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  1. For some the closing this week will feel like the loss of a friend (or a hub of many friends), and you have to especially feel for shut-ins or those with disabilities who used this as a social portal.

    I do know the mere thought of anything related to religion is not some people's cup of tea, understandably, but in full disclosure for many years I shared information about the Bible as a full time minister, although I wasn't in 04 when this game got my attention.

    So, not trying to offend anyone, but for those so inclined who may feel a level of distress this week, even if you haven't done so for some time maybe try prayer and perhaps using gods name. >

    My intention is only to be helpful, I unexpectedly met my wife through this game and we both felt bad when the closing news posted, though we do look forward to happier things so that's helped us weather the various unforeseen happenings life throws at us all daily.

    At any rate, we both hope this one door closing opens new prospects and adventures in real life to each of you and your families who me and my wife have crossed paths with over the years, and we wish you all good things and full lives.

    Brett & Nina.

    A couple of comforting articles I came across. > >
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheRing View Post
    Your girdle was showing

    I know the character names of everyone there, I was such a nerd.

    Good times had been had, if anyone gets nostalgic ><
  3. Good times were had, I hope all the best for each of you I've come in contact with through the years.

    Change can sometimes lead to pleasant surprises, so here's hoping it does for all of you.


    /for those who didn't know us, me and my wife.
  4. Acemace


    Originally Posted by Marut View Post
    To all of you that have made the last 8 years here an unforgettable experience, thank each and every one of you for being my hero.

    Though it was unexpected I got a beautiful wife out of my time in this little pixel fantasy, so well worth the price of subscription.

    For those who don't know us;

    Many fun times were had and real life chugs on, we have the r/l emails of a few of you so don't be strangers -businessfsu@hotmail if you ever feel the need to contact us for some reason-.

    For some this little worlds closing might open the door for some other r/l activity opening, you never know.

    "They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."

    And to anyone so inclined my favorite scripture, psalms 19:1-14.

    Hoping all the best for each of you me and my wife have crossed paths with through the years.

    -Brett & Nina.
  5. NOW you start posting!
    Twas a good time and I have some of your r/l emails so don't be strangers.
  6. TT, not to be confused with 'Bruising Brute Wednesdays' or any other variation, this one actually lasted longer then two months, ninety four months and counting //insert gloat//. Happy Tanking.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
    the movie is in the nineteenth century China,
    That seems irrelevant =] but the movie looks like the typical QT slasher popcorn flick worth a view or a rent.
  8. Acemace

    Who do you miss?

    4shes, BlackTabby, SteelDominator, & familystone.


    Oh, nm.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Other people paying to win in this game just helps me win more.

    Prices on the AH drop. Teammates get better builds. I complete more TFs faster. The game gets more development funding.

    "Pay to win" in this game means nobody loses.

    Basically the way I view the concept, particularly with a niche product as long in the tooth as this is (yet still lively and fun mind you), I'm not cut to the quick by one monther johnnyhotcakes equaling or surpassing the stats on my toon that may have taken many months acquiring accolades-ios-incarnates to achieve. It can potentially lead to better pugs with fewer deaths and faster progress.

    As far as any other ramifications emanating from pay/win I'll leave that to others to ruminate over.
  10. I disagree with everyone in here, the game's gotten better but the threads started in this section have gotten worse.
  11. Acemace

    Rules for TT

    This should be made into a movie, The Three Simple Rules, or alternately Kick A$$ Tuesday Rulz! I wonder if michael bay is available.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    A "reboot" would pretty much kill the game dead on the spot. Sure, there are inconsistencies NOW, but a lot of the old content still holds up. Doing a reboot will just wipe out said old content that I'm pretty much mostly sticking to these days and I don't trust our writers to replace it with anything better.

    The game can still keep its level-based timeline consistent if only our writers actually tried. Even if you need to ret-con things, then at least make sure to ret-con then completely, not just shove a new contradicting story in. If you have to, use Ouroboros as an excuse.

    "We saw a timeline where Angus McQueen's efforts prevented the second Rikti Invasion, but now someone has tampered with the timeline and it happened anyway. Angus is now working with heroes to try and stem the tide, instead. The old timeline still exists as an echo, however. I have seen it in the crystal of ice and flame."
    Although clearly not in favor of any story rebooting, to a huge chunk of players narrative continuity matters far less then knowing where the best spots are to get through various level ranges.

    Altogether a different case in the make up on the boards of course, but in that silly hypothetical if upgrades came (world, system, content) at the expense of story continuity, there would be far fewer irrevocably turned off by a jumbled narrative over those satisfied with the new shiny.

