Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I have discovered that despite over 33 months of veteran time, fully paid, I will be losing access to 6 archetypes that I previously had access to.
I have discovered that, apparently, I will even lose access to the characters I have already made that are of those archetypes.
What is causing you to lose these things?
I thought we were explicitly told that what we had purchased already wasn't going anywhere?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I have discovered that I will have to pay a pseudo-subscription "license" just to "rent" the invention system or AE.
I have discovered that purchasing that "license", or not, will still not allow me to benefit from any invention origin set bonuses.
I am pretty sure that this is explicitly listed as benefits that go with VIP status.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I have discovered that the "licenses" can be avoided, and I can get back partially systems which I already have, by subscribing for approximately another year after Freedom goes live to unlock the remaining Paragon Rewards tiers.
Why wouldn't you subscribe for another year if you're enjoying playing?
Are you ticked because if you don't subscribe you wont have the same level of access as those who do subscribe?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I predict, many VIP players will switch to the VIP only sever.
I won't "switch" but I will make some toons there.
I have no real incentive to leave my playmates, VGs, bases, server channels, etc
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I predict, the decision to restrict the invention system will mean less people will pay to deal with it.
Fewer people will pay to deal with it than...what?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I predict, demand will increase but supply will inevitably not keep pace, driving the in game market prices to the inf cap for even more items.
Isn't this somewhat counter intuitive given the previous prediction that fewer people would pay to deal with the IO system?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I predict, the restriction of the incarnate system to VIP subscribers only, and absolutely, will result in fewer incarnate trial teams to be found, especially with VIP subscribers leaving for another server.
Fewer than what? Currently? There's some reason why those of us who have been subscribing quite happily for these years will suddenly stop our subscription?
There's some important element of your reasoning that you haven't shared, or that I just plain old haven't gotten. I s'pose it prob'ly went over my head. For teh life of me, I am not sure how you came to reach the conclusions that led you to the predictions you're making.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I was hoping to be able to pay a fair price and get what I pay for.
Afaict, for the same subscription fee, we are getting more content. am I wrong about that? Will subscription fees go up or will content be removed?
What am I missing?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I do not think it is smart or fair to lock existing characters away from veteran players, especially not those that have played over a year already. I have never seen a game do this before without a mandatory subscription.
Who is taking away your stuff?
AFAICT, things for myself and all other subscribers is pretty much the same except better.
Do you want all the privileges of subscribers to made available to people who are not subscribers? Is that it?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I do not think it is smart or fair to treat your veterans as less than new subscriptions. they are the reason your game still exists, and you have the nerve to give them a reduced amount of rewards from Paragon Reward Tokens compared to subscriptions after Freedom launches?! You have the nerve to tell them "you will be able to unlock all that you have access to" and yet still leave certain major benefits like the character classes they had and systems they had access to at such a high tier that only the most senior of veterans can even get those basic systems they all once had?!
You have the nerve to take things away from them that they have paid for over many months and years and charge them to get it back?! Why not just keep everything locked behind a subscription and forget the conversion to F2P?
Before Freedom if you stopped paying you lost everything. But now, you get to keep a number of things.
You could choose to see it as someone taking things from you when you don't want to pay for those things if you like.
I see it as allowing people to be able to have a fair amount of stuff for free and allowing those who wish to keep subscribing to have even more stuff.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
I don't think it will go over well with future subscribers as you release more and more content that they still have to spend points on instead of being included with the subscription. I do think that will happen.
Did you know that the points to buy things are included in the subscription? So it's kind of like getting the new shinies with your subscription. Just I have a choice to opt out of ones I don't care for.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
After all, we have seen super boosters behind an extra fee despite paying a mandatory subscription. It isn't too far a stretch to see that the monthly stipend of points for subscribers has to be for something. It is obvious there will likely be more and more to buy that will be over the monthly stipend and impossible to save the stipend for all or even most.
I guess that's possible, but it hasn't. I have not seen any indicators of that happening.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
Eventually, subscribers won't even be getting a good deal at that rate. It would be better to stay under the current system then.
I will wait to worry about that then. Atm, it's slated to happen.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
Look, "free to play" is supposed to be a way for customers to have options and to feel they are getting a good deal so they will pay you for that deal. It's supposed to be defined by the removal of the mandatory subscription in favor of direct purchase of content and temporary statistical boosts with, perhaps, and optional subscription.
So call this something else that makes you happier. I think it's more of an available extended free trial.
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
You're allowing us some options, but they are expensive, not to mention the things we have to buy back after they were taken away.
What is being taken away and where did you get that info?
I don't have the time to read the rest. Sorry.