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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Enigma View Post
    All I can say is "Wow!"

    I have a purpled-out, perma-hasten tri-form build and I gave this a shot (I have the same BM mission). I play my WS 90% of the time, so I like to think of myself as an accomplished WS player.

    I got totally pwnt, lol.

    Not even in dwarf form with capped res and a slotted-for-dmg dwarf mire on a 5.1 second recharge was enough to stand up to 'em.

    Damn impressive, sir!
    Hey, thnx.... Was definitely a challenge, and I must say... Without bosses was a big key to being able to pull that off... If you noticed, about half the fight they remained stunned, thanks to Inky Aspect (and a short while from Unchain Essence)... I haven't tried it with bosses, but I expect I'd probably get my butt handed to me if bosses were added. The fight was extremely difficult as it was... However, I'm sure I'll do a boss test as well, just to time how long I can survive before I drop. I purposefully didn't hit any purple inspirations (luck OR break frees) before running in, specifically for that test.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    and will be using Gravatic Emination much more than normal.
    Definitely. I don't care for it unless I'm teamed and a 'troller has the mob locked down already, but I still have the power in my tri-form build specifically for the awesome stun power it has. Extremely useful power when trying a difficult solo test like that.

    "The One"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Now, I know that all this has been said/typed a long time ago, and Geko is gone, and quite possibly, the whole vision as he explained it, is something a lot of players want to break away from, forget about and simply build the most awesome damage dealing character ever created, however, those design decisions, like it or not, are still with us and reflect nowadays in our modern-day Kheldians.

    The emphasized part in the last quote I posted sums it all up very nicely. Kheldians are supposed to be versatile and their uniqueness comes not from filling just one role, but rather from adapting to the circumstances. Wanting to fixate Kheldians on damage dealing alone, to me, seems contradictory to the spirit of versatility.

    "The One"
  3. Just went on test (for the heck of it) and did a Malta mob (at +4) mapped for 8, solo, and without bosses, and.... current stance is that it's not possible to do solo, unless you were somehow able to take down the entire mob while in dwarf form. Which is not likely, considering their hit points, and the fact that they have slows, which really affects any AT negatively when stacked...

    Personally, I had no problem with the sapper(s), because they're always my top priority... But, considering that 2 (even 3 or 4) break frees aren't going to last human OR nova form long enough to get through an entire 8-man mob solo (because of continued stacked stuns).... You've gotta stay in dwarf if you want to keep from dying or burning all your insp in the first mob.

    You are MORE than welcome to prove me wrong, and I would actually quite enjoy a video of someone accomplishing this.

    "The One"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    In all honesty, a story like that would interest me more than a numbers-post, but that's quite possibly because I'm already using Mid's and already know what sort of numbers I'd want from my characters. I think what Obsidian wants to encourage is more people using Mid's and figuring out what numbers they want, especially in accordance with their preferred playstyle, and in my book, that isn't wrong at all.
    And I could agree with that wholeheartedly. There isn't a build anymore that I put together without already having tried out several combinations of that build in Mid's. And I'd encourage others to do the same. In fact, when someone asks for help on these forums, what we all do (whether we're numbers guys or not) is wind up posting a Mid's build for them to check out, which, in fact, FORCES them to use Mid's if they want to actually visually see what we're talking about.

    My point is, that shouldn't be to the detriment of a new Kheld player feeling comfortable enough in this section of the forums to post an accomplishment that felt "epic" to them, no matter the build, form, or playstyle.

    "The One"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    It's not a big deal, naturally, but with I16 and its more difficult-than-difficult settings, missions concerning Malta troops may become a nightmare since the likelihood of finding two (or more) Sappers (from adjacent spawns) in hot pursuit of your Squddie tentacles will become higher than ever!
    Seriously, why would you ever want to take on Malta mapped for 8 solo, unless you wanted to spend the ENTIRE fight in Dwarf form? Or, have to bring an entire tray full of break frees (which you'd go through after like 7 mobs, depending on how many gunslingers/operatives/titans you come across)?

    My plan is to never take on Rikti or Malta unless I'm on a team. Smart thinking never hurt anybody...

    Then again, 90% of the time I'm on my WS, I'm on a team anyway...

    "The One"
  6. Hey, just wanted to post video results of taking on an 8-man mob on the test server at +4 levels (no bosses) with VestigeOne.

    Enjoy. :P


    Yeah... I'm gonna love i16.

    "The One"

    At the time I'm posting this, the video isn't processed yet, so I'd give it another 20 minutes from the time of this posting to view the HD version... I've gotta head to work... See you all later!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Aside from the comment about not liking Family Guy (How can anyone not love that show?!?!?!) I have to agree with Obsidian again, I was never really a big fan of all the stories that ended up on this board because they were just far too "look at me!" and I have never been that way. Plus I was never sure just how much of each story was missed out of exaggerated.

