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  1. No.

    If you have a level 1 power that you don't slot until level 50, it will keep those slots even if you exemplar or malefactor down to level 1 again.

    HOWEVER: enhancements do get degraded if you exemplar down too far, so they won't have the same effect as they would at level 50.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Didn't they say there was 300 billion floating around out there just after they gave us the market?
    No, they didn't. They said that there was about 3 TRILLION.
  3. Aett_Thorn


    Originally Posted by IonMatrix View Post
    Glad to see we have some advertising experts who play COH :O) Yes it can be expensive and then again maybe it isnt. I mean advertising is a tax write off, or at least a bit of it is. Anyway my point is they DO have the cash and they COULD advertise if they wished to do so. Cya.
    "But then again, maybe it isn't" ????? Really? You want them to run a nationwide advertising campaign, and you don't think that would be expensive? Okay then, you fund it.

    And please, let us all in on your inside knowledge of just how much money NCSoft has, and it's expendable budget allocation that would go towards this endeavor.

    Long story short - you don't know what you're talking about.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DSamurai View Post
    no evidence... are you blind? dont even stand there and say that the server numbers are the same as issue 4... if you do you need committing!
    They are down a little from issue 4 right now, last I saw. But they were higher in Issue 6 than they were in issue 4, and I think higher than issue 4 right up until a couple of issues ago, I'm sure. But again, it doesn't seem like you put any more effort into backing up your view than what you have seen during your playtime.

    So again, I'll ask that you find some hard data to back you up, please.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kasual View Post
    1) The point isnt that everyone is better. You can be better in many ways, by having IOs for instance. The difference is that IOs are achievable, whereas this particular vet reward is not. The only way to get it is to wait... for 5 years.
    So it IS achievable. It's just not achievable how you would like it. That's a perfectly fine stance to take. However, at that point, you're still just changing the acquisition method to one which favors you. You can afford the booster pack, so that's a good solution for you. If somebody else can't, then what do they do? Just deal with this "disadvantage" still?

    You don't like the way that you can get it now. You'd like it another way, that could be just as unavailable to some. Why should they have to deal with this disadvantage, when a larger portion of the PvP base has the advantage now, versus the minority now?

    2) See #1. Also, its not about what I think. Yes, I have an opinion. You all are acting like its not possible for someone else to share my opinion.
    I'm sure that others share your opinion on this. That doesn't mean that we can't be entitled to ours. We both have the right to share what we think here.

    3) Yes, an extra power choice makes a huge difference no matter how high level you are. If you would like me to further explain, I'd gladly do it.
    In light of what EmpireForgotten posted above, I'm still not seeing this as a huge advantage, since you still need a lot of the powers just to compete with other hard-core PvPers anyways.

    4) Very true, but this has strayed far from my original argument to the point that I don't really even understand where it came from lol. I'm not saying everyone should have a perfect build, I'm saying that an easier build shouldn't be reserved for only those that have 60 months on their belt.
    I think that we can both agree that that argument has wandered from your point, and to drop it.

    1) A good point. Don't really have a counter-argument other than perhaps make it purchaseable after you've received your 1 year vet reward? Just speculation. I don't really have a solution.
    But then, new players still have this perceived disadvantage. So, that still doesn't completely help you, either.

    2) One power can make a HUGE difference. And again, IOs are achieveable by buying and selling, whereas the vet reward can only be gotten by waiting for 5 years.
    A fully IO'd character has a better power advantage over a new player than a vet with an extra power. I guarantee it. The new player is also probably not going to know how to play the market to get gobs of cash, too.

    3) I understand hasten and combat jumping's usefullness in PvP and why many people would take it anyways.. but the option of skipping it is irreplaceable.
    If you're going to need it anyways, the "option" isn't really there. That's like saying that I don't need a car, but I still need to drive home. The car is optional only insofar as the goals allow it to be.

