it won't cost billions and billions of influence to build a good, effective human-form Warshade (unless you choose to follow one of my "purple" builds), but it will cost you a significant amount--in many cases more than building just about any non-purpled tri-form build I've ever seen. This is an important point to consider when making the "leap" to deciding to build a human-form Warshade.

That said, I have put some "IO Only" and "SO Only" builds together as well, so building a cheap human-only Warshade is doable, but you'd be doing it at the sacrifice of some major global recharge penalties, which is one of the primary "backbones" to human-form play.

Human-Form Mentality

The process by which a person decides to build, slot, and set their human-former is what I like to call the "Human-Form Mentality." This also includes the strategy by which they play, which in turn affects their play style. This varies from person to person, but two major points that most human-formers seem to eventually agree on is global recharge and endurance recovery. The reason for this is that enough global recharge allows a human-former to maintain a "perma" (permanent) Eclipse, and a high endurance recovery allows for more utility when encountering a variety of situations, not the least of which is fighting bosses during solo-play when the rest of the "mob" is down and Stygian Circle goes "out of play".

I've also found recently (as of issue 21) that the Human-Form Mentality can be further broken down into two "ideals" or playstyles. One is "chaos" and the other is "order."

In the "chaos" human-form playstyle, more importance is placed on timing and heavy reliance is placed on Stygian Circle and Eclipse. These players usually invest more in regen from set bonuses than they do in HP. People who play human-form Warshades in this way usually come from a Blaster/Blapper or Scrapper (non defense-based, such as Regen) background, and have no problem making liberal usage of inspirations and any other powers afforded to them. "The developers put it in the game, so I should use it, right?" People with this mentality relish every fight as a "chance to cheat death." The best example of that I can show you is in THIS VIDEO. Play close attention to the health and stamina bars during the action. This is what I mean by "cheating death." Every encounter is a "fight to the death," and may or may not kill you. I personally come from this sort of background (I played competitive FPS games like Unreal Tournament before playing this game), and enjoy a fast-paced, timing-based, in-your-face sort of thrill this kind of playstyle offers. A "chaotic" human-former *may* enjoy Warshade-vs-large mob play more than anything else.

The other human-form playstyle is what I like to call an "order" mentality. In the "order" human-form playstyle, more importance is placed on defense (particularly soft-capping defense), and there is less reliance on Eclipse and Stygian Circle. These players usually invest more in HP from set bonuses than Regen. People who play human-form Warshades in this way usually come from a Tank, Support or Scrapper (defense-based secondary like Invulnerability or Super Reflexes) background. This person may also enjoy a fast-paced game, but prefer the stability and reliability that soft-capped defense offers. An "order" human-former *may* enjoy Warshade-vs-AV play more than anything else.

Basically, it comes down to this: "Chaos" human-formers will rely heavily on Eclipse and Stygian Circle (as their "signature" powers), and "Order" human-formers will not need to rely heavily on these powers, and may instead focus more on high DPS attack chains for soloing AVs than AoE-based attack chains for large mobs.

The aforementioned statements do NOT prevent a "chaos" human-former from fighting AVs or "order" human-former from fighting 50 enemies at once--it is just an attempt at explaining the mentality behind specific play-styles, which I hope will help you align yourself with what build-type you need to go for to best meet your own playstyle needs. Something else worth noting--as you will see in the BUILDS section--is the fact that an "order" human-former doesn't have as much slotting flexibility as a "chaos" human-former, due to the fact that they are specifically building for defense, and thus require specific IO sets and slotting.

It is with those two primary "playstyle strategies," (along with an extra side helping of damage) that I put together the list of *possible* human-form Warshade builds in this guide.


A. Intro/Preface and "Human Form Mentality"

B. Powers

C. Mid's Hero Designer Tips & Tricks

D. Builds

E. Incarnate Powers

F. Videos

G. Miscellaneous

H. Summary

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank any and all contributions to this guide from the Kheldian community, including opinions, numbers input, and builds. In particular, I would like to thank Microcosm, AIB, Memphis_Bill, TwoHeadedBoy, New Dawn, Dechs Kaison, Bionut911, Kemphler, Redlynne, and Wanted_NA (a.k.a. Sparky) for their invaluable input. Without them, this guide would not be as informative and complete as it stands today. Also, thanks to my fiance Amber (a.k.a. "Oracle") for allowing me the time to do this.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Here, I won't attempt to explain what each power does, as most guides already do that. This guide assumes that you already know how to play a Warshade, and have made the conscious decision after playing tri-form to challenge yourself with a human-form build. Therefore, what I will do is share my thoughts on the powers themselves, so you can see my thoughts/reasoning for picking or not picking them in the builds I post.

Shadow Bolt/Ebon Eye:
Some may argue that "this power doesn't matter," but, I like to look at every power as having its own particular *use*. The damage difference between the two powers isn't huge—when compared to other powers in the set—so it may boil down to just a style or even visual preference for you.

I usually pick Ebon Eye myself, because it does more damage, and with the amount of global recharge I’ve incorporated, it's pretty much an immediate recharge anyway. Plus, I think it looks cooler. However, I've heard from several WSs who pick Shadow Bolt that they've seen Shadow Bolt have a "chance" to knock back (KB). Ebon Eye does not. If this is indeed the case, then I would advise choosing Shadow Bolt for a "solo" build and Ebon Eye for a "teaming" build. You never know when knocking an enemy back may save your life.

In the end, looking at the "overall" picture of a human-former, the pick of one over the other isn't really going to affect your gameplay, strategy, or slotting one iota unless you’re trying for a specific Damage Per Second ratio, but... There might also be a situation while you're exemped down on a TF where you're glad you picked one power over the other.

It's important to mention that if you plan on making a single-target focused build (either "chaos" or "order"), you'll need to pick Ebon Eye, as this power is used for the highest-damage single target attack chain (please see "attack chains" in the Miscellaneous section).

You don't have a choice in picking this power--you have to take it. However, this is a good thing, as Negative/Energy is the type of powers that Voids/Quantums/Dark&White Dwarfs/Dark&Light Novas/Cysts use. You'll need the protection anyway.

