1004 -
I was about 13 or 14 years old when my mother bought an old Atari (I think 1600) in a garage sale this was either in 1992 or 1993 and I played Q-bert and Space Invaders and Catipillar and various others (I don't remember them all) that lasted for a few years then the Atari died. Then when I was 17 my boyfriend at the time got a Playstation and while I never really played I watched him play, then we broke up and that gaming experience was over with.
Then at the age of 19 I moved in with my now husband and had my first computer gaming experience playing Sims. Then we bought a Playstation and I played Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2 and Twisted Metal and Twisted Metal Black with a few others. Then I moved onto Sims 2 and we eventually bought Playstation 2 and the X-box.
A few years later and quite a few computers later in May of 2007 my husband brought home the City of Heroes/City of Villains version of the game and I have never even heard of the word MMORPG. I honestly thought it was stupid but when Dave logged in I was amazed and hooked.
Today I rarely touch the X-Box and am all into computer games, sadly he doesn't even play but once in a while (like 3 or 4 times a year). I got my daughter to play a few times, but I am the CoH hog in the family. I will miss this game badly and the few friends I made in this game. The community is awesome the devs are awesome (Zwillinger what am I gonna do without all the tangents coffee talks?) I hope we can save this game and all the awesomeness it entails. -
I really really really want to be there but because of a real life obligation I can't make it and it just chaffs my hide, the thing I am going to I don't even like, it's a stupid baseball game that we go to every year with my hubby, my daughter and my father in law. I don't even like sports but because it's a "tradition" we go, yeah this sucks.
I am subbed until Feburary of next year, and if the game is still going I would have likely bought another year sub, and spent money on points. Would be nice to know what is gonna happen to my sub past Nov. 30.
Darn it I really want to be there, but I can't. Every year for the past 8 years or so me, my hubby and my daughter go to a baseball game in Pittsburgh with my hubby's father and it happens to land on this saturday so I won't even be home. I hope everything goes well and I will be there in spirit and I am sorry I can't make it.
That was really good, I hope we can save the game.
I was on for an hour on Pinnacle, I had to log unfortunatly but I took some good screenies while I was on.
In Atlas now on Pinnacle with Lady Nora.
Wow those were awesome!
The last one was freaking amazing, so that is how the game is gonna go now, hmmmmm. -
Quote:I remember a bug that was similar to this after exiting a hami raid and going to atlas the lightning that comes off of you would kill the lowbies, that was fun even if a bit twisted.This is the only vid I could find of the bug from way back when.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScwgauwaHFs -
I am bawling my eyes out right now, having two old dogs myself isn't helping, and I know cats and dogs are different but I have had to put a couple cats down and that is not a good feeling.
My glasses are getting tear drops on them making it hard for me to see. -
I will be there with Lady Nora on Pinnacle.
I will probably read more books.
I know at least 4 of my characters are gonna live on in the tabletop Marvel Heroic rpg, yes I am actually taking 4 of my characters and making them for this (well actually my husband is, but you get the point). We are gonna do the Civil War part it should be interesting. -
Thank you for the answer.
Thank you Positron, YES Positron, legal issues be damned you are Positron Matt "Positron" Miller. -
Ok I am really not trolling but what does fparn mean?
My very first character that I made was on Protector known as Red Hot123, she was a MA/Regen Scrapper. I moved her to Pinnacle and renamed her Lily', she was my first Hero 50.
Thursday Aug. 30 was my b-day so I bought 15 dollars worth of points that night, it was about 11pm then find out 12 hours later about the game, yeah that really sucked.
Who am I gonna get my radio from now?
Goodbye Freitag and goodluck.
Thank you Zwillinger for everything you done for this game and community. I hope that everything works out for you.
Also since a few rednames have done it, want to reveal what your personal account name is? j/k -
Lady DuBois - 50 Dark/Dark Corrupter. My first 50 toon.
Lily' (formerly was Red Hot123)- 50 - MA/Regen Scrapper. My first 50 hero.
Lady Nora - 50 Triform Peacebringer.
Blue Kiss of Death- 50 - Night Widow/Fortunata.
I started playing on protector over 5 years ago I remember teaming alot with 2 toons, Hot as Hell and Slick as Ice, we did alot of Hollow missions and I always faceplanted. I moved to Pinnacle then ported my toons from protector to pinnacle and changed Red Hot's name to Lily and found the Unforgiven Realm sg redside for a while and sadly that sg died out and found the current group I am in The Inner Circle and got to know them even in real life, but sadly never got to meet in real life just on facebook. I am sad to see this game go and after all this time I still consider myself a noob in this game.
(when I say found I don't mean I made the sg I just mean I ran into them) -
I am not crying but am very sad and angry. I also feel bad for all the employees at Paragon Studios.
Thank you guys I just started from the bottom then would scroll up alot try another one scroll up some more try another one that worked.