869 -
Quote:Lots of Love to you and all the devs Kevin. I hope you all land safely and softly and prosper into the future.Hi everyone,
It breaks my heart to have to say this, but I want you all to know that it has been my honor to be a part of this community, even in a little way, and for a short time. The passion of you, the players, as well as your fervent support of this game has been nothing short of amazing, and humbling.
This was my first (and hopefully not my last!) job in the gaming industry, and you all have set the bar so high. I can only hope that I'll be seeing you all again in the near future.
You guys showed me how amazing a community can be when it puts its mind to it, and I will forever be grateful to all of you. Thank you SO MUCH.
All my love and thanks,
Kevin "Freitag" Callanan -
Quote:I love you Andy, I hope you can move on to bigger and better things. That goes for you and all of the devs there. You are the best development studio I've ever seen, and this? This is a shame beyond all shames.Thank you.
Thank you for making the job of my team a joy. A Community Manager couldn't ask for a better group of players to be given the opportunity to care for. The devotion and dedication you all have to the game and your fellow players has had a really positive impact on my approach to Community Management.
Today has been emotionally challenging for us all. I'm not a man prone to tears, but I couldn't help but crying as I read the messaging that we would be posting to you during our final Studio Meeting. Even though I was only here for awhile, Paragon was home. In my short tenure, I was blessed to see a new era for the game with Freedom, to watch artists pass the torch to each other as they shifted to new projects, to watch developers have a dialog with the Community rather and work together to make the game better and to work directly with you guys to make some amazing content like the Retro Sci Fi set.
Freedom brought a new life to City of Heroes. The game was, and still is, alive and vibrant with more new players joining the fight every day. It's important to know that Freedom wasn't a failure. This really is a refocusing of direction from NCsoft and unfortunately, Paragon didn't fit into that vision. Collectively, we hold no ill will towards NCsoft and thank them for many years of support.
I know that many of you have questions that need answered. I don't have a lot of answers right now, but please be assured that whomever remains behind to sunset CoH, whether it be myself or someone else, will provide updates as much as possible.
I just can't say this enough; it's been an honor and a privilege to play some small part in the history of this amazing game and it's Community. Remember all of the friendships, bonds and connections you've all made with each other. Cherish them and carry with you into the next adventure. You guys, the people, are what MMOs are all about.
Damnit...now I'm tearing up again. -
Star Trek Online, Champions Online (to get my hero fix) and the Secret World. Planetside 2 when it comes out. I was going to grab GW2.. but no. I don't think so.
Typical NCSoft. I'm surprised! Shocked! and yet.. not all that surprised at all! >.< I was going to buy Guild Wars 2, but it seems they waited for GW2 to come out before announcing this. The probability that they will get any of my money ever again (after Tabula Rasa and now this) is about ZERO PERCENT!
Quote:I used to hate this, but then I played Star Trek Online. Love that game but..Funny enough, this decision was made long before even I worked on City of Heroes.
I was told that this was done this way so that powers that targeted allies/other players could easily exclude yourself as a potential target. This was done to promote more "team play" as many of the original designers had a distaste for tankmages and/or 3rd Ed D&D Clerics (can buff/heal/do everything by themselves).
Tactical Officers were originally promoted as being able to off-tank. They can't and never could do it effectively. They just have lots of DPS.
Engineers were originally purported to be the hardiest and most survivable of the three, especially due to a fast recharging ability to recharge their shields almost instantly. That got nerfed.
Science Officers were originally supposed to be healers and debuffers, and they do in fact have those tools.
What do we currently have, in actuality?
Science Officers. They are the best tanks and the best healers, because of their ability to heal themselves so effectively. After all, if I can heal you this well, why not cut out the middleman, grab aggro, and just heal myself?
Sadly, top tier content seems to be designed around that. Needless to say, I rolled a sci. -
When does this start? It will be my first live session.
Quote:I have the opposite issue. I can't hear them at all, except that one AOE. I don't have the set, but I played extensively in a duo with one, and I almost never heard the staff sounds. Most of them are very quiet.Not to rain n anyone's parade but I'm not that much a fan of Staff's sounds either because...
They always seem to play louder than just about anything else. There have been times when I was teaming with a staff player and it sounded like they were right next to my ear when they were around a corner from my character. -
Staff makes noise?
Yeah she did her normal thing where she ignored the important part of your post. You're right, it did look like more of a city. These days, especially zones like Steel Canyon, they look like a bunch of buildings dropped out of a bag and left where they fell.. not so much a city. Praetoria was a massive improvement in city design and TBH, all of Paragon and the Rogue Isles need a similar makeover.. though that isn't realistic any time soon.
