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  1. That's a good idea... It'd probably be prudent to list binds under categories like "Fits Under Strategies X and Y, but not Z", or an addendum after a category of binds that says something of that nature, if you know what I'm saying...

    "The One"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    A Kheldian Binding Guide might not be a bad idea, either - one that covers not just the binds themselves, but strategies and examples.

    I'll volunteer to do the work to compile/write it, so long as it gets universal contribution. Tell ya what - I'll start a thread with some binds and accompanying strategies that I use, and everyone is invited to contribute if they choose, any resulting "guide" that gets compiled then becomes OUR guide and not just MY guide.

    And of course it goes without saying that if someone else wants to write a guide and get credit then win! I have absolutely zero interest in setting myself up as some "Kheldian bind strategy guru guy who wrote a guide." I just volunteered because I'm mildly proficient with writing and actually enjoy it. Anyone else has one in progress, already done, or always wanted to do it feel free to speak up. (There's always Hardball's guide to /bind, but I'm thinking something more tactical in nature an specific to Kheldians)

    Either way, I'll start the thread rolling and we'll see where it ends up. Besides, it would be good to see something that we can show some solidarity on.
    You're hired.

    "The One"
  3. Primarily recharge and damage, with a very modest-to-low side of defense and high ACC (as well as some slight ToHit bonuses). My "human-only WS guide" will most likely be posted by today or tomorrow (I'm workin' on it right now), so you'll be able to get an idea of what I think about when slotting a human-form...

    "The One"
  4. AlienOne

    HEAT Epics

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    Actually, the argument could be made (and was made, by some) that pre-I13 Kheldians were performing just fine with regard to their role of being adaptable. Shape-shifting Khelds could still switch forms to change roles in battle, and teaming khelds of all flavors still enjoyed bonuses while teamed that depended on team makeup.

    That didn't change the fact that Khelds needed help. The damage buffs, the dwarf-form breakfree and the range increases only indirectly helped a Kheldian be more adaptable, but were addressed principally to problems that were independent of the role of the archetype. After all, how is a direct damage buff making a kheld more adaptable? It enables the kheldian to get through a battle quicker? That's an indirect benefit.

    Taking the animation time out of shapeshifting would have been a direct boon to our adaptability, but that wasn't done. Allowing auto pool powers like Stamina and Health to transfer to the forms would have been a direct help, but that wasn't done either. The only change they made that directly affected our adaptability was to allow the team link inherent to carry over to the forms.

    Adding epic pools - or kheld specific pools of any sort, really - actually would directly help us be more flexible and adaptable, and so long as they come at the cost of other power choices from our primary and secondary, wouldn't overpower us or starve us for slots. Kheldians are performing their role just fine, I agree. But then, they were just as adaptable before I13 as after - they just the balance between killing and being killed while performing that role more towards the killing side.

    My point is that the archetype's performance of its role isn't necessarily the mean by which it is measured when it comes to requesting changes. We've gotten tons of changes in this game not because something wasn't working as intended, but simply because we as a community asked for them.

    If no further changes are made to the kheldian archetype, it's not necessarily because the developers aren't willing to make changes, but more because there is no solidarity among we the players. Most of us are content with Khelds as they are, and those of us who do want change seldom agree on what form it should take, and really aren't discontented enough to pursue it.

    And really, there's nothing wrong with being happy.

    I really, really, really wish I could come across like this and word things like you do, rather than seemingly post something "argumentative" in nature to try and say the same thing you do with more diplomacy.

    I agree that pre-i13 the same argument could have been made, before all the changes... I certainly was pretty content. But, I also loved the changes post-i13 too... Logging on to my PB and switching to Dwarf and doing a buttload more damage per attack was a "oohhh.... This is nice!" feeling. And I didn't even request any changes then (with the possible exception of human-only mez protection, which I've been on the rampage for forever, so that doesn't count...haha)!

    "The One"
  5. AlienOne

    HEAT Epics

    Yes, but how many people across the entire Kheldian community play their tri-form Khelds like you do--binds, timing, and all?

    I daresay very few.

    Also, in those same Geko articles, he mentions part of the "design" for Kheldians was for "variations" in Kheld form play, including human-only forms, which obviously is in disagreement with Castle's view on human form.

    So, in the end... Who here is the "authority" on the "Dev view" on what they intend for Khelds? Who knows if they have any different intentions for Khelds in the future? Who knows if they will implement any or none of our suggestions on these forums in those "intentions?"

    I believe that's the point of suggestions. I've seen in the past seeming "Dev intent" change, based on playerbase opinion/suggestions, as long as it wasn't game-breaking.

    We are, after all, customers.

    "The One"
  6. AlienOne

    HEAT Epics

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I don't agree with that. Using Nova or Dwarf turns off all your other powers. In effect, that is the balance consideration at work. If when you turned on Dwarf you had all its powers PLUS your human form powers I would agree with you.

