869 -
Quote:The more often a spell is used, and by more people, the less powerful it becomes, so she doesn't waste the big stuff on the petty thugs.I am sure a lot of people try to ignore it but do how do you explain it? Outside of Ouroboros there are many cases for exemplaring such as trials, joining low level teams, or joining a task force. Ouroboros explains it as time travel but how do you explain it in these other cases?
For my main character, he is a person that has learned to control his Ki energy. (think Dragonball Z) -- He is a SS/Fire Aura.
Part of the thing I do with him is that he has transformations similar to what Super Saiyans go through. 30-44 he gains the SS blonde hair and such... 45-50 he has blue hair and blue auras, and in Incarnate trial fully level shifted he is a purple/red.
Basically in times he holds back his power because he loves a challenge in order not to decimate his opponent in one to two blows. I also illustrate this by the changing colors.
How does your character do it? -
Pretty much nothing new for dug. I watched this guy trololol his way up and down the VN boards (RIP) for years. Still up to the same old thing.
Quote:This this this this this this this this this >.<Making a costume part (aura) available via a timed social media promotion running while people are very possibly at work (earning money to pay for your product and maybe not allowed to goof around with such sites on company time) is far and away the worst idea I think I've witnessed coming since the appearance of Freedom. It cheapens both the point of having a market (i.e. that we pay you for the stuff we want) and being a ViP (who should get this stuff without going through hoops). Making people rush around for 5 minutes on a social media they possibly aren't interested in doesn't seem to be a way to build an audience as much as a way to alienate members of the audience you already have.
Basically if you want to give away stuff to people who mess with twitter or whatever that is cool, but you should make it available for people willing to give you money for it as well. -
Weak. Thanks for the info.
Is First Ward in Ouroboros? -
If I level above 29 before finishing all of the First Ward contacts, will I then be locked out of them for having outleveled them, or will I be able to continue the storyline to its end?
Thanks for any replies. -
Quote:Yes, and two Beam/Time Corruptors are frighteningly effective.Play with other Beam rifle characters. Solo, on my beam/rad corr, I'm have a very hard time spreading disentrgration around, but when i teamed with just 1 other beam rifle user for a sewer trial, basically every mob we fought was spread. He would tag a boss/LT with disentragration, i would shoot it, it'll spread. It was pretty amazing how much the difference was with just adding 1 more beam rifle user.
And also count me as someone who loves Chartleston Chews
Those are so good! I used to get those with my sister all the time when we were little! -
Well I make a point of moving at least a few feet, especially with shield charge
Quote:I don't teleport into spawns specifically because of this. I herd them up for AAO, as well as Fury if I need it, then I start the nukeageI'd think the best order would be Spring Attack -> then the other two, since that'll let your best attacks benefit from Against All Odd's +damage component.
I took this on a respec of my Elec/Shield br00t
I had to spec out of pool fitness anyways, so I had the extra power picks. I got it 5 slotted with minimal slot and set bonus shuffling.
It's funIt isn't the best power ever, but it's fun, especially in combination with my other two teleport attacks.
Lightning Rod! Shield Charge! Spring attack!
Hehe -
Quote:Amusingly enough, Cryptic (lead by Jack) is backpedaling having done this in Star Trek Online, which has like 20+ forms of currency. They're actually going to condense all these badges, marks, and emblems (same concept as incarnate salvage) down to one base currency, Dilithium. Thereafter, the game will only have four currencies: Energy Credits (i.e. gold, dollars, inf, whatever), Merits/Honor (earned along with XP and spent on very specific things like respecs), Gold Pressed Latinum (earned by playing dabo and spent on fluff items), and Dilithium (earned as mission rewards and either used to buy powerful items, or traded to other players for their Cryptic Points).Wait, Positron believes new currencies for every single game feature is the answer?
Dear lord, it's Jack 2.0, only without all the nerfs.
That game has an issue with the number of Energy Credits sinks it has (as in, almost none), but at least they're recognizing that more currencies do not automatically make things better, just more convoluted. -
Quote:Not to mention he presided over the disasters that were I13 and I14.Some of the actions certainly hint at that...
