New form switching bind




I also posted this information in the sticky thread about kheld binds. However I am re posting it here just to draw more attention as I'm sure a lot of you will find this useful.

/bind [key] "+down$$powexec_auto stygian circle$$powexec_name black dwarf"

Simply when you hold down the bound key you will drop out of dwarf form and use stygian circle and when you release the key you will pop back into dwarf form. As an added kicker it also removes the auto power from stygian circle so it will work properly the next time as well!

/bind [key] "+down$$target_custom_next enemy defeated$$powexec_auto dark extraction$$powexec_name black dwarf"

This one is the same idea except it will target a downed enemy and summon a fluffy! and as soon as that long summoning animation is done you will go right back to dwarf form.

there are several other variations on this theme but im just posting the 2 above to get the idea across.

@Dremster Wrecking Crew / Guardian