Zone Hubs




Several zones, both hero and villain side, serve well as hubs of activity, good zones to use as a staging point or a go-between to certain content. But as of this moment, there is only one "perfect" hub, offering access to nearly everything you'd want to reach: Cap au Diable on the villain side, which allows access to the Rikti War Zone, Cimerora, a tailor, a market, an invention table and all of the other zones red-side.

Other less perfect hubs include Steel Canyon, St. Martial, and Founder's Falls.

What I propose is that we expand this, creating more hubs on both sides - ideally, two on each side, one a "low level" hub (Cap and SC) and one a "high level" hub (FF and St. Martial). This of course means a few things need to be added to these zones.

Steel Canyon would need a Vanguard DPO added. With access to both the Green and Yellow line trains, it's got access to almost all Hero zones, which is the best you can hope for with how many zones Heroes have.

Founder's Falls needs to have a Wentworth's added. A Yellow line would be nice, but perhaps not really in theme for the Hero zones.

St. Martial needs a Midnight Club. This could be a full-blown University (maybe replacing the Abandoned Lab?) or just another door that links to the Midnight Club. Like Founder's Falls, St. Martial would lack links back to the low level zones (but links to the "low level" hub), so there'd be pretty good parity there.

Since these zones only need one small addition each to become more perfect hubs for their respective sides, it shouldn't be a big deal to add them, and would do a lot to add to the quality of life for both sides. Heroes spend a lot of time dancing from zone to zone to get everything they need, and another hub in St. Martial would help alleviate some of the congestion currently in Cap au Diable.



While I'm all for something that makes Cap au Diable less of an end-all, be-all in redside zones, I don't know if this is the way to do it.

For one thing, it's already tremendously easy to get from just about anywhere to just about anywhere, between Pocket D, SG bases, Oroborous, the Midnight Club, Vanguard DPOs, Consignment House/Black Market teleporters both purchased and earned through day jobs, the mission teleporter, and let's not forget all those jetpacks...

Second, all this would do, blueside anyway, would be to further congregate the players in a few specific zones while others go largely unused. A "high-level hub" for villains wouldn't be so bad, but there's already barely any reason to go to most hero zones anymore. If anything, I'd rather see amenities spread out more. Move Wentworth's from Steel Canyon to Skyway City. Take the Vanguard DPO out of Atlas Park and put one in Galaxy City. And for frak's sake, get rid of some of the AE buildings! We don't need one in every zone. Two or three in Paragon and one or two in the Isles is all we need, and as much as I like the idea of heroes and villains running AE content together, it just doesn't make any damn sense in places like the RWZ. (Ideally, it would be a zone unto itself, but that's a whole other topic.)

Spread out the population a bit and you might even end up with less lag -- ever notice that the closer you get to the Black Market in Cap, the longer it takes to get there?

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



For one thing, I'm flippin' sick and tired of having to trudge through Cap lag to go to the Midnight club. That's the most painful 500-or-so yards in the game, passing the market and the university off the ferry. And don't even try SG porting...AE will see to a disconnect for certain.

Heroes get three MC acess points to our one. Put one in St. Martial, and it's a clone of Cap. That's all I ask.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Roswell View Post
Spread out the population a bit and you might even end up with less lag -- ever notice that the closer you get to the Black Market in Cap, the longer it takes to get there?
Having another redside zone as infinitely useful as Cap au Diable will do this. You'll start having people in their 30s and 40s congregating in St. Martial instead of clustering around the BM in Cap, which will help alleviate this issue completely.

As for blueside, the only zone I've ever seen congested is AP. There are so many zones, the others simply don't see a lot of use (have you ever gone to the KR Wentworths? The place is a ghost town!)



Acctually, now that I think of it, Steel Canyon is typically pretty populated. Not over-the-top populated, but decently filled while still comfortable, y'know? It's really easy to find a 10-20-ish team over there, but not so crowded to cause lag.