Gravity Shield:
In my opinion, this is the one shield you *should* take, regardless of whether or not you have a choice in taking it, which you don't (haha). A good portion of most enemies in the game make use of Smashing and Lethal damage, so it’s always a good idea to get as much resistant to that as you can—even if you have a perma-Eclipse, because in certain situations (like fighting a boss), your Eclipse will drop and you won’t have enough enemies to max it out again until you hit your next mob. You certainly won’t make it out by using it against said boss, so it’s good to have all the S/L resistance you can get without Eclipse for those kinds of situations. Then again, if you only plan on playing your Warshade with teams, you may not even have to worry about it, depending on the makeup of the team.

Gravimetric Snare:
Gravimetric Snare always proved to be a "throwaway" power for me personally as a human-former, until I was turned on to “proc” enhancements and what they capable of. Not only can you stack immobilize on a Boss (especially if you’re trying to make a single-target build), you can also place some “chance to hold” proc enhancements to further help you keep your enemy in place. In my experience, putting a “chance to hold” enhancement in both Gravimetric Snare and Gravity Well, and then using those powers in quick succession usually yields and extremely high chance to hold even the toughest boss in place. I’ll include a couple of builds that show what I’m talking about in the build section.

Orbiting Death:
I am not good on the math involved in DoT, but as a human-former who is constantly in the middle of the action, I've found this power to be invaluable for constant damage ticks while a large mob is gathered around me. Some people think it attracts too much attention and possibly gives you a higher chance of being mezzed at lower levels, so this may be a preference issue. If you're a huge fan of "as much damage as possible" when going into a mob, however, I highly advise taking this power.

Dark Nova:
No real need to discuss this power toggle, as it obviates the whole "Human-form" build. Simple advice: If you are making a human-former, you don't pick this power.

Penumbral Shield/Twilight Shield:
Now, you would think that as a human-former, I'd be a huge advocate of these shields, since this is the only occasion where you’d want to use them (no sense in using these toggles as a tri-former)—not so. Eclipse basically discards the need for any shield single-handedly. So, at upper-level content (level 38+, which is where a human-former tends to shine anyway), having these two shields is not much more than a "this looks pretty" power, unless you choose to build your Human Form Warshade without Eclipse.

However, if you are choosing to level up your Warshade as a Human-Only from level 1 all the way to level 50 without picking Nova or Dwarf form, I would say that these shields would be extremely useful at the earlier levels (1-37), and you should take them. You could then respec out of them once you picked up Eclipse.

Shadow Blast:
Shadow Blast, although not an "awesome" damage power, can still be a useful part of a human-form's arsenal. It does *respectable* damage setted up, and also acts as a great "foundation" for solid set bonuses (if you're building for that). I usually pick it up for my builds. However, it should be noted that some human-formers out there choose not to take this power for various reasons. So, if you’re looking for a power to switch out for a power pool power or something like that, this may be a good choice. It’s up to you.

Shadow Cloak:
Shadow Cloak is good for three reasons: One, it provides some "minor" defense and some stealth that will allow you to pull off a successful Eclipse before the enemy even knows you're there. Once you've got Eclipse up, you're golden. Two, Shadow Cloak coupled with Super Speed essentially offers you complete invisibility to almost every enemy in the game (Knives of Artemis will still give you trouble), and therefore you'll become a viable asset on a TF for stealthing missions and tp'ing everyone to the "end boss fight." Three, it's going to be one of the few powers that allow you to slot a LoTG +Recharge for your global recharge. Although Shadow Cloak's defenses may be minor, I still find it to be a pretty useful power.

Starless Step:
Although this can be a useful power, it's usually one that I advise tri-formers to take when they can't figure out what other "non-slot" powers to pick. Starless Step isn't going to help you a lot on a human-form Warshade team-wise, considering the "average" speed at rolling through mobs (according to my experience on Freedom). In fact, it won't help you a lot solo post-i16, as spawning a mob for 8 players will *almost* negate using this power, unless you’re the “sniping” type, and like slower, more “strategic” play. The only situation I could see this as a viable power would be if you were teamed with a "traps" blaster who liked to set a lot of bombs before attacking a mob. Then, you could "attempt" to pull the entire mob to the bombs for the blaster by trying to TP the Boss. However, the same thing could be accomplished any number of other ways, including using Provoke, which has been incorporated into a few of the builds.

Sunless Mire:
This power is also a must-have for a human-former... I don’t know of any other Warshade player that has ever advised against getting this power, because you’d be severely limiting yourself as a player if you didn’t get it. If you want to get mobs down in "short order", you'll need this power. This ups your global damage and ToHit buffs, as well as causing a respectable amount of AoE damage to the enemy at the same time.

Dark Detonation:
I've had many a discussion with fellow Kheldians in this community about this power, and the best I can paraphrase it all is "it depends on your playstyle." I find the power very useful, but the KB in the power (and the lackluster damage) turns many people off to it. However, it's another AoE you can add to your arsenal if you want to be as "AoE heavy" as you can. If you don't, then it's yet another power choice you can use for something else. Keep in mind, however, that any power you have that affects multiple targets is a perfect opportunity to place "chance for" proc IOs. The more targets affected by a power, the higher the chance the proc will pop off. I've used builds where I placed a Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge (10% chance to have 100% extra recharge for 5 seconds) in it, and have seen it activate more often than you might think.

As an example, here's a video I just recorded (on a "normal" mob) where Dark Detonation is used. KB does happen, but in my situation, it was a positive thing to get enemies off my back for just long enough to survive. If you watch carefully, all the AoE attacks are used precisely when the enemies (who have been KB'd) all gather back around me, and it's still a decently smooth attack chain. In this particular example, there is no "pattern" to the attack chain per say--it has just enough to show you Dark Detonation in action. This video also has a perfect example of Gravitic Emanation saving my butt...see if you can spot it.

Gravity Well:
Gravity Well is basically a high-damage-output auto-kill power for minions—not to mention a really good hold power. The second you can start getting bodies on the ground, your abilities as a WS to cause mass carnage increases exponentially, so I consider Gravity Well an essential part of any Warshade's (human OR tri-form) "diet" (haha). Gravity well does some AMAZING single-target damage, and so I like to slot it with a damage set, rather than a hold set, although if you chose to slot it with a hold set, Basilik's Gaze gives some great bonuses as well.

Gravity Well is basically your "oh, crap, I gotta get a dead body on the ground in a hurry to hit stygian circle so I can survive" power. Or, it could be your “I need to get a dead body on the ground ASAP while the mob is gathered tight so I can hit Unchain Essense” power.” Either way, it’s a great power to use towards the beginning of your attack chain. In any case, I'm a big fan of Gravity Well, and I like to slot it.