    5) In PvE its not gamebreaking at all. Remember this post was made in regards to PvP. I agree that if you're ALWAYS losing because of 1 power then something is wrong. However, You'd have a better chance of losing without the extra power than you would with it.
    True, but that disadvantage can be made up for.

    Remember that that extra power choice doesn't free up any slots. I don't know how many powers in PvP are good enough to not put any slots in, other than some of the prereqs. Any primary/secondary power that you get in their place is probably going to need slots to be any good in PvP, at which point you've put yourself at a disadvantage, as well as at an advantage.

    6) A good point, but I'd still rather it be available to those of us that are farther down the line. I'd much rather it be available by payment too, because then it means that if someone really wants it they can get it.
    Not always, especially in this economy. $15 a month is fairly easy to swing. But for some people, even probably some of the PvPers, another cost on top of that to be able to compete might not be an option. So again, all that you've done is change who has the advantage, not that there is an advantage.
  6. Aett_Thorn

    Ice/Ice baby!

    Originally Posted by jonnycash View Post
    Thinking of starting an ice tank, since its easy to soft cap lethal/smashing def. Got an idea of what i want in mids, the numbers look good but i got 2 questions.

    1. Is it fun to play?

    2. Any problems with certain enemys? (its lacking in resists)

    Any other info would be very helpful, could post my build but want iron out a few things first. thanks all
    1) I always had fun playing mine, and that was before IOs or anything like that came out. It is low on damage until about level 38, though. Still, good control, and good defenses, plus near-unlimited endurance past level 27 or so.

    2) Enemies with large +ToHit values are always tough, so the DE quartzes, and the Rularuu eyeballs can be a pain. Things like that. Fire-using enemies can sometimes be tough, but not overly so, I've found.
  7. First off, welcome to the game and the forums!

    However, I'm not a fan of anything being origin-locked. There are many RP reasons why a tech-origin character might want something more magic or natural looking, especially in something as small as a costume change emote.

    New costume change emotes? Sure. Tying them to origin? I'm going to have to vote nay.
  8. Aett_Thorn


    Originally Posted by IonMatrix View Post
    I have noticed a serious drop in player numbers on virtue since the release of AION. I have seen it said that the Devs love COX and want to see it continue to thrive. Well to be honest its kind of hard to believe this when NCsoft never advertises for COX on either Television or radio. There does not seem to be any drive at all really to drive up player numbers in any way other than the 14 day free trial or player based invites. Now seriously guys we pay to play the game please take a more responsible role in getting the information out there. Youtube does not cut it. There NEEDS to be a Television Presence because just about everyone I know has no idea what COH is. You guys say you want this venue to thrive? hmm doesn't seem like it. Please quit relying on us, "the players" who grant you our presence and pay you our cash to do your advertising for you. So grab some pencils dev boys and girls and get to work proving to me and all of us really, that you want COH to survive the new onslaught of games coming down the pike. Cya
    And the company gets the money to advertise nationally...where?

    WoW was able to do it because it was Blizzard, who had had many successful games before WoW. And they had millions of subscribers to back up the investment, too.

    Games that you see advertised on TV, for either the XBox, PS3, or other game systems usually are due to the fact that the company has been very successful with products in the past. EA is now huge, and can advertise a lot. NCSoft, not so much in the American market.

    And yeah, this is far from a tech issue or bug.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kasual View Post
    1) I'm aware of this, but for someone that either just comes to the game or that makes a new account you can't deny how discouraging it is that many people will be better than you just because of their subscription time.

    2) I gotta be honest, I don't think that this game will be aroudn for another 60 months.. and if it is I doubt I or any other new player will be playing it. No offense.

    3) Yes, they do. But apparently tight builds dont come with tough decisions for those who play for 60+ months?

    4) Some holes can't always be filled, nor can you always find a team that can fill them if you're looking for some "pick-up" PvP.
    1) I've yet to get this argument. In pretty much every game, someone who comes to the party 5+ years late should know that they probably won't have everything that someone who has been here the whole time has. I would never come to a game this old, completely new, and expect to be instantly on the same footing as a 5+ year vet.

