
Caption Champ 07.12.2011
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Quadra Blades is pretty awesome, but it's too bad you're locked in to one single costume.



    Thats exactly what i thought about, when i first read about the Victoria Costume Power.
    Just with the Imperivum Katanas or Vanguard Swords.
    Unfortunately, i might not be able to join the Event tomorrow.
    But i guess i wouldn´t win one ether way.
  2. Also nachdem ich auf den Launcher gewechselt hatte, habe ich auf einmal auch keine Screenshots mehr gefunden. zumindest keine neuen.
    Ich hatte dann plötzlich einen weiteren Installation Ordner.

    Zusätzlich zu dem alten Pfad C:/Programme/CityofHeroes hatte ich das ganze dann nochmal unter C:/Programme/NCSoft/CityofHeroes, wo sich dann auch die neuen Screenshots wiedergefunden haben.

    Alternativ nutz doch mal die Such Option und such nach screenshots.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KemLi View Post
    Subjective Feedback :

    The baked in gold/brass colours , for the boots /gloves etc... while great in theory and good as an option for us, should be accompanied with one where we can change those colours as well, i.e. allow for secondary colouring. Flexibility is key and I think I didn't realise the lack of this, the first time I looked at the pieces.

    This always limits the to use costume parts.
    It´s the same with the Praetorian PD shoulder- and chest-detail pieces.
    I would have used them more often, but the yellow lines on them often don´t fit the choice of colours.
  4. Subjective feedback:

    In my opinion the worst Booter Pack beside the Wedding Pack.
    Might be because i´m not such a big Steam Punk Fan, but i wanted to give it a try on the Training Room.
    So I created a Steam Punk Char and the only costume part from the new booster i did use was the Back Pack.

    I´m really missing some more gadget like things for shoulders, chest detail, head details and maybe belt.
    I really dislike the boots and gloves.

    The Wings are very cool and probably the reason for me to buy the booster.
    Kokichi(Shining Force 1) ftw.

    I was really disappointed to see that you can activate the Temp Power only for 30 secs.
    I really hoped for this jet pack to be a costume part.
    But maybe real jet pack costume parts will now come SOON.

    i´m glad for the people who wanted a Steam Punk Pack all the time.

    Why don´t we get boots that complete the existing Steam Punk Costume?
    There´s really no boots option which fits with it.
  5. Hi Tunnel Rat.
    Welcome to the forums.

    How about glowing swords, or swords with aura.

    Colour tintable btw.

  6. Wir haben die Lambada Trial auch schon zu 8 geschafft mit einem mehr oder weniger willkürlichem Team, dass aus den Resten der vorherigen Trials übrig geblieben ist, ohne, dass jedes Teammitglied einen Levelshift Geschweige denn 2 oder 3 hatte.

    Momentan läuft dass für die Verhältnisse auf Zukunft noch ganz gut mit den Trials.
    Aber ich glaube nicht, dass das ein dauerhafter Zustand bleiben wird, wenn erstmal diejenigen, die regelmäßig Abends spielen können ihre Chars, die weitere Incarnate Kräfte bekommen sollen, so weit haben.

    Es ist schön, wenn Paragon Studios Teamplay fördern wollen.
    Aber ich finde, das ist der Falsche Weg.

    Gut ist, dass die Trials recht schnell sind, wenn erstmal alle wissen, was zu tun ist.
    Wenn man wenig Zeit hat, kann man wenigstens mal eine Trial mitmachen, wenn man zum passenden Zeitpunkt on ist.
    Allerdings dauert es meist eine ganze Weile, bis das Team steht und man wirklich startet.
    Und man braucht doch eine ganze Menge an Trials, bis man die ein oder andere Kraft nicht nur als common hat.

    Die Spieler, die nicht wirklich die Zeit haben, sich immer erst in Gruppen zusammen zu finden, oder überhaupt länger als 1-1,5 Std. am Stück zu spielen oder diejenigen, die vielleicht eine zu schwache Hardware haben, um die Trials flüssig zu spielen, oder nicht zu crashen, werden dadurch klar benachteiligt oder gestraft.

