



I used to have a Mastermind that had poison as a secondary and I hated it because of the fact I had a single target heal, and single target DeBuffs. Now the sets debuffs have AoE in them so now it better. I planned on making a Illusion/Poison but would it be better on say a Fire/Poison Corruptor. My concept is based off the scarecrow from the batman comics so I guess radiation could work too. But still want a viable toon that is fun and is able to do decent on Itrials. From the looks of it also Poison isn't played often so does that mean it not very good?



rad would definitely be MUCH better than poison in terms of debuffs, the debuffs on poison are pretty weak and its strongest debuff forces you to be in melee range making it also very dangerous to use well



Ill/Rad is great for everything from what I see. Is Ill/Poison good enough to do the same stuff as a Ill/Rad. I don't Solo GMs or AVs because im not really a hardcore player.



poison is generally not a very good PVE set in general, its debuffs are much weaker than most other sets and as mentioned the best debuff it has requires you to be in melee range all the time, which is more difficult to play and poison has almost no -regen so soloing AVs and GMs would be essentially impossible without lore pets

however if you want to go with poison for concept reasons theres nothing stopping you there, illusion is a very friendly set in that it will pair well with pretty much any secondary



Thanks for the help Necrotech. I think im gonna make a Ill/Rad hopefully they change poison a little more to make the DeBuffs decent and then I will reroll. Not sure when that will be.



they recently did some changes to poison like a few months ago, but its still under par for a debuff set

it is however fairly good in pvp



Originally Posted by Prometheus30 View Post
Thanks for the help Necrotech. I think im gonna make a Ill/Rad hopefully they change poison a little more to make the DeBuffs decent and then I will reroll. Not sure when that will be.
I suggest you take a look at my Ill/Rad guide, linked in my sig. It has become one of the more popular guides on the forums. There is a TON of information, suggested builds (including leveling-up builds) and options. It also has a lot of strategy hints on how to make better use of the powers.

One of the reasons Rad is such a good secondary for Illusion is the Recharge buff in Accelerate Metabolism. Poison doesn't have a self-recharge buff. Time also has a self-recharge buff, but you don't get it until level 38. Other good combinations with Illusion are Dark, Cold, Storm and Trick Arrow. However, none of those have the recharge buff.

Actually, Illusion works well with all secondaries, but the combos above have the best synergy (in my opinion).

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Dark.. excellent secondary and easily goes with your theme IMO...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Dark.. excellent secondary and easily goes with your theme IMO...
Ill/Rad has been well and thoroughly covered, of course.

But I have to vote for Ill/Dark as a blast and fitting thematically. You could even tint the powers a sickly greenish yellow or the like.

Stunning, slowing,inflicting wounds that do not heal at a normal rate, weakening enemies and exposing weaknesses in their armor, all of these sound like the sort of thing your concept would do to enemies. If something was doing those sorts of effects on me, I'd be horrified and trying to get away and never come back. And Dark Servant may just be yet another manifestation of your foes nightmares come to life to torment them!

I have an Ill/Dark Controller whom just left Praetoria and it was my smoothest sailing through there yet. And I cannot imagine that the assorted hefty debuffs wouldn't be welcome in iTrials later, which you also listed as a matter of interest