    It doesn't dismiss your point, there have always simply been a minority of players who actually read the story though, present company excluded naturally. ;]
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
    Skyway City was always the less preferred choice between it and Steel Canyon, but the death warrant was signed when it was Steel that got the Auction House and University. Skyway as it is now just gives the illusion of choice. It's not a choice, you go to Steel Canyon and that's that.

    Personally it was always a boring map, and sharing the same level range with more interesting Steel Canyon equates to useless "diversity".

    'Oh, it connects to an empty pvp zone' is an underwhelming selling point.
  14. This guy..


    But the casual gamer nah, heck my 65 yro father still loves gaming.
    That's not to say that if that's the most prominent thing you've got going on in your life that you wouldn't regret not sampling more of what life offers when you are at a point where you're no longer able to.
  15. Acemace


    *Some adult language*
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I blame the Japanese for that.

    1. Fish Ice Cream. Something must smell fishy about ice cream flavored with saury – a saltwater fish popular in Japan. But there’s no worries about that with this offering from Kimura Shoten as the fishy fumes have been drowned out by liberal doses of brandy.

    2. Octopus Ice Cream. Want to tantalize your taste buds with a tentacle? If so, Octopus Ice Cream is the solution. The Japanese have been able to come up with an amazing variety of uses for octopus, ranging from delicacy to porno movie prop. Little wonder then that octopus has found its way into ice cream.

    3. Squid Ice Cream. Not wanting to give Octopus Ice Cream a leg-up, Kimura Shoten used the extra legs available to step forward with squid flavored ice cream.

    4. Ox Tongue Ice Cream. What better way to tickle your taste buds than with another tongue? Though Ox Tongue Ice Cream may not be the first delicacy to come to mind, its taste is nothing to have a beef with.

    5. Sweet Potato Ice Cream. Sweet potatoes have a reputation in Japan for causing flatulence. Mention Sweet Potato Ice Cream though, and it’s more likely to induce nausea.

    6. Fried Eggplant Ice Cream. Eggplant is a mainstay of the Japanese diet, appearing regularly on such dishes as pizza and in sandwiches. Becoming an ice cream flavor was merely a matter of time.

    7. Crab Ice Cream. Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost prefecture, is renowned for its rich array of seafood, prime amongst the delicacies being crab. Though not everybody’s favorite ice cream flavor, this is a dish worth sinking your claws into

    8. Corn Ice Cream. Corn has managed to wrangle its way into many dishes in Japan, notably pizza and ramen noodles. Having been so successful in other culinary fields, nothing was going to stop the development of corn ice cream.

    9. Koshihikari Rice Ice Cream. A strong local preference for Japan’s favorite rice, koshihikari, has long prevented foreign farmers from gaining a foothold in the lucrative Japanese rice market. Koshihikari is also used to make some of Japan’s finest sake. But koshihikari is one rice strain that is something of a strain to stomach when used in ice cream.

    10. Wasabi Ice Cream. Sushi gets its punch from the horseradish paste known in Japanese as wasabi. While its tingling taste makes a delightful addition to raw fish, wasabi’s tangy flavor also makes for a surprisingly edible ice cream.

    11. Shrimp Ice Cream. Most people would be filing a report with their local health authorities if they dug up the corpse of a shrimp from their ice cream, but with this product from Roman Holiday, it’s standard practice. The image Shrimp Ice Cream probably conjures up amongst most people probably comes closest to the actual taste.

    12. Eel Ice Cream. Eel is a summer delicacy in Japan, which probably explains why Futaba decided to use it to flavor an ice cream. Surprisingly, the smooth taste is quite palatable, even if the thought of what’s being eaten is not quite as palatable.

    13. Nagoya Noodle Ice Cream. Some would think you’d be off your noodle to imbibe an ice cream flavor such as this. Fortunately, Chakkiri Musume Honten, the inventors of this ice cream, were able to develop noodles that didn’t turn hard when they were served under 30 degrees Celsius.

    14. Chicken Wing Ice Cream. Nagoya is famous for its poultry, so it should come as no surprise that the taste of this ice cream is best described as foul. It actually tastes like a fried chicken wing, which is fine if that’s what you’re eating, but not if you’re tucking into some ice cream.

    15. Miso Ice Cream. Miso bean paste, together with soy sauce, is said to be the flavor of Japan. Miso is an essential element of many Japanese foods and is indeed delicious when served with the correct dish. But when it comes to ice cream, it’s best to give miso a miss.

    16. Cactus Ice Cream. A tasty treat that will ***** the hearts of ice cream lovers everywhere. It is smooth and refreshing with a taste that must be like drawing water from a cactus after being parched in a desert for days.

    17. Raw Horseflesh Ice Cream. The mere thought of putting raw horseflesh into ice cream may be enough to produce plenty of neigh … er, naysayers. And, rightfully so. You can get it straight from the horse’s mouth, this would have to vie for the vilest ice cream ever created. The chunks of meat inside it offer ample proof of why horseflesh is usually used in dog food.

    18. Goat Ice Cream. Goats are known for eating absolutely anything; those brave enough to try this Japanese ice cream may do well to adopt a similar attitude. Made with, of course, goat’s milk, but also containing plenty of the rest of the animal.

    19. Whale Ice Cream. Whale has long been a delicacy among the Japanese. Certainly not a politically correct choice, but one that will definitely get people blubbering. Despite the rich, creamy texture, the ingredients are probably from a minke and not a sperm. Perhaps we should all be glad for that.

    20. Shark Fin Noodle Ice Cream. Just when you thought it was safe to eat ice cream again, here’s something you can really sink your jaws into. The tangy taste of Shark Fin Noodle Ice Cream is definitely one for the fin-nicky fan. A great white ice cream!

    21. Oyster Ice Cream. Giving an entirely new meaning to Pearl of the Orient, Oyster Ice Cream can be eaten at any time, even if there’s an “R” in the month. Oysters have a reputation for providing prowess, but whoever thought of this ice cream should have made like its ingredients and stayed in the shell.

    22. Abalone Ice Cream. About the only thing fishier than the taste of Abalone Ice Cream is the business sense of whoever decided to put it on the market. Abalone is certainly a delicious addition to many aspects of Japanese cuisine, but when it comes to ice cream, perhaps abalone would have been better left at the bottom of the ocean.

    23. Seaweed Ice Cream. If marine animals aren’t your cup of ice cream, perhaps a healthy alternative of seaweed is preferable? Seaweed is packed with minerals, some of which are medicinal, which probably goes a long way in explaining the taste.

    24. Deep Sea Water Ice Cream. Brine may well rhyme with fine and shine, but this flavor offering the salt of the sea does neither. Imagine drinking some milk at the beach precisely the moment you cop a mouthful of water after a huge wave dumps on you and you’ve got something like this extraordinary taste.

    25. Spinach Ice Cream. No longer will frustrated parents have to urge their children to eat their greens if they want to have dessert. Now, Spinach Ice Cream will let kids kill two birds with one stone by eating their veggies and ice cream at the same time.

    26. Garlic Ice Cream. At last! An ice cream that lets everybody around you know you’ve eaten it! Garlic-flavored Dracula Ice Cream is a summer delight you can really sink your teeth into. Designed to ward off vampires, this uncommon choice of flavoring may ward off a few ice cream lovers, too. Garlic may well be a wonderful condiment for an assortment of foods, but, as for a substance vampires really hate, this is bloody awful. Incidentally, Garlic Ice Cream was made in the tiny Aomori Prefecture village of Shingo, which claims to be the place where Jesus Christ’s grave is located.

    27. Sesame, Soybean and Dried Kelp Ice Cream. This is a real winner, and about as healthy as you can get with ice cream, by combining three staples of the traditional Japanese diet that have made people into the longest-living on earth.

    28. Lettuce and Potato Ice Cream. Lettuce Ice Cream? With Potato? Rarely the best of partners even in dishes such as salads where they at least complement one another, Lettuce and Potato Ice Cream is a leafy spud dud.

    29. Wheat Ice Cream. Perhaps it would have been a better idea not to separate the chaff. Like buckwheat noodles and wheat tea, this ice cream is a tasty treat even if it doesn’t sound as though it’ll wheat, oops, make that whet, the appetite.

    30. Curdled Bean Ice Cream. One of Japan’s most repulsive foods – fermented beans that form a paste that looks like slime from a cheap Hollywood horror flick, with an odor akin to dirty socks – this was a natural choice for a unique ice cream flavor. Being such an appealing morsel, natto is bound to be healthy, but using it in artery clogging ice cream relieves it of even that virtue.

    31. Silk Ice Cream. An ice cream that tastes as smooth as silk. And so it should, because that’s what it’s made of. Silk was Japan’s biggest pre-war export, and somehow, parachutes and kimonos still seem like a better use for the textile.

    32. Chicken Ice Cream. It’s an ice cream like this that almost makes you wish the horrible thought about the avian flu that swept through Japan earlier this year had been a bit more effective. The taste of Chicken Ice Cream goes a long way toward explaining why the birds are described as foul. Though undoubtedly a tasty meat, you’ll need to be anything but chicken to get through this ice cream.

