I wanna be made of Impervium...




...but would need the impervium pattern (see the cape from the origin pack) for skin pattern

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I would love to see metallic skin like flowing metal.



Sorry, Anti_Proton, but there is room for only *one* 'Imp of Impervium' in the Omniverse, and *I* am she!

Please choose a lesser metal with which to be identified.

I belive that 'The Terror of Tin Foil' is currently available!

(*huggles Anti-Proton, then flies off to rescue Statesman from a tree ... again!*)

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Have you considered the metallic skin with Lines pattern over the whole thing?



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I belive that 'The Terror of Tin Foil' is currently available!
It is on at least Virtue.