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  1. My Kamen Rider will never be truely complete without a proper henshin sequence.

    Also, there needs to be more animation options for "throwing" your powers. Like literally throwing fireballs, or Kamehameha-styled sniper animations. Just something that puts more physical effort into the execution of our powers, instead of just our current lazy gesturing.

    ((Side-note: "Kamehameha" is included in my spellchecker by default 0.o))
  2. Welp, I've attempted and failed three UGs now. I see why nobody runs them. Anything beyond "Hit button receive bacon" is just too damn complicated for the people who play this game. Though I suppose it's Paragon Studios' own fault for coddling it's players for so long. I just really wish there was some way to make the endgame content more exclusive to people who have the brains to handle it.

    Three tries and I'm already sick to death of "Waaah, WW regen too hard!" (Spam temps, numbnuts) and "Waaah, Avatar confuse too much! (The hosp sells break-frees and the confuse isn't even that high mag). I feel cheated because I've had to just give in and read the spoilers to the storyline instead of learning firsthand, because I'm just sick to death of waiting hours for a UG team just to have it all go down in flames the moment we reach an AV. I'm going back to soloing, f**k this League garbage it isn't worth the frustration.
  3. The decision on making my demonic greaser character is completely dependent on being able to sport both horns and aviators. So I support a slightly modified version of this request, and that is to simply relocate all existing horns/antennae to a new Upper section, existing eye wear to a Middle section, and finally all mouth-covering masks/facial hair to a Lower section. Keep the existing Ear section as is.

    New sections = more options, while not damaging existing options. After all, many people use different ears along with their horns, you wouldn't want to ruin their look.
  4. I've tried those global channels in the past, IIRC they were private and I couldn't send messages. Kinda pointless if I can't even chat in them.
  5. I've found in recent years that I can't track bright flashy motions as well anymore, and the little details get lost in the shiny blob. Being one of those little details, my mouse pointer is often a casualty. I guess you can't stare at bright flashy motions for years without screwing your eyesight at least a little (Doc says I'm 20/20 though, must be my brain that's getting old).
  6. Seriously when the hell do people do Underground. I've been trying to find a team for it for weeks and only got to try it once, until one person screwed up and ruined everything at the second War Walker fight. This is what I hate about trials, I want to run this content but I'm at the mercy of the community, and nobody else ever wants to run the new content after the first few days of release. You still can't ever get a Keyes team. I'm so behind on running new content because of this bullcrap...
  7. It depends alot on the setting in which you're trying to RP. That is to say it's alot easier to RP a "God Complex" in the field than it is to do so in Pocket D. The reason being that D'ers generally don't want to deal with superhero drama and prefer sticking to their high school soap operas. Personally, I'm one of "those guys" who likes to RP power fantasies with invulnerable, absurdly strong characters, which is all well and good in this game. But all too often in the D people won't take it seriously, or will give off that aura of annoyance.

    People in the D would rather discuss who's playing "Hide the Inanimate Carbon Rod" with who. People in the field will be more open to hearing about how you're going to smite everything with your awesomeness.
  8. I really don't think you guys at Paragon Studios grasp how difficult it can be to find teams to run all these shiny new I-Trials and SSAs. I've been pretty much stuck in the same boat with my level 50 of "AFK at market or farm papers."

    A good start would be to find a new mechanic to harp on instead of ambushes, which are guaranteed to make things 100x harder than they need to be. I'm not asking for easymode, I'm asking for a mission that isn't going to Zerg me to death after forcing me down to level 20.
  9. So yeah...I'm kinda an artist. I don't do commissions or requests because I'm a flake, but heres some art of my characters.