    I would much rather you explain how you took a spawn down in x seconds using y tactic and z build, so everyone can replicate and try and improve on what you have just done. You can still use the poetic licence and do it in a story telling way if that is your thing.
    Except that you wouldn't really know if the "taking a spawn down in x seconds using y tactic and z build" was being missed out or exaggerated as well, unless you have the money (and the respecs) to just switch to that build yourself on the fly, along with the same exact team setup (and that's assuming the team you setup has the same skills as the one in "question"). No one is going to be able to exactly "replicate" a situation. You can say on paper that "it's not possible for a team to take on 500 freak LTs at once, because the numbers would be too overwhelming for the team"....

    ....Until you actually see a team defying those odds.

    I'm not advocating some sort of Disney-feel good "anything is possible if you just believe," but at the same time, there is no way to tell for SURE in any situation with a full team setup (there are so many combinations) that "x and y" are going to happen "every time," because the random numbers in this game are so unreliable.

    There are just toooooo many variables to tell for sure. You can scream "nuh uh!" all you want, but it's seriously true. Yes, you can come up with some numbers you THINK would work in a "perfect world," but once the enemies they're fighting against changes, or the team makeup changes, or the environment they're in changes, or even how sleepy the player is at the time changes... Your originally stated numbers go out the door.

    In actuality, I would think a statement containing numbers on how "exactly" someone would perform if they had "z" build would have to have a MUCH longer "disclaimer" than would a simple statement of "this is what I think you'll have fun with--work with it, and let the community know what you changed and why."

    In truth, I much prefer someone coming on and saying "holy crap! We were about to fight Lanaru the Mad on the Faathim the Kind TF, and the tank DC'd right as we were about to go in to fight him, so I went in and tanked myself with my Kheld, and we beat him anyway!"

    MUCH prefer that.

    "The One"
  8. Form rooting? What's tha-oooohhhh....

    You were playing a tri-former... :P

    Try it with +4 mobs on this next build release (form rooting will be gone then), and tell me how you fare...

    "The One"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Negate View Post
    No one has anything to say about the amount of baddies you can now put in a mish? My Warshade loves all the cadavers er I mean mobs to play with!
    That's really the *only* feature in this issue that benefits the toon I play on the most (my WS)... I really am excited about it... I tested it out already on the BM map with Vestige with +1s, +2s, +3s, and +4s with and without bosses.... Lovin' it!

    "The One"
  10. Sorry, Memphis... I meant "new" epic....

    Youre example of "epic" has been around since issue 3, has it not?

    Just wishing for new Kheldian stories is all... And don't go saying "you can do this via MA" either, because not only do they exclude key Kheldian enemies from selection in MA, they will also severely be reducing what you will be rewarded for whatever you do make, unless everything is set to "extreme."

    This is, of course, barring any changes they may make to the test builds between here and now. I don't expect them to cave into changing back their changes on MA at this point, however.

    The previous story is good though. Don't get me wrong on that. I've just played through it many times already (gettin' badges for Ouro too), and I'd love to see some fresh content for Khelds, since everyone is in a state of "Khelds are perfect" power-wise, and since Khelds don't seem to be on any sort of priority list to be included in any of the power customization changes for this issue.

    "The One"
  11. AlienOne

    Power Colors

    Could someone explain Babs explanation on how that multiplier works for the colors to get that coded number please?

    "The One"
  12. LMAO... Talk to your photon seekers?


    Good stuff! Thanks for sharing... That's a difficult TF to do, and I'm glad you could "represent" for Khelds everywhere...

    Although, I have to admit, I thought you were talking about the "Katie Hannon" TF when you said "khtf" until you talked about Reichsman. I think that one is referred to as the "KTF," but I could be mistaken.

    In either case, great job!

    "The One"
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Taiyetos View Post
    One nice thing they could do with this new system is make Black Dwarf and Nova actually solid black instead of transparent.
    A good example of this if you check it out is the "black" electricity powers on an elec/elec blaster.... Completely black, and looks very dark.

    And awesome.

    "The One"
  14. I'd warn you in advance that I don't run a "full" SG in the sense that there is no large 'active' playerbase... About 95% of the toons in the SG are all my alts (I have around 44)...

    That said, the base does have all the teleports, a fully functional inspiration/enhancement room with invention tables, an Ouroboros crystal, a hospital, and many very active coalitions with members on at almost all times of the day... Pretty much everything you need to "function" in a SG.

    So, if you're not turned off by the fact that the only SG member you'd see online all the time is me....(haha)....You're more than welcome to join if you'd like.

    Send a tell to @AlienOne, and you should catch me online at some point (usually very early in the morning and evenings, west coast time)

    "The One"
  15. Yeah... And my video's done and already has about 150 views.... So, we're gettin' peeps excited, I hope...

    ...what's the word?