    Most people don't seem to take this into consideration--that switching into a form is like playing a completely different toon with different powers, shape, speed, capabilities, and working set bonuses. It just "happens" to be worked into a current toon you have. Every time you hit that form-switching button, you're effectively switching into another power set/build/costume "on the fly."

    "The One"
  7. AlienOne

    HEAT Epics

    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    This is actually not true.

    Kheldians get 26 powers from their primary/secondary. (Yes, plus two freebie travels.)

    Night Widows get 27 from their Primary/Secondary, Fortunata get 30, Crabs get 28 (30 if you count the two frags/vemons as seperate powers) and Banes get 30.

    All four of those get Patron Pools.

    AS a Kheldian player I frankly fail to see why any Kheldian player would be OPPOSED to getting access to APPs.

    IF YOU DON'T WANT ONE, DON'T TAKE ONE. But don't rain on other people's parade because of your viewpoint.

    I would immediately take any Psi based APP on my Peacebringer, because it would actually FIT his background. His host was a powerful psychic. It makes NO SENSE that he can't use ANY of his Psi powers now that he's joined.

    Of course, the Devs might have to deal with *possible* "overpowered" scenarios from the min/maxers because of adding EPPs... And this may be something that the Devs really have no interest (or no time) to deal with. However, you make some excellent points, and ones that I would definitely agree with.

    I'd also mention that "outcry" from the playerbase is *almost* the only thing that will cause the Devs to re-look at an AT and see what they can do to "improve" on it.

    That said, in the past, this has also proved to add "nerfage" as well... And, if adding an EPP to a Kheld causes powers such as Stygian Circle or Eclipse to get nerfed.... I would make a complte 180 on my stance and say "don't add EPPs."

    Yeah, I like those powers that much.

    "The One"
  8. Actually, I didn't know the "E" one.... Now I'm curious!

    "The One"

    *EDIT* It told me 22:17 (10:17pm). I'm located on the west coast, and my time (at the time) was 3:17pm. Does this mean that the Freedom server is located somewhere around England's time zone (approximately)?
  9. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Not to my knowledge. I would think that someone who was able to do this (and successfully document it, instead of just pointing out by numbers on paper that it's *possible*) would have been psyched to share that accomplishment/screenshot/video with the rest of the City of Heroes Community.

    Or it could be that my "search fu" isn't strong enough to find anything posted like that.

    "The One"
  10. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by Acoustics View Post
    There is a general tone on the Kheld forum that seems to suggest min/maxer's are not welcome here. I'm not taking sides with anyone, but as a lurker I definitely feel that unless I post about "the bestest things about Khelds" my post with either get 300 views with no replies/help, or simply be highjacked by people.
    I think you misread the "general attitude." In fact, I think every "min/max" Kheld on this forum misreads the "general attitude." What people like myself (who happens to also be a min/maxer, only in human-form) don't care for is the attitude that "everyone should be a min/maxer or you suck."

    My attitude about the whole thing is:

    1. If you are a min/maxer, that's awesome. Post details about it. Post numbers. Post accomplishments. More power to 'ya.

    But, don't insist that "you" should become the "standard" to which all others should "bow down."

    2. If you play you Kheld for fun, you are JUST as welcome as the min/maxers. You shouldn't be ridiculed because you didn't pick a specific power or form, because you don't personally care for it. That's your choice. Post your build. Post your *own* numbers. Post your accomplishments. More power to 'ya.

    But don't insist that "you" should become the "standard" to which all others should "bow down."

    3. If you're a lurker, continue to lurk. ALL kinds are welcome here. Get the general idea here?

    I believe this section of the forums is actually MORE open to MORE types of people than ANY of the other sections are (when referring to the ATs), because we don't INSIST that you know numbers, builds, Mid's Hero Designer inside and out, have at least a 60 month vet badge, at least 1.5 billion in infl, or 40,000 hours spent on your toon before you can post. (obvious exagguration to prove a point)

    Most of us enjoy both kinds of posts. I enjoy reading both a post on min/maxing and a *general* "wow, look what I did with my Kheld!" post. I have never put either sort of poster down for those reasons alone.

    I'll restate once more that what I DO have a problem with is when the person gives the general impression that there should be "one be-all, end-all Kheld build." Because the truth is, there simply isn't.

    The AV-solo-er build you might be able to come up with, while being able to solo an AV, might not be the best build for *many* other situations. So, while I congratulate you if you're able to solo an AV (MAJOR accomplishment!), I won't go out on a limb and say "this should be the build that ALL Khelds should make."

    That's just simply.....for lack of a better word....stupid.

    "The One"
  11. THIS is the thread.... Dangit, don't know why I couldn't find it.... Acknowledged, and any day of the week is find with me, as long as it's in the evening (PST).... Just lemme know!

