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  1. There'll be a thriving and happy community waiting for you, Mister Pogo.

    Please stop by for our CoH group screenshot. A month or year from now, there'll be more TSW things for us to do later.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angel of Retribution View Post
    Just a question: what happens if there are enough people that we have multiple instances?
    For CoH-side: I was going to use the highest number instance in Atlas. But as a back up to any confusion:

    - Pm me (character: Una, global: @Ara) for TSW Refugee's league invite. My SG league will be running well before 10:45 but with a coleader (for any Angels reading this). Any Angel refugees can switch to my league or just use our SG channel for instructions.

    - I tend to call out in every channel such as broadcast, request, lfg, help, etc. At 10:45, an hour and a half before curtain-fall, I don't expect there to be constantly swelling/changing numbers of instances. If there are, I can send someone to call out in the 3 highest instances and advise the highest one to settle in. No worries.

    - I do recommend joining VirtueUnited. It's not full and we should have someone on who can unsilence.

    For TSW-side:

    - If you have not already, please /chat join CoH-refugees. There's also a script to keep that channel auto-joined >
    - Our live DJ is available. Please stay tuned into with DJ Fox. I scheduled her for an hour before CoH servers go down and an hour after to give us music as a backdrop.
    - I'll be on Templara .. feel free to PM me. I am not aware of how many bodies will fill an instance. If you see this last minute and don't have an Arcadian, pm me. I can invite and you can use "Meet up" to me. Considering the extremely late hour, I have a feeling we won't max out the instance in Kingsmouth.
    - What if there's more than five needing Meet-up? I used to do this before CoH rolled out "leagues". I'll fill team, hand over the star, drop team, fill it.

    Just a heads up:

    - I want to get to Atlas a few minutes before 10:45 pm Pacific to have the screenshot exactly at 10:45 pm Pacific but we can wait until 10:50 pm Pacific if people call out "I'm on the way". It's just one quick, big, group screenshot. The reason to have it out of the way before 11:00 pm Pacific is so that you can join your friends and head off to the place(s) you want to be for the very final hour while DJ Fox plays music for us. Consider it a rendevous for instructions before we all set off to our heroic assignments. If you have no idea where to go for your final our, stay with me. We'll kick some Skulls or Rikti in.

    - I do intend to smash every zombie that looks at us funny on the road to the Kingsmouth church. I'm sure most of you are QL 10 geared and will one-shot them. If you are, keep an eye out for the brand new QL 1's with teenie tiny HP. Thank you.
  3. - Costume creator
    - Base editing
    - Incarnates!
    - Encouragement and ability to have so many alts

    Basically, everything that allowed me to customize.
  4. I'm fortunate in that I've ever tried out less than two hours of WoW two years ago and can't recall a single second. Even if every MMO out now was a WoW clone in every aspect, I'd have no clue.

    Playing a new MMO now..*coughs* TSW. If someone says, "But, Ara, that game IS a WoW clone!" then I'd have to rush out and get WoW because TSW is so damn good!
  5. 789 jellybeans.

    D'oh. Wrong contest!

    42 Atlas instances in Virtue. Servers break at 8:32 pm and don't come back up until 10:27 pm CST, at which time, we go back to 2 Atlas instances for two seconds.

    At exactly midnight Pacific, 2 AM central, 3 AM eastern, there will be at least 10 angry CoH-TSW refugees fighting for the last El Mexicano burrito because fighting through the wee hours takes a lot out of you. I'll pbaoe knock the others out, win and be the last person on the server. Which leaves me with Virtue's Pocket D tab. Damnit. I lose again!

    789 is still my answer.
  6. A lot of people feel that way. I'm not ready to let go either but have fallen in love with a new game.

    That's how I see it as well. I turn this around in my heart as best I can. Not letting go means carrying the torch of creativity, cheerful culture and CoH fighting spirit to every new world we are being split off to.

    If ever the MMO world needed heroes, now is the time.

  7. There's a Hami raid and it's happening all over our back yard!


    Excellent raids, Exxcaliber! Thank you for leading!
  8. We can LARP TSW for free in mah basement. I'll go ask my mom. <3


    Several friends have mentioned this as well. We'll be waiting for you. Let us know when you get there.

    - TSW forums have a newcomers section; it has a CoH Refugees thread.
    - There is also a private chat channel called "CoH-Refugees". Player-created channels drop often. There is a small script file you can create (or copy) to fix that.
    - My main there is Templara (they have no globals, just unique nicknames per character)
    - I still use Skype nearly daily for offline messaging (TSW has no offline messaging. They have email but I don't bounce to London every day). Handle for Skype is: AngryAngelAra
  9. My sincere apology about the flyer not showing. Moved it. Should show now. After my TSW dungeon, I'll also write up complete details in case it breaks again.


    Updated all info. My sincere apologies. Also e-mailed anyone who posted to advise it's up.

    It's really a low key gathering for high-value emotional reward. We're meeting twice to screenshot our main characters together as our final moment in CoH and our beginning moment in TSW.

