1942 -
Quote:It takes effort time and patience.. but when you get the build right and use IO's to get the defense dialed in.. you become unstoppable...Rad/Fire is an AMAZING combo but they die OH so fast...quicker than my doms...well my doms can take some punishment but my blaster cannot.
I plan to dust him off once the blaster secondary changes hit live.
My Rad/Fire...if accompanied by an Empath can kill just as fast or faster than my Plant/Fire Dom...and that my friend is impressive. -
You actually liked the " smell my foot" attack ??
I seriously doubt it.. First off these changes are mostly to nukes that have crashes and they are focusing on Blast sets ( which affects Blasters Corruptors and Defenders). Kheldians which also have nukes are not having their nukes changed in Issue 24.
I find it hilarious lately when Blasters are complaining about what Corruptors and Defenders are getting when you know that half these people PLAY Defenders and Corruptors too..
If you are going to make Firestar you could go for the Rad Blaster.. maybe an Energy Secondary and pick the Fire Epic pool...
Quote:This was especially funny because I knew the tune of the song right off.."WE WANT IT NOW"
(Sung by the playerbase to the tune of "I Want It Now" from WILLY WONKA)
Player base:
Power pools! New rules!
We want this issue before end of summer
You will, guys...
Player base:
Coz we all want to play!
Anything you say
Player base:
And by the way
Player base:
We want a blaster!
Um, you've already got several...
Player base:
A no-crash nuke blaster!
Oh, one of those
Player base:
None of this crap where we nuke half the map and then need a long nap-
You can have all those things when the issue's released
Player base:
No, now!!
We want more powers!
Make Presence USEFUL!
Give each pool more stuff, and make Fighting MORE buff,
Give Kheldians SOME luv...
Give it to us!
We want the game!
We want the whole game!
Whether we farm it or just want to narm it
We want it today
No, not tomorrow
We want to take it and totally break it
We want an entirely new graphics engine
Break things to make it all fit
And if it's not everything we have imagined
We will /ragequit!
We want it patched!
A game engine unmatched!
Revamping bases, new costumes and faces
We'll STAY on your cases
And how!
Don't care how
We want it now!
Don't care how
We want it now!
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Sold all my overstock yesterdayl. figured id strike while the iron was hot and prices are high
Ill be honest.. that combo is far far more effective in melee than at range.. the amount of PbAoE goodness is just too much to ignore.
not able to log in game right now.. whats the price looking like.. I only need one so I might splurge..
Nice combos.. Water/Dark might be a theme option for me.. I need to look at that.. Thought I would see more Water/Cold or Cold/Water.. Figured that Dehydrate and Heatsink would be very very tasty...
Im thinking Water/Cold or Water/Storm Corruptor. However Water/Electric Blaster also intrigues we quite a bit. (would be nice if there was extra damage because water is a good conductor of electricity but oh well)
What will you be making ?? -
I cant even get enough of these things in 30 plus runs to even slot the stuff I want to slot.. never mind all this other stuff you guys are bringing up.
Quote:There never has been and never will be a BEST.. Any set can bring something to a team. Even that FF defender. The forums are not the game. There are lots of people in the game who never come and read the forums. Everyone in game is not running around with a softcapped to everything build on every toon so FF bubbles will help them and in the end game they become even more important because the softcap is higher there..So I came back to COH after going to play WOW and I have to say I love all the changes that have been made to COH over the years. In the past I was disappointed. My last main toon was a FF/RAD defender and I loved it!! I noticed he still sucks at SOLOing but I built him for team support and seemed like the team would rarely take any serious damage if any at all.
I know that powers can get nerfed or buffed over time. So what is the best Defender Primary/Secondary power set to go support a team with? (From what I have read on the forums it sounds like Force Fields is not the best support defender to roll.)
I say play what you enjoy and learn to play it well and YOU will be an asset to any team.. not just the powerset. Ive seen so called best sets played terribly.. -
Dark.. excellent secondary and easily goes with your theme IMO...
Sorry this cannot be done The proc only works in the powers that cause damage and since force bubble does no damage it's a no go
Its gonna get nerfed I think..
I just tried this.. and its overpowered.. they are going to need to change the KB percentage in Bonfire..
Quote:Dude hush...This proc would be even more desired if it worked properly. I'm waiting for the fix.
Can you imagine Caltrops with the Ragna. Chance for KD proc mixed with the Over proc? What a 40-50% chance for Knockdown? And you can get almost 3 out at the same time.
It will be glorious.
so says M0NG0 Slade... Thugs/Traps MM ( who already has the Rag proc slotted ) -
Yay !! My First after a Red name EVER !!!
and YAY Water Blast.. too bad ill be away at a business meeting the whole day.. -
Still only one -KB IO.. I have a buddy who has gotten 5 in almost the same amount of runs.. ARGH !!!!!!
I think ive done between 15-20 runs. ONE -KB IO... I think I would rather just buy them off the market depending on cost ( and i have an idea how high I will go )
Im sorry but as a long term subscriber and a current VIP I say if you want Incarnate content do what the rest of the community that wants it does..
Pay the 15 bucks a month..