Is this annoying or not?
As long as you weren't god-moding, forcing other players to do certain things, or trying to actively disrupt and troll RP people really shouldn't get angry. If you were entirely IC and just acting as your character would act, then you're fine. Also, were they getting annoyed IC or OOC?
Just remember, some people can't disconnect IC from OOC, so when something annoying happens IC they'll take it seriously OOC. It gets ridiculous sometimes.
Take it from the player of a character who is the most annoying and self-absorbed dude in the world. People are going to hate you, but not everyone will.

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)
If you were playing a villain chances are you were trying a little too hard to be a badass/confontational/grumpy/etc. If you're going to roleplay an anti-social character, don't be surprised when people don't want to be social with you.
But ultimately, forget what people think of you. Do what you want and have fun with it. A lot of people on virtue are wound way too tight. Don't let them be the ones who set your limits. Set your own.
If you're just "getting a hint" they feel that way, ignore it and continue RPing. Otherwise you'd be doing the same thing you have a hint they're doing. If they genuinely dislike it, they'll either say something or extract themselves from the interaction.
I find it helps when playing an abrasive character with someone who doesn't know what to expect to do one of three things: preface the interaction with an OOC note that this character is generally unpleasant; be so outlandish that the character verges on self-parody so it's readily apparent that you're in on the joke; or engage the other player in more casual conversation about the RP in tells while it's going on (without being creepily overfriendly about it or spending more time explaining your character's personality OOC than portraying it IC).
Though sometimes people just aren't in the mood for antagonism. RPing a fictional clash well can be as draining and obnoxious as arguing with someone IRL, it takes the same amount of brainpower to formulate a character's pretendy arguments and answer those of others as any real argument would.
Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators
It depends alot on the setting in which you're trying to RP. That is to say it's alot easier to RP a "God Complex" in the field than it is to do so in Pocket D. The reason being that D'ers generally don't want to deal with superhero drama and prefer sticking to their high school soap operas. Personally, I'm one of "those guys" who likes to RP power fantasies with invulnerable, absurdly strong characters, which is all well and good in this game. But all too often in the D people won't take it seriously, or will give off that aura of annoyance.
People in the D would rather discuss who's playing "Hide the Inanimate Carbon Rod" with who. People in the field will be more open to hearing about how you're going to smite everything with your awesomeness.
The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)
Virtue Forever.
skip ahead to 3:20...
"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."
Let's see. You're roleplaying a jerk and are confused as to why you're not making friends? I mean, it's possible, and all...but the odds are against you.
Maybe you need to find other sythetics to socialize with.
GHOST ZERO! Avenger of the helpless dead!
Generally, the type of character you play is a demon. And let me be one of the first to tell you that the "better than you" kind of character is one of the most annoying and most cliché. You can't expect a reaction other than what you're getting now.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Sounds like you are getting treated the way anyone who acts like a dick gets treated. Learn to love it or get a better character concept, I reckon.
You're on the internet. The image you present to people is all they have to go on.
If that image says "I'm an *******," you shouldn't really be surprised that people think you're an *******.
@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)
Y'know... An OOC comment now and again, about how you know this character is being a jerk, but it's all OOC, and thanking the other players for being part of the RP, can make all the difference.
Just a thought.
I have a villain character than I took Rogue, so he could come to Paragon City and tease the heroes. As he's a law abiding citizen in Paragon City and has no warrants outstanding, there's nothing they can do. We have some great discussions about their characters during and after RP sessions, and the way it makes them feel RPing them with such an aggrivating character and basically feeling helpless to do anything about him.
BTW, the character is a Nazi superweapon type, left over from WWII, so the patriotic American heroes get it worse than most, especially if they have any connection to WWII themselves. As my two characters in my main SG are both red, white, and blue American patriotic types, it gives me a chance to do a 180 from my usuall arr pee, which can be great fun.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet
Let's see. You're roleplaying a jerk and are confused as to why you're not making friends?
And let me be one of the first to tell you that the "better than you" kind of character is one of the most annoying and most cliché. You can't expect a reaction other than what you're getting now. |
Sounds like you are getting treated the way anyone who acts like a dick gets treated. Learn to love it or get a better character concept, I reckon. |
If that image says "I'm an *******," you shouldn't really be surprised that people think you're an *******. |
My main is this type of egotistical jerk character. And my villain is also a vain jerk with a superiority complex. I've got plenty of people to RP with. Although, the majority of the D may have me on ignore.
Find people who want to RP superheroes and supervillains and you'll fit in fine because your concept blends in well. Unfortunately, the majority of this game prefer to RP that they're just people.

