6660 -
Aaahhhhh, A_A. I just wanted to let you know that I did not miss your overdramatic ranting founded on rumors and misunderstanding. I vaguely recognized the name but couldn't remember why I had you on ignore.
Seriously, are you still butthurt about ED? Seven years later? The bridge that you built... you were supposed to get over it, not live under it.
City had a peak of about 250k subs after City of Villains released. (Which was *after* ED and GDN, by the way!) It has slowly been sliding down since then, but is by no means hemorrhaging money - it is still profitable, more than eight years after its launch. Surprise! -
I spend more time on Paragon Wiki and the forums than I do in game. It's been this way for a couple years now. I love the game *so much* and I love the community *so much* that I want our databank to be perfect, and I want to talk to/with you and read you. I can't do that if I'm playing.
Multiple people have posted that their VIP sub should have lapsed in the last week and they are still VIP. If you look in Master Account, it no longer shows an end date for anyone who was a subscriber as of August 31.
Freebs/Preems are screwed. No way to VIP up without retail box codes :/ (doubly screwed if you've already applied all of them)
Zwill said they're looking into pushing everyone to VIP early last week but no word yet. -
It's not supposed to start for an hour and a half. 2pm Pacific. Started REALLY early.
Reverse engineering isn't technically illegal, just FYI. Take a little time to read up on it, it's pretty interesting a concept.
(You wouldn't be using Intel or AMD in your computers if it was. We'd all have IBM.) -
I identify very closely with cats, and my 'totem animal' (not my fursona, I just cannot accept that ridiculous term) alternates between a snow tiger and a domestic tabby cat depending on my mood.
I am not a 'think sexy thoughts' furry, I simply identify with a particular animal type. I do not dress up (other than one time for Halloween in high school), I do not read furry fan fic, I generally don't peruse furry fan art (unless it is linked to me), I don't do furry cons, and I generally live my life pretty vanilla. I'm OK with that. "[Agge] is furry inside" as one of my (non-furry) friends described me. -
City of Hero opened under headstart and didn't even make it to the official launch date (a few days later) before NCsoft canned it.
Thank you for working so hard for us, Zwill. Before this mess started and even more after **** threw down.
On the server merge point: It doesn't matter how many servers there are. They're "virtualized" - meaning there isn't physical separation between the servers. They're all in one bank of a ton of hardware, and if a server needs more resources it takes it from the "pool" and releases it again when it doesn't need it anymore. Closing a virtualized server just means that you gutted that community for no reason.
It's a superhero/comic game. It has an older audience (I would guess average age is probably close to 30, possibly even older). Older audiences are generally more mature and welcoming. (Comics aren't popular with the kids anymore, nor are superheroes popular outside of the occasional movie.)
Having a base audience who is older, more mature, and more welcoming means that anyone that comes in is forced to assimilate or be rejected summarily.What a wonderful circle it is.
Also because PVP is pushed so far to the side. PVP tends to sour even the best communities. -
I love how many splats are showing up on this thing. Keep 'em coming! (More Iowans! More! Come on! There's gotta be more than just 3 of us. (I'm displaced so my Iowa-ness is over in Seattle-area.))
Aggelakis on Justice (emp/arch/pow defender)
Atomic Acoustics on Infinity (energy/sonic/mu corruptor)
Cassy Alu on Triumph (illusion/TA/<forgot> controller)
Magnificent on Virtue (claws/regen/body scrapper) -
Yes. Tights with patterns are generally OK, since any hero game/comic/story/whatever is going to have that, but costume pieces that are distinctly City (e.g. Statesman Star, Arachnos symbol, PTA logo, other various easily recognizable costume pieces, and using the exact likeness of pieces from in game like *exactly* the same Cyborg or Celestial or whatever pieces without any alterations) shouldn't be used.
Powers that are generic ("my guy is super strong and can make jelly out of people's faces with his fists") are OK, but bringing out a specific ability exactly how it ties into City's power sets (e.g. Nature Affinity's highly distinctive powers) shouldn't be used. There are a ton of games and comics where people shoot energy from their hands or eyes, so the idea of Energy Blast and Radiation Blast are OK; simply carrying off the power set wholesale shouldn't be done. -
Swellguy, omg, seriously? My hometown is about 40 minutes north of you
Also: Kalynnda: My hometown is about 10 minutes north of you! lol -
During Inventions testing, they were going to broadcast every single drop you got to your entire team. Every single inspiration, every single piece of salvage, every single recipe, literally everything except inf/prestige. I and a couple other forum-goers basically spearheaded a revolution against this TMI. If I wanted to let others know what I got, I would tell them; if others wanted to share what they got, they would tell me; if we wanted to keep quiet about that Apoc Acc/Dam that just dropped, then we should damn well be able to keep quiet about it. And frankly, I just don't give two squats that you just got a luck insp and a generic intang off that Freakshow we just killed. Really don't care at all.
It was pretty epic fit-throwing. I'm proud of us.
(Can you imagine all the rewards spam we would have gotten if leagues came about with it in place? OMG. Mind blown.) -
Put myself in Seattle but FlyingCodeMonkey is usurping my 15 seconds of internet fame!
EDIT: Aha! I moved myself up north a bit closer to where I actually live, and now if you're zoomed in a little bit you can actually see my splat. -
Sad and inspirational at the same time. Crying again. Spending a lot of time crying the past few days.
No, they don't have 'rights to Lost Ninja, full stop'.
They have 'rights to Lost Ninja as LN pertains to the City universe': the specific powers and power sets involved, any City lore LN was tied to, and the specific depiction of LN in 3D digital form.
They have rights to no other Lost Ninja details.
You can use LN anywhere, in anything, as long as you don't use anything from your time here in City unless you change it significantly enough that it can't be easily recognized. -
Quote:Kindly reread my reply to Bella's response well before you even posted, thank you!ArenaNet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCSoft, been that way since 2002. That fact is even on ArenaNet's site as well as all of NCSoft financial statements. It's not that hard to look up, I have no idea why people keep insisting that they are an independent studio.
Did they have any say in Paragon Studio's shut down, of course not, only the most tin foil hat conspiracy crowd may believe that. However since their game's revenue is NCSoft's revenue, I can't think of an argument for those who refuse to give NCSoft any money every again to spare GW2 from their wrath. -
Film in a sunny zone (or instanced mission) and copy the SKY line over to your ImpCity file.
Quote:No power in the 'verse can stop us.Because until now, I thought that the greatest thing I would ever see was some fantastical story I dreamed up being enjoyed by thousands. I thought that I could not love you all more than seeing your smiling faces at Hero Cons, Meet and Greets, and Player Summits, or reading your kind words on these forums. I thought that my greatest accomplishment was to have the chance to write the story I wanted to tell. But now I know that isn't it at all...
It is you.
You are the greatest, most loving, and most accomplished group of people I have ever met in my life.
Thank you for being you.
(Thank you for Praetoria, it's a perfectly plastic city with perfectly flawed people.)