2519 -
uh yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about. They didn't mean for it to leak because they didn't intend it to go to live. the best we got was supposedly some of the mechanics were going to be rolled into a future powerset.
I haven't tried a lot of the classes in Everquest 2, but I've got a Conjuror and while they only have the 1 pet rule (and multiple types of pets) they do have a mastermind like interface where you can choose to have them attack, or follow you defensively, or go total passive, so you can have control over them.
But yeah sadly, it seems like the mastermind is fairly unique among MMO pet classes for how many minions you get. -
Also confirmation that the Primalist was nothing more than an experiment that didn't work out. it was already shelved by the time the pigg divers found it
Let's see, might be asking a few repeat questions but here's what Iw as curious about:
What did the battalion actually look like?
Prometheus always seemed like a figure that we would eventually come at odds with, were we ever going to reach a point we'd fight him? And why?
Were we ever going to meet any of the other banished pantheon deities?
Were they any other 'big reveals' about Praetorian Counterparts we never got to? Like counterparts of Primal characters we never got to see -or- established Praetorians whose Primal counterpart was never confirmed?
What was going to be the next 'big threat' after the Battalion?
Was there any external reason for Malaise's eventual return to villainy?
Was there more planned for the Night Ward crew? (Katie Douglas, Midnight Master, Ward, Whispering Coyote) And if so, what?
Was Praetoria ever intended to go to 50? What would have been the 'final' Praetorian Zone?
What was intended to be the next Incarnate Zone?
What is the story behind Prometheus' 'organization', aka the angels in Ouroboros, Dark Astoria, and Night Ward. Who are they? What is their agenda?
Were there any more Praetorian and/or Incarnate Taskforces in the works?
Would we have ever seen Primal side Devouring Earth at 'incarnate' level?
What would have been the outcome of Marcus Cole's and Dominatrix's trials?
What happened to Praetorian Infernal?
Would we have seen Scirroco ever defect to become a Hero? Who would have taken his place as a patron?
Were there any other survivors from the Omega team?
Would we have eventually seen the Rikti homeworld?
Who was the embodiment of the Well of the Furies? it has been implied we had met them.
Would Praetoria have ever been liberated from the Hamidon?
Statesman and Recluse were the Incarnates fo Zeus and Tartarus respectively, were there any other incarnates of mythic figures we hadn't been told about?
Is Lady Grey an incarnate?
What other existing characters were incarnates but it had not been revealed about them yet?
What was Darrin Wade's planned fate?
Were we ever going to meet other Cimeroran counterparts, like Marathon? (Assuming that was Synapse's counterpart)
What exactly is the deal with the 'past counterparts'? Reincarnation? Or some other reason?
Would we have ever seen a good Recluse from an alternate dimension?
Were there any future plans for Croatoa or any of it's villain groups?
Did Maelstrom survive the TPN trial? If so, what happened to him?
Was the Last Bastion in Praetoria ever intended to be a zone?
What was the plan to develop the Illuminati? Would they have ever had an in game presence and even taken over areas from Arachnos or at least had in-game contacts outside the SSAs? Who was 'the insider' revealed at the end?
What happened to Marshal Blitz?
Were there any more plans for the Shining Stars? What caused Flambeaux to break from them?
Would we have ever seen Grym's world?
Were you guys really going to firebomb Perez Park with Battalion forces?
Why did Maria Jenkins and Percy Winkley both have prompts to 'return to them at 50'? Were there arcs planned for them?
What was 'beyond' Incarnates? Prometheus told us about becoming 'Ascended', would we have ever been able to reach that state?
Was Sister Psyche as permanently dead as Statesmen or would she have made an eventual return in some form? -
My main question coming off of the episode was: If they have the tech for the nanocloud and it's so effective.. why isn't it used as a weapon? Just turn it into a bomb, lob it at a planet in the form of a meteor and... tada. Dalek planet.
Overall though a decent episode. I kind of agree that the Pond Life stuff build up and instant 'quick fix' resolution came off as kind of cheap, I'm guessing it was largely in part because there's only so much time left to use them and only so many episodes? Idk. It just felt kind of forced.
It was also a lil silly, to me, that all the Daleks in the asylum are rusted out and decrepit. I mean, the whole impetus was that the Daleks were too -scared- to go down to the planet because the inmates were the scariest, most frightening daleks that were too off the hinge to keep around. I would've loved to see -some- kind of mad daleks running around and instead we're treated to the equivalent of breaking into a retirement home. The 'insane' daleks were barely a threat to anyone, being worried about them escaping was just a bit... silly.