Black Dwarf:
As a “human-only” player, you don’t need to pick this power if you want to be considered “human-ONLY.” However, as pointed out by a few members of the Kheldian community, Dwarf form can be used for “set mules,” specifically if you are going for soft-capped Smashing/Lethal defense as a human-former. You can actually achieve soft-capped S/L defense as a human-former WITHOUT taking Black Dwarf, but taking Black Dwarf allows you to achieve soft-cap in fewer power choices. Therefore, towards the end of the build section, I’ll go ahead and include a couple of Bi-Form builds that support human-form play, should you choose to go that route.

Stygian Circle:
Ahhh... Stygian Circle. This power, coupled with Eclipse, is what makes Warshades "awesomesauce." No real need to slot for health in this power, as the inherent heal percentage from it is still twice as high as your endurance recovery percentage, even with Performance Shifter slotted. You really want this power as early as possible in your build. Really. It’s essentially the heal that a Dark Scrapper has, but without the negative endurance drain effects associated with it. All you need are a few dead bodies.

Essence Drain:
Essence drain can be a great "emergency" power to have for a tiny surge of health if you don't have any dead bodies on the ground for stygian circle, and if you're out of inspirations. But, if you're picking it for the heal, you're going to be disappointed when comparing it to the power that is Stygian Circle. I usually recommend Essence Drain only for the "I don't like to team--I prefer to solo only" people. However, it does do pretty good damage. If you plan on picking it, I'd focus on damage IOs/sets more than I would healing IOs/sets.

It's important to mention that if you plan on making a single-target focused build (either "chaos" or "order"), you'll need to pick Essence Drain, as this power is used for the second-highest-damage single target attack chain (please see "attack chains" in the Miscellaneous section).

Gravitic Emanation:
I didn’t like this power when I first started playing my Warshade, as it seemed counterintuitive to keeping mobs tight for Eclipse, Stygian Circle, and any of my AoE attacks like mire and Unchain Essence. However, I’ve found over time that it can definitely be a HUGE bonus to you while soloing, as the length of time you can keep larger mobs stunned is really good, while you're causing carnage in human form without fear of getting taken down. It's a good opening attack, as long as it doesn't scatter everyone too far apart from eachother for pulling off a "capped" Eclipse. Personally, if I were to use it in an attack sequence, I'd want to run in and pull off my Eclipse FIRST, hit Gravity Well on a minion, hit Sunless Mire, pop Unchain Essence (mass stun), raise a pet if I need to, backpedal and hit Gravitic Emination's cone attack, and run back in to finish everyone off. You won't be able to pull off an unchain essence on every mob, if you're running at the "speedster" pace I usually do, but you should be able to pull it off every other mob, if you've got the global recharge for it. That said, on the 2nd mob, you'd probably only need to open up with a Sunless Mire and/or Gravitic Emination, then fall back into your usual attack chain, depending on your playstyle, or as the situation warrants. I've worked this power into several of my builds in this guide.

Unchain Essence:
I HIGHLY prefer this power over Quasar for one OVERWHELMING reason: there's no endurance penalty. And, also because the stun is really nice. Oh, and it recharges faster. And its damage is very respectable. And... Well, you get the picture. A quick comparison to a Warshades "actual" nuke: an Unchain Essence that's 5-slotted with Ragnarok or Positron's Blast does higher damage than Quasar does with just an ACC IO in it. And you don't get an endurance penalty for it. And you can use it every 70 to 90 seconds, depending on your global recharge. That should give you a better picture for how *respectable* Unchain Essence's damage spike is, without the major penalties like Quasar gives.

Nebulous Form:
Another power I don't personally have on my human-form Warshade, but it's admittedly another nice "OH CRAP!" power, especially if you've been hit by a "stealth strike" or a major boss attack and don't have any dead bodies on the ground or any inspirations.

Inky Aspect:
This is an extremely important power for a human-former, which only grows in importance according to how large the mob size he is fighting is. It is *nearly* an "auto-stun" for minions, and coupled with Unchain Essence, will provide a large enough combined stun to stun LTs, and in some cases, stun Bosses for a very short time. The "health risk" for taking this power is a moot point, considering the regeneration percentages I have worked into the builds mentioned in this guide.

Dark Extraction:
Your pets! Awesome little purple fluffies (as I like to call them), as long as you can keep the aggro off of them (my reasoning for picking Provoke on several of the builds)... They can *nearly* double your damage (depending on how many you can keep up constantly), so definitely don't skip this power!

Although I don't like the penalty associated with Quasar (it really slows your ability for a continuous, rolling attack chain), I do think it can be quite useful, if the situation warrants. If you're a vet player or have played any blasters, I don't have to list off all the reasons and situations it could be useful. Although I picked the power for my tri-form build, I usually don’t work it into my human form builds for one primary reason: I would have to re-toggle every single toggle-power I had running (which can be 8+ sometimes) after using it, and that would really slow my attack chain—and overall killing speed—down.

Eclipse. Need anything be said? This is the probably one of the single most powerful powers in the game. I consider it the Warshade’s “signature” power. If you slot it up right, approximately 4 to 5 enemies will give you max resistance in every category (less if you're on a team or have build for resistance in your build or are using specific Incarnate powers that provide +resistance). It's "god-mode" in a clicky. Get it and slot it.

*NOTE (Updated)*
It has been said that the “most effective” slotting of Eclipse is two Nucleolus Exposures and two Recharge IOs, but that’s a bug, and will be fixed when issue 22 is published to the servers.

Stygian Return:
Stygian Return can be an extremely useful power to have, especially if you get in those kinds of situations where you just realized that you got yourself in over your head. Although it requires live bodies to be nearby in order to work, that doesn't seem like much of a drawback, considering the fact that if you just got yourself in over your head, there's going to be a bunch of enemies standing around over your dead body anyway. It also has a fantastic "untouchable" side effect, which allows you to get away, re-toggle, and reset if you need to.

I consider speed (both recharge and rate at which you attack mobs) an essential build choice for a human-form Warshade, whether or not you choose to go for a lot or a little. Some recharge is dependent on budget constraints, but for the most part, you can achieve a good amount of recharge without spending a lot of money. As far as attack rate, all experienced Warshades know that the two main WS power (Eclipse and Stygian Circle) are timing-based. Therefore, if you want a continual running attack chain with a permanently-capped resistance bonus, you will need to be constantly moving from mob to mob in quick order (particularly if you are the “chaos” minded human former).