And on top of that, SC has pretty much everything a 10-20-ish character would want or hope for, so it would definitely get my stamp of "Perfect Zone".

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Acctually, now that I think of it, Steel Canyon is typically pretty populated. Not over-the-top populated, but decently filled while still comfortable, y'know? It's really easy to find a 10-20-ish team over there, but not so crowded to cause lag.

And on top of that, SC has pretty much everything a 10-20-ish character would want or hope for, so it would definitely get my stamp of "Perfect Zone".

Don't be telling people about Steel Canyon now! That's the best Wentworths there is.



There's already a "high level" hub on both sides of the game: Ouroboros



Originally Posted by Doctor_Roswell View Post
For one thing, it's already tremendously easy to get from just about anywhere to just about anywhere, between Pocket D, SG bases, Oroborous, the Midnight Club, Vanguard DPOs, Consignment House/Black Market teleporters both purchased and earned through day jobs, the mission teleporter, and let's not forget all those jetpacks...
I should probably also mention that part of the goal here is to limit how many times you have to zone to get to where you're going. Some days it takes two or three minutes for a zone loading to complete for me, which makes Bases, Ouroboros, and other such "short cuts" a huge unneeded time sink to get where I am going. I would much rather load a single zone that has the tools I need to use in it than have to bounce between two or three.



Originally Posted by Eikochan View Post
I should probably also mention that part of the goal here is to limit how many times you have to zone to get to where you're going. Some days it takes two or three minutes for a zone loading to complete for me, which makes Bases, Ouroboros, and other such "short cuts" a huge unneeded time sink to get where I am going. I would much rather load a single zone that has the tools I need to use in it than have to bounce between two or three.
So basically you just want a Wentworth's, Vault Reserve, and crafting stations in Peregrine and Grandville. That's what you really want.



I've always thought of Talos Island as my blue-side hub. WW, train and base portal all next to each other, convenient access to most origin stores (I'm still in the habit of selling SO at the correct stores), entrance to Pocket D. Base and Ouroboros drop-off points both drop in convenient places. Sure, it's missing RWZ/Midnighter entrances, but I seldom need those.

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Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
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Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
So basically you just want a Wentworth's, Vault Reserve, and crafting stations in Peregrine and Grandville. That's what you really want.
Uh, no. If I wanted that, I would have asked for it.

Peregrine and Grandville are horrible zones. They should have little in them as possible.



Can I get some more feedback on this idea?



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
and as much as I like the idea of heroes and villains running AE content together, it just doesn't make any damn sense in places like the RWZ. (Ideally, it would be a zone unto itself, but that's a whole other topic.)
Actually, it makes perfect sense, AE provides for the Vanguard soldiers both recreation and valuable training simulation tool, what doesn't make sense is that the terminals are not part of the primary compound rather than THREE HUNDRED FREAKIN' YARDS AWAY!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.




A Midnighter Club in St Martial, while thematically not out of place, would only connect to Cap, which is already only one ferry ride from St. M., and Cimerora, but that's a zone that people travel to, not through.

Generally I dislike the idea of the same features being available in all or most zones, since it only reduces the uniqueness of each zone. Redside only has 7 zones, it doesn't need a second university. It's bad enough that someone thought it was a good idea to put AE buildings in every zone except Grandville, regardless of whether it made sense thematically (Sharkhead is a miserable industrial hellhole. I dunno... maybe the miners go in there and beat up Mako in god mode) or aesthetically (as in Nerva, where the AE building is three or four times the size of any other building in the region.)



The general idea is to create more zones people travel through (or stop by in to get something done). Redside especially needs this, because right now everything happens in Cap, and the zone could really use a little less congestion.



All I really want is Midnighters Club access somewhere other than Cap Au Diable. If I had that, I would never again enter that hellish laghole again. Alternate Bloody Bay access would be nice too, but I can live without Shivans, or just take the black helecopter to that side of the zone without approaching the horrific congestion between the Cap AE, high level Ferry, Vanguard portal, Midnighters Club, only redside university (where even dedicated crafters often don't know about the abandoned labs in other zones), all arrayed in an unholy pentacle of lag around the Cap Black Market.

