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  1. Well, the OP has a valid point. We've all been kinda spoiled by mids, so not having it is like going through a crack withdrawl...

    But Smash has a point too...The Devs have enough on their plate, and they've also never shown any desire to provide a program.

    So that leaves us with A) Somebody else to take over mids, since the new guy is clearly having issues, or B) just sit here dealing with our withdrawl until the new guy gets the hang of it.

    Unfortunately, it looks like we're going to have to deal with B. Though honestly, picking up someone else's work might not be the best idea...Maybe the better course of action would be for someone to write an entirely new program from the ground up. That way there's no confusion.

    Naturally, I have no freakin' clue how to program, so I'm probably grossly underestimating it. The most we can really do is just wait. Considdering we're getting someone else's hard work for free, we have no right to make demands or complain. Until then, the current Mids at least functions as a relative framework for planning, as long as you bear in mind that it's not 100% accurate. It may not suit someone who plans everything to the finest detail, but to a more casual gamer it's still good enough.
  2. I think the best solution to this is to simply flag the most recent character you have LP'ed with. That way, if the pact is broken, you can simply pact with the flagged character again. And if said character has since levelled without you, simply skew the XP so the lower can catch up quickly.

    Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
    It may not be your intent to abuse the system, but that doesn't mean the system should be set up so abuse can occur. Because if they do, they have to accept that it WILL be abused. Maybe not by you, but by people.
  3. Regardless of whether or not it is a bug or working as intended, the fact remains that it looks...Dumb. I'm in total agreement with swapping the screen and animation order, maybe with an additional animation while you're selecting (Like the "Tapping Wristpad" from summoning Bots).
  4. Another theory:

    Maybe I15 was so small because they were too focused on I16, and knew we would forgive and forget once I16 hit us in the face. Diverting resources, and placating us until the Big One was ready to drop.
  5. Really...Is it that difficult to just right click, click "Send Tell" (Or is it Chat?...Don't remember right now), and frikin' say something? Making it even easier for them will not make people stop sending blind invites.

    A much better solution would be a disgruntled monkey with a taser who punishes them every time they blind invite someone, and even that probably wouldn't work.
  6. AkuTenshiiZero

    Zone Hubs

    Acctually, now that I think of it, Steel Canyon is typically pretty populated. Not over-the-top populated, but decently filled while still comfortable, y'know? It's really easy to find a 10-20-ish team over there, but not so crowded to cause lag.

    And on top of that, SC has pretty much everything a 10-20-ish character would want or hope for, so it would definitely get my stamp of "Perfect Zone".
  7. AkuTenshiiZero

    Fix Group Flight

    I don't care much about the ToHit. I'd never use it for combat, personally.

    I'd just be happy if you could run Group Fly with Swift/and FlySpeed bonuses and not lose your passengers. It completely defeats the purpose.
  8. AkuTenshiiZero

    Zone Hubs

    For one thing, I'm flippin' sick and tired of having to trudge through Cap lag to go to the Midnight club. That's the most painful 500-or-so yards in the game, passing the market and the university off the ferry. And don't even try SG porting...AE will see to a disconnect for certain.

    Heroes get three MC acess points to our one. Put one in St. Martial, and it's a clone of Cap. That's all I ask.
  9. AkuTenshiiZero

    Action Figures!

    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    At one point I was planning on customizing a Hyper Guardian XEVOZ figure into a Statesman custom, since they share pretty good physical similarities.</random anecdote>
    Sounds cool. I think I saw some CoX custom figures awhile ago, can't remember where though.

    But anyways, Player Select produces alot of video game related figures, and they aren't too shabby quality. *Pokes NCSoft marketing team* Hint...Hint...
  10. Just curious, where is it confirmed that Dual Pistols is going to be available for Corruptors? Last I saw it was only confirmed for Blasters. Not trying to call anyone a liar, I just want to be sure.
  11. AkuTenshiiZero

    Action Figures!

