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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Wow, you FLAT OUT copy pasta'd this from Wikipedia.
    As if that's got some sort of negative connotations attached to it? You expected him to have his own special definition of socialism, so you could rip it to shreds? But, because he used a definition by which *most* of the general public can agree on, the most you can do is.... Point that out?

    You're grabbin' at straws... If you don't like the OP or just plain disagree with him/her that much, and you'd like to get some sort of insult in, you might fare better with a "your mom" jab.

    Try that next time. It may yield more satisfying results.

    Not that I agree with most (if any) of his/her points... I'd just like to see a little more intelligent debate going on between two people that disagree than:

    "This game sux"
    "What is your definition of 'this'?"
    "Same as the 'this' from the dictionary."
    "I say you don't understand it."
    "HA! I GOT YOU!"
    "So... What I was saying was..."

    *moderator closes thread*

  2. Wow, 85 views and still no responses...

    ...methinks the lightning from the sky will appear soon... >.>

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    Only if they're playing Kheldians.

    As to the OP.....TRUTH!

    I get great joy out of helping out newer players and giving them tours around Paragon City... Makes me think back to when I was a "CoH Youngster."

  4. Sounds good to me... At least we'd be doing it

    ...Maybe some people will just get curious...

  5. lmao... the whole "post interruption" thing with Kanye made me lol irl...

    Good post. :P

  6. AlienOne

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    I was talking about a situation when CoH rolls out an entirely new graphics engine, and nothing else.
    While I can see your points, I highly doubt there would ever be a situation like that. With CoX's history of releases (both free and paid), there hasn't been a single instance where there was only "one" feature for the entire release. Therefore, I would find it highly unlikely that there would ever be a "Issue 55: Graphics Engine Update." Something like a graphice upgrade would just be worked in as "another feature," not "the only feature."

    So, while there may be a slight loss of subscriptions because of a feature like that, other features included with a graphics upgrade *may* be enough for the "lazy people" to upgrade their Tandy 1000s.

  7. AlienOne

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    I fail to see how "Newer games have higher system requirements" has any bearing on "If you upgrade the engine of an older game in a way that boosts the system requirements, a certain part of your playerbase will stop playing".

    No, it doesn't matter whether they're actually poor or just too lazy to go down to the store (or fire up and grab a new graphics card. It is still a loss of customers, and thus loss of subscription money.

    Unless you can *guarantee* that for every person who goes "I can't play this game on my current computer so I will stop playing it" there will be *at least one* person who goes "I wasn't going to ever play this game but now that the graphics engine is upgraded, I will", the result will be a net loss for your company.
    I.E. the City of Villains release, which resulted in both a graphics upgrade and a major game nerf?

    Yeah, that was a HUGE loss for the company... Especially when they decided to release CoV to the entire playerbase, therefore upping overall strain to graphics hardware (albeit by a very small amount by today's standards), as anyone who has a lower-end system will tell you when they try to play villain-side content.

    No, that can't be right... Where's was that graph showing overall player subscriptions when that graphics improvement was implemented? Oh, that's right... In this very thread...

    Soo..... What if GR has a graphics upgrade attached to it as well? Will you be another one of those DOOM-sayers that will "prophetically announce" that the new expansion will "kill the game as we know it?"

    I know a few people that said the same thing about Mission Architect...

    Somehow, CoH still stands.


  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Well, think I uncovered a game bug. Got a PI Safeguard mish to try my luck against 8-Man Malta and Carnie mobs, and when I entered the instance, the mobs didn't seem very large, and I beat a couple fairly easily. Exited the mish, went back to Hero Corp to check my setting. I was indeed set to 8-Man. Went back into safeguard and mobs were still small.

    I know I didn't even select this mish until my settings were selected, so don't believe it was holding on to old settings. In fact, the settings for Bosses and Level did change properly. Only Mob sizes didn't adjust...

    Has anybody else experienced mob sizes not changing in safeguard missions?

    I have not, but I have sent in a /bug report on post-16 malta already, based on that last test video I did with them... I had my settings on "no bosses while solo," and when those two robots combine to form the larger one, it spawns as a boss, regardless of your solo settings...

  9. AlienOne

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
    Myth: You either play for fun or for min-maxing.
    Fact: A focus on game mechanics or rewards doesn't magically prevent one from having fun.
    I would also add that having fun doesn't "magically" mean one has to min-max.

    Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
    Myth: Click-based mez protection is superior to toggle-based mez protection.
    Fact: Toggle-based mez protection is superior to click-based mez protection in almost every way nowadays.
    Does that include my SR scrapper's Practiced Brawler click-based power that double (and sometimes triple) stacks, logically giving 2 to 3 times the protection?

    Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
    You are mything the point.
    Nice one.

    Originally Posted by Fiftycalsniper View Post
    someone once said something like 'Battles between academics are very interesting-never have people fought so hard over stakes so small.' I think we need to amend that to read 'people on electronic bulletin boards' instead of 'academics.' :^)
    QFT. I started out being entertained by the posts early on, and then quickly became overwhelmed by lengthy (and mostly unimportant to me) posts on "copyright."

    I seem to have read 2 or 3 discussions on the same exact subject on these boards before...

    Some things never die.

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Well, if you upgraded the graphics engine to something that looked better but only ran on cutting-edge hardware...
    Just like any "major release" title that's come out in the history of "graphics engine" gaming?

    I fail to see what's wrong with consistently pushing technology forward into the future.

    If hardware/computer/game-makers back in the day were content with technology the way I regularly hear forumites whine about "they better not make the hardware requirements higher, because then I might have to spend almost as much money as I pay for beer each month to upgrade my computer!"...

    ...we'd still be playing text-based games and devoting entire rooms to fit refrigerator-sized computers with 32k memory.

    Here's hoping graphics get better for CoX 10 years down the road (assuming the Devs are plannin' on stickin' around for that long on this game).

    Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
    When running toward a gravity geyser in Shadow Shard, you have to yell "Yeee-haaa!" and floor it.
    You're stating this as a fact, right?

    Because it's true.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Myth: As soon as the building reaches critical state, it's time to RUN!
    Fact: The building will blow up only after a certain number of fires are reached and maintained for some time, or after about 10 minutes. Keep at it, damn you!
    But... isn't that when the building reaches "critical state?" If your "fact" is truth, then your "myth" becomes "fact."

    Oh, and here's my contribution to the mythbuster game:

    Couple of my coalition mates told me for a LONG time that sidekicked characters benefitted from the enhacement sets of their mentor.

    Fact: This is not true... But, I believed them for a long, long time... :P

  10. I just wish it were more "The ignorance of the player/person" rather than "the Warshade".... if once you get a Warshade you become some sort of n00b because it "doesn't have all the badges yet" or some other BS like that.

  11. So.....

    .....What's goin' on with this?

  12. Crap, even more negative connotations associated with anyone and everyone who plays warshades...

    Thanks! *rolls eyes*

  13. AlienOne

    Level 50 Snobs

    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Has anyone else seen this "snobbery"? Anyone have any clue where it's come from? Because I'd never seen it before I16.
    Actually, no... I just played with a group exemp'd down two seperate times on my lvl 50 warshade just in the past day... Once exemp'd down to lvl 16 doing the whole "Fusionette" story arc in Faultline, and once going through the entire "freakolympics" story arc exemp'd down to lvl 26.

    I think there's still plenty of lvl 50s out there (including myself) who enjoy playing with teams no matter if they're exemp'd down or not.

    In addition, I particularly enjoyed the fact that I had powers 5 levels above the level I was exemp'd to.

  14. Believe it or not, I actually do have the Psi damage proc in the taunt (That last set bonus is nice).... I just really, really, really, really, really prefer not to play in tank form. I definitely do NOT fit in the "tanker-move-slow-as-crap-and-only-use-2-or-3-attacks" mentality. I've got too much nervous energy and ADD-like symptoms for that. Believe me, if just the switching forms seems to take "forever" to me, you can only imagine what it's like for me to move slow as molasses.

    I would think it's a given that anyone that knows me would also know that I'm also the type of person that hates the speed penalty to travel powers when using an attack, and also hates to face anyone like Knives of Artemis who also slow you down.

  15. AlienOne

    free giveaway.

    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
    I don't hate you at all, City. I just find that you sometimes go a little over the top, like you did with the rest of your post. What happened to the friendlier attitude you used to have? What's the phrase? C'est la vie?
    Do some research on post history (he's got more than one forum name).

    You'll find people started hating on him the moment he stated he was a "farmer" and was French.

    That's all it takes with some people, I guess.

    Having been in the military and experienced a lot more of world culture, philosophy, and perception of Americans than a lot of these people who seemingly can't get over "lolz....he can't spell English" (even though it's not his first, or second...Or possibly even third language), I take all his current comments with a grain of salt, because I already know all the previous comments made by my fellow Americans to continuously egg him on.