The 'twist' was a smidge too obvious though. I'm actually kind of surprised, usually Moffat is kind of clever, witty, etc. This was just kind of hamfisted. I mean it wasn't too bad but there were just too many hints. He kept asking her about the milk, she had no arm band, they talk about how the transformation process messes with perception, the one guy didn't even know he'd died. By the time he gets to her door you're just wondering what it is he's going to find on the other side or that she would've changed right in front of him or something but it was waaaay too obvious something was up.
I get why it was done, basically a set up to wipe the Dalek's obsession with him, but Moffat has shown he can do better. As it was it was a decent episode, though probably the most lackluster of any season opener since he took over the show. Not that he needed to -top- The Eleventh Hour or The Impossible Astronaut, but it's certainly not even close to equal with either of them. The set up, the premise, the twist, the 'drama', are all just... kind of weak. I'm really kind of surprised Moffat wrote it, I'm normally pretty gaga for his stuff. -
I don't think you actually can. Basically just check what your renew date is, that is, whenever your sub was renewed every month (and they charged your account). If it comes and goes this month and you remain VIP, chances are probably good you're locked into VIP til the end.
Quote:It's pretty much a certainty that the boards will go down before the servers shut down, if they don't go down together.As I've said before, even if/when the game finally does go under, I want to keep the community intact. I'd keep coming to these boards even without a game attached to them because they're easily the friendliest large gathering of people I've ever seen.
Your best bet is probably to sign up for the titan network forums (over at the wiki) as those'll almost certainly remain up for the foreseeable future. -
Quote:Temper refers to blacksmithingI want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
blacksmithing refers to swords
swords refer to knights
knights refer to jousting
jousting refers to feudalism
fedualism refers to serfs
serfs refer to movable type
movable type refers to printed money
printed money refers to investors
investors refers to stock market
stock market refers to...
you know I had somewhere clever to go with this joke that ended with "OMGTHEGAMEISN'TDEAD" but instead I'm just going to go with my initial response:
I -see- that there are words in this response but I choose to not understand them.
This thread is very silly.
Also I laughed when Aeon basically admits Citadel is boring (It's true!) -
Let's see, might be asking a few repeat questions but here's what Iw as curious about:
What did the battalion actually look like?
Prometheus always seemed like a figure that we would eventually come at odds with, were we ever going to reach a point we'd fight him? And why?
Were we ever going to meet any of the other banished pantheon deities?
Were they any other 'big reveals' about Praetorian Counterparts we never got to? Like counterparts of Primal characters we never got to see -or- established Praetorians whose Primal counterpart was never confirmed?
What was going to be the next 'big threat' after the Battalion?
Was there any external reason for Malaise's eventual return to villainy?
Was there more planned for the Night Ward crew? (Katie Douglas, Midnight Master, Ward, Whispering Coyote) And if so, what?
Was Praetorian ever intended to go to 50? What would have been the 'final' Praetorian Zone?
What was intended to be the next Incarnate Zone?
What is the story behind Prometheus' 'organization', aka the angels in Ouroboros, Dark Astoria, and Night Ward. Who are they? What is their agenda?
Were there any more Praetorian and/or Incarnate Taskforces in the works?
Would we have ever seen Primal side Devouring Earth at 'incarnate' level?
What would have been the outcome of Marcus Cole's and Dominatrix's trials?
What happened to Praetorian Infernal?
Would we have seen Scirroco ever defect to become a Hero? Who would have taken his place as a patron?
Were there any other survivors from the Omega team?
Would we have eventually seen the Rikti homeworld?
Who was the embodiment of the Well of the Furies? it has been implied we had met them.
Would Praetoria have ever been liberated from the Hamidon?
Statesman and Recluse were the Incarnates fo Zeus and Tartarus respectively, were there any other incarnates of mythic figures we hadn't been told about?
Is Lady Grey an incarnate?
What other existing characters were incarnates but it had not been revealed about them yet?
What was Darrin Wade's planned fate?
Were we ever going to meet other Cimeroran counterparts, like Marathon? (Assuming that was Synapse's counterpart)
What exactly is the deal with the 'past counterparts'? Reincarnation? Or some other reason?
Would we have ever seen a good Recluse from an alternate dimension?
Were there any future plans for Croatoa or any of it's villain groups?
Did Maelstrom survive the TPN trial? If so, what happened to him?
Was the Last Bastion in Praetoria ever intended to be a zone?
What was the plan to develop the Illuminati? Would they have ever had an in game presence and even taken over areas from Arachnos?
What happened to Marshal Blitz?
Were there any more plans for the Shining Stars? What caused Flambeaux to break from them?
Would we have ever seen Grym's world?