    If it's five of us or fifty, I'm very excited at the idea of sharing a group screenshot with fellow heroes before the lights go out.
  10. Contact information:

    CoH Virtue Character: Una
    CoH Global: @Ara
    TSW Arcadia Character:Templara
    TSW Forums: -Ara-

    For those already in or headed to TSW (The Secret World MMO):

    For a lasting momento, we'll be assembling for a before and after group screenshot of your favorite hero in this game and your new agent in The Secret World. The screenshots will be posted in TSW forums next week.

    10:45 pm Pacific:

    City servers shut down at Midnight Pacific on Friday night, November 30th. Many of us have different plans for the 11th hour. Before then, our first group screenshot will be on the City Hall stairs, Atlas zone, Virtue server, highest instance available at 10:45 pm Pacific time.

    11:00 pm Pacific:

    After the first group screenshot, we can meet with friends and SGs or remain together and dispense some justice across the City.

    DJ Fox, a CoH/TSW player, is making a heroic themed playlist and broadcasting live for our final hour. You can catch her at, TSW's dedicated radio station.

    Midnight Pacific:

    For those of you still alive, awake, and active (TSW 3 day trial or subscribed), we'll be logging into The Secret World right after CoH gently nudges us offline for the last time.

    12:05 am Pacific:

    We'll assemble in Kingsmouth (near Jack Boone, the cowboy contact near the Agartha portal)...

    12:10 am Pacific:

    ... and have a survivor's processional from his tent to Kingsmouth Church

    12:15 am Pacific:

    ...for our follow-up TSW Refugees group screenshot.

    Through 1 am Pacific: RadioFreeGaia will continue to broadcast live for us for an hour past CoH's curtain call so we can head to sleep or mission in TSW in epic style.

  11. The servers will shut down at Midnight (Pacific time zone) on November 30th, 2012. It will be 2 in the morning for anyone Central and 3 in the morning for anyone Eastern. Confirmed by Hit Streak, Assistant Community Manager, in this thread.

    If you plan to be logged in at the very last moment, consider a nap that afternoon.

    Until then:

    DY/DT/TIME | EVENT (LINKS for Confirmation and/or details)

    Monday, November 19th 10pmEST/ 9pm CST/8pm MT/7pm PST | Punday Nights!

    Friday, November 23rd-30th Midnight Pacific | Rikti Invasion week

    Friday, November 23rd 7 pm EST | 'Save CoH' (Live) Radio

    Saturday, November 24th at 6 pm Eastern | Hami Raid with Exxcaliber

    Sunday, November 25th 9pm GMT (4pm EST) | Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens Goodbye Event

    Sunday, November 25th at 5 pm EST | Eden Trial. Sign up in thread here

    Sunday, November 25th at 5 pm EST until done | Hybrid unlock run. PM: Naomi Lynx, details in thread here

    Sunday, November 25th at 7 pm EST | Cathedral of Pain with Total Pwnage, Independence Port base portal

    Monday, November 26th 10pmEST/ 9pm CST/8pm MT/7pm PST | Punday Nights!

    Thursday, November 29th at 8 pm EST | "Save CoH" Radio

    Friday, November 30th, 10:45 pm Pacific (15 minutes early to assemble) | CoH/TSW Refugees group screenshots
  12. Angry_Angel

    Saying Farewell

    Originally Posted by Dark_Scorpia View Post
    my heart is just broken
    We've never met but the sentiment makes us all comrades. I hope the last day gives us all a little closure and a hell of a good memory to cherish.

    As for me, I'm in TSW now. Look me up if you ever need a hand. My main's on Arcadia server where many from Virtue are. The unique character name is Templara. Also, there's a cross-server channel called "CoH-Refugees".
  13. Life has a way of spinning the compass fast and often. My condolences and congratulations.

    Keep facing north.
  14. Twisting thoughts over about the last day: which character to play, where to and what to do.

    I could play them all, my mains and alts in turns, and run through every zone but that doesn't satisfy the answer for the final moment. At most, I could be two characters at once. No need. I could only really focus on one place at that exact moment.

    The sunshine in Atlas is tempting and peaceful but my characters and group were never fashioned for quiet ways. We carry weapons and readiness in our hearts and hands at all times for a reason. I'd rather go down fighting but not alone.

    The only solution which pulls at me is the Rikti War Zone. A wealth of combat that can last (and if needed, repeat) for the final hour, quarter hour, five minutes, sixty seconds, and on down to the phoenix call.

    Street sweeping and a Mothership Raid would give me that opportunity. Friends, groups, my group, strangers as low as level one could join in - a team as large as the zone. As large as as many instances were needed.

    I realize that's a long ways off. Whether it's the scheduled hour and date of midnight Pacific, November 30th 2012 or an unexpected miracle of midnight Pacific, November 30th of 2022, my heart tells me it should always end in a good fight.
  15. Thank you, Megajoule. Though, if you come across our antics again, send a hello. We have two events coming up, the most important one falling on November 30th. We'll think hard about the best possible arrangement that evening without disrupting or alienating others. I am ever so grateful that the developers added the league function and global channels for group occasions. I am equally grateful that this server provided us friends and a home all these years.
  16. So, yeah. I need therapy.

