Fans of Superhero Redesign




If you're a fan or contributor to websites such as Project Rooftop ( ) then you will probably also like this website:

There's still time to submit drawings for their first contest (Robin)! Upcoming redesigns include the X-Men's Angel, Black Cat, and Harley Quinn. Unlike some of the other superhero redesign contest sites, winners at SotM will be chosen by the people who visit the website. The prizes are cool too.

I'm in no way connected to Superhero of the Month, except that I have an entry. But I want more competition! So go, read the rules, submit an entry! I hope to see you there!



I have no way to compete in this, but I do love to see things like this. Thank you for pointing out these websites.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Voting is starting at Superhero of the Month! Be sure to go vote for your favorite Robin!

Also, next month's contest has been announced!

Wish me luck!



There is another contest going on at Superhero of the Month. This time the subject is Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. Check it out!



Mmmnn. Black Cat, my most fav of all the Marvel fems. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN