PB vs WS




hello, so i got my first 50 hero recently and was wondering, whats the main differences between the two? i didn't really see this info anywhere. i did read that pb was better at single target dps and ws was better at aoe. aside from that, i really don't know lots about em. thank you in advance.



What's the difference between a Peacebringer and a Warshade?

This has been getting asked often enough from new (or soon to be) 50s to merit a quick-reply cut and paste from me. Welcome to the world of Khelds! Enjoy your stay?

Basic reading

These guides will help you a lot:

Iscariot's guide to the triform Warshade
by Justaris. Yes, it's warshade specific.

Plasma's ultimate guide to Kheldians for a very thorough overview. Really. It's long-ish, but read it.

And for the backstory, there's my own backstory guide. More "in game lore" than powers.

A quick overview

Khelds in general - Can be built around one (human) form or multiple forms, known as biform or triform. The other forms act like a blaster and a sort of "pocket tank." Human form buffs carry over - if you hit Hasten, you get it for the full length of Hasten. it doesn't cut off when you switch forms. Toggles, however, do at this time.

That said, the two are different in many fundamental ways.

Peacebringer - the old reliable.

Peacebringers are completely "self contained" Khelds. What this means is that all of their buffs and heals are going to act exactly the same, given the same level and slotting, every time. If you're level 40 and hit your self-heal for, say, 200 HP (making up a number) one time, and you hit it again without levelling, you'll get 200 HP again.

Peacebringers are more melee-oriented. They're more "in your face" than a Warshade. The example I used one other time was, if you insult a Peacebringer in a bar, they'll punch you in the mouth. A Warshade will go outside, slit your tires and fill your gas tank with sugar.

Peacebringers get Fly as an inherent travel power, and are locked out of any form of Teleport (other than the Dwarf form teleport, if you take that form.) And all Peacebringer attacks do a -defense debuff to whatever they hit.

Peacebringer Dwarf form gets an AOE knockdown and a click self heal that, again, is completely self contained.

Warshades - the wild, unpredictable ride.

Warshades have higher highs and lower lows in their performance. Where Peacebringers are completely self contained, Warshades rely on living or defeated foes for their buffs. Self heals - especially Stygian Circle - perform better with more defeated enemies around. Self buffs - such as Sunless Mire and Ecliipse - will give greater benefit with more live foes around. (This is part of why they also get some self-stealth, an oppressive Gloom clone, and I'm pretty sure part of the reason behind Teleport.)

Warshades are very control heavy. Every attack does some -slow and -recharge if it hits. They get an option of self stealth in shadow cloak, an Oppressive Gloom (PBAOE stun) clone, Gravity Well as a hold and other immobilizes and stuns.

Warshades also get somewhat longer lasting pets (and, generally, more useful) in Extracted Essence, which adds to your firepower, but requires a freshly defeated enemy to extract. It's also pretty much impossible to get them from ghost-type enemies and machines that explode. You can, with enough recharge, have up to three of them out for a short time, but they will expire. The plus side is that they do stick around once you're defeated. A Warshade in Nova with two "koosh balls" next to them spitting out damage is loads of fun.

Warshade Dwarf form gets another Mire (recently buffed!) and their self heal is a single-target attack which must hit - it's a copy of Siphon Life from Dark Melee.

Warshades, of course, also start with Teleport and are locked out of Fly (except in Nova form.) that said, TP Foe (Starless Step) and Gravity Well (your hold) are an excellent way to take care of pesky Void hunters before they get a shot off at you. You also get Shadow Recall at level 10, which pre-travel-power teammates (and later, those who want to stealth missions) will greatly appreciate.

Which is better?

They're both good, but they shine in different situations. If I'm clearing out a map, a Warshade's going to have lots of groups to play with, siphon from, get essences and the like. If I'm facing a long, one on one fight versus, say, an AV or EB, the Peacebringer's going to have an easier time with it, as the Warshade will only have the one target to buff from and will, over time, lose the essences.

I *generally* suggest a first time Kheld start with a Peacebringer to get a feel for everything. That said, they're both a lot of fun - and yes, I have multiples of them at 50, and don't regreat any of them.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Can we get this post by MB pinned plz?

Name it something like "So, you want to make a Kheld?" (haha)

"The One"
Agreed, that is a very good summary

The only thing I would add is that PB's get a traditional non-permable god-mode with a crash (Light Form), but Warshades get a permable god-mode that in typical fashion requires mobs around you (So isn't that good against a single target), but has no crash as a result (Eclipse).

Eclipse is also a clicky so transfers over to forms, but Light Form doesn't.

That is another significant difference at high level.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Lightform has, in my opinion, one of the best side-effects of any god-mode: no body to animate. No animations = no rooting. As far as I know, it is the only way to achieve this much desired capability.



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
Lightform has, in my opinion, one of the best side-effects of any god-mode: no body to animate. No animations = no rooting. As far as I know, it is the only way to achieve this much desired capability.
Never took it so never knew that! Sounds like that would be very nice

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post