    Ich habe mehr als 20 Chars auf Level 50.
    Gut, von denen spiele ich die Hälfte so gut wie gar nicht. Dennoch habe ich bisher für jeden einen Build mit IO´s erstellt. Aber schon seit I19 habe ich mich auf 6-7 Chars beschränkt, die weiter aktiv spiele, da ich einfach nicht mehr die Zeit habe, mehr Chars über das Incarnate System weiter zu entwickeln.
    Von den 6-7 Chars hat gerade mal einer den Level Shift vom Alpha und 3 oder 4 haben Alpha mit einem Common Boost gefüllt.

    Mit 20 habe ich einen Char, mit dem ich wahrscheinlich genug Threads und Komponenten habe um vielleicht einen Shift und in 2 weitere der neuen Kräfte je einen Common Boost zu slotten. Der Incarnate-Geschichte-Slot ist nichtmal freigeschaltet.
    Und das zwingt mich im Grunde genommen dazu, meine Char Auswahl weiter einzuschränken, was ich wirklich nicht will. Aber die 6-7 Chars bekomme ich bis zum nächsten Incarnate Upadate wahrscheinlich nicht vollgestopft und dann geht das gegrinde wieder mit was neuem los.

    Ich will auch mal wieder mehr mit meinen Chars spielen um einfach Spaß dran zu haben und nicht den Zwang haben, dass ich mit dem einen oder anderen Char noch 10 TF´s oder 30 Trials spielen muss.

    Ich würde mir wirklich wünschen, dass man dieses ganze verdammte Incarnate Bergungsgut unter den eigenen Chars verschieben könnte.
    Dann könnte man auch die Chars eher wieder spielen, die man nicht zum Incarnate machen will und könnte die anderen leichter aufrüsten.
    Das würde auch die Teambildung für TF´s wesentlich vereinfachen, wenn man mal nen Kini, Tank oder sonstiges sucht, da man ja doch nicht selten darauf achtet, welcher Char denn noch Incarnate Bergungsgut braucht.

    Für das Bergungsgut für die für neuen Incarnate Kräfte sollte es aber trotzdem noch eine Möglichkeit geben, das zu erhalten, wenn man wenig Zeit hat.
    Vielleicht durch sowas wie den Tina Macintyre oder Maria Jenkins Story Arch.
    In etwa in der Art, dass man für jede abgeschlossene Mission oder jeden besiegten Prätorianer Elite-Boss einen Thread bekommt und zum Abschluss des Arch eine Common oder Uncommon Komponente wählen kann.

    Für mich hat sich City of Heroes unter anderem auch durch die Möglichkeit des Twinkes ausgezeichnet.
    Man kann das im Grunde genommen sogar ohne auch nur eine IO auszurüsten oder auf Incarnate Kräfte angewiesen zu sein, mit Ausnahme der Tin Mage und Apex TF´s.
    Aber für jemanden, der seine Chars in Hinsicht auf Kräfte und Leistung weiterentwickeln will, ist das je nach Zeitspielraum ab einer bestimmten Anzahl an Chars jetzt einfach nicht mehr möglich.
  7. Quote:
    Paragon Studios are getting ready to release a new update for their superhero MMO City of Heroes. The game has always had an impressive character creator (a tradition which the original developers brought with them to Champions Online and Star Trek Online when they split with NCsoft), and in the new pack they are adding 60 new costume pieces to it.

    The update is called City of Heroes Animal Pack, and as the name implies it focuses on the animal kingdom. It will allow you to create your own animal superheroes (our Danish edition suggests Wolfman, Minotaurman, Kittywoman or Birdman) and it will also come with new emotes, new auras and a brand new travel power to complete the package.

    City of Heroes Animal Pack is scheduled to be released on February 23.
    Here is the link:

    I wonder if the information with the
    they are adding 60 new costume pieces
    is correct.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Is Eu Test down now? Or has my update borked out slightly?
    I get 'No response from this server' when trying to log in...
    I´ve got the same Message.
    I guess that means that we are not participating in the I19 closed beta.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master0fCeremony View Post
    Das Leichenfledderkostüm gibt es jetzt nur für Leute die zum Comic-Con Going Rogue Preview Party gehen.

    War das evt. ein GM?!