As far as any human-former is concerned, this is a "must-have" power, if you want a "perma" eclipse, and I can't see why you wouldn't. Of course, this makes you have to pick the "Speed" pool, and if you're naturally the "Super Jump" type, this can be a little aggravating. However, I also have a build in this guide with Combat Jumping/Super Jump worked in, so it can be done without "ruining" a human form build (which further illustrates that there can't EVER be "one Warshade build to rule them all").

Super Speed (Or any other Secondary travel power, for that matter):
I'm a big fan of Super Speed, because it compliments my personal "OMGTHERESAMOBKILLIT--kthatsdoneNEXT!" playstyle. However, if you'd rather take Super Jump, that's cool. I didn't put together a single human-form build without a 2nd travel power, because I think using TP exclusively in missions can be quite a drain on your endurance and can *possibly* mess up your attack chain sequences. On top of that, anytime you're in a cave mission, you're going to get pissed off because constantly teleporting into walls can be aggravating. However, the same thing could be said for any travel power in caves. Super Speed can cause you to constantly run into walls if you’re not extremely skilled at using it.

Super Speed also compliments Shadow Cloak in that it makes you pretty much invisible, which may be what you need to pull off a successful Eclipse. There is nothing more aggravating to me than being knocked back/down or killed by the alpha strike as I'm trying to pull off an Eclipse or attack chain.

Besides all of that, having a travel power that can get you to the next mob in short order on any map type can keep you ahead of the rest of the pack (so to speak) when playing with teammates. It can be aggravating to be “too slow” on a team, and arrive where the team’s currently at only to find out there aren’t enough enemies—or enemies are already too spread out—to pull off a full Eclipse.

Power Pools:
Now that the Fitness power pool is inherent, it allows human-formers a few more power choices (and possibly toggles, depending on how important Fitness is to you), which offers even more build flexibility.

Leadership, on teams (in my humble opinion) is absolutely invaluable. If you can afford to toggle it, you can afford the power pick. This is another reason I build for high recovery rates. While tri-formers can't necessarily properly use Leadership, human-formers can...and should, if you team often. If you prefer not to use it, it’s not a necessity, but the bonuses to using it (including the opportunity to use more LotG recharge bonuses) are hard to ignore.

The Presence power pool is a wonderful option for many human-formers out there. Because the human-former is so surviveable (especially the "order" builds, which can cap all resistances as well as softcap S/L defenses or softcap Melee/AoE/Ranged defenses), someone playing a human former can essentially become a stand-in tank. Therefore, having powers that can both taunt and control mobs from this power pool can be a great benefit. Even "chaos" human formers who like to both hold and stun mobs can make use of the fear powers in their builds. Definitely a power pool to check out if you're wondering what to pick out of the power pools.

The Fighting power pool is also notable simply because an "order" human former may need it for set mules in order to softcap their defenses. Definitely a power pool worth looking into.

This power hasn't made it to any of my power trays for years, not even when I'm at the lower lvls in a sewer run to Kings Row.... If you're a vet, then you've got your staff/wand and the Sands of Mu that dwarf brawl's effectiveness. However, if you do use it, I’d put a Pounding Slugfest: Disorient Bonus or a Kinetic Combat: Knockdown Bonus in it (or any other number of proc IOs) to expand its viability.

I usually put a run IO in here just for the heck of it, especially when exemped down on the Posi TF--although, I actually slot it in "Prestige Power Slide," because I think that purple just looks cooler with a WS.

Good idea to put a recharge in the rest here as well--another Posi-TF-influenced IO placement on my part. You probably won’t use this power at all in higher-level play.

Dark Sustenance:
You "slot" this by teaming with people (haha). If you think your capabilities as a human-former are awesome when soloing, you should check out what you can do when teamed! (Then change your pants)

Shadow Step/Shadow Recall:
I've usually just put ranges in both Shadow Step and Shadow Recall. If you do any TFs or missions in Independence Port or Shadow Shard, you might see a benefit. This is also a great place to put a either a Blessing of the Zephyr KB Protection or a Winter's Gift Slow Resistance enhancement. However, the IO you place here isn't a big deal, so the choice is yours for what you need to use here.

Shadow Slip:
This power is mainly a convenience power. Some people think it's worth it to slot; others don't. I've found a lot of use with it personally because I do a lot of Task Forces, but if you find that you never use it, there's no sense wasting a power choice on it.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



One of the most useful tools that has ever come out of the CoH community (and there have been many!) is "Mid's Hero Designer." This little program is almost a little game in and of itself--it essentially allows you to "perma-respec" your character to your heart's content without the cost of actually using a respec in-game. I rarely roll a new "toon" anymore without first building a *satisfactory* Mid's Build for it. By *satisfactory*, I mean that it "can be effective." I don't mean to imply that the builds I post in this guide are the "best" human-form builds. They are simply *options* for a few different playstyles.

That said, I will mention here that in order to see any of the builds in this guide, you need to download and install Mid's Hero Designer, located HERE. It's highly recommended that you get the most updated version, as that will allow you to *accurately* view your numbers and stats, as well as pick different/more powers, if the latest issue's release allows for that.

Once installed, you can click on any of the links in the Builds section located in this guide, and it will give you the option to "open" or "save" the build to your computer. Optionally, you can also copy and paste the data links into Mid's if for some reason the links are not working for you.

Two quick pointers: First, for first-time Mid's users in reference to this guide, there is the "view totals" button, which will bring up a three-button window that basically gives you a complete run-down of numbers and percentages for your human-former. Secondly, "activated" and "deactivated" powers affect your overall numbers. You can "activate" (or toggle on/off) a power by clicking the little black or green circle on the slotted power. Green is "activated/toggled on" and Black is "de-activated/toggled off." For the buttons at the upper right of the Mid's Program (i.e., Accolades, Incarnate powers, Temporary powers, etc.), Green is "activated/toggled on" and Blue is "de-activated/toggled off."