    I work in a toy store, and you wouldn't believe some of the crap we get. We get collectable McFarlane-style figures for some of the most insignificant movies and games, and they never sell. So it occurred to me that there's an easily accessable market out there that would be an awesome addition to CoX.

    Now, I know there were some CoX HeroClix released awhile back...But how about we get some real figures? Standard 6-inch (Or more for characters like Black Scorpion) vinyl likenesses of the heroes and villains we know and love. I would certainly be happy to shell out some cash to add them to my collection.

    And to promote the figures, you could even introduce a virtual toyline in game! Say 1000 Inf at an invention table for a random figure, which can then be placed in your base. Seperate them into differant rarities and you've got something for OCD collectors like me to drool over. For example, Statesman would be a rare figure, and an Arachnos Wolf Spider would be common, but you have no way of knowing what you'll get until you pay the 1000 Inf. Next thing you know you'll have people trading figures and selling them on the market, just like real life collectables.

    But I digress. The main point of this is to get CoX figures out in stores, so I can waste my money on vinyl morsels of awesomeness.
  12. I could get behind this. I'm always in favor of adding a little extra meaningless flavor to the game. But as was said, not everyone has a secret identity, some people just use their real name or don't have a real name. Even so, it would make for a nice optional addition.

    My only concern is that I typically don't come up with a real name for my characters until after I've played them a little while. I didn't assign Emerald Dervish his false human identity until he was around level 30. So I'm not sure I'd agree with it being set in stone from creation.

    Also, it would be nice to have three sections to fill out: First name, Last name, and title. For example, my Blaster's full name is Dr. Henry December. With the three seperate sections, NPCs could refer to him as either "Henry", "Dr. December", or "Dr. Henry December" (Incidentally, Dr. December is his hero name). Leaving the title blank would default to Mr. or Ms. depending on gender. For some added flavor, you could allow contacts to use your name only after you have run a few missions for them, representing the growing trust between you.

    One more thing...Now that I think about it, this would be one helluva task to code. It would require rewriting all the NPCs to recognize flagged characters and respond appropriately.
  13. AkuTenshiiZero

    Dream Badges

    * Bait and Switch : You woke up from a wonderful dream of being in bed with your perfect mate... you hurried right back to sleep into a dream of being in bed with Stheno.
    *Rolls over*

    "Ssssssomething wrong, sssssssweetheart?"

  14. Hell, I explain my /Storm's powers as being caused by maniplating the electrons of surrounding air molecules to create pockets of low/high pressure. It's total BS, but it explains how someone with electrical powers can manipulate the weather.

    Just use fancy words and psuedoscience. Comic books are loaded to the gills with BS, the more you try to make it sound realistic, the more unrealistic it appears.

    Although, given the similarity to your explaination and dust devils, you can get away with a more realistic explaination. Now I'm getting ideas for a dust devil-based character concept...
  15. Hm...Well...

    Capt. Stormrider's parents were killed and both he and his sister were kidnapped during a pirate raid on his colony when he was about 10 years old. He never saw his sister again, and spent several months locked in a cargo hold waiting to be sold into slavery until he proved himself useful to the pirates, and was taken in as a member of the crew. Years later the captain had become a sort of surrogate father to him, and when the captain died in combat, command of the ship was passed to Stormrider.

    Of course, this is OOC information that Stormrider has never revealed to anyone. I never really RP Stormrider as being vengeful or scarred by his parents' death, since he became the very thing that killed them. If anything he's more haunted by not knowing if his younger sister is even alive, since he never saw her again after the attack (Intentionally left open for a possible future character).

    So yeah, Stormrider had a pretty rough childhood, but it's not something he cries over, or even tells anyone about.
  16. Ah...I remember the old Hollows. Back when I was but a noob, playing alongside my noob friends. Where I learned to despise Trolls, and found out about the Igneous the hard way...

