Zombie Man

Ebil-o FTL June-21 & Feb-22-2010
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  1. With Gilbert and Lisa in the cast, will the Excelsior be going to Friars' Planet to prevent the natives from roasting a Federation officer?
  2. In the past, when people have said that PS is working on a new project or perhaps a CoH2, I debunked that rumor and, to date, I have been correct.

    I will no longer debunk such claims because I am now sure that PS is working on 'something else.'

    That is all.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cannonfire View Post
    What I also wanted to know also is has anyone ever checked from zone to zone the continuity of the greenline/yellowline tracks. Was just curious and hoping others had the same idea?
    Start with Skyway and map the tracks there.

    We'll be here when you come back weeping hysterically.
  4. Sister Psyche is coming back as The Dark xxFeenixx
  5. You want a date for Staff Fighting and I23 Beta and I23 Live?

    Let's put it this way: *I* don't have a clue.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    The info for the Cubic RulaWade artifact in the last mission also reads 'TEXT' lol.


    That was meant for the floating big book.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Fridge logic: The announcement was in English and they didn't translate it?
    Fridge fact: It was announced in German.

    Fridge rule of thumb: Verify before posting.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    They thought they were getting a game that would be in their language, and now it won't be.

    Baited by the initial product, switched to a less useful product, thus making it over-priced for what they get. Yeah, I know what bait and switch means. Is it spot on? Maybe not. But the spirit of it is there.
    No. It is not. Bait-and-switch is a legal claim that implies intent to defraud. No such intent is present here.

    If you were ever, ever to use your line of argument in a court of law to prove 'bait-and-switch', your case would be summarily dismissed and you'd get a warning not to attempt such a frivolous lawsuit again.

    No one was baited with one product with the intent to sell a different product.

    BTW, unfounded claims of 'bait-and-switch' would be a case of 'defamation.'
  9. I believe "Where is Scirocco?" is more of an existential question.

    'Scirocco' lives in the heart of every emo teenager.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Ok, what is(are) the file(s) for the Beast MM's Call Swarm ability?

    I'm trying to play them off as Starlings for my Birdman of Zigursky character, but the buzzing is making that a bit difficult.

    Edit: Might as well as for the files or Call Hawk and Call Ravens too (not that I want to silence those, but others might.) Oh, and the sorta Thunderclapy sound when you get a stack of Pack Mentality.
    Here are all the specific Beast Mastery sounds:


    I don't see anything for the flock of ravens attack. Perhaps it uses this:

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    AND DST (daylight saving time) was not adopted in the US officially until 1918, so we have that as well.....
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
    Totally agree.

    Since it's free to VIPs, the SSAs were a way to get money out of Freemium accounts.

    The question that Paragon Studios will be asking themselves is: Did it work? Were there enough purchases of SSAs to warrant a new series?

    But because the next series is already mostly developed, they'll probably continue with it. But, my money is on the next series being the last.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    ... i don't get it.
    I think he's saying he loves all the PvP changes.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Anti-Sue. Suetiful All Along.

    Making a character fail all the time does not in and of itself exonerate it of Sueness.
    Oh, I see. If it's either the case of X or the case of not-X, then you're right anyways.

    I see very clearly now.
  15. They've mentioned that Sister Psyche was supposed to have already been gone from the DD Trial, so, yeah. Sister's going, too.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Honestly, the only opinion I've had regarding the death of Statesman? "Gee, it's about time they got rid of their Superman rip-off."

    He was (to me) far more a rip-off toon than Mantibat ever was.
    No, no, no. Statesman was a HERO/Champions Defender rip off (long before Cryptic bought the Champion IP and CO came into existence). Defender was a Superman rip off.

    See? (Hey DC <waves hand>... this is not the Superman rip off you're looking for.)
  17. When I'm incarnate, I don't want a power where I can teleport to anywhere in the universe; I want a power where anywhere in the universe will teleport to me.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Very quick response...

    Also... Forbidden Planet Leslie Nielsen face for the win!!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If I ever became a dev, I don't see what the point of being called anything other than "Arcanaville" would be, because it seems unlikely that could be kept a secret for very long.

    On the other hand, if they let me design my own signature character... let's just say there's a lot about the powers system players would learn is possible when I started showing up in Pocket D and stomping on everything in sight.

    Heck that would almost be worth applying for a job all by itself. I could take on other devs' super-alts in Atlas Park and it would be like watching Green Lanterns duke it out only more colorful. There'd be Kronos Titans summoned to fight Warwalkers and unresistable damage unleashed on unhittable targets while things kept going in and out of phase and clone duplicates made it impossible to figure out the right one to kill while Storm Elementals and Rikti Heavies blotted out the sky.

    So like if one day you see someone in Atlas going all Brad Pitt in Troy calling out Positron and Zwillinger and then yellow mitos start showing up all around them, it might be because I decided to move to Mountain View.

    Actually, why Black Scorpion hasn't done this yet I'll never know. "You want to see a decimal point error? Oh, was that supposed to hit for 100? I'm sorry it hit for 10000, my bad. You don't think buffing recharge on pets is overpowered? Well say hello to my 500% recharge Gremlins. Who else has a problem with the powers spreadsheets; show yourselves you cowards."
    <slaps jacket chest pockets> Where did I put that Dagger of Jocas?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    So, I've done the SSA Who Will Die, and episode 6 has Manticore kill of Sister Psyche, and at the end of the arc she is never rezzed.

    While doing the Dilemma Diabolique trial, however, I still see Psych alive and well. Or... how much you would say is "well" when they're brainwashed and are feeding power to an evil deity. During the same trial, Mot/Diabolique mentions how Statesman's death left them a "gift" while The Sentinel is rolling out of Mot's Maw.

    So, my question is this: Did I miss something? Was the DD trial made to specifically occur after Statesman's Death but before Psyche's, or at some point did Psyche come back/not truly die off and I just missed it?
    Because of scheduling, they weren't able to pull off making both Statesman and Sister Psych disappear from the game the week their respective death-arcs came out.

    In Issue 23, those 2 NPCs will be removed from the live game environment: Removed as contacts and removed as NPCs that appear in arcs.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    Has anyone played around with this combo?
    For instance, if you have a dimension shift layed down and then call up a Tornado, how is it affected? If it goes into the shift, it should phase and go to town.
    Would it kb the bad guys and throw em out of the shift?
    Pseudopets share your phase state.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    As much as I wanted to I was not able to do a non transparent version of the helmet due to skinning reasons and the suit top will only be in the Armored category due to uv reasons.
    Safety first. Without the earth's atmosphere, astronauts have to be careful of uv rays.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    April Fools...?

    Is it April 1 only in France or Germany? I know they're ahead over there, but this is ridiculous...