Quote:I don't think it's all that accurate that we don't see failure until adulthood, that is a serious over-generalization.I think that emphasizes more than anything else the difference in cultures. Americans (it appears) do not experience failure until their late teens (rejection letters from Universities/Colleges)... up until that point in time they are always given a success. When you then apply this to games, it means that you cannot let the player "fail" (especially when you are going for the US market) for solo stuff... because then the player will be more inclined to "stop playing".
However, other cultures are *more willing* to help out (i have noticed that with EU players, if you are stuck they are more inclined to not help due to lack of time, and not due to a risk of "failure"...
What EU Dev's need to know about American online Gamers. EU GDC 2012
I would like to point out that the talk was given by an American developer.
If the game has already established itself, then you have to keep the *exisiting* players (which will decrease over time) and also get in newer players (to keep up the churn level to stay stable)... and due to how the *playing* population has changed over the years, it makes it harder and harder... you have to start paying attention to these factors to keep the churn level up as your general playing population decreases.
If you think about it, would CoX would have stayed alive if they had stayed Subscription only and made 1-50 still take 200+ hours?
Eventually, the game would have dropped to such a low level that it wouldn't be possible to stay alive.
Making it faster to level meant that you could try out many different alts in a *sensible* amount of time.
Changes to how debt worked meant that levelling was faster.
The game *has* evolved drastically (especially in the past couple of years), it is faster, failure is almost impossible (and yet people still complain about how hard something can bewhen they dont use inspirations to help out... and they *DO* drop like candy... so use them liberally).
I think most people simply use games and other media as an escape from our hectic lives where failure is and always has been a harsh reality. I won't get into the politics behind all that, but will simply say that if I'm escaping and playing a game, I want to just succeed, because failure isn't fun, and failure is for the real world. That said, I do want the knowledge that I could fail if I didn't play smart. -
Quote:Yeah that's Funcom for you. I played AO a long long time ago. They wouldn't know polish if it hit them in the face. Their games are usually fun, but filled with bugs.People can forgive a lack of content at launch, if the game has polish. The monks in space game, it launched in 2011 with a U.I from 2004, by the time they finally got around to adding U.I customisability, they had lost over a million subs.
They've only just added an actual system to look for groups, more advanced than spamming general chat, but its too late, they are going free to play.
Funcoms game has great ideas, but you play it, you start to get into it, start to get drawn into the story of a zone and then....
Five of the quests in a row are bugged an can't be completed, they patch the game and claim they have fixed these quests, but nope they are still bugged, they add new content, and this too is bugged.
For example, one of the newest quests invovles translating latin phrases into demonic text and entering it into a magic circle. Great. Except the circle is bugged and may or may not recognise the correct answer as correct, depending on how it feels.
The one that made me quit was the defend this location, but after the first wave of enemies the allies start attacking you as well. -
Quote:No.So? So nothing. It's a little fun. A diversion.
This was the part where you were supposed to laugh, shake your head a little, and tell Arcanaville that she spends way too much time on something she's not getting paid for.
(theoretically - at least I'm pretty sure she's not on PS's payroll)
I like and respect Arcana, but posting a big "look at me I made lots of posts" thread is always.. well I can't say that politely, so I won't, because again, I like and respect her. Conversely, I won't pander either.
I have around 35k posts on another forum network. all it proved was that I wasted my time. -
Quote:No offense, I like you, and you've helped me out with a couple things in the past, but I really thought you were above measuring parts you don't even technically have.Estimated number of days as active forum participant: 2942
Average posts per day: 10.20
PMs sent: ~6500
PMs received: ~6200
Estimated number of posted words: 5,000,000
I think that's enough beta testing. Arcanaville 1.0 should be ready for go-live now.
Insert my stock response to anyone who does this: So? -
Are there other I24 teaser pics? If so, link please, and where are these coming from?
Quote:I have a character whose super strength is the result of high tech gauntlets that fuse themselves to her arms. She's super reflexes. If she actually gets shot or punched by someone like Recluse, she'll just die.original sunspot had no special defense.
of course in the comics people took lots of damage all of the time when they supposedly couldn't. The x-men generally have no special defenses - Angel just had his wings. But they could take a punch.
but if your super strength is psionic or some other form, there is no reason why your body would be tougher -
Quote:It's usually the tools the developers have, not the engine specifically, or whether its Direct X, Open GL etc.Ugh. Please tell me you work on MMOs or some similar sort of 3D game world building occupation. Otherwise you remind me of people i deal with in daily life who think some things are easy because they know just enough about the abstract concepts and techniques of doing something to think that it's all easy to do in no time at all. And it's not a matter of outdated engines per se. Even things that seem straightforward and simple when you look at the basic design specs can involve many, many hours of work to actually execute.
