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  1. ROFL!

    +10 Interwebz, Marcian! (5 for the great vid and 5 for your friend, Ra's al Paca)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post

    Sorry, getting mad at Rogan over his comment just smacks too much like an annoying Star Wars fan who gets all snooty cause some director didn't know what the TIE in TIE Fighter stands for.

    I mean, it's sorta like "Oh, that actor made a misinformed and slightly insensitive comment. Why it's almost like he's a *GASP* realistic person!!!"
    Well, Seth Rogan being a total nincompoophead has killed any chance that I am going to watch him in what promises to be an angonizingly tripe-filled movie.

    I boycotted 'Catwoman' with Halle Berry. If I can do *that*, I can certainly boycott the 'Green Vomit'.


    'nuff said, True Believers!

  3. Sorry, Anti_Proton, but there is room for only *one* 'Imp of Impervium' in the Omniverse, and *I* am she!

    Please choose a lesser metal with which to be identified.

    I belive that 'The Terror of Tin Foil' is currently available!

    (*huggles Anti-Proton, then flies off to rescue Statesman from a tree ... again!*)
  4. What a wonderful song, Miss D_R!

    +10 Interwebz for ya!

    (*huggles Miss D_R and then flies away to rescue Statesman from a tree ... again! *)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The Mysterious Letter Writer disagrees
    Yes, Golden Girl. I do!
  6. I concur. The Voids, Q-Gunners, and Nicti are certainly distracting when the team is trying to take on multitudes of other NPCs.

    They should have some kind of special drop as a reward for defeating them.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Because this game is gone to the Amerikatts?
    Fixeded it for ya!

    I do not see any problem with the digital items being offered in a booster pack.

    I've had my stuff for years and don't even use them!
  8. Sorry, but in a world which contains the Internet, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, and sites containing sound files of old-time radio programs, someone like Seth Rogan -- who claims to be a professional actor (and certainly gets paid to be one) -- should have immersed himself in the backstory and history to get a better feel for the character.

    OOPS! Did I just use the words 'Seth Rogan' and 'professional' in the same sentence?!

    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
    I find it hard to fault him on this.

    Sure, WE know that the Green Hornet is still a beloved character to a good number of people, as well as an inspiration for many of the more current heroes. But to someone who isn't into the comic or pulp world, I can kinda understand how they might think the Green Hornet is a "forgotten hero".

    Someone who doesn't read comics would be judging popularity by mainstream saturation. X-Men, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Hulk, Iron Man, and soon Thor and Captain America would all be judged as "popular" because they have a strong market presence.

    Characters like Green Hornet, the Shadow, Doc Savage, the Spider, and even Zorro don't have as strong a mainstream presence and sometimes almost none at all. Therefore it's understandable that someone just going off of the mainstream market would think these characters are forgotten and/or not cared about terribly.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    You're asking the devs to change the default model or add a new "hair w/o ears" option and to vet all the pre-existing maps to work with a new minute height in order to fulfill your niche request, despite all the labor it would entail (Herculean isn't entirely hyperbolic)? Again, there's no harm in wishing, but this isn't precisely a solid negotiating position.
    Honestly, the head model should have been adjusted *years* ago!

    Why is there a head *with* ears to which we then add a *second* set of ears from the 'Ears' menu? That's *four* ears!

    What I am requesting is the ears on the default head be removed. That way, people can add the ears of their choice and not be *required* to use long hair to hide the second pair of ears. Human ears *are* an option on the 'Ears' menu, after all!

    Also, I do not believe that it should be too much of a technical task to make cat paws for the front and hind legs. There are already monster claws and monster legs/feet (which I have had to use in order to approximate AK's paws), but they are *not* the proper features. I don't see it requiring anything more than a reskinning to make them more appropriate.

    I understand that there are technical issues with resizing and lowering the Height Slider, but I am sure that I am not the only person who would like their characters to be the right size.

    What about all of the people who have insect or butterfly wings?

    On the other end of the spectrum, what about also extending the Height Slider upwards to accomodate people whose characters have dragon wings?

    I believe that I have shown great flexibility in my request. If an actual cat model is not feasible because of technical and time constraints, then perhaps the Devs will at least stop to consider my compromises.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Dude, you make my head hurt.
    I am sorry to hear that.