*NOTE!!!* Another "trick" I happen to love using is the "alternate sets" feature. Knowledge of this feature is important when attempting to see all the builds I have posted currently for a human-former. You can use this feature by clicking on "Slots/Enhancements" at the top of the Mid's program, scrolling down and highlighting "Slots," and then clicking on "Flip All to Alternate." Presto! You now have an alternate list of sets for that particular human-form slotting. Any time I refer to the "alternate" or "cheaper" build to a build I’ve posted in this guide, this is how you get to it.*NOTE!!!*

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



This is a *moderate* list of builds I think can be effective for a human-form Warshade--with a short explanation of which each contains. Feel free to use them just as a "basis" for your own human-only Warshade build... These are not "the best" builds for a human-former by any means--they are merely suggestions to hopefully get your "creative juices" flowing. The idea here is to provide a "jumping off" point for you to make a build that fits your playstyle best. There are thousands of possibilities for builds, and obviously including every combination here would be counterproductive, so please mix and match these builds to your heart's content, depending on how YOU like to play City of Heroes!

I mentioned this in the Mid's Tips & Tricks section, but some people still seem to have trouble figuring this out, so I will mention it in this section too:

Another "trick" I happen to love using is the "alternate sets" feature. Knowledge of this feature is important when attempting to see all the builds I have posted currently for a human-former. If you have downloaded the build from the LINKS, you can use this feature by clicking on "Slots/Enhancements" at the top of the Mid's program, scrolling down and highlighting "Slots," and then clicking on "Flip All to Alternate." Presto! You now have an alternate list of sets for that particular human-form slotting. Any time I refer to the "alternate" or "cheaper" build to a build I’ve posted in this guide, this is how you get to it. Otherwise, you can just copy & paste the data links to access whichever build you would like.

Also, the first build is ALWAYS the more expensive option. The Alternate build (which you get to with the aforementioned directions) is the cheaper version of the same build--with the same slotting.

In ALL of these builds, I've enabled the "auto" accolade powers... If you don't already have them on your Warshade, get them! They're a tremendous help!


The first build you see is what used to run on AlienOne when I first created this guide in 2009 (including the “legacy” Fitness power pool choices, in case you wanted to know exactly what ran on him for some of the YouTube video links below). Obviously, affording five 5-slotted purple sets may be a little out of your budget's reach, so that's why I put together the second build--to show that achieving *similar* results without purples is entirely viable. The purpose for this build (with Provoke) was intended for post-issue 16 difficulty settings (8-man mob scaling) solo play. The idea of using Provoke on a human-form Warshade is to keep the aggro on yourself and off of your pets, so they can continue to output damage unhindered. This has been tested and works. This build is primarily for human-form Warshades who like to solo "scaled" mobs, but are not opposed to teaming up when necessary. This was a very enjoyable build for me at the time, and can obviously be updated to include the inherent Fitness pool to provide several more options.

DATA LINK (Chaos Build 1):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Chaos Build 2):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


These builds are very similar to the first two, in that all power choices up to Dark Extraction are pretty much the same (with the exception of slotting for Dark Detonation). However, this is the "alternate" form of the first two builds for the human-form Warshades, for those who prefer to team up every time they log on their human-form Warshade. Provoke was traded for Vengeance, and a few slots were moved around to accommodate this change. This is quite possibly the *most* maxed out you can get your human-form Warshade with Global Recharge. Also, this build is NOT a “legacy” build (like the first one)—therefore, there are several more powers picked in this build (and at different levels) because of inherent Fitness.

DATA LINK (Chaos Build 3):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Chaos Build 4):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


These builds assume the chaos human-former doesn't want to take the leadership powers, because he/she would rather conserve their endurance usage (or simply doesn't like Leadership). This build also shows what my slotting for Gravitic Emination and Essence Drain would be, if I wanted to work them into my own personal human-form Warshade(s). This is a great build for soloers who like to face both smaller and scaled mobs.

DATA LINK (Chaos Build 5):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Chaos Build 6):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


These builds show what powers I would pick and how I would slot them if I were IO'ing or SO'ing out my human-form Warshade, for the "Solo-Minded IO/SO Purists" out there... You know who you are!

*NOTE* ZERO Knockback (KB) protection!!!

DATA LINK (Chaos Build 7):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Chaos Build 8):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


This is IO'd and SO'd versions of the builds above with leadership for "team-minded IO/SO purists" (see? I tried to think of everyone!)...

*NOTE* ZERO Knockback (KB) protection!!!

DATA LINK (Chaos Build 9):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Chaos Build 10):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


This build was something I came up with for someone who sent me a PM asking specific advice on a human-form warshade while dualing with a friend who was a tank. I think this build is pretty decent and worth mentioning, especially for the high slotting of leadership and the fact that Quasar is added into this build. Minimal Enemy Knockback was also taken into consideration for this build. This is another ideal all-around teaming build for a human-former.

*NOTE* Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

DATA LINK (Chaos Build 11):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


This is an "order" build that softcaps Smashing & Lethal defense. This is one of the best examples of an "Order" pure human-form Warshade.

DATA LINK (Order Build 1):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Order Build 2):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


In this build, the Smashing & Lethal defenses are not softcapped. However, Smashing, Lethal, Energy, Negative Energy, and Ranged damage are all placed at or over the 32.5% mark, which allows you to hit softcap for all those defense categories just by hitting one small purple inspiration (the one with the shield on it). This is another ideal build to use as a springboard for "order" human-form Warshade play.

DATA LINK (Order Build 3):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Order Build 4):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Although posting a bi-form build in a human-form guide seems a bit backwards, this build is actually very viable for the human-former, as it only uses Dwarf form for "set mules" to get the defense it needs, and still focuses on the "human-only" playstyle. As you can see in the 6th build, it's still possible to get a softcap on S/L defense without having to spend 2 billion influence on a Gladiator's Armor IO.

DATA LINK (Order Build 5):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
DATA LINK (Order Build 6):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

My current build (LINK):

I always inevitably get asked what AlienOne is running currently build-wise, so I decided I'd just include it here in this section, and update it as often as I respec him. As of (12/23/2011), this is what AlienOne has on his primary build:

DATA LINK (Alien's Chaos Build):

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

If you have created any human-form builds that fit a specific playstyle that you think are not at least partially covered in this guide, please send me a personal message with the build data chunk, and I will take a look at it for possible inclusion into this guide.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



The Incarnate system is something that was introduced in issue 19, and completely revolutionized the end-game experience for many veteran players, and in some ways even made creating builds more interesting and flexible, due to things like endurance reduction, recharge bonuses, and Defense bonuses. I am going to attempt to share my thoughts on the currently released Incarnate powers (as of issue 21), and what effects they have on the human form Warshade.