    33. Stout Ice Cream. Black beer ice cream is definitely one for the stout of heart, just like the Japanese drinkers who’ve made this brew a popular addition to most pub menus in recent years.

    34. Potato Liquor Ice Cream. Shochu was once exclusively a brew popular among Japan’s working classes, but now the potato-based liquor with a similar taste and potency to vodka is enjoyed by those from all segments of society. Whether shochu can be enjoyed as an ice cream flavor is a matter of personal preference, but the sharp tang the liquor gives this icy treat is certainly a wonderful way to beat the summer heat. And what better way to put some luster into an otherwise vanilla ice cream than to add some moonshine?

    35. Red Wine Ice Cream. The fruit of the vine makes a wonderful transition to the world of ice cream and it’s difficult to imagine a better way to take a tipple.

    36. Tulip Ice Cream. An ice cream made from a flower.

    37. Cherry Blossom Ice Cream. Given the love the Japanese have for their national emblem, this ice cream could never be anything but a dessert delight. The scrumptious sweet is yummy for the tummy, brightening up the taste buds the same way its ingredients bring about a delightful transformation across the entire country every spring. The treat may well show that Japan’s ice cream makers are blossoming, but don’t forget you’re chomping away on flowers.

    38. Soy Sauce Ice Cream. Soy sauce is the undisputed flavor of Japan. But why it had to be put into an ice cream is anyone’s guess. Diving into Soy Sauce Ice Cream leaves you with the feeling that when it comes to soy based edibles, perhaps soylent green may have been a tastier choice. Each bite is a reminder of foods that should never be mixed.

    39. Pit Viper Ice Cream. The pit viper is one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes inhabiting the Japanese archipelago. And a bite into this reptilian flavored ice cream can certainly seem deadly. Pit viper is regarded as an aphrodisiac in Japan, but the terrible taste makes it hard to fall in love with this ice cream.

    40. Indian Curry Ice Cream. Definitely not a taste to give others if you’re trying to curry favor. Curry flavored ice cream goes a long way toward putting the bomb into Bombay. The adventurous ones who try this ice cream will be rewarded with the taste of curry lingering in their mouths for hours.

    41. Pearl Ice Cream. This ice cream is a true Pearl of the Orient. But this oyster-based ice cream has the kind of taste that makes some just wanna clam up.

    42. Salad Ice Cream. An ice cream salad that definitely needs to be tossed. This ice cream, packed with chunks of veggies, is the sort of food that turns kids off their vegetables.

    43. Charcoal Ice Cream. The “coalden” child of Japanese ice creams. A must-eat for the coal miners. Not cool, but undoubtedly “coaled.” An ice cream that could char reputations. But the taste? Char-ming.

    44. Miso Ramen Ice Cream. An ice cream that really gets on the noodle of some, but the ramen and miso are both Japanese culinary favorites. If only the delicacies had been left in the noodle bowl instead of blended with ice cream.

    45. Chili Pepper Ice Cream. Before partaking of this fiery ice cream, perhaps its best to remember that it’s made of the same stuff used in the capsicum spray used on those in an uncontrollable rage. Probably one of the only ice creams in existence that makes your mouth burn when you taste it.

    46. Cheese Risotto Ice Cream. Italians are famous for raising their arms and gesturing in exasperation at the slightest provocation. Imagine how they’d be after learning that the Japanese have added one of Italy’s national dishes, and a savory one at that, to sweet ice cream.

    47. Natural Salt Ice Cream. How sweet – salty ice cream. A real salt-of-the-earth taste for some, but others feel there’s little fine about this brine.

    48. Grated Yam Ice Cream. When grated, yam creates a gooey paste somewhat akin to dough made out of flour and water. Which kind of raises the question of how it ever ended up as an ice-cream flavor in the first place.

    49. Cypress Tree Ice Cream. Cypress is a favorite when making the barrel-like baths so adored in Japan. Though it contains fragments of cypress wood for flavoring, some may find the taste of this ice cream influenced more by the bathwater than the material used to make its container. Frankly, this tastes like ice cream on a wooden stick without the ice cream.

    50. Cream Cheese Ice Cream. It’d be wonderful to say this flavor creams all the others. It may be true when it comes to bread spreads, but it sure ain’t the case with ice cream.

    51. Squid Gut Ice Cream. Squid innards are often used as a condiment in Japanese cuisine, which I suppose makes it inevitable that it would find its way into ice cream. We should be fortunate Squid Gut Ice Cream is not the full squid.

    52. Squid Ink Ice Cream. If the idea of Squid Gut Ice Cream seems unpalatable, perhaps Squid Ink flavor is more of a tentacled taste-bud tantalizer.