And no, I do not mean that in a good way. Matt is a good guy by all accounts (never met him, thanks to being in the EU =/ ), but he seems damn resistant to certain common sense ideas...
It was shortly thereafter that he "stepped down" which I read as "lucky not to get fired".
No idea why they would put this guy pack in charge.
If this is true, it will be a disaster. -
Quote:Ah, is it (the level range)? I admit I know next to nothing about it. Yeah that makes sense. The Responsibility arcs (my favorite) had my character going from idealistic superhero, to good person doing some things she wasn't sure she understood but was sure were for the greater good, to (right at the end) telling Cole to his face, "I believe in the Paradise, I don't believe in you."It's sensible game design - First Ward is 20-29, so it's over halfway to 50, which means that the content needs to be moving towards the Incarnate content, where everyone is fighting Tyrant and the loyalists.
The 1-20 GR content already pushes every Praetorian avatar into a position of resistance to Tyrant and his dictatorship - so it's natural that the First Ward storyline would fit with that situation, and have the contacts be Resistance or Resistance allies.
The higher the level of the content, the closer it has to be the Incarnate storyline, where we're helping the Resistance smash Tyrant and his loyalist forces.
Basically still an idealist, wanting to attain that beautiful paradise and protect its people, but not capable of supporting the man she used to believe in so strongly.
In her heart, she's a Loyalist, but loyal to Praetoria and its people, not to Cole. -
Quote:No, just poor game design. They obviously mixed things up between factions when they launched Going Rogue, giving both sides their good and bad factions, so restricting Loyalists only to Villain content, and vice versa, is pretty unfair (and doesn't make a lot of sense when you have terrorists running heroic missions and wholesome (albeit likely ignorant) heroes who want to save the day and help people being forced to do villainous missions.Well, going by the repeatable faction contacts in First Ward, so do the game mechanics - anyone flagged as Resisatnce can also access the Hero contact there, and anyone flagged as loyalist can access the Villain contact - but Resistance players can't access the Villain contact, and loyalist players can't access the Hero contact - but that could just be another one of those "bugs"
Quote:I'm not allowed to be as sensational and ridiculous as she is? Why not?Putting aside the ridiculous racial tie-in, if there were a rationing or division of resources and there were four of them and six of you then you would deserve sixty percent of the allotted resources as compared to their forty percent. Dividing the resources fifty-fifty would, in fact, be unfair at that point.
I guess that was lost on you, or I was more subtle than I intended.
My real point is: It's not that simple, sorry. -
Quote:Loyalists are not villains.Although unlike the RWZ, there are some repeatable faction contatcs there - so Vilalins/loyalists can still run missions themed to their morality, even if the actual zone storyline ignores them.
Power: Rogue (Hot shots that only do what they do for fame and power, looking out for number one).
Responsibility: Hero (Genuinely good people, perhaps often ignorant of Cole's true intentions, they believe in the paradise, and their story arcs almost always involve acts of heroism and genuinely helping make the city safer for the little guy).
Warden: Vigilante (People who believe that what they are doing is right, and by default, work outside the law, instituting their own justice to create a better world).
Crusader: Villain (Terrorists). -
Quote:I'll go ahead and tell my hispanic cousins and brother in law that they deserve less than me because I'm white, and there are more of us. I'm sure they'll think that's fair.The stats they gave us for the 7th anniversary.
And the devs still insist on givng us a even 50-50 split for all new content, meaning that the blue side is getting 10% less that it deserves, and red side is getting 10% more than it deserves.
Hopefully in future Issues the devs will give us a fairer split to reflect the population sizes of the 2 factions, instead of treating them both equally. -
Okay so I've started a Kinetic Melee/Willpower Scrappah.
I actually have a level 50 WP br00t, and another 40-something WP scrappah, but TBH, they are a couple of the rare characters I never spent a ton of time IOing.. because I realized, I have no idea what to slot for, and frankly, never really understood the set very well. Time for that to change.
I'm looking got any insight on what to focus on when slotting a Willpower character, what bonuses are priorities, and why.
Any replies would be appreciated