    2) Okay, so we should start selling Vet rewards because you might not be here to see them the same way that everyone else who has them did?

    3) At 60+ months, you've probably found other ways to do things that an extra power choice probably isn't as helpful. If you take the extra power choice at all.

    4) You're assuming that every hole should be filled in PvP. A good team should always beat a pick-up team, for instance. And having holes allows you to beat other people, as well as allowing you to be beaten.

    1) How can this possibly have a negative effect on PvE? I seriously doubt that the availability of an extra power, for someone on your team or otherwise, can hurt your experience in any way.

    2) But then, because of this, those that do have it have a large advantage over the rest of the people that PvP.

    3) Just because you wouldn't use the extra power availability, doesn't mean others shouldn't be able to.

    4) You can already purchase an extra character slot, which is given out through vet rewards. Does this mean that that is also a wasted effort?

    5) I understand this, but then why did they give them such a potentially game-breaking "thank you"?

    6) Having this available in a booster pack will by no means give someone PvP skills, just as if someone pays for Powerleveling through an illegal service doesn't make them gain PvP skills.
    1) I never said that they would have a negative effect on PvE, just that they would have an effect. There's already a lot of ways to get around, making travel way too easy in some cases. Making it even easier isn't always the way to go, especially for newer players, who could probably use some time to explore the city.

    2) I fail to see how one power constitutes a large advantage. I would think that IOs would be a larger skew in the power scheme of PvP than one more power.

    3) I agree. I was merely pointing out that it's not as game-breaking as you might think. I know a decent amount of people that have this ability in-game, and very few who actually use it to skip powers entirely.

    4) No, because the character slots can be stacked. This couldn't be. It would be the same thing, which would mean you'd get nothing later on, whereas if you buy a character slot, you can still get them through Vet rewards.

    5) Seriously, please show me how getting a travel power earlier is "game-breaking." I think that you are vastly over-emphasizing the effects that this Vet reward has. Maybe in PvP it helps more than in PvE, but again, if you're losing because of one power, there's something else wrong.

    6) No, it won't automatically give the player PvP skills. But it would only change who has the "advantage." It wouldn't eliminate the advantage being there, just change who has it from Vets to people who can afford it.

    I knew that these exact arguments would come up, but I feel as though they're heavily biased (even though you say they're not).
    That's fine to feel that way, but it doesn't make it true.
  10. I think that this would be almost impossible to balance in the game as it is now, especially with IOs in the picture.

    Can you imagine how easy something like "surviving damage" would be for a Tanker or a Scrapper, as compared to something like a Blaster, especially in terms of whole health bars worth of health?

    Wiping out enemies in a brief period would already be easy for damage-heavy ATs, who would then get more damage, but would be much, much harder for something like an Ice/Emp Controller.

    I think that the systems that we have now work better, and a lot easier, than a system like this, sorry.
  11. First off, I'm not just shooting you down because I have the 60-month reward, though I do have it. I'd still shoot this idea down even if I didn't have it.

    I'm going to /unsign this idea, for the following reasons:

    1) You're basing a decision on a relatively small proportion of the game's population, that can affect a larger portion of the population.

    2) Having it as the 60-month reward keeps it from being too useful in PvP, as most people don't have it.

    3) I have yet to have a character on my account with it not pick up another power choice from the power pool anyways, but I merely switch the order of them around. As such, I have no characters that have freed up a power choice on it, though I guess I could if I wanted to.

    4) Having it be purchasable would mean a wasted vet reward down the line. What I mean is, if you have a player with 54 months of Vet time, and they buy it, at the 60-month mark, they get very little at that point. Which kind of invalidates the Vet Reward system.

    5) Having any Vet reward be purchasable has the potential to start a slippery slope, which could potentially lessen wheat the rewards mean, and what they were for in the fist place, which was a "thank you" gift to those who had stuck around for a while and kept the game going.