    "The One"
  16. While I agree with Grey Pilgrim, I think Grift may have a point. I wouldn't be in support of a "changeover" of sorts... But, maybe some 'content' added story-wise for Khelds would be cool. You know, something 'epic' like the Rikti Invasion. Maybe it would affect the rest of the playerbase, or maybe it would just affect us via a special 'epic' storyline...

    I don't know... Maybe just wishful thinking.

    "The One"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
    There's no "omg, I did X Y Z on my WS last night, it was awesomesauce!" because all we see is 300% this, 180% that, 85% thisthat. The stories are gone....gone, from our EPIC! ATs....
    This is what I hate the most... There is no more "GUYS! HOLY CRAP! I pulled off this and this and this on an STF the other night with my Kheld!" without someone coming on afterwards and accusing you of either thinking you're "teh l337-ness," or stating "I could have done it better, because in a 'perfect world' on paper, the numbers say my playstyle guarantees a 400% increase in efficiency."


    Ah, well...

    ..."next generation" and all that, I guess.

    I still like to share my accomplishment with my Khelds though... They truly ARE "epic."

    "The One"
  18. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
    Does this mean an end to the constant bickering in every Kheld thread posted on the boards then? Oh praise the heavens.
    I fully hope so.

    It's taking entirely too much time out of my day to constantly have to defend myself on every single post I make, which is ridiculous.

    I've finally decided to put him on ignore and regardless of what poo he chooses to throw around about me personally, I'll remain blissfully ignorant of it.

    And the playerbase can decide for themselves who's advice they'd rather take.

    "The One"
  19. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    Fair enough, I didn't notice the bolded till after I posted, but in any case I do not remember (and no I do not have perfect memory) any of your posts where you admited error on your part other than the one involving 5x set bonuses (which I seriously couldn't believe you didn't know, because as much as I do not like you, you are very good at this sort of thing).

    As such I also stand by my assertion, and infact speculate admitting error in a debate with me might actually kill you.

    Ok, since you asked for it, here's a *partial* list where I conceded to someone else, admitted to not knowing something, or otherwise flat out agreed with someone...

    ...You can also find this by going through just the first 6 pages of "all posts by AlienOne"... I didn't have the time nor inclination to go through more than 6 pages of all my posts... In fact, I'm not even sure why I feel the need to do this here. I really shouldn't.


    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Very informative and accurate post. I could agree with that.

    Thanks for your input.


    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Ah, ok... Well, that's a perfectly reasonable argument. You got me there.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    You know, I would have probably been on the naysayers side of the glowing touch issue (I don't have it myself on my PB), but after doing two all-Kheld iTFs recently on my tri-form build WS teamed with a couple bad-*** Human-only PBs who HAD it and managed to save my butt a few times from the brink of death on those TFs....

    ....I'm kinda likin' it now. I guess you never really fully appreciate a power until you realize its potential.

    You're exactly right.
    LINK, since the thread's closed.


    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    That's GREAT! Never noticed that one before... I agree...

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Oh, it does? I stand corrected. I must have been mistaken...Sorry 'bout that.
    8/23 (this one was a particularly hard one to admit to, considering this guy is on my ignore list now)

    You got me, dammit. :P

    Actually, I think Nethergoat is pretty much correct in his assumptions
    LINK, since this thread is closed.


    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    ahhhhhhhhh, ok.... That makes sense.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    DEFINITELY helps! Thanks a LOT!

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    You hit the nail on the head, as it were.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Fo SHO!

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I'd have to agree with Darkstar here...

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I agree.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    That's EXTREMELY helpful....

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Making a human-only build is a definitive choice for a Kheld, and not one that I go around "preaching" that everyone should do, unless they have the time, energy, influence, and patience for it. And even if one DOES start out with a plan for a human build, I STILL encourage them to grab the other forms as they're leveling up. They can always respec into a human form once they hit 40+, which is where the human forms shine the most.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    No truer words were ever said in this Kheld section.
    8/25 (Probably the one you should pay the closest attention to)

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    KThat's pretty much word for word what I would have said right there. I'm all for human-only builds, but if this is your first Kheld (and especially your first time lvl'in up a WS), then level it up as a tri-former, and learn that playstyle. It will be the most beneficial and fun to you while leveling up a Kheld, guaranteed.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    No, I don't hate tri-form builds... I find them very useful, actually...

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I think that's pretty much it. We all have the same "end goal" when it comes to making sure inexperienced Khelds get the "best experience" possible from playing their new Kheld... We just go about it in different ways. Neither way is "wrong" per-say...

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    As I write this, I've noticed that Darkstar has already given good advice as to what you can do with the "extra" power picks... I would also advise to go with the Medicine pool, as your teammates will thank you for it later (especially in a TF situation--which you'll find I think in terms of quite a bit, since it's what I do more of than anything else in the game).

