577 -
Well, just have soloed Doc Delilah's arc on an Ill troller (I know, I know, he isn't emp defender but not AV killing machine either, not at these levels anyway) Ok, Arbiter Sands is well.., tricky, since drones effectively tank my PA for him, but after two faceplants, and some strategically used confuses on nearby minions he was defeated. EB version of Captain Castillo was pretty much a joke. Especially with new confuse rules on FF generators :ev0l: (AV Castillo, though... well, was on a team yesterday, and in the end we had to call a friendly 50 to just kill him and forget the whole embarrasment.) I once soloed EB Nocturne on a scrapper, although I out-levelled her by then, so it doesn't count...
(These are my very first EBs soloed sub-30, earlier I usually was a bit afraid to do that and sought a team, but after this discussion I just wanted to see if that's indeed that bad.) -
Most of Auction's interface clunkiness is really because of three huge windows you have to open simultaneously (Salvage inventory, recipes inventory and auction itself.)
Wentsworths-like interface would work much better for common enhancements and inspirations, because you can fit all the needed details in just 1 window and they aren't interlinked in complex ways like recipes and salvage are. Not that it's perfect, mind you, nor it could be easy to re-use the code, but it wwould work MUCH better than standard store list. -
4000 inf isn't a lot for a lowbie, 1 luck charm will see them have that 7+ times over. It's amazing just how quick you get inf at low levels these days to be honest.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, maybe they ought to be more expensive, although, I think, price of 1 DO should roughly correspond to price of 2 tp insps to 15-25 lvl zones. It would be noticeable expense but not really big enough to not to use them without INF transfers, etc. -
Please, please, please, make it, well, more logical. Enhancement have their own names, but are still sorted according to corresponding TO/common IO name, if store sells more than 2 origins/level ranges they're sorted by that first, they're usually color-coded, but sometimes they aren't, and some DOs all have the same icon, to make it more confusing - even Wentsworth's is easier to use.
Why not to make them either custom-sortable or searchable (so tjhat you can type, say "power of" or "Endu" and get to Power of Grey right away instead of scrolling...) -
They used too. Ages ago Contacts were the only source of level 25 SOs, you couldn't get them in the shops. The powers that be decided that wasn't fair and changed it.
(after I deliberately worked my way towards doing lots of some IP contacts arc to buy Magic SOs off her for inflated prices. Bah!)
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I know. I meant something different though, - Yin's SOs are the only buyable sub-level 25 SOs (not counting merit purchases.) and have unique fluff text IIRC. Something more along these lines, - a "signature item" not too good to be imbalancing but useful nonetheless.
Or, as I said teleports... Would use existing market TP insp mechanics , with different prices for different zones. (say, Atlas - 100 inf, Faultline - 1500 inf, Peregrine, - 4000 inf etc.) That's fairly expensive for a lowbie, so other means of travel aren't made pointless, and level 35+ toon can go pretty much anywhere they please anyway. -
Well, paragonwiki usually says who's most likely to introduce a particular contact. (And Fusionette herself isn't contact, Doc Delilah, Penelope Yin and Faultline Jr. are.)
As for how to make contacts better... Well... "Better" is relative... For example, making them sell something more interesting, besides standard stuff... (Like Yin's unique SOs, or teleports...) -
This kind of attitude always puzzles me, TBH. Without the storylines, this game is INCREDIBLY boring to play after a few weeks...
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, ideally the game should be interesting on some level even if all enemies are "generic foozle" "advanced foozle" and "foozle Overlord" all sharing the same model. In fact I suspect that the best and most loved arcs won't be those with excellent stories, but ones with creative "mission architecture", something that makes foozle-slaying aspect different. -
Aside from the three Faultline ones and a few on the Ouroboros TFs, we've got: Frostfire, Atta, Dr. Vahzilok, Heracles, Maestro, Envoy of Shadow, Terra, Countess Crey, Madame of Mystery, 'Nemesis?', Nosferatu, Portal Corp Missions (Dreck, Preatorians, Babbage and the Psychic Clockwork King). Did I miss any..?