    "Did that rock just move..? OH @#$%!!" *Combat erupts*

    So many deaths, so many near-deaths. It was an adventure. Not many other places really gave me the feeling of being a superhero quite like the Hollows did.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric_Knight View Post
    EDIT: Hey! Look at that... Results! Idiot, idiot, idiotic, idiots... Hmm, what else has been changed? Hehe... ahh, I'll edit those out... Don't want to tip off some that they may go and change for the worse, hehehe...

    EDIT: And, just for the record... I don't feel any "Us vs. Them" in this regard with our Mods, Devs, etc.
    This topic is a craziness that we all get[censored] around by, hehe, from those who wish to communicate and those who have to moderate!

    Honestly, I think the whole thing is just Smurfy!
    Likewise, I don't feel any particular animosity towards the rednames...But somewhere along the line someone dropped the ball. I get the feeling they found the censorship as idiotic as we did! Good to see someone out there fixed it.

    What about U'*** Gr'ai?
  18. Clearly, the tag cloud needs more cowbell.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Extor_Prime View Post
    They should instead have the autocensor replace the cusswords with less offensive equivalents.

    That way we can talk about pee pee, poo poo and Jerk van Gay.
    We had a system like that on a board I used to Mod at...Of course, we were all immature dudes, and it was a pretty tight community where most rules were very loosely enforced, so you can just imagine how many unnecessary censorships we came up with just to mess with people...
  20. Okay, so...Here's what I get from this...

    "We're gonna let you create your own vile, hateful, disgusting, scum-of-the-earth evildoer! But please, don't offend anyone."

    Seriously. Guys? What part of "evil" isn't clear? We're supposed to be offensive!

    As long as you don't use "choice words" in your name, or name yourself after a real person (IE, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush...) then it should be no-holds barred!

    Admittably, it would be funny if "Demon" was generic'd. Virtue would lose 75% of it's population overnight...
  21. So censorship is now getting to the point of genericing characters who even remotely resemble something that might be offensive.

    Terrorists are not new. They are a very real threat, and can come from anywhere. Everyone seems to equate them with the Middle East these days, but nobody remembers the American terrorists who attacked their own people from within.

    And while it is a real threat, that makes it even greater fodder for fantasy. Comic book writers throughout history have based their works on real life disasters. If not for WWII, we wouldn't have Captain America. 9/11 spawned a whole line of Marvel comics showing the heroes' reactions to the crisis. This game has friggin' NAZIS!! Making fantasy out of reality makes the reality easier to swallow.

    I don't see anything wrong with the character. I see something wrong with people who need to grow a thicker skin. 9/11 was a nightmare that I'll never forget, but that's no reason to hide from it.

    As a side note, I'm now concerned for my Djinn-based character, whose bio is deeply rooted in Arabic folklore. Oh no, I'm offending someone with an evil Middle Eastern character!!
  22. If I can "Tank" an Elite Boss effectively on a Corruptor, then this holy trinity business is a load of crap. Me and my friend, both on Corruptors, have taken down several EBs like this. Your archetype means nothing in comparison to tactical superiority. In other words: Think for yourself, break the "rules", and nothing can stop you. Don't try and lock yourself into a specific role, this isn't WoW...
  23. Wait, are we allowed to say **** here? I mean, my grandfather goes by the name ****, it's not uncommon.

    EDIT: Nope, no love for Mr. van ****

    EDIT 2: REALLY no love.
  24. I'm seriously considdering upping your rep, just to be a ******...

    "You're a good person!"

  25. Yeah, I remember the whole god thing. I found that to be extremely annoying. For one, it alienates pretty much every religion. I was raised Christian, and to us God is just called God, so you're censoring a word that is a proper noun to us. Secondly, it makes basing your character off of religion/mythology difficult. How can I say my character, for example, is a servant of Loki the god of michief? Do I substitue "diety"? Thirdly, there was my main point, in that censoring "god" nerfs the one of the ultimate outcries of a triumphant villain. The villain recieves almighty power, stands before the hero and proclaims dramatically...

    "I have become a <BLEEEEEEEP>!!"

    Doesn't really cut it.