There are FAR too many powers to name individually, so any time I refer to an Incarnate power, please just assume that I am talking about the Tier 4 (T4) version of that category. I will always refer to the T4 version of whatever power category I am referring to. It’s also important to note that you can pick up EVERY category if you want, and switch them out as situations warrant, so don’t feel restricted to one.


Cardiac Core Paragon and Radial Paragon

Both Core and Radial Paragon can prove to be quite useful to a human-form Warshade, depending on what sort of build you have, and what kind of budgetary constraints have governed said build. Individuals who are able to afford “purpled” builds (builds with 5 or 6-slotted very rare sets) most likely will NOT need the Cardiac Alpha, due to the amount of endurance recovery afforded to them.

However, a more casual player who may not be able to afford a higher-end build would greatly benefit from both endurance reduction and some extra resistance. The extra resistance means fewer enemies are needed for Eclipse to cap all your resistance categories.

If you are extremely worried about endurance issues, then by all means, take Core Paragon. Otherwise, I feel someone going for this Alpha power is better fitted with Radial Paragon. Not only do you still get a good endurance discount and the same resistance percentage, but you also get some enhancements to fear effects, if you happen to have picked the Presence power pool (or have the power Fear Incarnate). Either Cardiac works well, however.

Musculature Core Paragon and Radial Paragon

Obviously, this power can be a great benefit to a human-former, and I don’t really need to go into the “whys.” Extra damage is extra damage, and if you’re into building as much damage into your build as possible, this is the Alpha for you. “Chaos” human-formers can greatly benefit from this power.

Nerve Core Paragon and Radial Paragon

This Alpha can be extremely important for the “Order” Warshade builds… Either T4 buffs your Defense by 20%, and this can make a huge difference with how you decide to slot your human-former for the 32.5% mark or for softcapping a specific category. For a “Chaos” human-former, this power isn’t a priority.

Spiritual Core Paragon and Radial Paragon

This is quite arguably the most beneficial Alpha power for human-form Warshade builds. Not only does it enhance recharge rates, it can also enhance stun effects, slow effects, and ToHit Buffs—all of which a Warshade depends on. People wanting to focus more on recharge need to pick up Core Paragon, and people who want to enhance their slows and ToHit effects will pick up Radial Paragon.


Ageless Core Epiphany and Radial Epiphany

Ageless Core Epiphany would be most useful for the human-formers who are IO/SO purists and are following my “IO/SO-only” guides, due to the benefits to endurance values as well as recharge rates. Otherwise, any other human-formers will most likely skip over this power. Also, I believe the Core is better than the Radial, unless you’re worried about getting debuffed, and if you’re worried about that, you’re most likely an “Order” human-former—and if you are, then you’d still probably be better off with Barrier or Clarion.

Barrier Core Epiphany and Radial Epiphany

“Order” human-formers will benefit greatly from the extra defense these powers give. This is also a great “teaming” power for Task Forces. The resistance values should be moot with Eclipse running, but if you’re AV soloing, this might come in handy.

Clarion Core Epiphany and Radial Epiphany

This is quite possibly (in my opinion) the most beneficial Destiny power for human-form Warshades. Mez protection is something I begged the developers to give us for YEARS. Now we have it, and I couldn't be happier. The Core T4 is obviously the better choice because it means you will have mez protection of some sort at all times. I highly advise getting this power and having it on standby for those especially pesky mob groups that spell “perma-hold” for a human-former (i.e., Malta, Knives of Artemis, Circle of Thorns, etc., etc.)

Rebirth Core Epiphany and Radial Epiphany

This power may or may not be useful for “Order” human-formers, depending on the “AV soloing” situation and the build they are using, but for the most part, this is probably not a power you’re going to be picking as a Warshade, due to the amazingness that is Stygian Circle.


Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface and Radial Flawless Interface

This can be a very useful power to keep in your arsenal for soloing AVs, due to the ToHit and regen debuffs. However, it’s not an absolutely important choice, and one that I’d like to see tested.

Gravitic Core Flawless Interface and Radial Flawless Interface

I can also see another possible use here for soloing specific AVs, but would need to see an example of it to encourage using it above all others in specific situations.

Paralytic Core Flawless Interface and Radial Flawless Interface

This one can be incredibly useful for AVs who dish out devastating attacks or have high defense. Would like to see an example of this in action as well.

Reactive Core Flawless Interface and Radial Flawless Interface

This one is the most recommended from both myself and several other members of the Kheldian community, due to the amount of extra damage it can add to your attacks, as well as the chance to have a damage resistance debuff added to your attacks. Depending on your priority (damage or debuffs), both of these T4 powers come highly recommended.


All powers in this category are not an “absolute necessity” for any human-former in order to function. They are just “nice to have,” and thusly all power recommendations here would be highly subjective.

I’ll just mention that Cimerorans have very good single-target damage, and Warworks have –regen attacks, both of which could be very useful for AV soloing—assuming “not using pets” isn’t part of your challenge.


Also another situation where recommending one power over another isn’t going to give you an advantage or a disadvantage, so any points I make here would be moot. Pick whatever fits you best here, or whatever fits your “theme” if you want.

Something to point out is Void has a great debuff, Ion hits up to 40 targets, and Pyronic does the most damage (though not by much).


Not yet unlocked.


Not yet unlocked.


Not yet unlocked.


Not yet unlocked.


Not yet unlocked.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



This section of my guide isn't meant to be a "how-to" on attack chains or "how a human-form Warshade SHOULD be played." It is merely a section I decided to include for entertainment/informational purposes to illustrate what a human-form Warshade is capable of, and (hopefully) to provide some inspiration for future human-formers to show off their accomplishments. I will be updating this section as I acquire more links to videos (and as I have time) that fit these specifications. Please feel free to send me a personal message, if you think you have a video that is a good example of what a human-form Warshade is capable of.

Here's the first couple of videos I made back when Mission Architect was first implemented and I was starting to really test the limits of what my human-form Warshade could handle (before the difficulty settings, before Incarnate powers, and before level shifting):

Video 1: Enemy Hordes (with Vengeance)

Video 2: Enemy Hordes (without Vengeance)

The following videos are the best examples of the sort of fights a "chaotic" human-form Warshade would trip out over. While a "stable" human-former may thoroughly enjoy a long fight with an AV, a "chaotic" human former would rather fight 100+ enemies at once (They're also a great illustration of how useful Orbiting Death is in large mobs):

Video 3: 100+ enemies

Video 4: Scrapperlock!

This is the very first test I did with +4x8 mobs (no bosses at first, and then with bosses added) when i16 was first released (before level shifting and Incarnate powers):

Video 5: No Bosses

Video 6: With Bosses


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)




I get asked about attack chains a lot. "What attack chain is optimal?" "Which attack chain do you use?" "What's the highest DPS attack chain you can have on a Warshade?"

Firstly, the main thing you have to keep in mind for a Warshade is several of your attacks are situational. For example, you're not going to use Stygian Circle to heal or recover endurance unless you already have bodies on the ground. It may screw up your timing/rhythm/surviveability if you hit Eclipse when there is only 1 enemy next to you. Sunless Mire is also most effective when there are more enemies around. Unchain Essence requires a dead body and has a high recharge attached to it. Your pets require a dead body, and using any one of the aforementioned powers may interrupt your "attack chain" flow and timing, and ultimately lowers your DPS. Therefore, you can't really place some of your key signature powers in a specific "chain of events" without consistently being aware of your situation. This is something else I love about Warshades. There are some ATs in this game that are so surviveable that you can basically run to grab a drink out of the fridge and use the restroom with a group of enemies gathered around your character beating on him/her, and come back and your character won't even have a scratch. That's nearly impossible with a Warshade. You have to constantly be rolling with the punches, considering which power is best to use when, what would be most effective, when you should stun or hold, and what is the best "opening" attack for a specific enemy type.

It is usually best to think of a Warshade's "attack chain" in two parts: the "Buildup/Explosion" and the "Takedown."

"The Buildup/Explosion"

There are two specific powers on a Warshade that are most effective when used FIRST. They are Eclipse and Sunless Mire. Both of these powers are more effective with more enemies nearby, and therefore can be used to their maximum capacity if used directly after entering the center of a large mob. I usually hit Eclipse first, because I am first and foremost thinking of my surviveability. If I can't live long enough to pull off any of my next few attacks, there's no sense in running in the middle of the mob to begin with. Therefore, I will use Eclipse first, and then Sunless Mire next.

Now, we have (hopefully) a capped resistance percentage in every resistance category, and a fully saturated Mire, which has significantly multiplied our ToHit buff and damage output.

We can now start thinking about an "attack chain."

If you have picked Unchain Essence in your human-form build, this is a power that I also like to use towards the beginning of my attack chain. It creates dead bodies quickly, and subsequently allows me to build momentum in getting the rest of the enemies down in the mob.

With that said, this is my usual mindset when approaching a new mob:

1. Target a minion (enemy with the lowest HP) towards the middle of a mob
2. Run in the middle of the mob
3. Eclipse
4. Sunless Mire
5. Use Gravity Well on minion (which is usually an insta-kill)
6. Unchain Essence on the dead body
7. Dark Detonation on the next nearest enemy

If you've chosen Provoke, I would use that at this point to call any enemy back to you that might have gotten knocked back in the previous attack chain's sequence, and then use a Stygian Circle (if you need to heal up) and create a pet on one of the dead bodies at your feet.

By this point, most mobs in most solo or team situations (unless you're going against +4s which will have a much higher amount of HP) are going to be pretty decimated. Heck, if you're quick enough, you can stay 2 steps ahead of most teams by having nearly every mob down to just a few "stragglers" by the time the team gets to the mob you've currently hit. You should only have the bosses and a few LTs left, and can start an entirely different sort of attack chain--part 2, if you will...

"The Takedown"

I don't claim to be a math magician for DPS outputs, but I have had discussions with people who were, and they informed me that there is, in fact, a couple of very good single-target high DPS attack chain sequences, which are best for taking down the bosses and LTs that don't go down during your initial "damage explosion," or for those of you who are interested in taking on AVs:

1. Gravity Well>Ebon Eye>Shadow Blast>Ebon Eye (rinse and repeat)


2. Shadow Blast>Gravity Well>Shadow Blast>Essence Drain (rinse and repeat)

This is not meant to be a "be all, end all" way to use your powers as a human-former. It's just a suggestion for how you might best utilize your powers most effectively in *most* situations.


As you can see from any of the "setted" human-only builds, it's going to cost you a good chunk of money to set out a human-form Warshade. There's no sense in posting "average" market costs in a guide, because that not only severely *dates* it, it's also not an accurate representation of the market. Market prices have soared and plummeted so many times that not even the people who claim to "study" the market can predict what will come next--similar to the American stock market during the 2000s.

What I will say is this: visit the "Market" section of the forums for some good advice from the "experts" on *properly* playing the market (if you don't already know how) before you try "impulse buying" everything in one of those sets. Luck of the Gambler +Global Recharges, Numina +Regen +Recovery, and Miracle +Recovery will always be on the "expensive" side, as well as any "Knockback Protection" IO, due to their popularity. However, I advise you to try taking it out of your Mid's build and see your endurance recovery percentages drop before you decide outright that you're not going to get them. They're quite useful.

Also, as an alternative to paying excessive prices on the market, try a "regular diet" of Task Forces. You can get exactly what you want via the merit system without paying a *dime* of influence--it's what I do!

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



A human-former is a very adaptable and unique build for City of Heroes. The closest I could compare it to would be a scrapper who "happened" to have a frew "controller-type" powers, and had a major damage buff as well. Although you may not be able to do as much damage as a blaster, your surviveability and ability to stand toe-to-toe with extremely difficult enemies (and continue to put out a continuous stream of attacks) will more than make up for the loss of damage output for not choosing "nova" form. A "Blapper" who might be pretty frustrated with the amount of times his Blaster dies would be extremely satisfied with this playstyle.

Also, it is important to realize that, as illustrated in the build section above, there is no "one" way to build a human-form Warshade. There may be an "optimized" way to build a human-form Warshade for your particular playstyle, but everyone's playstyle and end goals for their human-former are going to be different, and therefore there are going to be many different possibilities for how your particular Warshade can be built. One may say, "THIS is the best way to build a Warshade!" but then not take into consideration playstyle, budgetary constraints, or power preferences. What they really mean is "THIS is the best way to build a Warshade for me!"

