Regarding meteorology and character concept




I wasn't sure which forum to place this under, because it's not really a question about the game so I thought Player questions would be bad.

I need some help with some science to see if this character concept, in which the character is a Technology Origin, is sound science.

Before I begin, yes, I know it's a game and I can make any science work because I say so, but I like my characters being quote unquote "feasible."

Okay, I'm working on a Storm/Sonic Defender concept for an alternate suit for my main character, Vojin.

The question is in regards to the formation of storms:
(this is a copy and paste from my discussion with another friend)
so if i wanted to create a localized weather system, such as a storm

Storms are created when a center of low pressure develops, with a system of high pressure surrounding it.

A low pressure area, or "low", is a region where the atmospheric pressure is lower in relation to the surrounding area. Low pressure systems form under areas of upper level divergence on the east side of upper troughs, or due to localized heating caused by greater insolation .

so, if i created a heat source to blast heated air upwards, then cooled the surrounding air,
would that, theoretically, create a localized weather system ???

If anyone can help me, that would be greatly appreciated.

And yes, I think too much about character concepts, but thats what keeps me coming back to them. :-D



Dude, if having a background for your character that you can look at and go, "It WORKS", and you're happy, that's all that matters. It's your character - go for it.

That said, I'm no meteorologist - you might post a question on Yahoo! Answers and see if one answers you there!


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Dude, if having a background for your character that you can look at and go, "It WORKS", and you're happy, that's all that matters. It's your character - go for it.

That said, I'm no meteorologist - you might post a question on Yahoo! Answers and see if one answers you there!

Damn, talked to my friend and I don't think it'll work >_<

BTW, big fan of your story. I'm reading through it now.



Originally Posted by Vojin View Post

so, if i created a heat source to blast heated air upwards, then cooled the surrounding air,
would that, theoretically, create a localized weather system ???
You ever been out in the agricultural areas like the plains or Eastern Washington or Eastern Oregon and seen dust devils? They're basically naturally occuring miniature tornadoes, though without all of the storm effects of an actual tornado. You've pretty much described how they get formed.

So, if you wanted to say that your gizmo does the same thing but causes actual cloud formations on a miniature scale, then go for it.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
You ever been out in the agricultural areas like the plains or Eastern Washington or Eastern Oregon and seen dust devils? They're basically naturally occuring miniature tornadoes, though without all of the storm effects of an actual tornado. You've pretty much described how they get formed.

So, if you wanted to say that your gizmo does the same thing but causes actual cloud formations on a miniature scale, then go for it.



Especially with the ability to manipulate the attributes of the Voltiac and Cryo tanks of the Crey, I can easily form precipitation and Lightning Storms.

VUNDERBAR! Thank you, you've made my night.



Hell, I explain my /Storm's powers as being caused by maniplating the electrons of surrounding air molecules to create pockets of low/high pressure. It's total BS, but it explains how someone with electrical powers can manipulate the weather.

Just use fancy words and psuedoscience. Comic books are loaded to the gills with BS, the more you try to make it sound realistic, the more unrealistic it appears.

Although, given the similarity to your explaination and dust devils, you can get away with a more realistic explaination. Now I'm getting ideas for a dust devil-based character concept...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



You could also throw in something about seeding your clouds with silver iodide. That happens too, usually with an airplane though.

There might be a wiki page on cloud seeding that'd explain the process better.



Originally Posted by Lady_Athyna View Post
You could also throw in something about seeding your clouds with silver iodide. That happens too, usually with an airplane though.

There might be a wiki page on cloud seeding that'd explain the process better.
I like your idea, but I looked it up and I don't want to chloroform my allies to create a storm.

(look under impact on environment and health)



Originally Posted by Vojin View Post
I like your idea, but I looked it up and I don't want to chloroform my allies to create a storm.

(look under impact on environment and health)

Allies are easy to find... Whenever I play my controllers, I consider all team mates to be 'pets'.