    If I had to make the choice again, I'd fight for my country a second time, but DAMN IT ALL if I'm not ashamed as hell of my fellow countrymen sometimes.

  16. Yeah, that's fair game... That's the PB's equivelant of Eclipse, except it's got that horrible crash at the end...

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    I no longer had to worry about the TOTALLY UNFAIR Sleep->Hold sequence most mezzers in the game (especially Rikti) seem to use.
    That's why I hate it for pretty much any AT I play that doesn't have some form of "practiced brawler" type running toggle... For me, dwarf doesn't count, because it obviates all the powers I WANT to use to attack. Personally, I hate being limited to 2 "actual" attacks (mire is part attack, part buff, and heal is part attack, mainly heal.... That leaves two *actual* attacks).

    I like to have a larger power arsenal available to me, and being "made" to play in dwarf form for EVERY enemy group that mezzes.... Meh... Not my idea of a good time, especially since I HATE playing tanks.

    HATE it.

  18. Why wouldn't they have flinched? Because before dwarf form was a break free, and toggles wouldn't drop, tri-formers were majorly affected by this... If you were sitting there blasting in nova form, you were immediately dropped to human form held. If you were held, you couldn't immediately switch to dwarf form and keep fighting. I fail to see how this wouldn't significantly change a tri-formers playstyle. Basically, that made tri-formers have to carry around break-frees same as human-formers... After dwarf form became a "break free", the tri-formers used that as a "flagship" for playing tri-form, suggesting their playstyle/strategy for taking down enemies had changed.

    The actual playstyle and strategy for human formers never truly changed. If I've got a full eclipse, and I hit a break free, I'm not going to take the time to re-toggle until the mob is down in most cases. Therefore, my timing is essentially the same. Our attack sequences are also the same. The only real difference is that we don't have to re-toggle everything before the next fight, which takes away our "downtime." However, that doesn't affect "playstyle," "building," or "strategy." That just affects "time spent in mission" and "aggravation level." (haha)

    We still have to carry around break frees, same as always. So, in the end, the real "bonus" for toggling (when in nova form) and the fact that dwarf form became a break free was more of a boon to tri-formers than it was to human formers, although human formers DID benefit (from the toggle changes, not from the dwarf changes). It just meant "less downtime."

    Same as a tri-former, really.

  19. I believe the toggle issue wasn't just a "human only" issue... It was an EVERYONE issue. Anyone in the game that had toggles running at all was affected by this, and that included tri-formers who were in Dwarf and Nova form, as those "toggles" would be dropped as well, and Dwarf did not act as a break free then either.

    I think that was a bonus for everyone of every AT, not just Kheldian human formers. You make it sound as if human-only people are the "only ones doing the complaining" or they're the "only ones with an 'issue'."

  20. Well, back when I first started in gaming in the "Doom" and "Wolfenstein" days, I was mainly into FPS games... I would always save my games with something really "hardcore" sounding, like "MurderOne," "MurderTwo," "MurderThree," etc.

    So, when the games Diablo II and Unreal Tournament came out, and I started actually playing online with "other people" instead of all the single-player games I'd grown accustomed to, I just continued to use that first name (MurderOne) as my handle.

    I've had the handle "MurderOne" for years and years, and my first toon I ever created in City of Heroes (an elec/elec Blaster) was named "MurderOne." I even named *most* of the rest of my toons with the handle "One" in it, in the tradition of MurderOne, and so people would be able to associate whatever toon I was on with the same person playing it (thus, how I used to sign out "The One"). Over time however, I wound up playing my Kheldians AlienOne and VestigeOne way more than I did MurderOne, so I re-named my global handle to "AlienOne."

    Most people in the game and on the forums know me as "Alien", which fits nicely with my favorite AT types to play (Kheldians), so I just stick with that.

    Besides, there are waaaaaaaay too many "MurderOne" imitators out there now...

  21. VestigeOne taking on 2 Malta mobs at +2x8 (with bosses)

    At the time of this posting, the video is still processing, so I'd give it at least an hour before you can view it in HD.


    Hey, Darkstar, notice I got the accolades now... (haha)

    Oh, and I definitely would not recommend "everyone" to do this... Only if you're a glutton for punishment... Malta sucks hardcore.
  22. No.

    Devs just hate Khelds.