    "The One"
  12. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I just want to remark on the build with Leaderships. I've been looking into an All Kheld STF possibility and came to the conclusion that Leadership is probably worth more than it's weight in Gold so I would remove Provoke for Vengeance for sure. You'd have to do the whole STF in human form but with someone elses Dwarf taking on the Mezzers it'll be great.
    Yeah, actually since I team with my WS (and do TFs) almost all the time with my WS, that was a hard decision to make, because Vengeance is invaluable for situations like that (teamed, TFs, PuGs, etc.), and I really liked having the power.

    The main reason I changed Vengeance to Provoke was in light of i16's release and the fact that I could spawn a map for 8 heroes without teaming, therefore making the "solo" part of the game a little more appealing to me. At that point, Vengeance didn't seem like a viable power, and since I figured I needed something to keep the 8-man spawns interested in me instead of my pets (to keep them up longer), I decided to switch out Vengeance for Provoke.

    In the future, if Devs include more builds (like a 3rd, 4th, and 5th), that would allow VestigeOne to become even more specialized (i.e. solo human-only build, tri-form build, EB/AV test build, teamed up human-only build, ect.)

    "The One"
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panikaze View Post
    When you are on the shower thinking that if you swap that two slots on your nuke to put on your spammable attack would increase you DPS.
    All of those are hilarious, but that one actually made me LOL.

    Guilty as charged. :/

    "The One"
  14. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    That's actually how the all-Kheld iTFs finished successfully... Everyone used the "blaster" mentality and blasted the essences from a distance without aggroing the AV.

    Interesting points there... I didn't figure that a Kheld could solo an AV, but I never saw any concrete evidence to prove otherwise... Thanks for the info!

    "The One"
  15. Actually, I'd recommend keeping tri-form all the way up to lvl 50, so you have more lvls as a tri-former under your belt, an easier time of lvling up to 50, and more time to develop exactly what you like to do (playstyle, if you will)... Then, so you're not wasting a respec, make the 2nd build a human form, if that's what you want to do with it. That way, when you're starting with a human-only form, you've already got all the powers you *need* at your disposal (stygian circle, gravity well, eclipse, etc)...

    "The One"
  16. AlienOne

    PB vs WS

    Can we get this post by MB pinned plz?

    Name it something like "So, you want to make a Kheld?" (haha)

    "The One"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    I'd actually forgotten to check 'til earlier. Worst performance is on Virtue, but those go to maintain a base and SG as well as play, so they're on, pay rent, then I go join friends elsewhere...

    Therra Paladina - 50 PB - 623hr, 366 patrols. (50 in I5-I6.)
    Sunhaven - 21 Warshade - 26 hr, 34 patrols (LPacted)

    Voidbane: 50 PB - 181 hours, 151 patrols
    Violet Flame - 50 WS - 522 hours, 432 patrols

    Voidbane (original) - 24 PB - 70 hr, 88 patrols
    Gregor Malkov - 23 WS - 75 hours on 75 patrols.

    Didn't check since they're low:
    Aria hightalon, 6 PB. (Need to do something with her costume. It bugs me.)
    Umbral Flare - 9 WS.

    1495 hr total, 1110 patrols.

    The difference between my first 50 PB (Therra, up top) and my newest is... interesting. No PL'ing, though Voidbane was part of a duo (and vi part of a trio.) The first 50 still took a lot longer to *get* there. As far as Voidbane - yes, she's on two servers, since that's (personally) where her storyline went. She also replaced an earlier PB there (pre-extra slots/rename, IIRC - though I'd have started over anyway) in the ... eh, late teens or early 20s.

    All that said, they'll probably get more play once my "one of everything to 50" is done with. Need to get the bane up there (slog, slog, slog, bored) and a Corruptor as well (38 or 39 now.. but another duo.) And get my friends to stop dragging me into new projects or theme teams
    Wow, you have the "win" (obviously this isn't a contest.. just a point of reference for those on these boards that try to take something negative out of every word I type) on number of Khelds made... I don't think I could ever be motivated to make that many, even though I love my Khelds...

    By the way, your link to "guides" needs to be updated... It takes me to a page that says "sorry, no matches. Please try some different terms." I'm guessing it was a link that was botched by the move to these new forums...

    "The One"
  18. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I get that you have a vendette against Obsidian. I was just trying to understand your point of reference. So basically you are doing the same thing that is being done to you. I am sorry to hear that. I also apologize for thread jacking.
    Roger that. No harm done.

    "The One"
  19. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by demonic_raven View Post
    The comment was an attempt to bring the thread back on topic. I appologize to Pyro for where the thread has led. It was an attempt to show that yes a Kheld can solo an EB/AV under the right circumstances. In OF's opinion a triform would make this easier. I'll be the first to admit that I am in no way "better than everyone else".
    I believe the original question was referring to an AV, not an EB. Everyone's replies to the OP referred to an AV.