    Captain Stormrider (Elec/Storm Corruptor)

    Rose Prince (Plant/Thorn Dominator)

  10. This is why I love my brute. Because his personality was completely inspired by the Rhino.

    To be frank, there are alot of times when the missions I'm playing make no sense for the character. Like every time my anchient Djinn with the lofty goal of human extinction finds himself ripping off a piece of hardware for pawning. Or when the world-renowned chemist Dr. December is treated like a complete moron. Or when my rambunctious, rebellious, nigh-invulnerable teenager has to act like she really give a rat's rectum what Cole's orders are. It's just another point where you have to realize this game won't always cater to your persona, so just choose to ignore the "non-canon" parts.
  11. With the complete revamp of the UI for costume creation, I was kinda disappointed to see that we still can't have, say, horns and sunglasses. I know there's something about using the same anchor points, and far be it from me to know anything about the technicalities behind it, but I have an idea of what anchor points are and I have to ask...Why can't we just have two items on one point? If they were seperated into two categories in a way that miimizes clipping possablities (even though clipping is prevalent enough as is and some people such as myself use it to our advantage) then there really should be much of a problem. It's like when tails were listed under belts, then finally seperated into their own category. Why can't forehead details be their own category too?

    This may-or-may-not be due to my recently failed attempt to create a demonic greaser wearing aviators.
  12. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but this makes me a bit uncomfortable..."Limited items" are a dark path, one which I really don't want CoX going down. I mean, if this is going to be a "Limited EVERY Halloween" thing, then I'm cool with it. In that case if I decide not to get it now I'll have a chance next year. But if CoX is going to start doing "one-time-only" bull**** then I'm going to lose alot of love for the game. Witht he exception of anniversary and unique event badges, nothing is truely "limited".
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    That's a brutal blow to your gaming experience, so I know it is rather difficult, nigh impossible, to keep it cool and have a solid amount of patience.
    From what I understand, they should be able to fix this (I could be wrong about that, but I hope not).
    The costumer service is the venue that'll get things done. I'm sure the community reps around here will do whatever they can when they see this.
    Jumping to negativity towards them and the developers doesn't do anyone any good and they're not some heartless maniacal villains who wouldn't care about someone losing their SG base and all.

    As I said, I know this is a pain, but it may take a bit of time and then things will be better.

    You filed a ticket with Customer Service? Have you sent any PMs to Avatea, Zwill and/or Frietag?

    Best of luck! It should be fine!
    The reputation of Paragon regarding base issues is pretty poor, mingled with my generally warpath-y mood right now it's not a pretty sight. I considered PMing Zwil about it but I know he seems to get a ton of PMs, maybe one of the other two would be easier to connect with.

    It would help to at least know if SG Bases are backed up serverside. I could swear I've heard of bases being lost in the past, and successfully restored, but I dunno if it's true or just wishful imagination.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eumi View Post
    There's a lot of important people on the forums right now... I'd think they'd reply rather quickly...

    I'm still waiting for them to get a post going on why the servers are F'd right now...

    (Your IRL friend's wife, you should recognize my character name ;P)
    Yeah, I know Eumi's your Demon MM. And frankly, just because devs are on the forums doesn't mean they're paying attention. I'm still not getting jack squat from my ingame petition or bug report.
  15. My Supergroup of 3+ years, Silver Eclipse, has just been wiped.

    My base is gone, all SG settings were reverted to defaults, and I'm sure my Prestige got borked too. Everything was fine a few days ago, there is no reason why my SG should have been reset. The only people in the SG are myself and my IRL friend, it's a shared resource between all our alts. There needs to be some sort fo action and/or explaination as to why I just lost everything I've spent years working on. I'm not going to sit here and listen to the same damned silence the devs offer when it comes to base-related issues, or wait weeks for a reply.

    I repeat, this is not the fault of a malicious player, this is an issue with the game abruptly deciding to nuke my SG for no reason.
  16. My SG, Silver Eclipse, is suffering from virtually identical symptoms. It was not under my control at the time, it was in the hands of a trusted friend. He and I are the only two in the SG, so hijacking would have been impossible. "Silver Eclipse" is an obscure referance to a Skies of Arcadia boss's attack, so I really don't think we got generic'd. The only abnormal thing to have happened recently is that my associate's account rolled over to a new month recently. He has it set to autopay every month and has had almost no gaps in his subscription.