    53. Char Grilled Seaweed Ice Cream. As if the thought of grilled seaweed is not enough, this ice cream has the added bonus of having the seaweed burned to a crisp before being added.

    54. Hot Spring Water Ice Cream. Soaking in the steaming waters of a hot spring is almost the Japanese national pastime. Located in volcanic areas, Japan’s hot springs are subjected to wafts of the pungent odor of sulfur, which, of course, closely resembles the fragrance of broken wind. If you know the smell, you know what the ice cream tastes like.

    55. Dracula Cool Garlic Mint Ice Cream. Called “Draculaâ€? because of its supposed effectiveness against vampires due to the garlic it contains, the unfortunate addition of mint flavor almost seems enough to drain anybody’s blood. A taste that seems to leave the mouth in an undead state. Definitely not to be eaten during daylight (and nighttime is best avoided, too).

    56. Genmai Ice Cream (unpolished rice). It shouldn’t be surprising that this ice cream has a taste that’s a little, well, unpolished. But genmai is certainly healthy and this treat actually gives credence to the idea that rice is nice.

    57. Aojiru Ice Cream. Aojiru, literally a broth of green-leafed vegetables, became a household word across Japan because of a TV advertisement for aojiru featuring an old man guzzling down a glass full of it, and promptly proclaiming it to taste “awful.â€? Enough said about the ice cream flavor.

    58. Rice Straw Ice Cream. Rice straw forms the tatami mats that some call the essence of Japan. Igusa makes for great wabi and sabi, and a not a bad tasting ice cream flavor, either.

    59. Environmentally Friendly Miso Ice Cream. Another miso-based flavor, this soybean paste ice cream has the added advantage of being environmentally friendly. Judging by the taste, it would have been much friendlier had it never existed.

    60. Hojicha Bitter Green Tea Ice Cream. Putting the “brewâ€? into bruising your taste buds is the hojicha bitter green tea ice cream. Hojicha is best known as a tea consumed to complement incredibly sweet Japanese confectionery, but typically busy Japanese have mixed it with ice cream to kill two birds with one stone. And with a taste like this, it wouldn’t be surprising if they killed more than two birds as well.

    61. Persimmon Ice Cream. In Japan, persimmons are most often eaten after having been hung out to dry for the autumn months. And that description should be enough to give you a hint of what the flavor of this ice cream is like.

    62. Pickled Plum and Shiso Ice Cream. Shiso is a herb frequently found flavoring a variety of Japanese foods, especially sushi. Its mint-like fragrance is a present for the palate, but when added to ice cream it makes every bite seem as though it’s a slab of raw fish.

    63. Collagen Lemon Ice Cream. Lemon flavoring may sour some to this treat, but others may enjoy chomping away on the crunchy, gristly chunks of collagen inside that make eating this ice cream almost like chewing on a sweet bone.

    64. Tomato Ice Cream. Rotten tomatoes descrine this ice cream’s taste. Imbibing this WMD (weapon of mouth destruction) is like letting a spoonful of freezing ketchup melt in your mouth.

    65. Deep Water Gelatto. An ice cream containing water taken from deep beneath the earth’s crust, with a taste that suggests it may have been better off remaining there. Actually, this is one of the more palatable members of this collection.

    66. Herbal Remedy Ice Cream. Yakuzen is the name given to the various herbs and plants used in traditional Oriental medicine, as well as to this ice cream. Mind you, the practice employs such exotics as rhinoceros toenail clippings and tiger tails, neither of which have made their way into an ice cream, which would probably have been a better fate for this flora, too.

    67. Potato Ice Cream. The Spud Missile of Japanese ice creams.

    68. Cheese Ice Cream. An ice cream every bit as cheesy as the captions to these photos. As a dairy product, it’s a much tastier mix than some of the other frightening flavors.

    69. Finland Ice Cream. An ice cream to sink your teeth into, especially as it contains xylitol, a substance said to be beneficial for oral hygiene. Recommended by dentists, probably because, like the makers of this ice cream, they’re used to putting awful tastes in people’s mouths.

    70. Natural Viagra Ice Cream. Just what the ice cream shops have been missing – Viagra flavored ice cream. I just didn’t know Viagra had a flavor, nor do I want to know what it’s like.
    And you were soo close to 100, quitter.
  17. Acemace

    Adieu Blackmelee

    If only we had a champion museum that gun would have to be on a wall somewhere.
  18. Acemace

    Adieu Blackmelee

    Perm with a side of cheese rolls. Because of his goofy nature a lot of players didn't get to see how good he was or how much he would help other players.

    He's good people.