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Hi, Miss Lexxx!
If you're looking for a sexy heroine, you need look no farther than ... ME!
That's right! Amerikatt -- the Imp of Impervium, the Felony-Foiling Feline Fury, the Kitty Krusader -- is here to save the day!
I kan haz kameo ... pleez?!
[Amerikatt is a Russian Blue cat -- *not* a cat-girl. Although she can think in English, she cannot speak it.]
[She has most of the non-shapeshifting powers of a Level 50 Peacebringer, but is most proud of her single Heal Other power.]
[If you do use her in your comic, I hope that you'll show her flying around healing people (and will have a green glow around her paws when she's doing a 'Laying of Paws' to heal them).]
[If you have any questions about her costume or abilities, please feel free to PM me. Thanks!] -
Quote:Am I reading this properly? We can respec to Inherent Fitness, but we cannot slot it? It will only have the initial freebie slot?I wasn't that thrilled with respecing because of the inherent fitness without new slots.
While it would be nice to regain the slots I used to bolster the Fitness powers when I chose them originally, it would trouble me to lose the efficiency I've gained by multi-slotting them.
Would someone please clarify this matter for me?
P.S. If we used power slots to choose Fitness and several of its sub-powers, will we be able to use those power slots to choose other powers?
Goodness knows, I can use all the powers I can lay my paws upon!
Thanks again! -
Quote:(*hides in Miss Cashoo's 'Hello Vahzilok Kitty' backpack so that she doesn't get left behind in the move*)Arrrgh yes I need to send those people the NSFW picture ASAP, my apologies! I'm packing and moving and all this stuff so it's hard to keep up with things within these next few days. haha
Also just letting you all know that my sub for COH runs out on the 16th!I'm going to try to get one more month...
(*lifts up backpack flap and purrs in Miss Cashoo's ear*) "I luvz yer artz, too!"
(*lowers backpack flap and takes a nap*) -
(*sighs heavily at not being nominated for anything*)
"Wouldn't it be keen if there were dressable cat and kitten models in the 'City of Heroes' game?
"Then Amerikatt might forgive me for repeatedly using Power Suppression on her Flight power at the 6th Anniversary party last April!" -
I have a blood feud going with The Knives of Artemis, since they continually blaspheme and claim to be adherents of The Huntress, another name for The Great Mother, who steadfastly refuses to acknowledge them!
My favorite baddies would have to be the Nemmies! They waste their ammo on me while I critique their lack of sartorial acumen!
My least favorite baddies would be the Malteds! They're more of a nuisance than a Flea Dip, Deworming, AND Furball -- all combined! -
Has there been any word released about whether Kheldians will ever receive access to epic power pools, like all the other archetypes have gotten?
I would be very interested in getting the 'Body Mastery' APP which is currently available only to Scrappers and Stalkers.
I'm also hoping that Kheldians will be able to tint their powers in the near future. -
Thanks for hosting the November Art JAM, VexXxa!
Congratulations and good luck, ChristopherRobin!
(*crosses her paws that December's theme will have something to do with her, such as 'Amerikatt throughout the ages' or 'Amerikatt, Heroine of the City'*)
(*wanders out of this thread more than a bit distraught at becoming a pariah and a bit envious that Arcanaville is so beloved by the masses!*)
Quote:actually, that's a different geko. Eg crashes business conventions in ohio using the name "stanley."Quote:Originally Posted by Amerikatt(*hopes that she'll eventually be quoted by arcanaville so that she can let out a loud squee!*)Quote:Originally Posted by Arcanaville3... 2... 1...
Quote:I have never told anyone -- on the Forums or in-game -- how to play their character.The correct spelling is sycophantic. If you're going to use "big words," I suggest you do it right.
You're still ignoring the implications that your highlighted phrase makes. You are saying, in no uncertain terms, complete with passive aggressive tone, that anyone agreeing with Sam does not value their characters.
You may not be telling me how to play, but you're calling me an insensitive, unfeeling twit for not playing your way.
Further, your statement is now lumping anyone who agrees with Sam into this group of AE exploiters. In fact, you're pretty much claiming anyone with multiple level 50 characters never left the AE building or knows how to play the game.
I have not called you an insensitive twit, either, although you and Sam *are* taking things out of context to support *your* strawman arguments.
