
  • Posts

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    [u]I created this thread because any dev response to anything PvP is older than 2 months and is in closed threads.
    Hardly conducive to discussion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *cough* *cough* Thread started less than a month ago.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *cough, cough*.... That is not a "response." Nice try, though.

    "The One"
  2. AlienOne

    Mod 8

    I swear, more threads get made about this "Mod 8" for no reason whatsoever than pretty much anything else I can think of....With the possible exception of "farming in the MA" threads...

    Speaking of "padding your post counts",

    "The One"
  3. *EDIT* Sorry for the extra post. I kept getting a "sorry, this form is no longer valid. Please hit the back button on your browser and resubmit" error...

    "The One"
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    .... wait'll you meet Romulus and his Pet Nicti Recluse and his henchpeople are so many small, purring kittens compared to that Triad of Terror.

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    Not really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd have to second that. I've been on many, many different types of team setups that took down Rom in just a few minutes... Whereas, I've only been able to take down Recluse with certain specific team builds using a very few select strategies to do it... Recluse is definitely hard (with the towers up).... However, IMO, I'd actually have to say I personally have more of a feeling of "horror" when facing up against GW than I do LR.... That's just me though.

    "The One"
  5. Doc Shok thought bubble over his head:

    "Maybe if I continue playing dead, they'll keep going..."
  6. AlienOne

    Closed Beta

    [ QUOTE ]
    I prefer the T.a.t.u version

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, that's a pretty good one... There's nothing better than 2 Russian girls who---


    "The One"
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Because that's what I fully expect you to do...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't know you. You don't know me. I'm going to give you a huge benefit of the doubt that you have me confused with someone else and you're not just spewing a paranoid rant or trolling me outright.

    Empathy is in fact a horrible set for newbies. It's a poor buff/debuff set, desirable over other buff/debuff sets only in particular situations such as Hamidon raids and empath duos. It puts the most situational powers at low levels, encouraging poor playstyles. It doesn't teach newbies anything about NPCs, except maybe which enemies are mezzers, big damage dealers, and end drainers if they're playing very close attention. Except that usually doesn't happen, because empathy encourages players to not pay attention to anyone but their teammates.

    So I wouldn't say the fact that newbies like Empathy is a reason to give it any sort of positive recognition. Quite the opposite.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Go back. Re-read my original post.

    Then re-read it again.

    Then again.

    Rinse and repeat until you get it through your thick skull that what I said was that empaths ALLOW for n00bs to play the game without the "frustration" of knowing exactly how to build their toon right off the bat. Or allow for the fact that a 7-year old can play a blaster and begin to learn how to play it without repeatedly dying within 2 minutes of rolling it. Or--

    ---nvm. Just re-read the friggin' post. At NO point did I say that "n00bs" should roll an emp first. What I SAID was I LOG ON MY EMP TO KEEP MY FRIEND'S KIDS ALIVE WHILE THEY PLAY A GAME THEY KNOW ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT. Which, in the end, makes it a more fun experience for them.



    Ok, I'm done.

    "The One"
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    You see, in all the time I've been on Pinnacle, I've seen over time a steady increase of happy, well-adjusted players. This is a problem! It is a problem, because for every single normal, well-spoken decent person that comes to Pinnacle, the number of people who can be made fun of for rampant misuse of the English language, ATs or any other number of things diminishes significantly. This is unacceptable! Who am I supposed to make fun of?! A crisis, to be sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn, I love your posts.


    "The One"
  9. LoL, love stories like that... Thanks for sharing.

    I'd have to disagree with 'ya on the cyst sentiments though... My WS's digital mouth "waters" whenever I get a chance to face off with one of those... In fact, a lot of my teammates have been suprised recently when I've jumped into a group and purposefully saved the quantum/void for the last kill, just to prove my survivability.

    I say bring on the challenge! :P

    "The One"
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    The only people who think the Forum Cartel is important is... themselves.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    B_I obviously thinks the Cartel is a big deal. All one has to do to confirm that little fact is read her posts and watch how often she uses the term to demonize anyone that disagrees with her.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    For what it's worth, we do have cliques here on the forums.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, even though there are many, many issues we may disagree on, I must admit when I absolutely do agree with you.

    This is a very true statement. It's actually a fact of life wherever you go. Doesn't matter where you live, where you hang out, what forums you're in, what games you play, ect....

    People have a natural tendency to form cliques. There is some sort of psychological urge to feed the "I want to feel important/exclusive/respected" beast....

    Though people don't want to admit it, especially when they feel like they've "matured" or "outgrown" that, it's JUST like high school. People do it no matter if they're 16 or 66.

    "The One"
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Empaths are the toons that make the game fun for "n00bs"...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Like Storm can't do that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you saying that's one of the main functions of a Stormy?

    'Cause that's what I was saying about empaths....

    In no way, shape, or form was I making any sort of statement on Storm toons in my post. I'm actually incredulous of how you'd even assume that's what I was doing, since you "know me so well"...

    Here's a question.... Are you going to ask another question to elicit a response that has absolutely nothing to do with my original statement (which originally was intended to counteract the TON of "f**k healer" posts I've already read, and not just in this thread)? And then accuse me of not answering your question after reading this post?

    Because that's what I fully expect you to do...

    I can play this game all day, friend... Now, whether I *want* to is another

    "The One"
  12. My two cents?