[/ QUOTE ]
Malta Titans? (although they re sometimes GMs or Monsters...) -
/signed, of course. Even if the first /em facepalm will be directed at me.
Well, heroside has some lowbie missions where EB stays EB too, like first Faultline arc and Vahzilok disease arc... On the other hand, maybe it's just my, but it seems that villains are better EB-soloers on average. (Then again, I only have 2 or 3 fairly lowbie villains.)
Neither signed nor unsigned... I mostly solo myself, but on the other hand teaming (and starring)-encouraging features are a good thing overall, IMHO, and disabling one of those won't do that much good... -
Quick question... Does MA allow you to make your own maps (a la Base Editor) or can you only use ones that are already in-game?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, but devs said that it's kinda sorta planned in post-I15... You get access to all the unique maps though, Frostfire lair was specifically mentioned. -
That would be funny.
player 1: Well those AV's were tough. it can't get any harder
player 2: wanna... kin.. bet.. ?
Lusca: rrraaaaaagghhhhhhh!!!!!!
Player 1: oh sh......
[/ QUOTE ]
after beating Lusca up... ( LOL )
player1: Listen, do you remember, does MA allow you to spawn Hamidon?
player 2: Only LGTF version, IIRC...
healthy Hamidon: Surprise! Yellow Dawn is BAAACK! -
This, if implemented, would basically mean that recipes that aren't absolutely definitely "good" wouuld just disappear down the sink, with inevitable auction prices increase. For example, pet recipes would suddeenly become MORE expensive heroside. TThis would lead to more INF farms, and INF farms would increase prices for those "good" recipes even further... -
Well, "I have a 50, so I'm not a n00b" may be another motivation... This is pretty silly though, PLed 50, well, missed most of the content, fought limited number of mob types, and thus didn't require "real game" skills to get.
Or... Are we looking at long-thought-to-be-non-existent I13 PvP fans? -
you can do that, sort ofb, already. Save the code below as test.costume in <CoX Folder>\costumes\ (note to Notepad users, double check that name is tst.costume, not test.costume.txt ) and you can load it at tailor's. Or one can just zip the .costume file and post the link.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Scale 0.02121
BoneScale -0.9194
ShoulderScale -0.2277
ChestScale -0.7157
WaistScale -0.6172
HipScale -0.4597
HeadScales 0, 0, 0
BrowScales 0, 0, 0
CheekScales 0, 0, 0
ChinScales 0, 0, 0
CraniumScales 0, 0, 0
JawScales 0, 0, 0
NoseScales 0, 0, 0
SkinColor 255, 214, 201
NumParts 27
CostumePart ""
Geometry Tucked_In
Texture1 Cargo_01
Texture2 !HIPS_Flames
DisplayName P887196332
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName TuckedIn
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 255, 124, 59
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry Right_Amp
Texture1 skin_v_tshirt_tattoos_01
Texture2 skin_tshirt_01b
DisplayName P566009771
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName RoboticArm3
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 115, 115, 115
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
Texture1 skin_v_head_20
Texture2 none
DisplayName P687117166
RegionName Head
BodySetName Hats
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 115, 115, 115
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry smooth_lft
Texture1 skin_fingerless_01a
Texture2 skin_fingerless_01b
DisplayName P3937616722
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName RoboticArm3
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 115, 115, 115
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Work_Boot
Texture1 !Boot_V_Work_Boot_02
Texture2 !Boot_V_Work_Boot_02_Mask
DisplayName P2104750136
RegionName "Lower Body"
BodySetName TuckedIn
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 115, 115, 115
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry Tactical_02
Texture1 tactical_02a
Texture2 tactical_02b
DisplayName P177456852
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName RoboticArm3
Color1 127, 42, 0
Color2 127, 84, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry Hat_Bandana
Texture1 Hat_01a
Texture2 Hat_01b
DisplayName P4104497066
RegionName Head
BodySetName Hats
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 85, 28, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry Reticle