    But seriously....

    Devs hate Khelds.

    Here's how I think a typical Monday morning meeting transpires at Paragon Studios:

    "So, what do we have on the horizon for City of Heroes?"

    "Well, we've got issue 16 coming up."

    "Excellent. And what features are we putting in there?"

    "We're working in Power customization, which is basically going to allow all the ATs to color their powers..."

    "By 'all ATs', you mean all but the Kheldians, right?"

    "Of course. I thought that was a given. Khelds don't count."

    "Right. What else?"

    "Oh, we'd also like to have pets zone with their respective 'masters'."

    "Now THAT'S nice... So-and-so finally figured out how to do that?"

    "Yeah, he's doing great in his department. We naturally told him to leave out the code that involves Kheldian pets zoning."


    (voice from the back of the room) "Hey, that f***head Alien dude posted in the test server section complaining that Kheldians still can't get all the arena badges..."

    *loud laughter across the room*

    (random voice mumbles) "Yeah, someone really should ban that guy."

    "So, getting us back on track... Hey, BABs, why the hell did you make sure that rooting Khelds got 'fixed' when switching forms?"

    "Oh... Well... I ahh... Hey, I brought pie today... I've got some in the break room if anyone wants any...." *nervously clears throat*


    This is what's called a "tongue-in-cheek" joke, for those of you who tend to get upset easily...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    Between Warshades and Peacebringers, most folks think Peacebringers are the less well-developed/balanced of the two.
    Well, I wouldn't say that. In actuality, I'd suggest a "first-timer" to go for putting a PB up to 50 before a Warshade, because they *most likely* would have an easier time of it.

    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    • The reason for that is that WSs include some controller type powers while the PBs include some defender type powers and the former goes farther during solo.
    Yes, the WS includes some controller-type powers. However, just because a PB has one ally heal doesn't really mean it's "Defender type." I'd just say it's "Single Target" type. I would venture a guess that any lvl lower than 38, the PB is probably going to be easier to solo, although it can definitely be done with a WS.

    However, as a side note, with the release of i16, the term "solo" becomes a lot more complex. When I say "solo" here, I'm meaning normal soloing at regular difficulty settings. If you're trying to set it for 8-man mobs pre-lvl 38, both ATs are going to have a hard time of it.

    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    • Warshades (my focus from here on out because I like the pretty purple) are easiest to run as a tri-form until you reach the highest levels, after which any combo is easily feasible.
    Both are easiest to run as tri-form until you reach the highest lvls. Not just Warshades. I'd also add that any combo is feasible at the upper lvls, but I wouldn't say any combo is easily feasible.

    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    • They're pretty expensive to do right in terms of enhancements which means
      • they're likely not balanced as well as they could be
      • one has to be ready to work for something other than XP in order to advance them like they need to be
    The only *form* that I know of that tends to get expensive no matter which way you put it together is Warshade human-only... Human-only builds for PBs can also get up to that lvl in price, but you can safely slot them out effectively without needing to get specific IOs...

    The reasoning for this is that with human only builds, you have to get certain bonuses and protections using set bonuses to make up for the fact that you don't have a "get out of jail free card" for break-frees or getting knocked back (dwarf form).

    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    • Once you get them decked out the way they need to be, you still have to be careful to watch your tactics.
    • Keybinds are even more essential for them than for the standard ATs
    I think the first point there is true for any AT, not just Khelds--especially with the release of i16. Once you start "max-ing out" your difficulty settings, you're really going to have to start watching what you're doing and start coming up with new and useful strategies for each enemy group to take them down.

    As far as keybinds... They're not "essential," but they definitely can make your time playing a Kheld a heck of a lot easier... I don't personally use any keybinds except for my teleports... It's much easier to press a key to activate the power and then click where you want to go with the mouse, than to go to the bottom-right of your screen, click the power, then "hurry" to click to where you want to go (and back and forth and back and forth).

    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    • They're so adaptable and complex that one can't really talk about the perfect build.

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    The way I put it another time - if you were in a bar and insulted a Peacebringer, they'd just punch you then and there. The Warshade would go out, slash your tires and dump sugar in your gas tank.
    LoLz! Yeah, that's about how I'd sum it up...

  24. Niiiiice, and gratz! I need to get those new shiny badges...

  25. Recorded video of Vestige takin' on 2 eight-man Malta mobs at +2 tonight.

    Will try to post it tomorrow when I get back from work.