    Empaths are the toons that make the game fun for "n00bs" who aren't as good (or experienced) at the game as all you *lol-uber* players out there.

    I've got an empath, and I like to log it on anytime some of my good friend's kids want to log on and play the game. Rather than them having a bad experience by joining a team comprised of people who expect you to have the "ultimate perfect build" and know what to do in EVERY situation in the game, I allow them to log on with whatever character they want (or make a new one just for fun), and I'll have them exemp my empath down, and I'll keep them alive for as long as they want to play.

    But, you're right.

    "Healers" shouldn't be in the game.

    They're not needed.

    "The One"
  13. Probably means "official announcement" and "officially going live."

    "The One"
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm glad this time around is better for you.

    From what I've found, WS and PB are the most deleted characters. I wonder if the devs log that.

    So seriously, just stick with it. No matter how bad it gets, just keep the WS rolling.

    Eventually you will realize how independent you are, yet how awesome you are to the team.

    And then you'll hit a cyst.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And once you hit lvl 50 and spend some quality time working with the build to make it the best it can possiblty be for your particular playstyle, you'll come across a cyst.

    ....and realize you can basically solo it.

    While the rest of the team watches.

    "The One"
  15. Yeah, for sure.... As someone who almost constantly plays on his Khelds, I must admit I'm happy when a 'troller's on the team. I prefer a tight group for most efficient AoEs.... I actually wish the Devs would come up with some sort of enhancements that would *reduce* KB instead of enhance it.... That way, people who prefer to not KB could enhance it that way, and the people who like it for damage mitigation while, say, soloing or whatever could enhance it with extra KB....

    Alas.... One can dream.

    "The One"
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you come to the forums looking to be insulted, you will be insulted

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    And who exactly are YOU to determine whether or not someone *needs* insulting, "Mr. All-knowing SUBJECTIVE Opinion?"

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    I should have phrased that differently. If you come here looking to be insulted, you will find something to be insulted by, even when one isn't actually present. I meant to say that people who look to be insulted will take offence at exceedingly small things, not that there will be people to insult them because they deserve it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, just to clarify, I wasn't attacking you or anything... Sometimes I like to pick out phrases said by people on these boards to share my inner sarcastic/cynical self with everyone.... I actually agree with you. Someone who is looking for something to be offended by will most likely find it... Falls under the same principle as "If you think you're going to fail, you probably will."

    My close friends know to not take me serious *most* of the time...

    "The One"
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    I take anything the New York Times says with a grain of salt.

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    I'd believe something that Chuck Norris says over the New York Times anyday.


    "The One"
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The irony is you just proved his point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Someone using the "irony" statement on these forums?

    noooo waaaaaayyyy.

    DOOOOOOOOOM! (haha)

    Wait..... someone using sarcasm in a reply?

    DOOOOOOOOOM X2!!!!!!!!1111

    "The One"
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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    It's funny that just by glancing at a post, if I see things like "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiight" and "LOTS OF SENTENCES IN ALL CAPS" and sprinklings of things like "Sure thing," and "You bet," I immediately know it's a B_I post.

    Does anyone else read B_I's posts with a valley girl voice?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, I thought that's what you did with "The_Player" posts.... My bad... I must have missed the latest TPS report on that one.

    "The One"
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    If you come to the forums looking to be insulted, you will be insulted

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And who exactly are YOU to determine whether or not someone *needs* insulting, "Mr. All-knowing SUBJECTIVE Opinion?"

    Oh, wait.... Was that an insult?

    My bad.

    "The One"
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    You better not be farming with Self-Destruct or making money cybering in that Bride outfit, sploiter!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL. Nice.

    "The One"
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    So it isn't just me? The same people which you referred to as "forumistas" are following me around agreeing with one another regardless of how idiotic it is? Hmmm.

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    Yes. In fact, the entire Forum Cartel has made it their goal to drive you from the game by contradicting everything you say on the forums. And also cutting your brake lines.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sounds like sarcasm, but the facts show that this may very well be true, aside from the break lines thing. Take a look at the forums. Most everything is griefed with lousy ratings and nearly every suggestion is flamed. Not mine, but everyones. Go ahead, take a peek.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I've found that that's pretty much how *most* of the "veteran" posters run business around here. They *may* have a bit of something "constructive" in their answers to you "n00bs" (if they feel like it that day), but it's wrapped in so much flaming [censored] that you can't tell what was actually helpful about the post.


    As to the OP, I'm on Freedom as often as I can be when I'm not working... Usually on my Khelds (AlienOne and VestigeOne), so look me up sometime... If I'm not doing a TF at the time, I'll be more than happy to team with 'ya. In fact, I actually enjoy exemping down, so I'd have no problem teaming with you on a few missions....

    "The One"
  23. I would like to see how you can cap out ranged defense for nova form... Anyone have a build on how to do this? I'm working on my tri-form right now, and would like to see how to get this done.

    "The One"
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Now, don't do anything you're gonna regret later.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    "The One"
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    you know i use to be like that and hate teaming up with PBs and WSs but then i had a chance to up with one from my super group in a LGTF. That changed everything i mean PBs and WSs can be really good so now it doesnt bother me to team up with a PB or WS and sometime i even ask for one to join.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, considering how many instances I've had where I was kicked off the team solely for being a Kheld without having a single chance to "prove myself", that's a nice thing to hear.

    "The One"