    What specifically has caused your head to hurt?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Why should Tommi Gunn, my Natural gunner, have to change the core of her origin in order to accommodate the Well of Furies magic stuff?
    Let me tell you a story ...!

    "Once upon a time, a Momcat, heavy with kitten, sought refuge from torrential rains by hiding in a cave.

    Safe within the cave, the Momcat delivered a single kitten.

    As the kitten grew, she frolicked within the cave, playing farther and farther from her mother's presence.

    One day, she ventured most deeply into the cave, where she found a fountain. Finding herself thirsty, the kitten lapped up some of the water and found herself energized.

    It was at that very moment that the cave shook and there was a loud explosion in the direction of where she and her mother were staying.

    Running in that direction, the kitten found a large rockpile and heard the weakening cries of her mother.

    Working as quickly as she could (with newly-found speed), the kitten dug her mother out from beneath the rockpile.

    But it was too late.

    The berieved kitten cried mightly and swore a solemn oath that she would strive hard to see that no one else suffered as she was suffering.

    Thus was born ... Amerikatt!
    Moral of the story: In-game events, properly filtered, can enhance our backstories by stimulating our imaginations. They can *never* replace our imaginations.
  12. Gaining Incarnate status should have absolutely no bearing on the backstories of our characters. Simply consider it as source material which we can then adapt to fit our own vision of a particular character.

    For instance, Amerikatt (the only one of my four Level 50s who will be gaining Incarnate status) is classified as a 'Natural' origin, even though her backstory shows her to be more of a 'Mutant' or even 'Science' origin.

    Furthermore -- as has been hinted at in-game and in forum RP -- she has been the servant of a Divinity, a fact I have known since long before she ever emerged from the Character Creator! As a gift from 'The Great Mother', Amerikatt's abilities will be enhanced, essentially adding a 'Magic' aspect to the character, yet not actually changing the fact that she is a 'Natural' creature.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Sooooo... you created a character and then FORCED it into being something it could never be by using resources outside of the game that have infinite bounds (forum RP)... then come back to the game and ask for a feature so that your idea can come to fruition? Doesn't that seem a bit preposterous to you? If that seems overly mean, it is not my intention... I really am curious here.
    No. I did not force Amerikatt into being anything. The character is further developed and enhanced by her backstory and the forum role-playing, and she is fun to play.

    With the exception of the model being used to represent her, she is as she should be. A reassignment of her model would certainly enhance my gaming experience, but, as I mentioned earlier, I would be willing to compromise if I could reduce her size below its current 4' height.

    I'd also like actual fore- and hind- cat paws and an earless head model so that she doesn't have to wear long hair to hide those ridiculous Human ears which seem to be the default. I am absolutely certain that the Devs *can* deliver cat paws and a feline head model which does *not* have Human ears. This would also add to my immersion and would not require a herculean task in order to make Amerikatt look the way she should.

    The addition of proper fore- & hind-paws, proper earless head model, and height slider extension should *all* be within the scope of both the game engine's parameters and the look I am requesting for my character.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
    Why would I want to make a character who won't be the way he's supposed to be until, like, level 35? Why, more specifically, when I'll never be happy enough with the character to get that high?
    I cannot speak for *you*, Sam, but my character concept required that I wait patiently until Amerikatt was Level 26 in order for her to be the way I envisioned her. That's right! I waded through Levels 1-25 just so that Amerikatt could get her Heal Other power, which is the power which means the most to her! I am an ardent roleplayer, after all!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I guess I have to ask: why would you make a character who you KNOW for a fact (at the time of creation) was NOT going to look "the way she is supposed to" and that there was no prospect of her looking that way... and no discussion of that happening?
    The character concept was too good to pass up. I made her as small as I could and role-played her as a cat (correcting anyone who tried to make advances toward her, thinking she was a thrice-accursed catgirl).

    The emphasis on her being a cat was further reinforced through her backstory and any RPing I did on the CoH roleplaying boards.

    Thus, though I have 3 other Level 50's, a Level 46, and a Level 42, Amerikatt remains my favorite character (and the only one who will be receiving the benefits of Incarnatedom)!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    I'm actually curious as to how disappointed the OP would be if a dev addressed them directly and said that not only was this idea not going to happen, but it wasn't even close to being near the radar.

    If they did so, would you resign yourself to your character as they are, or would you simply continue as you are now?
    I would gladly accept the concession of being able to lower the height slider to 1' tall if that is the only way to get AK down to her proper size.

    To answer your question: If a Dev posted what you have suggested, then AK & I would be crestfallen and would take her ball of yarn and go home, where we would be resigned to her fate as an anthropomophized catling.
  16. ((I'm hoping that I'll be able to unlock an Area-of-Effect Healing power, as healing others was the very reason that I picked AK's particular AT.

    Besides, 'The Green Flame' makes her feel closer to 'The Great Mother'!))
  17. I hope that there is an Incarnate 'O' which will let me give better heals more often. The 20% range effect is -- literally -- a Goddess send! My arm's length isn't exactly the greatest!

    Of all my powers, the ability to heal other peeps means the most to me and makes me feel closest to The Great Mother!

    Green Flame FTW!

    [EDIT: Apparently the 'Spiritual' series of Incarnate-O's will give me +33% to Healing and Recharge Rate! YAY! I hope I'll be able to mix-and-match Incarnate-O's so that I can benefit from the END reducers and range extenders in 'Cardiac' as well.]
  18. That is She, Marcian!

    +10 Interwebz for ya!

    ((Thanks for the nice, new wallpaper! hehehe))
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Besides who wants to be a god in one day anyway.
    I am already the most powerful kitten on the planet! Honestly, it makes me *very* uncomfortable when the kitties in my old neighborhood act like a cult of personality around me.

    I'm a simple kitten from the back alleys of King's Row.

    The only solace I find is that I'll be able to serve The Great Mother more fully once I have mastered the Incarnate levels.

    Blessed be the Name of The Great Mother!
  20. I look at this 1st Incarnate level as the equivalent of defeating rats in a n00b zone. The Devs are getting our feet wet for the challenges ahead. If we cannot handle the task forces that many of us have already done ad infinitum in order to collect the components we need, how do we break out of that ennui?

    I imagine that we are going to be faced with greater and greater challenges. As we near Incarnate Level 10, I expect that we can expect challenges rivaling those in ancient mythology. I would not be surprised if the Devs set up raids requiring several dozen player characters vs. a single Divinity-level NPC and His/Her Level 60 minions!
  21. Too many concessions have been given to PvPers at the expense of PvEers. There should have always been 2 system for PvP-able powers, just like the powers on PvP IOs. Certain powers work one way in PvP, some work the same way they normally do in PvE. Seems simple to me.

    I would certainly hope that the costumes would scale down, but I am not a programmer so I do not know the intricacies of scaling things down. I would think it would just need to have its parameters set internally to 1' rather than 4'.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    I'm not at all a PvPer either. I'm just pointing out what I've been told on several occasions when I've had to swallow nerfs to PvE gameplay that were mostly or entirely the result of PvP issues. (I remember when Phase Shift was a power worth taking, for example... years and years ago.)
    Exactly! The PvPers QQ about all sorts of minutae instead of learning to play their classes better. They ruin the PvE experience and could actually throw several monkey wrenches into having the Height Slider lowered to 1' because (whether it's true or not) they *feel* as though *someone* *might* create a character of non-standard height who would challenge them to actually learn how to play properly!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    The first issue that comes to mind is that being that small would have consequences for targeting in PvP. (As if anyone PvPs in this game anymore.) So, probably not.
    As difficult as it may be for people to wrap their brains around this fact, there *are* actually people (like myself) who do not PvP and do not see why every little thing in this game has to be applied with PvPers in mind! By catering to PvPers, the PvE environment has been corrupted!

    Here, I offer a compromise which effects only one system in the CoH engine and someone has to QQ about how it *might* effect PvPers who -- by the poster's own admission -- haved diminished in numbers.

    Allowing the Height Slider to go down to 1' tall will allow me to reset AK's height at 1', 1.5', or even 2', which are all within the normal sizing for cats.
  24. If I *have* to be this silly anthropomorphized feline hybrid thing, can I at least get the height slider lowered to 1', please? Being a 4' tall cat makes me *quite* self-conscious and breaks my immersion!

    Surely, extending the scope of the height slider is within the parameters of the CoH engine ... right?
  25. The trailer makes it look like it's all yucks for bucks. It doesn't have the look that a Green Hornet movie should have.

    I'll reserve judgment until the reviews (and film) are out, but I fully expect this movie to make Halle Berry's version of Catwoman smell like a greenhouse of roses!