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  1. Can I be the one to cry "fake"?

    I can? Yay!


    That's a neat idea, though. I wish they'd actually done it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    So Evil Legacy doesn't feel left out, its you're.
    This made my day.

    People, can we please stop quoting Evil_Legacy? Quotes defeat my /ignore setting. Better yet, can we just stop replying to her at all?

    Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference
  3. AllYourBase

    please read.

    Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
    You've never run a business, have you?

    *succinct and well-formed argument demonstrating Evil_Legacy is wrong*

    Please read before making silly statements like this.
    Save your time and effort. Responses like these should be reserved for someone who will make use of them.
  4. I've got an amazing wife. Today is my 27th birthday, and I requested one of those huge cookies, which she home-made. She doesn't play CoH nearly as much as I do, but she plays sometimes.

    Anyway, so the cookie she unveiled today is quite impressive. A tribute to Statesman and the City of Heroes.

    Along with it, came a card.

    I thought I'd share this here, since I have few RL friends who would appreciate it.
  5. AllYourBase

    please read.

    This is pitiful.

    Obvious technical errors aside, there is *much* more to maintaining servers (emphasis on plural, no corporate MMOG relies on *one* machine to keep running) than just turning them on and letting them run. Stuff you need humans for. Trained humans. And humans require compensation. Trained humans, even more so. Even considering "just" maintenance, this is not an insignificant cost.

    This...rant...also conveniently ignores the time and cost involved in producing new content, and the cost of efforts to attract new players, without which a game's player base will gradually erode.

    As an aside, this was also posted here. I haven't found the original post yet. Edit: The original post appears to be here. Bottom of the page.

    Edit: As an IT/IS professional, I manage servers as part of my job.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    And before anyone says it, I'll say it myself... in regards to anything about Star Trek (for the most part... hyposprays and crude tricorders aside)...

    Stuff ain't real.

    And who says Star Trek stuff isn't real? We have personal computers, flip phones, flash drives, tablet computers, transparent aluminum, bluetooth headsets, GPS, wall-mounted big-screen flat-panel displays, voice-controlled computers, biometrics, language translators (currently limited to text translations, AFAIK), 3D printers akin to (crude) replicators, etc.

    Of course, this is ignoring stuff that's currently being researched/developed like portable scanning equipment (tricorder-like), anti-grav tech (like Star Trek's cargo movers), teleportation, and the aforementioned warp travel.

    I mean, clearly this stuff isn't exactly like Star Trek, but it translates very well. Personally, I'd be pursuing transporter and replicator technology. Unlocking the necessary ability to convert matter into energy (and vice-versa) would also provide a huge source of usable energy. Shoot, transporters could power themselves by stealing an atom or two from the matter being transported.

    No, really, that's exactly what they're sayin'. The little bubble was about 30 feet. And since there was no inertia (in the movie version, not the book, mind) (unless you were attached to the interior wall, that is), then this whole theory was exposed in the movie Contact.
    As I understood the plot and setup, it appeared that the device in Contact created something akin to a wormhole. It was much more like an artifically-generated wormhole than a controllably-propelled craft, at least.

    If the bubble is *started moving* at 10c... then the field collapses... that... is going to be... well, I'm not sure what's gonna happen to poor Jodie-in-the-bubble.... hm...
    From my reading of the articles, I was under the impression that the thing being "moved" wouldn't technically be moving. Since it is essentially shrinking space "in front" of the thing and expanding it "behind" the thing, space is the thing that is moving. It's just that from an outside perspective it would have traveled enough distance in such time as to be "clocked" at ~10c. There shouldn't be any kinetic repercussions on the thing being moved from such a method of transportation.

    (because, you know, nothing can move past 1c in normal space-time)
    I think it's technically, "nothing can accelerate past 1c in normal space-time."

    But then again, the expansion of the leading edge and the contraction of the trailing edge would... [...] the sphere would just... stop. Right there... or maybe a few feet from 'there'. Because the two forces, expansion/contraction, of the field would just mean... you stop moving.
    I'm thinking this is the likely outcome. Fire up the space-warping engine. Maybe experience some vibrations (in all likelihood, not), power down the engine and *pop* you're where you want to be. Or close to it.

    My main concern would be how much of a spatial shock wave would be generated by all this compression. What effect would spatial compression have on interstellar matter? On planets? On stars? What would the range of the effect be? Could a vessel "warp" into a solar system without causing damage? Could a vessel "warp" to/from within a close orbit or would the spatial shock waves devastate the planet?