That's the beauty of playing a Kheldian. Some might see the sheer number of power choices on a Kheldian as a negative thing, but I see it as a positive thing. To me, more choice offers more flexibility for more playstyles.

As a final note, the most important thing to remember while building and playing your human-form Warshade is to be patient! Building (and playing) a human-form Warshade that causes teammates to send you tells after a mission complimenting you on how awesome your Kheld is doesn't happen overnight...

...It takes practice!

Have fun!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Shadow Step/Shadow Recall:
I'll usually just put ranges in both Shadow Step and Shadow Recall. If you do any TFs or missions in the Shadow Shard, you'll thank me for that IO choice over End Reduc later. However, endurance usage may be a problem for budget-constrained builds, so this choice is yours for what you need to use here.
Shadow Recall is a great place for either a Blessing of the Zephyr KB Protection or a Winter's Gift Slow Resistance enhancement. The only places where you might meaningfully want the extra range on Shadow Recall are Independence Port and out in the Shadow Shard (and even then, the Range Enhancement isn't "enough" to eliminate the problem when traveling corner to corner.

For Shadow Step, I personally prefer a Jaunt End/Range IO instead of either all Range or all Endurance.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Good points... Are you familiar with how Blessing of the Zephyr KB Protection works? I've seen the symbol for it pop up when it's used in a "click" power, and then it disappears.

Does that mean you're only getting the KB protection for a short period of time when the power has been activated? Or is it "always on?" Or, is it bugged?


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Is Dark Detonation so bad as to be completely unmentionable?

I find myself undecided on whether or not I should try and cram it in a build. The damage looks lackluster and the kb is going to make it not particularly friendly to keeping things in the zone o' death but it is more aoe.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Good points... Are you familiar with how Blessing of the Zephyr KB Protection works? I've seen the symbol for it pop up when it's used in a "click" power, and then it disappears.

Does that mean you're only getting the KB protection for a short period of time when the power has been activated? Or is it "always on?" Or, is it bugged?
It's always on. Just make sure you're within Level+3 of what you've slotted and you'll be fine (ie. slot a Level 10 IO if at all possible for this). Same rules apply to the Winter's Gift Slow Resistance IO.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Stargeist View Post
Is Dark Detonation so bad as to be completely unmentionable?

I find myself undecided on whether or not I should try and cram it in a build. The damage looks lackluster and the kb is going to make it not particularly friendly to keeping things in the zone o' death but it is more aoe.
Oops, sorry... I seemed to have accidentally skipped over that power. Thanks for pointing it out.

Adding it to the list now.


Added. Back to working on builds...

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Cool. Thanks much.



Gravimetric Snare:
Gravimetric Snare always proved to be a "throwaway" power for me personally as a human-former, until I was turned on to “proc” enhancements and what they capable of. Not only can you stack immobilize on a Boss (especially if you’re trying to make a single-target build), you can also place some “chance to hold” proc enhancements to further help you keep your enemy in place. In my experience, putting a “chance to hold” enhancement in both Gravimetric Snare and Gravity Well, and then using those powers in quick succession usually yields and extremely high chance to hold even the toughest boss in place. I’ll include a couple of builds that show what I’m talking about in the build section.

One thing about this, you don't put a 'chance to hold' proc into Gravity Well, it already has the inherent chance to hold. Unless you are talking about the proc that gives a chance to boost the hold magnitude?

My circle is more like an egg. . .a handicapped egg. - A math professor



Yes, I am talking about the proc that gives a chance to boost the hold magnitude.

Normally, Gravity Well holds both minions and LTs (most of the time), but rarely a +3 or +4 boss, because their hold protection is higher than Gravity Well's hold magnitude. However, with a chance to hold proc in Gravimetric Snare AND a chance to hold proc in Gravity well (along with Gravity Well's hold mag), using both powers in succession WILL hold a boss at +3 or +4--for a decently lengthy amount of time too--if either of the procs pop off.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



18 builds added to the guide, and various improvements made to wording and organization.

Incarnate Powers section, Attack Chain talking points, and more videos coming soon!


"Attack Chains" section done.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Ok Alien. I am literally about to read through the whole guide, click every link, open every build, and cover everything in sequential order. I will PM you my feedback if I have any more to give.



Thanks! I appreciate you putting in that kind of time... God knows it took me literally the past 7 days to write, edit, organize, and create builds for it!

Please let me know if specific links are not working, or if you see something that doesn't read right... I had a couple of other friends look over it for spelling errors and stuff like that, so it shouldn't be too bad in that department.

I certainly hope all this work (and future work) helps some other people out. I noticed that there were several posts in the guide section asking for an "i21 human-form guide," so hopefully this is what they needed.

The sections I expect to expand on as time goes by will be the Incarnate section as well as the Video section.

My first guide I made on these forums filled 25 pages of a Word document. This one fills 52 pages.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Eclipse. Need anything be said? This is the probably one of the single most powerful powers in the game. I consider it the Warshade’s “signature” power. If you slot it up right, approximately 4 to 5 enemies will give you max resistance in every category (less if you're on a team or have build for resistance in your build or are using specific Incarnate powers that provide +resistance). It's "god-mode" in a clicky. Get it and slot it.

It has been said that the “most effective” slotting of Eclipse is two Nucleolus Exposures and two Recharge IOs, but from what I understand, that’s a “bug” (makes sense, as none of those IOs are actually providing resistance—it would make more sense to have Ribosome Exposure providing resistance values), so I can’t actively encourage people to take advantage of a bug that may or may not be fixed at a later date.
We now have a "date" as to when this particular exploit is due to be "fixed" ... and that is Issue 22.

Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
  • Hamidon, Synthetic Hamidon, Titan and Hydra Enhancements will no longer incorrectly enhance attributes other than those specified by the enhancement.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
We now have a "date" as to when this particular exploit is due to be "fixed" ... and that is Issue 22.
Thank you very much for the update! I'll make a note of it and include it in my update for the guide, which will also update the Incarnates section...

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Thank you so much for this guide, big ups mate

Lurk more, post less.




Awesome guide! Thanks for taking the time to contribute so much to the Kheldian community!

The ORIGINAL SoulThief, Katana/Regen Scrapper, dueling champion, Pinnacle server.
Former member of Rubricon Breach and United on Pinnacle.
VIP Exalted server