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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Are you trying to log into Atlas Park?
    I believe the character was in Talos Island, if I'm not mistaken. It might also be in Independence Port, since the last thing I remember doing with her was an STF. Not sure, though--I began seeing red after the 3rd time.

  2. I got into a queue of 155, waited all the way until I got to my character selection screen, tried to log on to my Sonic/Sonic Defender, and the game froze for a couple of minutes and then gave me a "lost connection to DBServer" message.

    Rinse and repeat 5 times, and you'll have a better picture of what launch day was like for me.

    I'll play when things have settled down a bit.

  3. They may be having a major problem with that server right now, because I've just waited through the queue system TWICE for extended periods of time, and both times I finally got to my character selection screen, I clicked "enter Paragon City," and the game froze and then eventually gave me the "lost connection do DBServer" message.

    Time for me to start playing another game until all this stuff settles down!

  4. Every time someone complains about PPP customization or access to more APPs, a Kheldian somewhere dies a little inside.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    Point of order. The game economy is not server based.
    His server would be have its own rules. All rules would be exclusive to him, including forum rules--sort of like it is now.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    How about we give the EU servers Freedom and in return you give us Union, Zukunft, and Defiant.
    LoL, someone on Freedom must have really **** in your cereal... Please tell me their name, so I can shake their hand!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Looks more to me like proof that Freedom is overpopulated and should have it's population split up. Maybe they could move Freedom players to the French server.
    And we could move you to your own server where you could provide your own economy, start your own Hami raids, and even play with yourself. You could even create your own boards where you could post and laugh at your own jokes! Doesn't that sound fun? C'mon.... follow the white light... That's it... There 'ya go... You're gonna love it!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    Hmm, bummer on the power pools.
    Word. Means HEATs/VEATs are never getting it at all.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    Anyone who thinks GR will launch early, given that people using the market aren't expecting it to go live tomorrow, given that retailers won't be selling boxes until tomorrow, etc., is probably a tad delusional. You'd piss a lot of people off.

    Move along, nothing to see here <Directs people towards the pub>
    The people using the market knew a long time ago that there would be a 5 hour maintenance today. If they are smart, they will have already done their business before today.

    I've already got everything I had in WWs out by now.

    Sometimes it pays to use brains. Sometimes.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dior_union View Post
    why dont we all just go down the pub and have a beer
    As long as you're buying... I have no money right now otherwise... XD

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm going to keep being a "negative Nancy" as long as people keep suggesting technology and techniques that GIVE ME A HEADACHE! I tried to view the 3D perspective in the link you provided, and it makes my eyes HURT. I can't cross my eyes consistently, because it hurts the muscles in my eyes, and when anything inside my skull hurts, my head begins throbbing. Not only that, but after trying to see your 3D for a while, I managed to unfocus my idle vision and needed some rest time just to be able to see straight again.

    I don't want technology which requires me to suffer through pain, possibly incur permanent damage as I already have from forcing my eyes too far to the side one too many times, and fight through "training" just to be able to see the god damn thing. I would sooner take filter lens 3D over this crap, because while filter lens 3D gives me headaches, at least it doesn't damage my eyes as far as I can tell, and I'm able to see normally just as soon as I take off the glasses.

    And I HATE filter lens 3D. My eyes are very capable of telling the difference between actual depth perception and optical illusion, which is what gives me headaches. I'd much sooner deal with flat 3D or Lisar's cheating flat 3D technology than anything which tries to fool my brain into seeing depth that isn't there.


    Yeah, I'll admit. Your link giving me a headache that lasted me THAT ENTIRE DAY may have coloured the tone of my reply.
    While your posts normally have great content and intelligent points, I can see none here.

    Adding features only gives everyone more options. Take "ultra mode" for example. Did the devs adding it completely lock out the people that play on low-end systems?


    It just "enhanced" the experience for those that were able to experience it. Everyone else continued playing as normal.

    It's the same with this technology. Another great example of this is the game Resident Evil 5 for PC. The game is designed so if you want to view it in 3D with NVIDIA's 3D system, you can (and BOY, does it POP!!! I tried it at Comic-Con 2009)... But, if you don't want to, you're not "excluded" from playing the game. I have the game for my computer, but I don't have any sort of 3D system to take advantage of those features. Does that "ruin" the game for me?


    Does it make the game look really bad if I don't have glasses on?


    I'm sorry, but posts like that come off as extremely selfish, near-sighted (pardon the pun), and close-minded.

    If they added a feature like that to this game, do you think it would affect your experience playing at all, if you chose not to utilize it?

    Not in any way, shape, or form.

    You either choose to use it, or you don't.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

  12. Back in my day, there was no power customization for Khelds...



  13. I remember when you took over responsibility for Mid's, and looking back, I'd have to say that you've done one heck of a job.