    Your example was referring to when you were teamed up, and not only teamed up, but teamed up with someone else who claims to be able to solo EBs (if not AVs). So, sure, that'd make things a heck of a lot easier to fight an AV. Anyone can taunt an AV and handle the situation using the right "circumstances" or teammates.

    The question was (if you're truly trying to get the thread back on topic), "can a Kheld solo an AV?"

    "The One"
  20. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    You are EXACTLY correct.

    This entire board is full of hypocracy. Wow, someone else gets it.

    One can't come on these boards and tell a story about how they teamed up with some friends and kicked butt, or post a video of a Kheldian TEST in a new upcoming issue or talk about their own build they've come to enjoy without getting attacked for it, and yet those same people who do the attacking make the same sort of claims, without any sort of proof.

    But, they're "right," and I'm "wrong."


    Because they said so.

    Again I say, hypocracy for the win.

    "The One"
  21. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Again I ask where does she imply or even say that she is better then everyone else? I can only fathom that because she is a friend of Obsidian's and that you have made the assumption that she is in a "quest to be better then everyone else" then she must be, in your mind, the same as Obsidian. Which you have accused of being several of the aformentioned words.
    This is exactly the sort of claim that Obsidian_Force2 gets all upset about when I do it:

    Originally Posted by demonic_raven View Post
    With my shade i have tanked Romie numerous times on the ITF, along with several other AV/EB's. I also fit very well on any team.
    Yet, it's ok when people that like him make these sort of claims?

    Hypocracy for the win.

    Where's that "cup of irony" when you need it?

    "The One"
  22. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Hey Alien One, where did Demonic Raven ever say that she was better than anyone or even implied that she was? She was trying to refocus the thread to something a little more productive. In your view then, because she is a friend of Obsidian Force she must be the same Nazi Zealot Elitist that is forcing an agenda down everyone's throat?Keep your personal attacks to yourself. Do you need to reread the forum behavior guidlines again or should we just get a mod to close the thread?
    Yes, I should send a note to The Ocho right now to review all posts by both of us all the way back to when it started to see who's argumentative posts originally started all this hocus BS.

    If you can read some sort of Nazi comment about Demonic Raven in that post, I would please advise you to send that message to The Ocho right now.

    If you can read some sort of "zealot" comment (I don't believe I've ever used that word--I think that may be something Obsidian came up with) about Demonic Raven in that previous post, you go ahead and send it to The Ocho right now.

    If you can read that I used the word "Elitist" when referring to Demonic Raven in that last post, then you need to send that post immediately to The Ocho.

    If you can read in the post where I said "Nazi-like" that I referred to Obsidian_Force2 specifically rather than to a behavior pattern, you need to hurry up and send that post to The Ocho right away.

    Please don't delay.

    Otherwise, you can keep your ill-sighted accusations to yourself.

    Have a great day.

    "The One"
  23. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by demonic_raven View Post
    not go after someone because thier views and playstyle differ.

    Also, each persons definition of fun is different, so keep that in mind.

    If you'll do your research on all OF's posts, you'll see that is exactly what OF did on these boards, and exactly what led to me currently having him on ignore. But, I'm sure he has a huge "fanbase" as he accuses me of having.

    That said, I'm glad that you have a good time teaming with him, and I wish you both well in your quest to be better than everyone else.

    "The One"
  24. AlienOne

    HEAT Epics

    Oh, no... Here comes the barrage of "Khelds are perfect as they are"...

    ...Because, according to the Kheld playerbase, Khelds are near-perfect as-is... And the Devs aren't going to touch anything that doesn't have any sort of "outcry" from the playerbase to change things.

    That's the simple reason why.

    A zillion other reasons may be told by everyone else, but that's the down and dirty.

    Personally, I think a few tweaks here and there could be done for a bit more balancing or further "interesting" game play, but eh, that's me.

    "The One"
  25. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    I think I'll join you for that fine cup of Irony, because quite frankly, from your posts I haven't seen that you're very much in support of people's being entitled to their own builds/playstyles... oh well.
    Dammit, I hate the fact that when someone quotes him, I still have to see what he writes... What you say is truth though, LX, because the quote you quoted is proof of what you're saying right there:

    You do realize I have said over and over again that although I feel I am correct in my views...
    This is the same elitist/above-everyone-else attitude as saying "Yeah, go ahead and play however you want, but you're wrong. Sure, cool whatever, man--but I maintain that I'm the best."

    "Although I feel I am correct in everything I'm saying... You're entitled to be as wrong as you want."


    Now, please try not to quote him anymore. I can't stand elitism.

    "The One"