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)
Find people who want to RP superheroes and supervillains and you'll fit in fine because your concept blends in well. Unfortunately, the majority of this game prefer to RP that they're just people.
I imagine it would go something like this:
Mechano: You organics are so weak. I can easily defeat those Praetorians with my contraterrene energy attacks. Protostar: Okay, you go rile up those robots and I will hit them with my radiation blasts while Monsoon socks them with a sleet storm. Though our piddling powers will surely pale beside your contra... whatever attack. Mechano: A tolerable plan, though be absolutely certain that you do not knock any of them beyond my grasp with that pitiful Electron Haze of yours. Charge! [Mechano charges into the Praetorians and is cut down in short order by their withering attacks while Protostar and Monsoon stand idle.] Monsoon: Oops. I guess I forgot to hit them with my hail storm... Protostar: For the third time this month. Good thing he can't remember anything whenever we put him back together. |
On the other hand, how many super heroes in the game world would put up with a supercilious jerk who thinks he's better than they are? I'd wager that, just as in the real world, super heroes and villains would quickly tire of them.
I guess the only thing that this doesn't work for is sitting around talking about life, but I didn't think that's what the OP was referring to when he said "roleplaying with some peeps".

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)
My advice would be to make sure its obviously in character, and not too nuanced or ambiguous.
If you're referring to other people as "organic weaklings" or "fleshies" or whatever its fairly obvious you're not talking out of character.
Personally, I find it much more annoying when someone keeps breaking character to say "((im a nice guy really, im just rping a jerk))". If you have to do that, I'd suggest putting a line in your bio saying that any egotistical behaviour is in character and shouldn't be taken too seriously.
And Rodion, I really wouldn't advocate letting another player get defeated just because they were roleplaying in a way you didn't like. That is actually being a jerk in my opinion. As a player, I value just about anyone who'll talk to me in character during missions. As a superhero, I'm not going to let someone get hurt because I dont agree with them, when I'm perfectly capable of arguing back to them whilst still protecting them.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Fair enough, I was mostly pointing out those that called it a "crappy concept" or to "get a better concept". There's nothing wrong with it, I think its a trope that fits will into the superhero genre.

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)
My first attempt at a Elec/Elec brute was an AI who was "raised" and/or socialized very poorly, to the point where it was essentially (in human terms) a sociopath. Fine concept, but I quickly realized that as a practical matter, the whole "does not play well with others" thing made him someone I didn't want to inflict on teams. With the other option being soloing to 50, I decided to toss the character and eventually recycled the powersets with another character (who was also a selfish jerk, but more inclined to work with/exploit others toward his goals).
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

So I have character who isn't invulnerable by any stretch of the word. But he thinks he is. He has a god complex. That's just how I intended him to be. He's a machine who looks down on organic life as weak and doomed to extinction. So I acted like how he would act if he was meeting someone for the first time. I wouldn't say he's a jerk. He just speaks with high regard for himself and low regard for those around him, specifically organics.
Well, I was roleplaying with some peeps and I couldn't help but get a hint that they were kind of getting annoyed by the character's attitude. I'm not constantly doing this and this was me just getting to know another player. Is it somehow wrong to do this? P.S: I wasn't god-moding or anything of that nature. |

@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
So I have character who isn't invulnerable by any stretch of the word. But he thinks he is. He has a god complex. That's just how I intended him to be. He's a machine who looks down on organic life as weak and doomed to extinction. So I acted like how he would act if he was meeting someone for the first time. I wouldn't say he's a jerk. He just speaks with high regard for himself and low regard for those around him, specifically organics.
Well, I was roleplaying with some peeps and I couldn't help but get a hint that they were kind of getting annoyed by the character's attitude. I'm not constantly doing this and this was me just getting to know another player. Is it somehow wrong to do this?
P.S: I wasn't god-moding or anything of that nature.
Raimi: God, she's just so beautiful. The camera sure loves that girl.
Tobey: Thank you, Sam