As for Paragon... things are already pretty well connected there, considering how many zones total there are. Between Ouroboros, Base portals (and base teleporter), Pocket D (and teleporter), the Mission Teleporter, and a few key zones like Atlas Park, Steel Canyon and Talos Island, I can get pretty much everywhere from anywhere else in two hops, three at most. Faster would be nice, but compared to standard MMO travel times we've already got it waaay easy.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
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One thing that I think needs sorting is AE Zone placement Redside. Some look sooooo out of place, like the one RIGHT beside the ferry in Sharkhead!



The one by the ferry in Sharkhead looks completely random - agreed.

With regards to the OP this is a good idea - the Cap is lagtastic and could do with some relief in the form of a high-level hub-zone in St. M.

Heroside is more of a problem and I think I agree that more time should be spent in FF. It seems very cut-off from the rest of the zones and not worth the effort of a visit when Talos is right next door. A Wenty's would possibly lure some people in and away from the Station/Wenty's/nearby Hill triangle that can sometimes have issues at peaktimes.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Redside especially needs this, because right now everything happens in Cap, and the zone could really use a little less congestion.
So your solution to a zone that everyone travels through... is to create a zone for the express purpose to have everyone travel through it?



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
So your solution to a zone that everyone travels through... is to create a zone for the express purpose to have everyone travel through it?
The solution to a zone that everyone travels through is two zones that everyone travels through. I really don't understand why you have such difficulty with this idea. If St. Martial was as convenient for high level villains as Cap is, a portion of those villains will use St. Martial, instead of Cap, thus reducing the load of people in Cap.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
All I really want is Midnighters Club access somewhere other than Cap Au Diable. .
The entire post in general I agree with, but this line especially. I know the Midnighter entrances blueside are all in universities, but that doesn't *have* to hold true redside. Having an entrance in one of the 35+ content zones would be nice - sure, it might not make sense in Grandville, given how tightly controlled everything is, but given the interest in the Rikti, maybe Vanguard agreed to add a portal and mini-library there. Or with the COT presence in Nerva, perhaps they decided to have a presence there. I don't think there needs to be three entrances, but a second one would be helpful.

Blueside, honestly, I think is fine.



This has nothing to do with people going to the Midnighters or Vanguard or the university. This has everything to do with Cap Au Diable being the AE focal point of redside.

Prior to I14 the only time I experienced lag in Cap was in the immediate vicinity of the BM when the Rikti attacked. Now, at least on Freedom and Virtue, there's perma lag all around the BM and up into Aeon City. This is particularly annoying since between level 15 and 19 a villain HAS to go there. At least on blueside you can level up out of AP within an hour, or start in Galaxy City.

Placing extra facilities in other zones only sidesteps this problem, it doesn't fix it.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
This has nothing to do with people going to the Midnighters or Vanguard or the university. This has everything to do with Cap Au Diable being the AE focal point of redside.

Prior to I14 the only time I experienced lag in Cap was in the immediate vicinity of the BM when the Rikti attacked. Now, at least on Freedom and Virtue, there's perma lag all around the BM and up into Aeon City. This is particularly annoying since between level 15 and 19 a villain HAS to go there. At least on blueside you can level up out of AP within an hour, or start in Galaxy City.

Placing extra facilities in other zones only sidesteps this problem, it doesn't fix it.
I've experienced ridiculous lag in that part of Cap since long before the AE building. The AE building just pushed it past endurable levels, to a point where I'll actually get mapserver errors just for trying to walk through the zone. So although your problems with the zone have apparently manifested differently, please don't try and tell me that mine aren't happening. Leveling past Cap is entirely possible without passing through it if you use AE missions in other zones, or team with higher level friends. But Midnight Club, Bloody Bay and University access are still only found there.

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