    What Darkstar said.

    I'm not taking away from their advice for slotting a Kheld at all--they've got some really sound advice regarding tri-form play, which is what you're going for, so I'd definitely listen to them in regards to tri-form slotting. So, point remains... Take my advice at your own peril.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    You're right. I just checked it out. I actually didn't know that--I was always under the impression that the limit was placed on the set itself, and not on the set bonus.

    That's pretty helpful to know.

    So, if your assumptions to admitting when wrong are correct...

    ...I'd already be dead by now.

    Feel free to keep this list bookmarked if you need some self-comforting that I am a normal person who can admit to mistakes or agree with people from time to time.

    However, like you, when I feel it's necessary to add an opposing viewpoint, ESPECIALLY when it comes to someone knocking human form like it's not even a respectable way to play... I'll feel free to give an opposing viewpoint. And I won't feel the need to "admit wrong," because I know from experience that I'm right.

    What have I maintained? Let's review... (Check above quote if you need to make sure)

    1. Human-form playing can be fun.
    2. Human-form playing can be expensive
    3. Human-form playing can be difficult
    4. Human-form playing isn't for everyone.
    5. First-time Khelds should not play human-form.

    Now, while I know that even though I've taken a considerable amount of time to find, condense, and research quite a bit of my previous posts to prove a point, I realize that you'll still feel the need to find something wrong with something I've said, pick it apart, or otherwise completely discard any points I've made... And, since I won't have the time in the future to continually defend myself instead of posting legitimate help for other Khelds who may need it...

    ...welcome to my ignore list.

    "The One"
  20. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Re-read the post for clarity, and you may notice the portion of your quote I bolded.

    This is what I said you were lying about.

    I maintain my position.

    "The One"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    In odd or extream cases of high defence or extreamly bad luck sure. But for the most part I'll live with my 95% heal. I do not concider this enough of a limitation to put PB dwarf form any more than marginaly better than the black version.

    I do however find it ammussing that you only point to numbers when it aids your causes and tend to ignore them when they do not.
    That's because, as I've said before, I don't prefer to use them all the time. It's not my particular "cup of tea," so to speak.

    I only posted that for the benefit of you and others who may have wanted to check that out.

    Do I know numbers? Yeah. Did I ace math in school? Yeah. Do I still have to do math every day for my job? Yeah. Do I want to continue to use them all the time like it's a job in a game I use to get away from the "real world stresses?"


    "The One"
  22. That quote, taken in the proper context, refers to only MY situation. There is a vast difference between referring to your *own* situation and stating that *everyone* will be more surviveable in human form.

    Especially considering the fact that I've since stated that general Kheldian inexperience plays a huge factor in whether or not certain builds and numbers work. I'll state it again: If one can't properly play a Kheld, how are they going to match up to the ridiculous variables of "if you're in this situation and you use these power exactly at this second and change forms exactly at this moment and then switch back exactly at this time and only taken in the context of when you're soloing a map mapped for 1 in a continuous rolling attack chain of 3 minutes, while traveling at this speed and using these reflex times, etc. etc.... You'll get these numbers"?

    I certainly can't predict what a person will do in-game. So, I don't pretent to know if someone playing MY already setted-out WS could actually perform the same way I could. Which, of course, I've also, again, already. stated. before.

    "The One"
  23. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    And yet I have given up ground and conceded points I have had in error. You have not.
    Absolutely and completely incorrect.

    Care to throw anymore lies around?

    "The One"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    That's yet another case of "by the numbers it sounds great, but in practice, there are situations where it fails and fails miserably."

    My experience with random number generation in computers has taught me not to trust the numbers.

    I've experienced the same. There has been a few situations where the random number generation has completely baffled me mid-battle. There's actually been a thread on this particular subject where others have experienced the same thing....

    For example, I was in a mission once where I ran into the middle of a mob, hit Eclipse, and it missed everyone (which almost never happens). Ah, that's part of the random thing, right? But, then, directly afterwards, my Sunless Mire misses everyone in the mob. Then my Gravity Well misses. Followed by Dark Detonation missing. Unchain Essence misses. And then I die. I've had this happen to me about 4 times in the entire 4 years I've played this game, and it's actually more amusing than it is frustrating... All the "random" number generation in this game seems to just happen all at!

    For you "numbers guys," THIS thread may be an interesting read... Or, you could skip to the real "meat" of the thread and read THIS post.

    Good stuff.

    "The One"
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    Probably a wise move.

    Also, an education would be as well.
    An education is always a wise move.

    Alas, I've finished four "educations" already, and I'm beginning to tire of going back to school. Maybe I should start putting all I've learned to use...

    ...or not.

    Acting immature and insulting others is much more fun, as yours and Nethergoat's examples have already proved. Following in your footsteps seems to be a much easier path.

    And I'm all about the laziness.

    "The One"