    6) Having it be purchasable, and usable in PvP, changes the mechanics from whoever has spent more play-time in the game, or at least enough time to develop some good PvP skills, to whoever can afford this booster pack.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Seems like it happens a lot at random, and some foes which are knocked up at even con get knocked back when they're one or two levels below you. I just tried out my axe Tank and dinged while street sweeping, and suddenly the Lost I was fighting started getting randomly knocked back.
    Working as intended. When fighting foes beneath your level, your powers are stronger. This includes the magnitude of knockback effects. As such, that 0.67 KB can go above 0.75 KB Mag, which I believe is the threshold for becoming KB versus KD.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DSamurai View Post

    There is no population on ANY of the servers compaired to how they use to be...

    The game was killed in issue 5 and 6, its been on life support since, they turned that down to with this MA/AE stuff, which lost even more ppl (I know because both my sons stopped playing their accounts)

    Only time will tell if the pops will ever come back, maybe they will start server merging soon?
    I love posts with completely no evidence behind them. They really make my morning.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    There's a difference between setting the scale of an entity and changing the scale of an entity...much less doing that via the powers system.

    I can make a 400 foot tall fire imp in about 10 seconds by changing a couple of values in a script. But I can't do that via a power, I can't make the imp actually grow to be 400 foot, there's nothing to prevent me from doing that in an office map or while standing under an overpass, and there's nothing to fix the dozens of different problems that come from having a giant anything in the game...much less a giant something that's player controlled.
    You heard it first here, folks: BABs is working on a 400 ft Fire Imp as the next Giant Monster!
  15. Archani - sine your question has been pretty well covered, there's only one thing left for me to say:

    Welcome to the game!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scotty_Rage View Post
    Broadsword Brutes. Villains deserve to have an AT with the ability to use Broadsword AND Shield, and honestly, it never made sense to give the Broadsword to Stalkers to begin with. Honestly, who do you picture more with a Broadsword? A sneaky guy or a hulking barbarian? Just my humble opinion.
    Considering how varied the types of swords are that technically fit under the category of "Broadsword?" Either one, really.
  17. The problem with making a new inherent for Tankers is this: we have too wide a variety of primaries to really help all equally. I know that that might not be a huge concern for some, but some of the ideas here show exactly what I'm talking about.

    For the "Critical Resistance" idea, this helps Defense-based sets more than Resistance-based sets. Why? Because the Resistance-based sets already will mitigate most of the damage anyways, whereas the Defense-based sets will likely not. So, the Defense-based set will get more bang for the buck out of the critical resistance.

    The -ToHit will similarly help some sets more than others. Defense-based sets that can get you close to the soft cap will benefit from this more than a Resistance-based set that grants little or no Defense (like Fire Armor or Dark Armor), because of how the ToHit formula works. Getting a Defense-based set to the Soft cap of Defense (of which, a -ToHit effect would help in a similar fashion as +Def) would grant them a huge benefit, but would not do much to help the Resistance-based set.

    A scaling Aggro cap might help Tankers out in regards to Brutes (and I agree with a poster above that Brutes never should have been given Tanker caps on anything). However, it does little to help a Tanker solo, which seems to be where they have more problems.

    So, the question is, how do you create an inherent that helps both Resistance-based and Defense-based sets relatively equally, while also helping out both the teamed and solo Tanker?

    Since I don't want to be completely negative in this post, I'll propose the following idea:

    Stand Fast

    Like Domination or Fury, this becomes a new inherent for Tankers that increases the more that the Tanker attacks or gets attacked (probably will raise and lower more along the speed of Domination though, instead of Fury). When activated, this increases the Tankers protection and resistance against Mez effects (useful in certain situations), and also increases their Regen and Recovery.

