Mapping Paragon City in base!?
What I also wanted to know also is has anyone ever checked from zone to zone the continuity of the greenline/yellowline tracks. Was just curious and hoping others had the same idea?
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Well, it's thrid day on this project... or is it the 29th It's all one fade to me. Let me know what you think. Please send me any pics you have if you have done minatures and please note scale. Thanks, I hope you all enjoyed the post!
Well, it's thrid day on this project... or is it the 29th It's all one fade to me. Let me know what you think. Please send me any pics you have if you have done minatures and please note scale. Thanks, I hope you all enjoyed the post! |
Very nice! I hope to see it finished.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
My thoughts are that you will hit the base item limit well before Steel Canyon is completed.
You may very well be right. So far Im at 2,500 in that room. The whole base might not have alot of detail because Im using the walls as most of the base structure. I count +9 more rooms at 600+. I might make it under the limit but that doesnt mean I won't still glitch my base. LOL I guess it will be a room no one can go in with out a lock up. Or worse, finish 1 block short of the glitch and not be able to find it.

So far, this has been very fun.
This is amazing.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Very nice work!
don't give up, I want to see it finished!
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Progress of the Ninja base's Steel Canyon Map room.
Steel Canyon and IP are (somewhat) neighboring Zones and also, where Tsoo start to emerge. My base is written into its Ninja theme to reside between those zones. The map room is stilled under SC but storyline wise, but could render any map of the world. ~for the development stage of their plot to establish my base. (I have ideas that when done with minimodel I would make a minininja base as a future model of my Ninjas over running it. The base would be located on northside of Steel, where the lake would be my submarine's path to base entry. Heh, I had been thinking about this one for awhile since PCS asked me to do a Greek Theme and we feel I pulled it off. So I hope you enjoy this post! Thanks for stopping by and your comments! If you are interested in miniatures for control rooms tech oriented cool stuff, send me a tell. Im sure itd be easy to make a less laboring scaled mini say 1:48.
I was considering doing the whole PCity if the base has room after its theme, the map room, and the forced perspective rooms(outdoor look).
I hope I can spark a trend if there hadn't been one before. It's been alot of fun cuz the texure combos seem to be alot more common and detailed solutions seem very fun to find. Posting some lil buildings can be a fun miniature trend.. so if you wanna join me... makes some minis and post them here! Its for fun!!! I'll delete any negative comments on pics other then my own. (I don't take negative comments as bad when an artist is asking for a critque by publically displaying his work, so "ya have that one on me!") But in no way would I obligate someone to endure the same negatives on any of my threads.
This is some really incredible work!
At this stage, the trick really looks like it's going to be finding your balance between the fidelity and scope of the project. Perhaps the best route to hitting your goal of a complete Paragon model would be to pick out key locations within zones, model those, and then reduce others to simplified placeholder blocks.
Hey Folks! I have revised the slideshow of mini map's progression.
The foundation is now an acceptable texture to lay the rest of the buildings. Most of the buildings might get scrapped or revised once completed for proper scale and also I found that the glass cabinets facing out was found to be a nice feature in the detailed model. I hope you enjoy. I will post close up shots of store fronts "fire alram" event.. basically the interactive locations. So far, I am having a blast with this project. Probably the most fun I have had base editing. I suppose I am somewhere around 4k items when the inner buildings will be complete.. Maybe 4.5k.
I hope you enjoy the visit!
It is the first link under my signiature.
I was originally gonna use Jacobs ladders for street lighting. Its what I usually use when I make my Godzilla destroying DT Tokyo room. They tech microphones seem to have a better look and they are not animated which will reduce my rooms lag.. hopefully. Best to stay away from animated items til last phase or drop them all together. PCS' base was supposed to be surrounded by trees, The amount of trees would have corrupted the base, So in the pics of Greek Theme you'll see stone hands. They will be re-introduced to the PCS' base.
truly impressive.
Progress of the mini map so far..
Now that the foundation was laid it allowed me to place the floor tiles I wanted to use to texture grass, conrete and brick. Or at least attempting to. As for accuracy of scale and floor textures, alot has been left to creative flare with the understanding that I would rather complete quickly rather than spend the time fully detailing. I am sure I will be way under 7k for the map. I will have enough for the observation room and overhead paths (like in Vanguard RWZ). Almost done but I am kind of burnt on this project. Might stop for a bit to muster more ideas. At a point where certain ideas are allowable so I dont get into the remainder of the buildings only to want to change all of them. I already have to a point cuz I am liking the cabinets with the glass face out. When I am all done, some buildings might be lit if I can make it look right with glass cabinets. I know for sure which lights I will recess underground for me street lights. Thats really gonna make the map pop, IMO.
I hope you enjoyed the visit! Feel free to send a friend request if you enjoy base editing too.
The slideshow is the first link under my signiature
"I knew that statues were gonna be the biggest problem when scaling a CoH zone, so , with a bit of imagination, the viewer is gonna have to deal with trashcan statues until we get better items.. I see no better way to render them if at all."
Could you use the Mystic advisor (a statue-like man figure), I forget its name exactly as a stand-in for statues? Probably run into room type and item limit problems, or maybe just size alone would be problematic, but it's a thought.
The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."

I have always had this idea of having a map room (like in RV) that had over hanging pathways(like Vanguard in RWZ)of the entire Paragon City. Since this I went ahead and started a 1:24 scale of Steel Canyon. I am currently close to 5,000 items. I dont think it will go over 6,000. I am treading very light on animated objects and so far, see no concerns upon completions. Once the room is done, It might get scrapped. I just wanted to do it and catalog it. The mini Steel Canyon is linked under my signiature.

progress os Steel Canyon miniature
The Steel Canyon map was chosen because it was my first notice of Tsoo which plays into any story arc I choose to write into the SG. This base resides between Steel and IP. If there's allowance.. the uncharted area between Steel and IP will show my base in miniature as well.(if you notice the plot room has 3x8 west of the SC map) It all depends on the rest of the bases item amount. It is the Ninja themed slideshow current link under my signiature.