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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    I just think you don't have a firm grasp on the definition of what is fun and what is not :P

    *hear's a knock at the door, opens it, and is clonked on the head with a marble rolling pin*

    okay... I asked for that...
    (*waggles eyebrows and then scampers away before Je Saist regains consciousness!*)
  2. I am wondering if, once one of our characters has unlocked a certain Invention System perk (such as gaining more salvage and/or recipe slots), all of our characters on that account will be able to take advantage of the newly unlocked perk.

    I ask because I have a character who has unlocked all new salvage and recipe slots and gained the Portable Workbench accolade, but I do not want to have to go through the expense and tedium of grinding through those items again.

    In a similar vein, I am also wondering if all characters on an account will be able to contribute to gaining the perks and the Portable Workbench.

    I hope that the Devs will consider a retroactive global unlock for the salvage and recipe slots.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impervious Fist View Post
    Recently I just finished my uncommon slot. However, it doesn't let me go on any further. Do I have to do both uncommon slots? Or is that all there is until Issue 20?
    It is my understanding that the Rare and Ultra-Rare enhancers for the Alpha Slot will *not* go live in Issue 19.

    Whether they go live in Issue 20 remains to be seen.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
    People seem unable to grasp that not wanting to do an arc to unlock it isn't even close to wanting it magically unlocked.
    I beg to differ! The road to Incarnatedom is a long and twisting road, and the arc reflects that.

    If you want one -- or all four -- of your characters to receive the benefits of Incarnatedom, then you will have to do the arc. Perhaps do it several times.

    Most importantly, you should have *fun* with it. Fun is what most people seek to derive from playing games. If you want an insta-'I Win' button, then go back to speeding through the rest of the game.

    There are certain milestones in this game and you should strive to reach each of them on at least one of your characters.

    I'm not crazy about having to do the same missions for regular content, but I realize that each of my characters has to undergo her own journey. That's what's important to me as a roleplayer.

    There are some badges, though, that I wish *were* global unlocks. THOSE *are* tedious ... and costly!

    Have fun! Relax! Enjoy yourself!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by [B
    Ironblade[/B]]So, then we shouldn't mention that you can't even access a ton of stuff if you don't buy Going Rogue?
    Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
    Not sure what has to do with any thing since buying Going Rogue isn't a mission. :\
    Ironblade was pointing out that you'll need to purchase the 'Going Rogue' expansion if you want to access the new Praetorian content.

    While I can understand not wanting to do the same missions ad infinitum, ad nauseum, please keep in mind that replayability *is* a feature of this game. Although you are certainly free to pick and choose which game content you do and do not wish to pursue, the fact remains that certain things -- such as capes and auras -- do require that each character undertake that same mission in order to unlock the content. If you don't want a certain character to have a cape or aura, then just don't do the mission.

    Incarnates, on the other hand ...! The journey is the fun part, so enjoy it. Savor it.

    If you want high-level content to be magically unlocked for you, then I have to pose this query:
    Clebstein: I cannot tell by your forum avatar, but are you wearing a white building (with a crescent moon) on your head as well as red flannels?

    Do you know a healer?

    Are they a good healer?

    Can you find the Atlas Park City Hall from the AE building?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenLantern68 View Post
    Katt - I RESPECTFULLY disagree with your broad, sweeping comment.

    And at the risk of starting something flamey, will end it simply by stating as someone who has one of the two GH serials on video, every episode of the 60's GH TV series recorded from an FX marathon nearly 10 years ago, a complete collection of the entire 1990's GH comics series from Now Comics (every series, every issue), I consider myself both with a modicum of sense AND in the know...AND *I* am looking forward to this movie.
    Really? WOW!

    If you and Miss D_R are willing to give this movie a chance, then I *might* actually have to do the same (at least until a reviewer blasts the movie).

    In any case, I'll wait for it to come to the local discount moviehouse.

    Thanks, GL68!
  7. I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well, Miss Cashoo.

    If you continually hug and pet me, though, my Supa-Kitteh Immune System will help accelerate your recovery!

    I'm glad that I could provide such a valuable public service!

    (*huggles Miss Cashoo -- especially her drawing arm*)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Old news.

    From the old i18 leak:

    [Ion Judgement]
    [Pyronic Judgement]
    [Cryonic Judgement]
    [Void Judgement]
    Is there more information about these somewhere?

    I would imagine that Ion = Electricity; Pyronic = Fire; and Cryonic = Cold. None of these fit into my character concept. She'd be very upset about setting someone on fire!

    I hope that she can use Void.

    If none of these are usable by AK, though, would I be able to put a second Alpha ability in the slot?
  9. Happy Birthday, Miss DD!

    (*walks in a circle on the roof of the DD-mobile, then, finding *the* perfect spot, settles in for a nice catnap*)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maiden Marionette View Post
    I'm training to become a chef, and I honestly wouldn't allow any of them to screw up the cooking. However, my BF and I split all chores evenly, so he -will- be doing dishes with me. lol.
    (*walks in a Figure-Eight pattern around Maiden_Marionette's feet, looks up at her, mews plaintively, looks down at the ground, looks back up, then back down at the ground again in the feeble and fragile hope that some yummy noms will 'accidentally' fall toward the floor*)
  11. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, MISS CASHOO (and everyone else)!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pirate Cashoo View Post
    Grower, you were at HeroCon?! Also, I am extremely honored that you enjoy my art!!

