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  1. Well even if the issue is aggressive shading... white should not have a pink/brown tint.

    I would love to have my costume pieces actually be opaque where they're meant to be. Hopefully the color issues are being addressed with the whole power colorization thing, I'm crossing my fingers but not holding my breath.
  2. Zekiran_Immortal


    I think it'd be nice, and given that GR is coming, maybe we might see one that does it there.

    Myself, I'd *love* to see combos in other scrapper/tanker sets...
  3. And again: did you not bother seeing what we ARE getting next? Things which we HAVE been asking for?

    We don't need to expect more - you need to respect the pace of development and workability of things we ask about. They're not waving magic wands at Paragon, they're hard working human beings who have to decide what they CAN implement, IF they can, what it affects when they do, and whether it's worth keeping.

    You are lying if you think that it takes "merely a few hours" - sorry, that's absoultely untrue. I don't believe for a second you work in this industry purely BECAUSE you'd say something like that. Frankly - if redesigning something as simple as a badge actually worked that way, don't you think the (now fixed) Mission Teleport button would actually have been fixed within hours of noticing it was messed up?

    It's not that simple. plenty of my friends work IN the actual industry and no, nope, sorry. Not going for it for a moment.

    As players of a game, we don't "deserve" anything. We pay our money for the game that's playable on the servers we get access to. We do not in any way hold the keys to the kingdom, we do not in any way hold stock in NC's production, and we do not get to make decisions about what is or is not feasable for the game.

    We get to PLAY it. Not rule it.

    If you want to make your own successful mmo and allow the players to dictate what gets made in it, by all means, do so.

    You'll remember the "it's not that easy" comments pretty quickly then, I think.
  4. (qr)

    If you've already got friends and family playing the game *at all* you should have NO problem making characters on another server for just this kind of event. Make them special, so that you will play them sometimes just to get a ding or two and then leave them in a good dayjob spot for the duration between.

    It's YOUR fault you went to the highest - capped - pop server. You already have a built-in set of teammates. Use that to YOUR advantage.

    Putting the time, money and effort into a new set of hardware which whill see use maybe three times a year is absolutely ridiculous.

    Putting your own 5 minutes into choosing up a new server for the weekend, is hardly pulling teeth. It's merely common sense.

    There are 11 servers *for a reason*.
  5. You can add all the boxed sets you want, one of each, and all they'll do is increase the time you've got, or add their individual goodies to your existing account. There is no difference between any playable accounts with the exception of what perk goodies such as costume parts and the odd power.
  6. It's kinda like reverse-Valve-time. Everything moves at a rapid pace instead of snail's.
  7. Why not just *do something else* while it's downloading? And use a power cord if you're on a laptop? And are you in another country like Talen?
  8. Well of the 4 things you list, 3 really since Cathedral of Pain and the Raids are pretty intimately connected so far as I recall, we've HAD lots of powerset proliferation and we've been told not to expect it every single issue.

    The chat bug is doubtless something that they're working on but it's not a game-breaking bug so it's low priority.

    Frankly... you should probably forget about the CoP trial. Simply because if or when they DO have something like it back up in the game, it may be considerably different than you wanted it to be almost 3 years ago when it was first set up. Like the City Vault, it may just never happen.

    But there is *plenty* of other stuff which is by and large far better than one faulty trial... Plus I like how my bases work now. Having raids in them would mean pathing issues and that'd completely bork about 90% of the bases me and my friends have made.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Does anyone know FF any more? He said, "y'all some punks in AE". He said he'd own any of you if you came back to the hollows.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I pwnd his butt just a week ago. On a sonic/storm defender. He's a wuss.
  10. I would far rather see changes to the hero side contact system (akin to what we got with COV) than any changes to the AE.
  11. Did you just completely miss the "Issue 16" and "Going Rogue" information, along with the "Science Super Booster"?
  12. Acronym.

    Anachronism is something displaced or inappropriate (such as in time).
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Patches have always taken longer to apply than to download for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Once the "downloading" process finishes, do pay attention to when it says "applying" because that's *entirely on your computer*. Nothing to do with the speed of the download, which is done.
  14. It's far easier to be patient than to ask that they use a 3rd party distributor, really.
  15. We "deserve" more?



    We just GOT a new FREE issue, there will be another later this summer (i16) along with a paid bonus pack and likely late this year or early next year Going Rogue.

    ... Deserve? Since when?

    We've gotten huge amounts of things that we've been asking for, and most recently being added to that list are the POWER CUSTOMIZATION and CHARACTER BUILD CHANGES .... so... yeah, what?
  16. Yeah mine, done at the peak of today's prime time, only took about ... 15 minutes to download and apply.

    Remember that *many* people are downloading it as well. It IS a little slow - but then, I don't have a clue what "gunz the duel" is, but I strongly suspect it doesn't take nearly as much information as this game does, to run.

    Coming from NC, I can be positive that the downloads are secure, accurate, and not virus-ridden.
  17. Yes, they changed the footfalls, water, and door openings, probably others. This was discussed in the clopen Beta forums. You know, since they've... been open for more than a month now.
  18. Er, Our Sexy Jay is named Doherty. Not J. Love.
  19. Oh I LOVE that idea.

    You would get the same kind of message like for Paly's construction, "there is unusual traffic in IP waters!" and get there to see an "event level" animation. Yeah, like the burning buildings, that'd be perfect.

    And to the poster above me, I love taking on Lusca. She's one of the most fun and challenging but still reasonably quick "events" in the game. You HAVE to have enough people to knock her down, whether that means a full team of 8 who really, really know what their doing, or 2 teams or even more, but getting folks to do what they need to *especially if they've never or rarely done a Lusca run* is like herding cats.

    But fun! I love Lusca.
  20. No, no D&D is fatally flawed because other people are allowed to *play* created content.
  21. Hopefully they'll work out whether the "free costume token" works on it too... didn't appear to last night when I went on.
  22. Well, pretty much all the servers are great!

    Each has its own personality though.


    That link shows the servers with a bit of info - and Paragonwiki is where you want to go for lots more about the game.

    Welcome to the City!
  23. Right, that's ... not really the issue for the engine though, that's more rp than I was getting at The effect and process are the same. The only thing that would be different IS that we have to have an excuse to pull stuff out of our cleavage, where Lusca convienently is sitting on piles of stuff.