I did not lump together the game's myriad players with their diverse playstyles. I simply pointed out that *some* people try to get their characters from Level 1 to Level 50 in the shortest amount of time and that such people often do not understand the intricacies of playing such a character (unless they have played that AT with that specific primary/secondary power set before), they pose a potential danger to team mates, and generally do not have much emotional attachment to the character.
Also, isn't it a bit petty to point out that I misspelled a word? That doesn't exactly give you the moral highground, you know. -
Quote:You are misinterpreting what I said, thus invalidating both of your assertions.First: The only one here twisting words is you, what with your misquoting.
Second: You flat out said that anyone who would go incarnate with multiple characters views them all as valueless pieces of a collection.
The actual exchange (highlighted in aqua) was thus:
Quote:Quote:Originally Posted by Samuel_TowI fully believe that all players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system.
However, your assertion that
Quote:Originally Posted by Samuel_Towall players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system.
If people *want* to have an army of uber-l33t cookie cutter characters, that is certainly their privilege. However, that privilege does *not* extend to demanding that the Devs reduce the time necessary to open the 1-10+ Incarnate slots on *each* of a player's characters.
I have several Level 50 characters who *could* be run through the Incarnate system, but it really only makes sense for Amerikatt to gain Incarnatedom.
Besides, Incarnate status only applies to Incarnate-specific content, which the OP doesn't seem thrilled to unlock for even a single character.
For those of us who enjoy roleplaying, we will choose certain characters to gain Incarnate assention. Just because Batman cannot change the course of mighty rivers does not make him any less viable a character as Superman or Wonder Woman. In their own way, each is an Incarnate (Brain, Brawn, and Heart, respectively).
It is all in how we choose to view our characters. My Natural Martial Arts/Willpower Scrapper is as important to me as Amerikatt, but she is never going to gain Incarnate-level powers to rival Statesman (or even Amerikatt).
Let's just agree to disagree, since Sam and his sychophantic clique are only going to continue to twist my words around so that they can boost their post counts. -
Quote:Sam: When I used the word, 'dilute', I meant it in the context that people will need to work for each gain for each character and should not expect for the grind to be taken away so that all their characters can be insta-Incarnates.People have always been willing to put in the work. We didn't get multiple 50s by sitting on our hands, after all, and no, we didn't get them from monkies, wolves, freaks or what have you. I know I got mine there the hard way.
However - and I will say this again - to claim that Incarnate levels "should not be diluted" to account for people maybe possibly wanting to play another character again in their lives is unreasonable. It runs contrary to the whole rest of the game. It makes no sense for the game to encourage the making of alts if the game won't actually allow you to use those alts all the way to the end.
You assert that the game should be built around focused-character players, when the fact of the matter is it isn't. It never was. New systems, therefore, should not be built with the expectation that people will, in fact, abandon their alts that the same game encouraged them to make.
If anything, the baseline assumption should be that the new system SHOULD be kind to alts, if in no other way than not being openly hostile towards them. At this point in time, it's harder to make the argument that the system should be padded to account for people who will only ever play one character through it.
This is out level cap increase, even if they don't call it that.
I have to wonder why you are twisting my words around and saying that I am advocating a '1 player, 1 character' system which does not take into account that people not only have multiple alts on their account, but actually have multiple *accounts*.
While this discussion helps to boost your post count, it does nothing to stay on topic and has engaged multiple times in unwarranted trolling from you.
Either stay on-topic or find someone else to troll. -
Quote:I am not missing that fact at all.You're missing the fact that this game is designed around making alts. It's not Sam, but the devs that have enforced what Sam has claimed.
However, there is a vast difference between getting several (dozen) alts to Level 50 and getting those alts partially or all the way through the Incarnate system.
For the characters which Sam cited, it makes sense to explore the fullest extent of the CoH game system, which is, at present, the Incarnate content, and to do so multiple times.
For other people, such as myself, such power levels would not be in-character for more than a tiny percentage of their characters.
It really boils down to how much work a person is willing to do to help their character(s) realize their fullest potential.
However, grinding for those Incarnate levels should not be diluted. -
Quote:Sam made a statement in absolute terms:Sam read perfectly well, this is a strawman argument. You are saying that anyone who engages all their characters in this system must view them as valueless pieces in a dusty collection.
Quote:Originally Posted by Samuel_Towall players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system
I countered that argument by asserting that some people prefer to give their characters individuality and do not blindly follow the 'flavor of the month' lemmingry so prevalent amongst a certain strata of game player.
Throughout this thread, I have simply advocated that the Incarnate system may not be right for certain characters. I have *never* told anyone what they *should* do.