    Last night was our Supergroup (and friend... thanks Zombie!) screenshot night. It was a blast. I have no sense of direction and had to click printscreen a dozen times over for each pose.

    Here's my favorites from the night:

    Atlas center stage.


    Ski Lodge is open!

    Fitting in the Gazebo.

    Angels in Founders Falls

    Guarding the gate...

    Our favorite 2005 hangout.

    Our alltime favorite hangout...

    Late in the evening.

    Last one before bed.


    Hope you all have as much fun shooting one another as we did! While a good portion of us are taking to The Secret World MMO, we're still here until the end of days. Expect to see me post a few more sentimental bits. This servers been our home since 2004.

    Thank you, Virtue.

    - @Ara
  17. At the very least, he should write and direct a movie about this when he turns fifty-five and finds that the world of MMO's has gone to ****. Wait, isn't that someone else's story...

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
    I might give the game a shot (probably not until after November though, priorities). I hear Arcadia is the CoH Refugee server?

    Et in Arcadia ego

  19. Angry_Angel

    Refund Day


    Close to 350.00 for all four accounts, even the one I had removed the billing information from.
  20. This place gets better every day. I will miss these forums! =)
  21. Ha! One of my new favorite things to do is find a long counter and walk against it. With practice, your character begins to walk in Matrix slow motion while everyone around you is still functioning in real time speed.
  22. Angry_Angel

    The situation

    Holy ****, I couldn't get past the first paragraph.

    This calls for a drink.

    I intend to read every word. Soon! < sorry, previous size made it shout out like a car alarm


    You're losing me in the second paragraph.


    Actually, I was prepared to let it go. My life is changing in a year - long story, my business. No, it's not a special operation <facepalm>. But, I had told myself a few months ago that all I wanted was to stay long enough for Omega slot and one to two good years.. then I was ready to go. I absolutely expected it to end but not that soon.

    Like someone ripped the bandaide before either I or the wound was ready. Maybe that's why I feel the way I do now.


    Reading and re-reading the fifth paragraph. Digesting.

    I like that we're all different. We were different before the announcement. I had PVP friends who "lol'd" at the badgers and roleplay friends who threw a look of disdain at the farmers. But the fact that I was friends with many types of groups and they were friend with one another meant the differences didn't seperate us entirely.


    Every couple of dots means I've finished a mission and leaving feedback. My apologies but damn, you typed a lot.

    On that note, yes, I am sad that it feels like we're pushing against one another's feelings more accutely now. I actually questioned myself before some posts. "Will this offend someone?" "Is this too soon?"

    And I hate hate hate when someone mocks the concept of "being pc". I'm not questioning things to be correct for the sake of being correct. I question myself because I care about people. Did I just type that? So, yeah, I care about people's feelings. This is everyone's game. I say it over and over. Eight years is not a hobby; it's a love affair. How do you comfort someone when you can't even comfort yourself?

    I'm pretty worried that it'll get "Lord of the Flies up in here" soon. Pretty sure, I won't even notice when I fall into that myself. Pretty sure, I already have.


    For what it's worth, some good has come of this. Will come of this.

    As much as I love this game, and I really really love this game, the first thing I did was gather my friends and say, "OK, let's start looking for a new home." Some folks asked how I could turn so quickly but .. while I still play here, it's about the people.

    For me, this is carrying everything I learned and loved about City of Heroes:

    - City taught me to be bold. Before the announcement, I would never have purchased another game. Giving up the **** ton of stuff I have is hard to do. =) And harder yet, going from where my account is now to being a freshly minted "n00b" sucks massive donkey ****. Oops, self edit. I'd rather not get banned my last days here. On that note, how is picking a new game being bold? Well, ****. I played this game every day for eight years. Trust me, it's bold.. for me.
    - City taught me to be open-minded. Before the announcement, I told myself I'd only ever wait for CoH2 because it was a "superhero" game. The game I've purchased has no capes...
    - City taught me to be fast and prepared, logical and focused. I collected and sent out fifty emails that first weekend. I have twenty four friends with me now in our second home. Before the announcement, I winced anytime someone suggested we move as a group to any number of new titles. Yes. City has a chance. This means I'll have two homes.
    - City taught me me a ******** of way to many virtues to list here. It's humble starting over.
  23. Clicking on the launcher is hard to do. Teaming is still fun. Last night was a blast but I can't solo anymore. If I'm alone, I just stand there staring at everything.

    One of the last things to do is take dozens of screenshots of our bases. Some were works in progress for years at close to twenty thousand items. Clicking on that portal door is something I'll have to psyche myself up to.


    - I had just made a monster popmenu before the announcement. I wince when I use it.
    - I had nearly finished our tech base and was excited about refacing our barracks. The balconies had a space station, Jetson's like face with balconies being built in the back. Again, all a week before the announcement.
  24. Beating the **** out of something. Probably Rikti.