Edit: Also, i'm not sure what OpenGL specifically has to do with editing the game world unless that was just a random "lulz@OpenGL" tossed in for extra denigration. Seriously, not a coder here, so i don't know how relevant the use of OpenGL is to editing zone geometry. Just because it seems irrelevant to me doesn't mean it is. Anyone?
I've never had an actual game design job, but I have years of experience with modding several different games using development kits, and I've dove pretty deeply into them.
With some development tools, world building is easy once you learn the ins and outs of it, and in others, it's a nightmare even if you know what you're doing.
For instance, the various development kits used by Bethesda since Morrowind. It's been essentially the same system that has evolved and been streamlined over time. Some systems have changed significantly (for instance, scripting changed pretty dramatically between the GECK and the Skyrim CK, particularly with the addition of keywords and radiant quest scripting). Another example would be the switch from pathgridding to navmeshing for NPC pathing (I hate navmeshing even though I recognize it's a superior system).
I digress somewhat..
In the Bethesda kits, world building is really easy once you know where all the art assets are. Of course, those art assets had to be made by an artist, but speaking only of the building of the world itself, it isn't much more complicated than click and drag, with a few extra hotkeys here and there to control axis, scaling, rotation, etc. It's very intuitive. Apart from the world building, the CK has almost everything totally centralized. Only the model and texture files themselves exist outside the CK, though their whereabouts and properties need to be imported into it (which is a very simple process).
On the other hand, I have to wonder how BioWare ever finishes a game. Their kit is a decentralized, unintuitive disaster area, and even with tutorials, will hit anyone inexperienced with game development in general (professional or otherwise) like a massive brick wall.
I've used a lot of "SDKs", but these two are particularly noteworthy at two ends of the spectrum of usability and recognition.
I think the one thing I have learned above everything is to never make the assumption that any particular development team will automatically have a set of tools (world building or otherwise) that will make any particular thing easy. Development tools mature and grow over time, and you can bet good money that whatever internal tools they are using at Paragon have been improved dramatically since the game was first launched, but no kit is perfect, and it's not always the kit itself.
People use the term "engine" far too often when referring to any number of things. In this case, it may simply be how the world is put together. I don't pretend to know how their tools work, or how their world is built, but if I had to hazard a guess, it's probably less about moving something, and more about the consequences of that movement (how it affects collision, enemy and pet pathing, etc.). -
Quote:It's a typo...That's just illustrating the new style dialog trees to be introduced in a future Issue. The intent is to give your character the ability to speak in any* voice, by giving a choice of various accents and attitudes. (*For sufficiently stupid values of "any")
The Malta Code
Part 255d: Viridian blows it, again
I apologise, $name, but a stray dog stole my only codebook right out of my hand and ran off to the Shadow Shard. I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to proceed, as without it I can't decode that message you showed me.
Let's go hang out at the mall.
Linguam Anglicam nescio. Latine loqui?
I assure you, my good man, $name is "down with the street."
Ise gwyne fine dat code book ef ah hafta ketch ebry dawg in the Chantry.
Punch Viridian
Leave -
Quote:You are missing the point by a mile. All of the co-op arcs have strongly heroic overtones. We would like just once, that heroes be required to do something villainous for the greater good, while we actually get to be truly evil.Weird I thought I was in the "forget the majority" boat...
I mean, heroes haven't received any "hero only" content in a long time too! (again beyond the story arcs that each side got).
What I'm saying is that neither side will be getting one whole issue (or what have ya) to JUST them. It's not worth it. Co-op is here to stay (probably one of the reasons why the Shadow Shard zone hasn't been re-done because it'd be Hero only and that's a huge zone (huge zones!)).
So put me in whatever boat you want, I'll be having fun -
Quote:Those initial villain lines to Heather are deceptive, smart*** comments. Heather also expresses reservation throughout the arc that she's working with a villain, and that she's confused as to why you would ever help. At the same time, orange text pops up frequently just to give an "inner exposition" about how you may ultimately be able to use this to make yourself more powerful and screw everyone else. It's pretty cool.I probably should, then; I played through Heather's whole arc and it was identical to the hero arcs for me. I stopped reading because I assumed that villains had received another co-op carbon copy again.
Quote:It's unfortunate that yet another person is in the "forget the minority" boat. We're still playing. There are some of us who are primarily redsiders. The answer to the question of "more content for villains" should NOT be "marginalize that segment of the playerbase."