Lady LoveDie's Art Thread




Making a thread that is continually updated seems to be the thing to do around here so I figured I'd saddle up onto that particular bandwagon

Regarding my arts that have canon characters in them, I am hoping there are no rules on the forums that are staunchly opposed to my posting fanart of characters such as Ghost Widow, Recluse, Statesman etc.

I couldn't find anything to that effect anywhere I looked but you never know. Some forums and mods are tetchy about copy writed material, even if no one is making any money or doing anything offensive with them.

p.s I'm not a "likes critique" kind of person. Just how I am. If you want to post them, your call. Freedom of speech and all, just don't expect me to thank you or pay much heed. I could go into an hour long explanation of why I eschew critiques, even ones done with the best of intentions but these days who doesn't have a whole host of ugly baggage in their past?



Crush on Statesman, who, LoveDie? Noooooooooo *cough*



Saira, a very pretty half vampire belonging to CapnGeist



I've posted this one before but I wanted to get all my art in the one spot so, please forgive me for posting it again



Originally Posted by Lady LoveDie View Post
Making a thread that is continually updated seems to be the thing to do around here so I figured I'd saddle up onto that particular bandwagon ...............
Yeah it's what all the cool kids are doing n' stuffz.

Can't speak for NCsoft but many many people have posted fan art of cannon characters including me (although I asked War Witch for her permission before doing this one because she is both a character and a real person/dev) and I've not seen anyone get modsmacked for it yet. This is the official forum so if it could be done anywhere it's here.
If the subject matter is questionable or if you are unsure just PM a mod and ask.

P.S. The guy who was "Statesman" Jack Emmert is gone from the company and went to go work on that "other game" so if you want to draw him getting stepped on by Jack in Irons' big smelly muppet feet... or getting hit by a bus made of enchanted impervium... or getting his nose batted about by Amerikatt etc I say go for it!

...about to be kissed is ok too, I guess.

P.P.S. Yay new artz!

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Thanks for the confirmation, Chris, appreciate it.

"P.S. The guy who was "Statesman" Jack Emmert is gone from the company."

Thats okay, my mains' crush is purely pixel based



Love the piece on Saira, tastefully saucy.

And I think I said this before but I love the tophat on blue lady

Edit: Thought I'd relink your deviantart for those who didn't catch it the first time around.

Hope ya don't mind cause I do love your work ^_^



No problem at all Sensei. The worst anyone if going to see on my DA is a couple of my faux nude modelling shots.



That tends to happen around me, it must be some strange epidemic *looks innocent*



Originally Posted by Lady LoveDie View Post
No problem at all Sensei. The worst anyone if going to see on my DA is a couple of my faux nude modelling shots.

MM Candy.

It's kinda fun to do artistic nudes, isn't it?
I loved doing my mermaid photo, even tho it was in october and cold as heck!



I love it, Neko. I wish more photographers would take an interest in it instead of wanting artless, ugly full nude softcore porn bullsh**

Any idiot can take pictures that'll end up in someones spanking it folder but actually coming up with a concept and making a set and props etc takes talent and motivation.

Something a lot of photographers I encounter are sadly lacking

Which isn't to say full nude can't be artistic, because it absolutely can but there is a large difference between a naked woman on a bed doing stock standard "erotic" positions and a naked woman positioned so that lights and shadows hit her body in an imaginative and beautiful way.

Unfortunately 99% of the photographers I've met don't understand that.



Yeah, my girlfriend was the photographer, so the photoshoot had a big bonus in the end ^^



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
The guy who was "Statesman" Jack Emmert is gone from the company and went to go work on that "other game" so if you want to draw him ... getting his nose batted about by Amerikatt etc I say go for it!
(*unsheathes her tougher-than-Impervium claws*)

Scratching time is here!

((I love your artz, Lady LoveDie!))

((CR: +5 Interwebz for mentioning my name and another +5 Interwebz for suggesting that I be given a shot at Statesguy, who stole elements of his outfit from ... ME!*))

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Yeah, my girlfriend was the photographer, so the photoshoot had a big bonus in the end ^^

Also, god DAMN that musta been cold! *wince* >_O

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



"Yeah, my girlfriend was the photographer, so the photoshoot had a big bonus in the end"

That is awesome, Neko, having a photographer on hand like that. The candy shoot was actually taken by my then casual/ when it was convenient etc girlfriend (think friends with benefits)

I would have liked to have done more shoots with her before we both moved on but only managed 2, the other being fully clothed as an Elf.

"The guy who was "Statesman" Jack Emmert is gone from the company and went to go work on that "other game" so if you want to draw him ... getting his nose batted about by Amerikatt etc I say go for it! "

Personally I don't much care who Statesman was or wasn't outside of City of Villains. As my main, LoveDie exists solely in the online pixel world she knows only of the pixel version of Statesmen.

"((I love your artz, Lady LoveDie!))"

Thank you, Amerikatt, I appreciate that ^_^



1.) LoveDie's art is win




Originally Posted by Lady LoveDie View Post
That is awesome, Neko, having a photographer on hand like that. The candy shoot was actually taken by my then casual/ when it was convenient etc girlfriend (think friends with benefits)

I would have liked to have done more shoots with her before we both moved on but only managed 2, the other being fully clothed as an Elf.
Yeah, only downside is she is 1200 km away so don't see her as often ad i'd like to.

I'd love to see some pics from the elf shoot



Thank you, ShadowWings and I think I can manage that, Neko, let me go see whats still lurking around on my photobucket. Otherwise feel free to drop me a request at Facebook!/profile.php?id=820205600 and you'll find the rest of the "candy/ christmas" shoot as well as the elf pictures under the folder "Gunslinger Photography"



Ah, as I feared, this is the only Elf picture I have handy still.




Also, Die. I'm getting you the screenies by Sunday. Thanksgiving today and I've been busy with redesigning a few characters and such.



No problem, Shadow. Whenever you get the chance, no rush =)



Originally Posted by Lady LoveDie View Post
Ah, as I feared, this is the only Elf picture I have handy still.
Oh crud, knife, she's gonna-
*Looks down*
*Alpha rolled a critical FAIL for his distraction roll, and was stabbed ot death*


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




Love the outfit, specially the necklace.
The pose is ace too.