Texture1 Reticle_01a
Texture2 Reticle_01b
DisplayName P2793026233
RegionName Head
BodySetName Hats
Color1 0, 0, 31
Color2 1, 255, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_MALE_Emblem.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Stealth_01
Texture1 !Hair_V_Helmet_Longbow
Texture2 !Hair_V_Helmet_Longbow_Mask
DisplayName P2281134661
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName RoboticArm3
Color1 127, 84, 0
Color2 127, 42, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P772741860
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName RoboticArm3
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx weapons/custom_pulserifle/male_pulserifle_01.fx
Geometry none
Texture1 !weapons_rifle_04
Texture2 !weapons_rifle_04_mask
DisplayName P2098554993
RegionName Weapons
BodySetName Weapons
Color1 59, 59, 59
Color2 20, 0, 31
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 115, 115, 115
CostumePart ""
Geometry Beard_Clean
Texture1 Beard_01a
Texture2 Beard_01b
DisplayName P2371314042
RegionName Head
BodySetName Hats
Color1 51, 17, 0
Color2 170, 56, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry v_male_uarmr.geo/geo_uarmr_cyborg_full_01
Texture1 !X_Cyborg_Gloves
Texture2 !Glove_V_Cyborg_01_Mask
DisplayName P3133012715
RegionName "Upper Body"
BodySetName RoboticArm3
Color1 59, 59, 59
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
DisplayName P1848153390
RegionName Head
BodySetName Hats
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
</pre><hr />
well, depends... That Kheld arc is of only historical interest now, and Dr. Q. TF... Are you guys kidding? Maybe I don't know something, but just the mission list on the wiki shows it's a poopsockfest, even with perfect team.
Some story arcs are still farmable, e.g. this: http://uk.boards.cityofheroes.com/showfl...part=4&vc=1 You also don't need a team that way. I think I know a few more, but I neither tested them, nor do I know anyone who did, so I'm not telling just yet. -
Well, as I understand, "no (easy and obvious) transfers" is the company policy. And frankly, I understand where they're coming from. The idea was that INF isn't money, salvage isn't loot etc. That got watered down over the time, so maybe they'd eventually implement something like that... But I doubt it. (as you might have noticed, Merits were made completely non-transferrable from the get go)
BTW, if you don't have friends, but still want to transfer something, auction trick also works. Although it MUST be done carefully, b/c 3rd party can intercept it, and you can't petition it. But as I understand it's pretty safe if done properly. -
the graders are getting graded too,
[/ QUOTE ]
Quis gradet ipsos graders? (Anything is better with Dog Latin puns) Or, better, how this is supposed to work? How do you (for instance) know if my grades are any good? -
You either did something very right or very wrong. Not sure which it is this time.
Sorry for so-so screenies quality, was out of ideas... -
All people will do is farm Behemoths anyway!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't You get ONLY XP, iirc, not even pool A drops.
I'm sure there'll be a lot of dross, but at the same time I'd be amazed if those 10,000 people coming out with new arcs didn't manage to come up with at least a few that equalled, or surpassed, existing content.
[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely. Even if tiny 0.1% of arcs would be any good, that's still dozens, maybe hundreds of good ones. Finding them might ber a problem though, look at any fanfiction site... -
Offical Post from GR.
Europe ain't going nowheres! ^^
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe, maybe not. They didn't promise "no moving servers", in fact they directly said that forum merge IS considered. What they promised is that there won't be server mergers, vet rewards resets and other DOOOOM!(tm) At least if this at all could be helped. -
Aww hells...
Didnt realy know you other than the troll-slayer, but its a shame to see you go GR =/
Still, best wishes et all, and hopefully you will get that laugh you mentioned
[/ QUOTE ]
Quoted for agreement. -
Well, there were just 35-40 people on Union this night... Got depressed, thought of cancelling some other sub (not game-related) and use the money to buy US version... Then people started to show up, and I was a bit too busy to do that ))