The topic of this thread reflects that some people do not care for numbing repetition in order to fulfill an objective. If some people want to grind what is supposed to be the most difficult content currently in-game, I'll certainly not stand in their way. -
Sam: I'm not sure why you're on such a tirade, but you might want to re-read (or even re-reread) what I have actually posted.
I have made no claims of 'fact' for anyone but my own characters. -
Quote:Players are free to engage as many characters as they wish if they have both the time and inclination to do so. That is a personal choice.I fully believe that all players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system.
However, your assertion that
Quote:all players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system
If people *want* to have an army of uber-l33t cookie cutter characters, that is certainly their privilege. However, that privilege does *not* extend to demanding that the Devs reduce the time necessary to open the 1-10+ Incarnate slots on *each* of a player's characters.
I have several Level 50 characters who *could* be run through the Incarnate system, but it really only makes sense for Amerikatt to gain Incarnatedom.
Besides, Incarnate status only applies to Incarnate-specific content, which the OP doesn't seem thrilled to unlock for even a single character. -
Quote:Originally Posted by AmerikattUnlike other, more mainstream content, Incarnate content is not meant to be completed by every character on a person's account. It is meant to be done by a minute sampling of a player's characters.Quote:Wait, says who? I've certainly never seen anything official say anything even remotely close to that.
Quote:Our Incarnate(s) is (are) supposed to be special ... NOT just another n00b in some extradimensional Atlas Park!
Quote:If the player *chooses* to try running all of their characters through all 10-plus levels of the Incarnate system, then they should not belly ache that it is a repetitious grind. That's what it is meant to be.
Quote:Incarnates don't strike me as the thing I'll run forty times, if for no reason other than because I don't have fourty 50s.
If someone has the time to run fifty Level 50s through all ten (or more) levels of Incarnatedom, then more power to them (pun intended).
However, the player should realize that they will be required to grind the equivalent of 500 levels and will not find much sympathy if they grouse about how tedious the process is or how doing one set of Incarnate arcs should unlock Incarnate status for all of their Level 50 characters. -
Quote:He has a Portable Workbench and *does* make all my neat gadgets (like the Orbiting Katt Kave, for instance).Let Poindexter make all the inventions you need, and mail them to the heroic ones?
However, *I* want the salvage and recipe slots.
((I do NOT want to be beholden to someone with Coke-bottle specs held together with tape! I'm Amerikatt! I have an image to uphold!)) -
Quote:What do you expect from a guy who shills for GEICO?!Besides, it could be worse. If it was up to EvilGeko, the solo path to unlock Incarnate progress wouldn't be an arc, it would just be a badge.
Task Force Commander.
(*hopes that she'll eventually be quoted by Arcanaville so that she can let out a loud squee!*) -
Quote:That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO unfair!Nope, all unlocks are per character. You will need to grind them out for each character you wish to have them unlocked on.
All progress is also singularly tracked per character.
I am Amerikatt, darn it! I should be out saving the omniverse, not wasting my time at a stinkin' workbench grinding out stinkin' Inventions!
That's what I keep Poindexter Katt around for! -
Quote:Very true!Point taken, but it's the same as if you want a cape or an aura on every one of your characters. You don't have to, but if you want to, you don't have to like the grind necessarily. That's what i'm saying.
I don't mind putting up with the regular grinds for my characters, but I certainly empathize with the tedium of unlocking the Invention badges which unlock salvage and recipe slots. I cannot imagine the grind and expense of having more than 1 character with the Portable Workbench!
BTW, I apologize, Mr. Angry. The quote of mine that you cited was actually meant for the OP.
(*gives +10 Interwebz to Mr. Angry to make up for her faux pas*) -
Quote:Mr. Angry: Unlike other, more mainstream content, Incarnate content is not meant to be completed by every character on a person's account. It is meant to be done by a minute sampling of a player's characters.I see where my man OP is coming from. Doing the exact same thing over and over and over, even with different characters, gets tiresome. Before they modified it, I came to hate doing the cape mission (don't even ask me about the aura mission). I'm not saying the alpha slot arc should be removed, but I can understand homeboy not wanting to bother with it ad nauseum.
If the player *chooses* to try running all of their characters through all 10-plus levels of the Incarnate system, then they should not belly ache that it is a repetitious grind. That's what it is meant to be.
Our Incarnate(s) is (are) supposed to be special ... NOT just another n00b in some extradimensional Atlas Park!