    In short, would we arrive at Mars/Alpha Centauri/Wherever only to find it obliterated by our engine's wake?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Farming in MA has effectively been killed now. Happy?
    Still farming.

    Granted, it's not as amazing as it once was, but it beats doing Twinshot's arc (which, admittedly, is pretty good) with each. new. alt. That, and I don't like DFB.

    Although, quite honestly, I think DFB did more to discourage farming in AE than any AE-related nerfs ever did.

    The devs are not against farming (see: iTrials, DFB, Summer Blockbuster Event, etc.), just crazy-xp-exploit farming.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    That's a good thing.

    It means they are clearly aware of the community's response but are taking their time to make a careful, measured response.

    It seems likely the decision to sunset CoH was a knee-jerk reaction. A second similar reaction to the fans could really blow up in their face.

    Add to that that if they are also in talks with anyone about the game's future, then they won't want to speak publicly.

    In other words, no news is good news.
    While I'd agree that "No news is good news," it does NOT imply that they are "taking their time to make a careful, measured response." They could simply be ignoring us.

    However, at this point there is no reason to give up hope that CoH can be saved.

    But I feel pretty strongly that NCSoft won't be doing the rescuing.
  9. AllYourBase

    The Last Day

    I posted this in the Triumph section. Still my plan.

    Originally Posted by AllYourBase View Post
    I never could develop a "main" and I don't have a namesake, but of the 200+ characters I've made and deleted over the last 8 1/2 years I have plans for two of them on the last day:

    My "best" character is my Elec/SS tank (edit: this tank is now my avatar) who, in order to spend these last days with my best RL friend, has been transferred from Triumph to Guardian. I plan to log him out in Ouroboros; remembering the past, looking to the future.

    My oldest character (will hit 3000 days offline in about a week) will be standing in front of City Hall as the world crashes around him, holding a torch in remembrance of all those who came after him, and who shall never see the skies of Paragon again.
    Of course, if any of the various efforts to save CoH pull out a victory, I'll be there celebrating instead.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    This is absolutely brilliant!

    iinocent123, thank you for injecting some much-needed humor into the situation, and at the next Player Summit, though I've never done this before, I see a definite cosplay opportunity here. So help me, I'll even dye my hair. If you're a poster here, speak up and let us know who the genius behind this is!
    I had the strange sensation that I should check the forums. Now I know why.

    How are you, gentlemen?
  11. I suggested that buff icons blink or fade just before they end as a kind of warning, and it was added within about 6 weeks.

    Probably coincidental timing, but I always felt like they did that because of me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Krom_ View Post
    Not even NCsoft can stop this thread! I'm sad and angry right now but I'm considering taking Pretty and Strong, my wm/ea brute out of retirement for one last run. He was the most fun I've had and he was born purely because of this thread.

    Thanks guys for this thread and the memories. Ugh
    They can take our (virtual) lives, but they'll never take...OUR STRONG AND PRETTY!

    Edit: You know, it occurs to me that this meme will probably outlive City of Heroes (even if this isn't the end). And one day, as this meme spreads to other games and other forums, people will ask, "What is STRONG and PRETTY? What does that even mean?" I hope to be there. If I'm not, I hope one of you will stand in for MrPlayskool and say, "omg War Mace + Energy Aura so strong!"

    It's the least we can do.
  13. AllYourBase

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by TheNet View Post
    Loving the your favorite bugs you are all posting. Let me hear more.
    Well, there's this pic, showing my favorite costume glitch (Can you say Rayman?), along with the mysterious floating plank in Perez behind the lake house. Thing's been there forever, don't know how many times I reported it. EDIT: And this pic is from today, so it's still around.

    And, of course, this thread from forever ago that ended up being a graphics driver problem, not a true bug. Still, it was pretty funny.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UltraBatz View Post
    So, where would you log out your main/namesake for the very last time?
    I never could develop a "main" and I don't have a namesake, but of the 200+ characters I've made and deleted over the last 8 1/2 years I have plans for two of them on the last day:

    My "best" character is my Elec/SS tank (edit: this tank is now my avatar) who, in order to spend these last days with my best RL friend, has been transferred from Triumph to Guardian. I plan to log him out in Ouroboros; remembering the past, looking to the future.

    My oldest character (will hit 3000 days offline in about a week) will be standing in front of City Hall as the world crashes around him, holding a torch in remembrance of all those who came after him, and who shall never see the skies of Paragon again.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    Since CoH is shutting down at some point in the near future, how will that affect the Market?
    Well, I managed to get four purple drops while trying to get my son's character to 50 (not there yet). Crafted four and sold three, total profit: 450M, setting a new total-on-one-character-at-one-time record of 605M.

    If the third purple sells, I'll reach nearly 700M. Prices really have dropped lately. Never made it to the 1B club.

    Oh well. It isn't like I tried all that hard.
  16. If this works out, you'll have my support for as long as I can give it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Keeping in mind that anyone with access to Kheldians most likely also has access to the IO system, so once again, this is ultimately all an exercise in futility.
    I personally know at least four players that would disagree with you. I'm sure many other players have purchased one or both Kheldians but not an Invention License.
  18. I found it. The file on the Mac version is stored inside the City of Heroes app (right-click, Show Package Contents) in /Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/coh/[your_account_name]/playernotes.txt

    Easy enough.

    And now I've written a couple of scripts to keep the files synchronized.

    Thanks, folks!
  19. I want to start off by thanking you, Fireheart, for starting this thread. I recently dusted off my Peacebringer who had stalled out at level 27 and came here looking for leveling builds or advice. Between this thread and Memphis Bill's guide, my PB has a new lease on life. He's level 32 and a blast to play, now that his slotting isn't all goofy. Probably soon I'll start using IOs.

    I'm really enjoying being able to swap forms to react to every situation, and actually be effective. Using Human mostly for buffs (Essence Boost, Hasten, Inner Light, Grant Invisibility, Stimulant, Glowing Touch, etc.) and ST damage (Radiant Strike, Incandescent Strike), Nova for AoE, Dwarf for tanking and a second self-heal on a short timer. I really wish White Dwarf had a third ST attack, though. Or a melee cone, like Cross Punch. It could look like a sort of wide swipe. Oh well.

    Anyway, as I said he just got to 32 and I took Photon Seekers. I was hoping for a bit more damage out of them, but it will probably be better with slots. Planning on taking Dawn Strike and 35 and Light Form at 38. I think I read somewhere that PBs (and possibly Kheldians in general) can essentially ignore the crash from Dawn Strike. Is that so? How is it done?

    Also, I didn't see anyone point this out:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    See also "Accessible to everyone including 100% free players, usable even without an invention license/sub."
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    Fixed that.
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    (And don't ask me why I said "except" instead of "including" in that quote.)
    Probably because Peacebringers and Warshades are purchased ATs, so they are not accessible to a 100% free player.
  20. Good call on merging the files. I can do that. What format are they in, are they xml? csv? I'm at work at the moment and can't check.

    Where is the corresponding file on the Mac version? Anyone know?
  21. Is there a way to automatically synchronize player notes across multiple accounts and/or computers?

    If not, where is the file in both Windows and Mac versions? It's a text file, right? I should be able to just copy it from computer to computer, theoretically.
  22. AllYourBase


    Good to know, thanks!
  23. AllYourBase


    I just went to go download Herostats again, and see that it was last updated nearly a year ago. Is this program still being developed? Will it work with the new powersets?

    I see version on their site. Is this the latest stable release, or is it being hosted elsewhere now?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    As everyone has been trying to tell you, we're not the disrespectful ones around here. Many people have been genuinely trying to help you, myself included, and you keep throwing that back in our faces.

    Just look at the volume of people you are claiming to be disrespectful. I hope you can one day realize where the real roots of the problem are: your perception and your attitude.
    I have dealt with a lot of people like the OP, and have yet to see one actually make this connection. There's a mental disconnect somewhere between other people's actions and consequences and one's own actions and consequences.

    In most cases, I have found the only useful solution is to ignore the person. As I have recently discovered (after 7+ years; yeah, I'm smart), these forums have an ignore feature.

    Oh, and Dechs: I lost The Game because of your sig.
  25. AllYourBase

    SR on Tankers

    How is it? With Tanker mods being what they are, it looks like an SR tanker can reach the general content defense soft cap with minimal (if any) outside help (read: pool powers or IO bonuses), and can get within a couple percentage points of the Incarnate soft cap with pool powers on just SOs.

    With Tanker HP, those scaling resists should actually be useful.

    And with the upcoming ability to slot IOs for global resistance bonuses, one could theoretically make an SR tanker quite unkillable.

    But is it enough? Does a purely defensive set lend itself to being the Anvil, or does the RNG point and laugh at SR tanks?

    What secondary would be best suited to tanking? I'm thinking about /Dark for its single target damage and utility, but perhaps something with a bit more AoE? What works best for overcoming Evasion's weak taunt?