    Now, why Regen and Recovery? Well, Regen helps both Def-based and Resistance-based sets relatively equally, in my eyes. It might help Resistance-based sets a little more, since they tend to give the Tanker more time to heal, but with Defense, you should have more time to heal between each hit. Recovery, because Tanker DPE is pretty bad, so this could help there. There are a few scenarios out there where Mez effects can break through even the Tanker mez protection powers (Ghost Widow, going up against a lot of stunning foes, etc.), so putting a moderate increase to the Tanker for Mez protection and resistance could help out as well.
  18. Aett_Thorn

    Alternate Damage

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Pretty much guarenteed to not happen for existing sets.
    Why? They are balanced as they are, and re-working them would be a lot of work and manpower for something that, potentially, could unbalance it all.
    This. Dual Pistols is going to be specifically balanced for being able to change damage types. The other sets would need to be completely reworked to get this to work for them. It's not just as easy as saying that if you change their damage type, 50% is the original damage type, and 50% is the new damage type. This is due to the fact that different damage types are less resisted than others in the game.

    Most sets currently in the game are balanced around that. Changing that up would mean changing every powerset individually, and I just don't think that it's worth it.

    Maybe add more damage Proc IOs that do different damage types, but that's about it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    Doing the "On the Run" arc with my WS and there is an APB out on my character and I though, "This would be a good arc to have the PPD in." Outside of the Safeguard missions, you really dont see much of them at all.
    Yes, it would be. But it was written before those Mobs existed. Still, it would be fun to put them in!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Pleeease? lol

    [either as a stand-alone or as an AT addition]
    And why would the people in charge of Mid's, who don't work for this game, go through all of that work?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    That one, and Shadow Shard Nemesis. Yes. Those two.
    Well, Shadow Shard Nemesis is actually just a "Reflections Pizza" delivery guy, and is actually quite nice if you tip him well enough.
  22. IIRC, no, they are not. But neither are they affected by debuffs, either.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    I've already given examples. You don't want to accept those examples. IO bonuses have little to do with skill and or experience and more to do with giving the player an advantage over SOed builds which the current system utilizes as its framework.

    Perhaps it isn't the "best" however it's the quickest solution "I feel" to balance IO bonuses for a SO system. the other solution would be to rework the entire mission and TF system to compensate for IO's and set bonuses. That seems like much more work.

    Do I really need to explain why reducing set bonuses would make running missions and TFs more challenging?
    You have given anecdotal evidence, which can easily be countered with anecdotal evidence the other way. You say that these things have happened, I can say that they don't happen all that often. If the chance of occurrence is low, then the problem is not really something that the Devs need to address, especially if it's just player action involved, and not a game mechanic that is enforcing it.

    You do not need to explain how reducing set bonuses would make the game more challenging. What you need to explain is why the game needs to be more challenging, and if it does, why player choices shouldn't come into play. The game has a wide variety of challenge settings already. Why should those who choose to build in such a way so as to minimize the challenge be forced to play to what you can build?

    You've been told already in this thread that if GR was brought into the PvE game, how the entire slew of enemies would need to be reworked for it, and how all of the player powers would need to be reworked because of it, and how the Devs have tried it, seen the numbers, and have said that it's not going to happen because of all the work involved (plus how the players would react), and yet you still say that it would be less work than other options. I fail to see how you can come to that conclusion, when you have no evidence to back it up, and everything that we've heard from the devs has the exact opposite conclusion.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    You either aren't reading or I can't compel you to agree with my argument. That's all.

    Reducing the benefits of IO bonuses isn't impossible in PvE and that's what I've been suggesting by implementing a Diminishing returns feature.

    I believe by adding a diminishing return feature it will make the game much more challenging. It would also shallow the gulf between those that don't have IOs and those that do.

    That has been my argument.

    You're free to disagree.
    However, you have yet to demonstate why the gulf between those who have IOs and those who don't needs to be shallowed.

    You have also yet to show why your idea is the best, or even a better, choice for making the game more challenging.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    I thought hover was the standing in air animation.
    Same as Flight. No powers work while 'moving' with Flight. They all force you into a 'standing in the air' starting point.