    Thank you very much from all my friends and I, who, I can tell you spend nearly as many hours in Mid's as they do in the game--sometimes both are up simultaneously.

    Best of luck to you, and we appreciate the hard work you've put into it so people like me can have their gaming experience enhanced.

  14. Interesting info there, Big Soto... I need to take another look at my alternate build for my PB now.

  15. That's pretty sweet! Thanks for sharing. I'd request for this to be added/moved to the bind sticky we already have.

  16. AlienOne

    Side Swapping


    I tested it.

  17. Holy Frick.

    I'd love to get that for my 2nd build on AlienOne (his tri-form build), but I sure as hell am not a casual player....I basically wrote the guide for purpling out a Warshade! (haha)

    Seriously though, it's awesome to see someone do something like this for the Kheld community. I think this is great! A friend I know has been working on his Warshade for months and months now, and I just told him about it, so maybe he'll give it a shot.

    Good luck to everyone involved!

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    i also finally finished the 100 mil dmg badge (i been nearly constantly dmg farming at least 2-4 days a week since i started this thread)

    i finished the 25 and 50 mil before summer started and it took nearly all summer to finish the 100 mil

    a LARGE reason why it took 5 months to finish those badges is due to hp bonuses (which i think is the biggest issue with the dmg badges is that they dont count credit at all or dont count it correctly)

    i was running herostats while i was dmg farming so i could actually see how much i was losing, in an 8 hour period of dmg farming, i was taking ~8 mil dmg, but i was losing about half off that due to hp bonuses, so i was making 3-5 mil in dmg badge credit instead of the ~8 mil total dmg that i took

    when you add that up, if i did say 10 sessions of 8 hours of gaining ~8 mil dmg per session

    total dmg taken over 10 sessions: ~80 mil
    total badge credit over the sessions: ~40 mil
    lost credit due to hp bonuses: ~40 mil

    which in that case i would then have to do ANOTHER 10 sessions of dmg farming to get to the original 80 mil dmg that i could have gotten if hp bonus issues didnt exist

    hence the tedious issues because its taking approximately twice as long as it should to earn said badges
    Yeah, that's just ridiculous. I have 2 "badger" toons, and I haven't been motivated at ALL to get that badge. Just not worth it.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    To be fair to the guy, this might be his first time experiencing this. He reg'd in March of '09 and there's been what? Only one or two pre-downloads since then? And he might not have been subbed at that time to begin with.
    I wouldn't do the the facepalm thing to a new person... He's a vet and a fellow mod of several popular Freedom global channels, so I figured he was just having a "doh!" moment....XD

    I mean, take me for instance... I've been playing for 5 and a half years, and I didn't reg on these boards until 2008 if that tells 'ya anything...

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Especially on the TFs I run all the time, yes, I know where everything ends up.
    Yup, and I know all the zone shortcuts as well during a TF to the point where that combined with my memorization of all the maps, I can usually have a clicky (glowie) mission done before most of the rest of the team even gets to the zone where the mission is...

    Even a rescue mission like the the Kings Row rescue mission in the Manticore TF I can usually have done before anyone zones into the map. It's just that automatic by now....XD

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    The only person I know with that many posts hasn't ever contributed helpful information/content that I'm aware of.
    lol, I wondered if anyone was going to "get" that....

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
    I logged out just a couple minutes ago and my updater automagically started downloading something that is 672MB. Anyone know what it might be?

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Now. Look to the left. See that reg date? I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.) However, for me it's pretty accurate.
    MB, I like 'ya and all, but I'd have to say to most people (especially me), that info to the left doesn't mean a darn thing "important." Anyone who points to that gives me the impression that they're a self-important pompous *****, and has some sort of self-esteem issues going on.

    I've been playing for over 5 years myself, but, you'd never be able to tell that from my reg. date or post count. Some people just don't participate on the boards as much. Could be any reason. Might even be a good one.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm actually on your side on the issue of someone flat out instulting one of the people willing to take the time out and answer his/her question. That's just ridiculous, and some righteous anger is only natural. Someone asks for help, and then ridicules someone for helping him? That's ignorant.

    But, so is pointing to your reg. date and post count.

    Someone who has 825 posts may actually contribute more helpful information/content to the boards than someone who has 45,000+ posts.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    I learned how to ID trolls and others who just wanted to start arguments to make themselves feel powerful.
    Dude, it's not cool to call me out like that.

    Also, it's my job to point out NG's shortcomings, not yours. :P

    Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
    okay I realize my opinion here may not be the most popular one but I frequent a good number of forums, and people who usually leave the "I'm leaving" threads typically do it for attention.
    And by posting that, you just bumped his thread!

    ...oh, wait... So did I!