    So today is Thanksgiving right? Instead of totally indulging on food and making myself fat for the day, I might as well just give freebies the whole time. So, that's what I'm going to do!! I will be streaming right now for a few hours and then take a break for Thanksgiving dinner with my family, and then I plan to stream again through the night! I won't do any commissions today, instead I want to celebrate this holiday and give stuff away! So come in!! I know most people are probably busy with their families but it'd be cool to at least pop in and maybe get a free drawing!
    Go here:

    Have a happy Thanksgiving!
    (*pops her head out of Miss Cashoo's 'Hello Vahzilok Kitty' backpack, takes a peek around, then lowers her head again and crosses her paws that she wins a pretty picture from Miss Cashoo!*)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
    Wish me luck!
    Good luck, Herold!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    The guy who was "Statesman" Jack Emmert is gone from the company and went to go work on that "other game" so if you want to draw him ... getting his nose batted about by Amerikatt etc I say go for it!
    (*unsheathes her tougher-than-Impervium claws*)

    Scratching time is here!

    ((I love your artz, Lady LoveDie!))

    ((CR: +5 Interwebz for mentioning my name and another +5 Interwebz for suggesting that I be given a shot at Statesguy, who stole elements of his outfit from ... ME!*))
  15. (*wonders if anyone read Post #150*)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    Hissing powers are no match for cute powers.
    True, Leandro! *My* cute power is inherent *and* six-slotted ... with purples!

    +5 Interwebz for ya!

    Today is a day to get together with family and friends and share the things for which we are thankful.

    I, for one, am thankful that I was chosen to guard this beautiful green and blue orb from the insurgency of Naughty Spawns!
  18. As I recall from the 'Web of Arachnos' novel, Marcus and Stefan drank from the Well of the Furies and gained their respective powers.

    The rest of us were affected when Pandora's Box was reopened. That is when the physics of Primal Earth (and its permutations) was changed and potentiality was increased many-fold. It is what Statesman described in the lore as 'unlocking (one's) Inner Will'

    This Event applies across all origins. Magic has returned. The bounds of Science have been pushed back. Mutations have become more prevalent and elevated some sentients to the next stage of evolution. 'Buck Rogers' technologies are now commonplace. Natural potential may be pushed beyond its previous norm.

    Not all of the world's potential recessed into Pandora's Box, although the Dark Ages certainly marked its nadir.

    Let us consider that -- between ancient and modern times -- the power of potential not returned to Pandora's Box was the cause of marked leaps in Human thinking and understanding, thus explaining how both Leonardo and Nemesis could realize their potential before the renewed power was magnified to the Nth degree.

    I do not know what the Devs are going to do to shoehorn the Well of the Furies into the Incarnate lore, nor do I know what 'The Coming Storm' will mean for the game.

    What I *do* know is that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines 'Incarnate' thusly:

    adj \in-ˈkär-nət, -ˌnāt\

    a : invested with bodily and especially human nature and form

    b : made manifest or comprehensible : embodied
    Thus, it would appear that anyone who strives to become the embodiment of their character concept -- the 'paragon' if you will -- may be considered to be that concept personified.

    How else might you explain a mild-mannered kitten becoming the most powerful feline on Earth?

    Granted, the Amerikatt tale *does* span over six millenia, and *does* involve Divine Intervention, but the important thing to remember is that our collective potentials have opened before us and we may now strive to reach the upper limit of that potential.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yes, you can - I'll be taking some jump powers once I respec
    Thanks, Miss Golden! +5 Interwebz for ya!

    I'll still be pretty tight on enhancer slots, but I can at least use the free slot in the 'Fear' power pool to give AK something akin to a 'Hiss' power (even if it's not too strong)!
  20. Hi, Everyone!

    I was just wondering if, with Fitness going inherent, we'll be able to have the equivalent of five Power Pools, using the space vacated by Fitness to choose a new pool?

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pirate Cashoo View Post
    And just an update in general -- I'm visiting my parents out of town today until Sunday. I'll have internet there and the whole good deal. Depending on what time I get to my parents' place I may or may not Livestream tonight. weeee
    (*hides in Miss Cashoo's 'Hello Vazhilok Kitty' backpack so that she can join in any festivities*)

    ((Liz: Nice artz! Good job!))
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Havign watched the trailer for GH, and having *shudder* seen Dumb and Dumber, I have no idea why you get that feeling at all.

    Obviously, they're not planning to make GH as serious as Batman, which from this thread, perhaps that's what the sudio wanted.

    But then if they went that route, it may have flopped for being considered a "Batman Knockoff" :/

    Have to agree though. Boycotting sounds to out there And who knows, you say it now, but when it comes out, people could be OMG this was great!
    Pablum for the mind is still pablum.

    Perhaps you are right that the average moviegoer of a certain age range will simply associate 'The Green Hornet' with the 1960's 'Batman' series.

    However, anyone in the know (and with even a modicum of sense) cannot help but be disappointed in this smouldering tripe and its disrespect for the intellectual property upon which it is supposedly based (or debased in this case).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
    Then I reckon Issue 21 will be Moon Unit Zappa?
    Boishe Moi! Now you've gone and done it, 1van! You've broken the NDA agreement for Issue 21.

    No wonder everyone says that you're crazy, 1van!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Actually, I was sure I'd read about something like that once - but I've never been able to find it - so I think that I must have just imagined it when I first started playing, and was trying to work out how the people we defeated got to the Zig
    I don't know about other superheroines and superheroes, but *I* have several tags in my utility cape.

    After I've defeated a Naughty Spawn, I put the tag on them and activate it. The baddies are teleported to a special cell at the Zig which dampens their powers until they can be properly processed.

    Of course, I understand that not everyone has access to Kytonian technologies, so the general principles may vary for you Furless Ones!