Were you guys really going to firebomb Perez Park with Battalion forces?
Why did Maria Jenkins and Percy Winkley both have prompts to 'return to them at 50'? Were there arcs planned for them?
What was 'beyond' Incarnates? Prometheus told us about becoming 'Ascended', would we have ever been able to reach that state?
Was Sister Psyche as permanently dead as Statesmen or would she have made an eventual return in some form?
That's about all i can think of off the top of my head, I could probably come up with more but that's a pretty big list XD -
A pale light in the darkness.
How fitting -
Well again that's kind of the problem. AP is plenty iconic. Redside... not so much.
But yeah we may as well do multiple shoots. We could do 3 honestly, Blueside, Redside, and a co-op just to have 'everyone' together.
So like Atlas Park, RWZ, and.. yeah let's say Grandville, it's safe for anyone to go from the ferry to the plaza with Recluse's statue. Redside is pretty dry for iconic spots like Atlas' Statue >> -
Not to mention the HUGE possibility for griefing.
As for time, it should probably happen in the coming week or two if we're really trying to make it a server inclusive shoot. I doubt everyone is going to be staying for the long term up until the servers shut down.
Then again nothing is stopping us from doing another for 'the survivors' closer to the end. -
RWZ seems like the best option, it's accessible easily from either side and it's got lots of space around the vanguard base.
Yeah I'm in, how can I pass up a keepsake like that?
haha this is going better than I expected
Agent Whitefox will remain patrolling the streets of Dark Astoria, probably taking a final rest at First Light.
The Dragon Of Mists will return to Nova Praetoria and stand at the heart of the Magisterium where he first walked into the new dimension he would go on to help liberate.
Mister Lebool... probably find somewhere to relax until his next job, perhaps one of the park lands in Atlas Park.
Lord Vrosk likewise will remain in Dark Astoria, working his magics to draw what power he can from Mot and the broken forces of the Banished Pantheon, probably before Mot's own maw to enact one last ritual.
Dr. Obseqious will return to Neutropolis and Neuron's tower, where he formerly worked before turning to the Resistance and escaping Praetoria with his stolen tech.
The others.. I'll have to think about. Hard to think of where they'll spend their last days in Paragon. -
No, too many people crowding onto the servers.
Shut down isn't for another 3 months. -
I remember getting into my first iTrial. It was a MoM, right around when it had just released and the main recruiting point was still Pocket D because Dark Astoria was still months off. I had just gotten my ill/rad to 50 and had managed to craft a T1 Alpha with just shards. I was wary about joining such a high level trial but I was the only unshifted character so the group (MP was heading) told me to tag along, it'd be fine.
I died sooo many times during it, yet I still scored massive iXP, a number of Astrals, and my first RareAs I recall we then rolled right into a keyes. By the time the night was done I think I managed to unlock a slot or two and get a level shift.
I remember my first hamidon raid, just months ago, marveling at the size of the big jelly monster and the HUUUGE nucleus and how well organized the raid leaders were
I remember when I22 hit and Dark Astoria was opened up. Getting dropped into First Light and just wowing at the wonderful atmosphere, getting to run through the eternally night shrouded sweets with all kinds of incarnate level baddies duking it out and prowling and just -loving- the ambiance.
I remember loving how different every AT felt whenever I'd start up a new one. -
Quote:Oh hey so do I! Though it's not all that big or.. well, you can see!On the one hand, I don't generally identify myself as furry.
On the other hand, I have a wikifur entry.
I have a lot of friends who used to run Conifur up here in the Northwest. I attended Rainfurrest last year, it was a very fun con actually, much larger and better-run than Conifur ever was. I sat behind our Tai-Pan table most of the con. ^_^
As a heads up, the entry itself is SFW. Nothing else linked in that article is. -
Quote:Yeah the Brony Mako thing was a bit of a tip off.Me.
I've been involved in the fandom since 1995, and been on staff at many conventions.
Paragon had an in house furry and never knew.
Sexy Jay enjoyed beer and cocktails talking about how much he wasn't terribly fond of furries while at the room party of one.
Yeah, pretty disappointed. You guys all rocked, Victory was a pleasure to play on.
Oh what me? Of course I am.
And yes, I just mean a fan of anthropomorophism.
My icon is actually from a commissioned piece of my character and one of my favorite personal pieces of art, not to mention the inspiration for what became my in-game namesake (Agent Whitefox on Victory). -
Oh, idle curiosity
And honestly the game seems to have it's fair share of furry influence, particularly the past year, and there's plenty of users with at least icons so it's always been a question, I know there's a crowd of us in the community and possibly even in Paragon.