    The SG is currently under my command while I sit and wait for someone to reply to my petition. The only differance between our situations is that my Prestige is at 308131, I have no idea what it was before this happened.

    If I just lost 3+ years worth of work, I am going to be very, very angry with Paragon.
  17. I'm kinda amazed this wasn't included in the release, it's a simple request:

    Remove one-time-purchase items which are already owned from the market list. Not only would this make it easier to navigate by removing things I'm obviously never going to buy again, but it will also prevent the offhand accidental double purchase (if that's even possible, I'm certainly not going to test the theory). IE, I'm never going to buy the mutant costume pieces again, so why should it be available to purchase? Taking it off the list would reduce clutter for future browsing.

    I'm going to assume that there are a great many item releases to come, and soon it's going to become difficult to sift through the huge list of stuff to find what you want.
  18. Y'know, the whole morality and choice system that Paragon Studios went ga-ga over a little while back? The system that they released an entire third game (or kinda third game...Okay, more a third of a game...) based around? The system where you shape your storyline and effect the world around you based on who you work with and key decisions?

    Yeah, I've made at most three decisions so far in First Ward, and none of them impacted squat. Oh, by the way, so far I've also unwillingly doomed someone to a living hell and am about to send another character to their death. Choice is great, isn't it!?

    Look, I understand some things need to happen in order to have a cohesive story. I get it. But after all this and that about "choice" and Paragon totally missed the mark. So I killed some guy, and somebody mentioned it, and nobody spoke of it again. Some awe-inspiring choice. It's just...so much wasted potential, on top of shoe-horning the player into a certain role right after giving us the freedom to chose our own paths.

    Maybe I'm alone in this, maybe I'm not, but to those of you who have played through the entire First Ward story (Note: I'm on DeVore right now, no spoilers bro) does it not bother you some of the things you're forced to do?
  19. Hmm...I though that rooftop looked suspicious. Big ominous doors, stone altar, ghost chick...Yep.

    Now all we need is a giant marshmallow mascot and we're golden.
  20. AkuTenshiiZero

    Magical Girl SG?

    Dammit. Now my "Magical-Guy-Who-Inherited-Pretty-Princess-Power-Because-Nobody-Thought-A-Guy-Might-Be-Born-Into-The-Royal-Family" concept seems less origional.
  21. AkuTenshiiZero

    Revamping Claws

    Y'know, if I had suggested this a year ago I think the response would have been more positive. It seems that with the new F2P model there's actually going to be less free content and attention to old content. It just seems kind of sad considdering how gung-ho the devs were about customization when it began, now it sounds like they just don't want to be bothered with it.

    Of course, that's just the impression I get. Nemesis only knows what the devs are really thinking.
  22. Just floating there...

    Not being fought...

    Like every other GM...


    (Also, if nobody has coined the term "Shami" yet I am so coining that s*** right now.)
  23. AkuTenshiiZero

    Revamping Claws

    Simply and to the point: The claws animations are outdated and not very impressive, IMO. Spin is just a jump and shockwave? Lame! When I think "claws" and "spin" I imagine a whirling dervish of bladed death. It just looks...weak.

    Now personally I can't think of ways to revamp the other animations, but I'm sure they could be spruced up a bit, maybe making it overal more acrobatic and fancy. And because I know somebody is gonna come in here and fervently defend the old animations, obviously this would be an optional customization just like everything else.
  24. It turns out the problem was my settings. I have no idea why something related to my character model is effected by environmental reflections, but that was the issue. My Bioluminescent parts are now properly glowy.

    I really wish they would seperate environmental and character reflectiveness, since the environment half does cause some irritating lag.