    Das würde ich jetzt auch mal vermuten.
    Ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass der sonst irgendwelche Codes hätte, die bis dahin noch gar nicht vorgestellt wurden.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    In one of my business development courses back in college, one of my professors had a great, if cynical, quote: "Marketing's number one job is to promote the cause of marketing; any work actually promoting your product is purely secondary to maintaining their hold on the purse strings."

    Our marketing guys are actually very good at what they do. The truth of the matter is that TV commercials are expensive and won't bring in enough new users to justify the cost. Our team gets us banner ads on sites like Ten Ton Hammer and they try very hard to keep our nearly 6 year old game in the gaming press -- which frankly is not an easy job. The fact that schedules change or planned features don't pan out as being feasible sometimes means that their plans have to shift, which causes delays in information release.

    I would love to see a City of Heroes commercial on TV. The money just isn't there, though.
    I always thought, that the marketing in germany wasn´t really good.
    I can´t really remember how i found my way to CoX. I think it was a link to the CoV free trial on a site where free online games were listed.
    I found CoX a few weeks after I8 was released. A shame, that it took so long.
    Btw, CoX is my first MMO. Maybe if i would have used some MMO promoting sites, i would have stumbled over it earlier.

    The superhero genre is by far not so well accepted in germany than in other countries, but i think a short cinema commercial before superhero movies or advertising in DC and Marvel Comics, which are the most read superhero comics here would have helped to get the right target group.
  11. Freitags 20:00 Uhr würde Zukunft da bestimmt was zustande bringen, wenn man dann noch den Rest der Community durch die Shoutbox wachrüttelt.

    Noch besser wäre es aber, das ganze 2-3 Tage vorher anzukündigen.
    Dann könnte man sich da ja mal den Abend freihalten.
  12. The Day Trader badge needs 21 days.
    The Patroller Badge needs 30 days.
  13. Ich hab das Problem, dass der Updater nicht connected, wie das ja schon vor einigen Wochen und nochmal einigen Monaten davor bei mehreren Leuten war.

    Hier im Forum hab ich gelesen, dass es auf Union und Defiant wohl Probleme gibt/gab den Server zu betreten.

    War da auf Zukunft auch irgendwas?

    Weiß von euch noch jemand wie man das Verbindungsproblem lösen konnte.
    Man musste da in irgendne Dos-Box was eingeben. Ich weiß allerdings nicht mehr was man eingeben musste und auch nicht mehr wie man die Richtige öffnet.

    Ohne unser Cohmpendium steht man schon ziemlich blöd da.
  14. Dann ist wenigstens mal "etwas" los hier.^^
  15. Wasn´t there a secondary set called growth in the poll for the new melee power sets, which was won by Dual Blades an Shield Defense?

    Why let us choose this, if it´s nearly impossible or to time expensive to do it?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    A costume item token at every vet reward point where you would normally get a costume, lets you pick which costume reward you want for that account, that way if someone wants wings at 3 months, they can but they put off getting Trenchcoats until later. When a 'power' choice would normally be awarded people would get a power choice token (They could pick Sands of mu/Ghost-slaying axe, Nemesis Staff/Blackwand, the various pet powers, base teleporter etc.).
    This is really a great idea.
    I love and i hate this system. I love it, when i get a new vet reward.
    But i hate it much more, when i think about that there will always be 10 rewards that i will never get.
    I hit the 36 last weekend.

    I would even say, let us choose what ever vet reward we want, not depending if there is normally a power or a costume rewarded normally.
    Or give the possibility to choose not before 12 or 24 months.
    Or make the shiny things only available to choose at 12, 24, 36 months etc.
    But which things are the shining ones?
    The travelpowers with lvl 6? The slots increase? Maybe a costume?
    It´s like about the whole game. You can´t make it right for everyone.
    There are rewards that you like and others that you don´t like.

    I don´t see why they should stop the system if it provides money.
    There would be no incentive to keep the subscritpion running if you want to take a break from the game for a month or longer.
  17. X_the_Gambler

    Worst Mobs Ever.

    I agree that Spectral Daemon Lords are tough and that Demolitionists can be hard for MM´s.
    Tsoo Sorcerers are anerving with their Port Ability and toHit Debuff.

    I like Communication Officers. Its always nice to remember, that back when the portals gave a lot of XP an Influence, we always said "don´t touch the Comms. Let them call the portals."

    I don´t like to deal longer than necessary with an enemy, if it´s not a boss or higher, so i do avoid mechanical/robotic enemies if i play a character with sm/lt damage.

    I do avoid Carnies if i don´t have a good defense or a good endu recovery.
    Actually i do avoid Carnies nearly always, because i don´t like the whole Carnie theme.
    I do also avoid Tsoo and Knives of the Artemis. Knives are easy to arrest, but i really don´t like the caltrops. And i do dislike Syphon Speed from the Tsoo even more.

    But i think those enemies, mentioned in these thread are really cool.
    Especially if you play on a team.
    I really like it to take out the most anerving or dangerous enemies first with my stalker or troller or to confuse them.

    And playing solo, you can choose the difficulty settings which do fit best for your Character. You don´t even have do fight bosses if you don´t want to.
    So there is nearly nothing you can´t handle with any AT with the exception of AV´s and some EB´s.
  18. On our first try Lord Winter was defeated within 15 mins.
    On our second try Lord Winter was defeated within 12-13mins.
    Both times we had a random team of 8 and the help of 1 additional player.
    On the first try we used some shivans and snowbeasts and on the second time there was no need.
    The Lord of Winter isn´t so hard at all.
    It´s comfortable to have someone to heal or buff shields on the team.
  19. It worked with my chars as well.
    Thanks again for the quick responses.
  20. Thank you for the response.
    I´ll try it out later.
  21. Hi everyone.

    I couldn´t find anything about this in the forums or in the known issue list.

    I was hunting Marcone Consigliere in St. Martial for the Ganbuster badge to get the High Pain Threshold accolade on two of my villains but there was no progress.
    Actually there wasn´t even a progress bar for the badge.

    Instead the Marcone Consigliere counted on the progress bar for the Untouchable badge.

    I tried it during the Halloween Event, i tried it after.
    I tried to hunt every other family boss, because i thougt maybe the bosses which are normally required for the Untouchable badge would count for Gangbuster now.
    Every family boss counts for the Untouchable Badge.
    I also tried to hunt them with the CoX client set on the english an german language.

    Can anybody confirm this?

    I hope this issue doesn´t only exist Zukunft.^^
    If that is the case, i guess this won´t have much priority to get fixed.
  22. Well ninja Run, detoggling CJ is not so cool.
    Changing from NR to CJ takes a lot from the Ninja feeling this should bring.

    I would have prefered NR in a new power pool and slotable.
    This would have been great if you have to choose between SJ or SS.

    I really hoped, that it would include scabbards and quivers.
    I´m missing better quality cloth option for belts.
    I´m also missing a cape like that:

    The ROBES, the SWORDS, the HALF HELMET things and the QIN DYNASTY hair style are great. Really good quality.
    The rest is ok but not really great.

    The WARRIOR FULL (head detail 2) has clipping issues if you put the body scales PHYSIQUES trigger too far to the right.

    The TERRA and TERRA FIRE robes have clipping issues if you put the body scales PHYSIQUES and WAIST Triggers too far tho the right.

    My impression is, that the Booster Packs lost in quality after the Magic Pack.
    The Science Pack had nothing really spectecular with it. And the head details have clipping issues with a lot of the the hats and helmets. What made it worth to buy was the possibility to change the body types. Which is also a feature, that should have been added in an Issue.

    If the costumes aren´t wow, put in an awesome feature, or power to make sure the pack hits the taste of more players?

    I mean. If we pay additional money, i think we can expect completely awesome costume sets and free of clipping issues btw.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
    • Task Forces that are not Flashback or Architect are now level locked at the time the Task Force is created.
    I would like to know the reason, why this was changed? Or was it never intended that we should have this option?
    I really liked the option to change the difficulty, if you see that the team doesn´t work well.
    Or if you see, that it could easy handle higher enemies.

    Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
    • When your character leaves / quits a team, the character always leaves the Task / Strike Force (s)he is on.
    Wasn´t this always the case?
    If it´s really the case, that you leave the TF/SF when you have a crash oder log out...facepalm
  24. Auf jeden Fall interessant.
    Zu dem Wissenschafts Booster hab ich mal gelesen, dass der Richtung Jekyll und Hyde gehen soll.